Father we ask that You would quicken the hearts of our Supreme Court justices to follow the dictates of Your heart on all matters regarding the issues of life of the unborn.
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Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the One who formed you from the womb, ‘I, the LORD, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself, and spreading out the earth all alone . . . .’ (Is 44:24, NASV)
Here are some quick bullet points on the Kavanaugh vote in the Planned Parenthood case.
- First, the case was a Cert Denial which means the Supreme Court voted to not take the case and, therefore, did not take a position on the merits of the case. This left the lower court ruling in place which is not a good thing.
- For me, the vote line was the most concerning item because the three most conservative Justices all agreed (Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch), the four known liberal and pro-abortion Justices all agreed (Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor & Kagan), while Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh joined the liberal wing in denying consideration of the case.
- The case was only tangentially about abortion, but the issue presented was not at all about abortion. In fact, Justice Thomas even said this twice in his dissent: (1) the “question presented has nothing to do with abortion” and (2) “[t]hese cases are not about abortion rights.”
- The cases were about the limited issue on appeal which, according to Justice Thomas, was “whether Medicaid recipients have a private right of action to challenge a State’s determination of ‘qualified’ Medicaid providers under [federal law].”
- The background of the cases is generally as follows:
- Planned Parenthood was caught on video illegally harvesting and selling fetal body tissues.
- Louisiana state lawmakers stripped Planned Parenthood of state Medicaid funds.
- Medicaid recipients and Planned Parenthood sued claiming that they could not be deprived of funding.
- The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals over Louisiana (5th Circuit) ruled that Medicaid recipients did have a right to maintain a lawsuit to keep Planned Parenthood as a provider.
- Other federal courts have disagreed and that was the reason Justice Thomas said the Supreme Court should have taken the case to resolve the conflict.
- Kavanaugh and Roberts did not agree to take the cases.
- This does not necessarily mean that Kavanaugh and Roberts would have ruled for Planned Parenthood on the merits.
- In fact, it is possible that they believe Medicaid recipients have a right to maintain a lawsuit but Planned Parenthood should still be denied Medicaid funding.
- Also, perhaps Kavanaugh and Roberts believe it is wise to wait for another case to come up before the Court and to then rule against Planned Parenthood.
- It cannot be said that this case proves that Kavanaugh will vote to uphold Roe, or even that he thinks Planned Parenthood must receive state or federal funding. To say that would not only be patently untrue but would be an unwise premature surrender of Kavanaugh as a pro-abortion or pro-Planned Parenthood vote. That could backfire and push him away from the pro-life cause.
- However, what is most concerning about the case is the vote-line: it is early evidence that Kavanaugh has voted with Roberts and the liberals, while the known three most conservative Justices all voted the opposite way.
- Also, Justice Thomas’ boldness in stating his suspicion that the reason the other justices did not take the case has “something to do with” Planned Parenthood being a party is concerning because Thomas knew Kavanaugh and Roberts were not willing to take this case.
My recommendation is that we should continue to pray fervently for Justice Kavanaugh, especially in these early days that can define his philosophy and position with conservatives and liberals on the Court. (By Phillip Juaregui, Judicial Action Group. Like this analysis? Sign up for reports from Judicial Action Group HERE.)
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Blessed are You Lord God, King of the Universe Who gives LIFE and LIGHT. You are Sovereign and Your ways past finding out.
I speak Life over our nation and SCOTUS in the name of Jesus who gave His Life that we might choose eternal life through Him.
Jesus the Light of the world shed Your Light on us.
I believe we need to pray for the justices to follow your leading in what to do. I believe that justices Thomas and Kavanaugh got onto the Supreme Court only because conservative men wanted them there without regard for what women said about them. They are in Gods hands. I am praying for God’s total direction in any dealing with abortions being available or for financial support of Planned parenthood services to low to middle class families in the United States. It does provide more than abortions.
Lord God, give boldness to Kavanagh to stand with the President and the conservatives that stood with him. I pray that his phycological torture he went through at the hands of the Left zealots is not affecting his judgement. Heal him completely, Lord. Help him to truly know you as Savior, Lord. Help him to not be PC in any way. In Jesus name, Amen
Dear Heavenly Father, Honor Yourself through Your creation and help Judge Kavanaugh to do the right thing according to Your will and Word. You said that life was precious to You and said that it began in the womb (Psalm 139). Quicken his spirit and his conscious that if he is about to rule towards something contrary to Your will that he would think twice and choose life in Jesus name Amen.
I pray that Kavanaugh would have discernment in his rulings, and be led by the
Spirit. Give him another opportunity to show he is truly pro-life.