“Christians are now being punished in America.
From San Francisco, California to San Antonio, Texas, the church is being persecuted. Faithful Christians — those who still believe in the Bible as their rule of faith and practice — are being harassed for simply holding to the millennia-old creeds of their faith. Devout Catholics are being blackballed from our nation’s courts. Evangelicals are being excluded from the public debate. Today, orthodox Christians are not only considered politically unpopular, but they are now dubbed morally unacceptable to even engage in local commerce. . . .
[For example, Chick-fil-a has been banned from two major American airports.] [T]his company which is owned by evangelical Christians has dared to designate some of its annual charitable giving to churches and church related organizations that still believe in — can you believe it? — orthodox Christianity.
It is this shameful act that led San Antonio City Councilman Roberto Trevino, to breathlessly run to the microphone this past Friday to announce: “With this decision [to exclude faithful Christians], the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of inclusion.” One has to wonder if Mr. Trevino even hears the sounds of that branch upon which he is sitting creaking and cracking as he saws away so feverishly while chanting his self-refuting mantra of not tolerating those he finds intolerable? A course or two in elementary Socratic logic might be in order here. . . .
Moreover, we now live in a time where your local city council proudly denies a fast-food chain the right to buy, sell or do any business in the general economy simply because a Christian owner had the audacity to make private donations to the church.
Christians are now considered verboten. Show any evidence of believing in a biblical God and biblical morality and you will be shut down. You will be forbidden to sell your product. Your “intolerance” will not be tolerated. . . .
With deference to Martin Niemoller: First, they came for the evangelical and I said nothing because I wasn’t evangelical. Then they came for Catholics and I said nothing because I wasn’t Catholic. Then they came for the bakers, the florists and the Christian restaurateurs, and I said nothing because I was not a florist, a baker or a restauranteur. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak.
“And no one could buy or sell unless he has the mark ” Revelation 13:17”
(Read more Everett Piper at The Washington Times.)
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Father, I ask for Your wisdom, courage, determination, and strength to stand against the wiles of the devil as they increase. The gross darkness will allow the Light of Your people to shine even more. I pray for my brothers and sisters, who have the courage to stand for their belief in Your Son Jesus Christ. LORD, I ask that You prepare Your Church for what is already upon us. Give us the determination in Your Son to stand for what is righteousness and I pray that we will not waver in the threat of persecution or death.
I pray that more and more pastors will begin to prepare their congregations for what is here already and for what will become increasingly more in our face. If they don’t prepare the people then there will be many who will not be able to stand in the face of persecution and even death because they will think God wouldn’t allow this sort of thing to happen to His people. In the Scriptures we have been given examples of what the early church went through.If they went through persecution do we think we are to be spared? I the LORD Jesus Christ suffered, why do we think as His followers we will not be go through any suffering. So LORD I ask that You make Your People ready even if the pastors don’t do the job they are suppose to be doing. Prepare us and give us what we need to stand for You.
Praying for peace in people’s hearts who are being persecuted for their faith in the LORD Jesus Christ. Praying for strength, grace, and Your love to shine through in the trying times. But most of all I pray that Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
In Jesus’ Name I pray Amen.
Lord, I pray that the actions banning Chick-fil-a from the airport in two cities will be found discriminatory. Help us to recognize political rejection of Christian values and denial of the right to support the charities of our choice as an opportunity to fight for the robustness of our religious freedom. Let us not be intimidated nor dismayed. Give us the wisdom to use the strategies You inspire us with to stand up for You and what You offer the world. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)
I pray that the homosexual community will ignore the hateful preaching that comes from some Christian pulpits and instead look for a personal Savior in Christ. There is much in the Bible for each of us; we are all sinners. I pray that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost contend for the souls of those struggling with any Biblically-condemned sexual behavior, whether it is promiscuity, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, child molestation or simply culture-encouraged lust. Let each of us compare ourselves not to each other, but to the standards set by Christ. “So if anyone purifies himself from anything dishonorable, he will be a special instrument, set apart, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.” (2 Timothy 2:21) It is an uphill road to work at purifying oneself, so we must focus on the view we will see as we go higher and higher. Lord, give us strength and discernment as each of us struggles with whatever sexual snare has entrapped us. Help us first of all to recognize it as a snare and not a rightful pleasure. Give us a vision of what You would have for us in our sexual behavior.
I pray that those in government have their minds cleared of fashionable political agendas and wake up to a new understanding of what inclusion is. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) Whosoever, everybody and anybody.
Finally, I thank You, Lord Jesus, for including me in Your relentless search for lost sheep and I ask that You grant me whatever I need to help You bring more sheep back to the fold. I ask that You help them to see that the grass truly is greener inside Your fence. In the Name of our Holy Shepherd, Jesus Christ, Amen.
O God, we repent of standing for nothing, and now we are being exposed to Your wrath of righteousness. Even in the church we hear men and women say they dont be long in the political arena as You are Sovereign. Father I pray a stirring, we are to be Your hands and feet that pull those levers and select those candidates to represent US, Your elect. May the Church see the need to be Your voice, Your eyes and may we have the heart to love You, a mind to seek You and become a nation that serves You.