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Ask the Lord to help our congressional leaders bring about a peaceful resolve to this very important question on prison reform.

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. (Heb 13:3)

A prison reform bill has strong bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate, and the support of President Donald Trump, but a few Republicans could be blocking the measure.

“There’s 80 votes for this. It’s the most-important bipartisan piece of legislation in the Congress today,” U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

A version of the bill, the FIRST STEP Act, passed in May in the U.S. House, 360-59. The Senate version adds sentencing reform to the mix.

A number of Christian groups have backed the legislation, including the National Association of Evangelicals, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, Prison Fellowship and the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. On Aug. 1, a group of about 20 black pastors met with Trump in the White House to encourage him to back the bill.

Despite the super-majority support in both houses, the bill may not pass this year during Congress’ lame duck session.

The bill’s most outspoken opponent is Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark. In a Thursday USA Today op-ed, Cotton accused the legislation of being a “misguided effort to let serious felons out of prison” and of going “soft on some of the worst crimes.”ā€¦

“And I’m urging Mitch McConnell, put this bill on the floor. If you put it on the floor, we’ll get 80 votes. We’ll get most Republicans and almost all Democrats. And let’s do it before the end of the year. And the president’s behind it. So Mr. President, pick up the phone and call the Republican leadership of the House and the Senate and say, ‘We still run this place.’ Bring this bill to the floor. Senator Cotton can have his say. And we’ll vote him down,” he said.

Todd then asked for clarification: “You believe the president is going to have to start lobbying Mitch McConnell?”

“Yes,” Graham answered.

After again urging Trump to call McConnell, Graham added, “The Republicans are the problem here, not the Democrats.”

The FIRST STEP Act contains a number of measures aimed at turning prisons into centers for rehabilitation, rather than simply for punishing and locking up prisoners. The sentencing reforms that were added into the Senate version would reduce sentences for some non-violent and first time drug offenders, and reduce mandatory minimum sentences for certain drug offenders. These reforms are aimed at reducing racial disparities in prison sentences. (Excerpts from Napp Nazworth for the Christian Post)

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James Bednar
December 12, 2018

Please pass the “Prison Reform Bill”. We need reform in the Criminal Justice System.

Barbara Martin
December 12, 2018

Please pass the Prison Reform Bill. I have seen many prisoners profit from the work that
Good News does!

Sid Abma
December 12, 2018

We go to California Mens Colony every Saturday evening so that a group of men can attend the TUMI program. I have been involved with this for over 4 years. It’s amazing to see these men’s faith grow. TUMI is a 4 year seminary course and when these men graduate and get released they will go into the inner cities and do church planting. I come home encouraged every week after being in these men’s presence.
The TUMI program is being taught at prison’s across the country. In the Word it says “When I was in prison you visited me”. Volunteer, you will be enriched by it.

Jerry E Sauls
November 29, 2018

I pray along with millions of other Christians that this bill will pass congress now.
Our Heavenly Father knows that we need to reform our prison system. It is high time
to give Him assistance. May it be so! Amen!

November 28, 2018

Declaring and believing for the end of warehousing the oppressed and recycling the purposes of God w/in them. The mind is most valuable resource & we recycle materials!

Marianne Lucot
November 28, 2018

I back this legislation because I believe in What God is doing in our prisons through Prison Fellowship

Ken Dawson
November 27, 2018

Please, pass this Prison Reform legislation.
Ken Dawson

Ira K. Dawson
November 27, 2018

Please, Republican and Democratic Senators pass this prison Reform Bill so
prisons can be a place for rehabilitation as well as punishment for the crime.
God Bless,
ken Dawson

William Dorward
November 27, 2018

If “Prison Fellowship” backs this proposed legislation, That’s Good Enough for Me!

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