Pray for a strengthening of President Trump’s positions that serve the American people with godly policies.
“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” (Jas 4:10)
“John Bolton says President Donald Trump’s address to the United Nations General Assembly was the ‘best speech of the Trump presidency.’
Bolton, a former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, said the centerpiece of Trump’s speech was his criticism of the behavior of North Korea and Iran.
‘It’s safe to say, in the entire history of the United Nations, there has never been a more straightforward criticism of the unacceptable behavior of other member states,’ Bolton said.
He pointed out that Trump threatened the ‘total destruction’ of North Korea if it does not abandon its nuclear weapons program.
As for Iran, Bolton said, Trump was just as direct in his criticism of former President Obama’s nuclear deal with the Islamic republic.
‘[He] said, as he has said many times before, it is one of the worst, most one-sided deals in American history, an embarrassment to the country, and we haven’t heard the last of it,’ Bolton said.
‘I think these are about as clear an indication as a president can make that he’s not going to live with the kind of half-measures and compromises that frankly for 25 years have marked American policy and led us to the present desperate situation where both these countries are on the verge of getting deliverable nuclear weapons.’” (Excerpted from Fox News Insider.)
“Israel’s prime minister is praising President Donald Trump’s address to the U.N. that condemned Iran.
Benjamin Netanyahu said, ‘In over 30 years in my experience with the U.N., I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech.’ He said Trump ‘spoke the truth about the great dangers facing our world and issued a powerful call to confront them in order to ensure the future of humanity.’
Trump said in his speech that Iran’s main export is violence. He accused Iran of supporting terrorists and threatening Israel. He criticized the 2015 nuclear deal that curbed Iran’s nuclear activities in return for the lifting of sanctions.
Israel and Iran are bitter enemies. Israel views Iran as an existential threat because of calls by Iranian leaders for the destruction of the Jewish state along with Tehran’s nuclear and missile programs….”(Excerpted from Associated Press.)
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Heavenly Father, we need only to look around us to be reminded that Satan is the Prince and Power of the Air, Lord thank you for your blessings that still flow to us, breaking through the power of the enemy. Lord thank you for giving us this President, and we pray that he would be used by You, and that He would follow you. Lord thankyou for hearing our prayers and making us a part of you “breaking through enemy lines”. Lord we ask that you would continue to heal our land, and we ask that you would continue to protect the President, and all His Cabinet, and every Congressman and Senator and Justice who acknowledges God. Lord, the world needs Godly leaders, and our President was that leader at the UN. We thank you for bringing this about, and Lord continue to call us to prayer. In Jesus name, Amen
Thank you Lord God Almighty for our president. Thank you for blessing him and guiding him with wisdom, strength and courage. Protect him at all times from his enemies and surround him with friends. Deliver him, our country, friends and allies from all evil with your strong right arm and your angel armies. Keep encouraging us everyday with good news. Thank you Lord, I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen
We thank God for selecting president Donald Trump as the president of the United States. We thank you God for this change and for shaking things up in the White House. May You forever bless and protect the president, first Lady Melania Trump, vice president Mike Pence, and their family. Father renew their strength daily and grant them courage to continue to seek and do your will. May God bless America and may America bless Almighty God!
Jeremiah 23:29 “Is not My word like fire?” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer which shatters a rock into pieces? (President D.J.Trump, God’s ROCK)
Deuteronomy 31:6
“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.”
Joshua 1:5
“No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.
Jeremiah 1:19
“They will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you,” declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 15:20
“Then I will make you to this people A fortified wall of bronze; And though they fight against you, They will not prevail over you; For I am with you to save you And deliver you,” declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 20:11
But the LORD is with me like a dread champion; Therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed, With an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten.
Dear father God,
I want to thank you for your wisdom, and knowledge showing President Donald J Trump how to speak in United Nation Assembly. I pray for him, his family and for his administration protect them from evil sprit. Holy Sprit guide them to lead our Nations according to your will and the Bible principles. I also pray for the safety and security of our nation.Thank you father God for listening my prayer. In the name of Jesus.
Amen and Amen!!!
Thank you, Mr. President, for doing what is right and honorable. Abba, Father chose a good man to represent Him in the matters of this broken world. Continue to seek His guidance in the future as you have in the past and you will do well. Our prayers are with you and your cabinet, and, of course your family.
God Bless our President, Donald Trump, of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. He sure is our ambassador for an Almighty God. I’ll keeping-on, keeping-on praying for him and Vice-president Pence.
Many, many thanks!
Oops my microphone glitched I meant to say you would know the depth of God’s love for you LOL
God bless you president Trump and may he give you wisdom and peace and and to know the depth of God for you and what he would have you do with this time also praying for all people that they would know how much God loves them and that we would all turn to him to seek him to carry out our days on Earth.
Thank you, President Trump, for telling it like it is, for speaking out in truth. May God bless and be with you and your entire administration as you strive to do what is good for America and Americans. May all unsaved Americans, including those caught up in the Leftist agenda of violence and destruction, seek the truth and find it in Christ.
God bless you and may you remain faithful and true to him. I thank God for placing you in a position of power and I ask him to continue protecting and guiding you. God bless you President Trump and Vice President Pence
Doing a great job Mr. President Donald J Trump! Very proud of you! God bless you and keep you with his protection like only he can do. Prayers always for you ,your family, our government and the people of our great country of America amen.