Close to 400 people showed up to worship God at a service held on California’s Golden Gate Bridge last week in protest of Governor Newsom’s order to stop singing and chanting at houses of worship. Bethel Church’s worship leader, Sean Feucht, hosted the event as part of a movement he started called “Let Us Worship.” The movement was originally founded as a response to social media censorship of worship services that he led in what he called “places of trauma.”
Following the murder of George Floyd, Feucht and other pastors went to Minneapolis and St. Louis to pray and lead worship outdoors. They posted videos of the events on Instagram, which were quickly censored. Instagram stated the worship videos were “harmful” and didn’t meet their community standards. “Basically, they are blocking … any narrative except the one they want to push, which is strife, rioting and violence. And they wouldn’t cover the fact that people are coming together in these places of trauma and they’re bringing hope and bringing healing and bringing a restoration and reconciliation.” He said it got his group “fired up” to take a stand. So did Newsom’s ban on singing.
Feucht told The Stream that Newsom’s order to silence worship was hypocritical. “I would say [it is] hypocritical at best, given the fact that the state government largely endorsed the mass protest that included tens of thousands of people, and also included a lot of chanting and a lot of yelling. And I wasn’t against those, but I am against the hypocritical nature of not allowing the church to meet.”
So Feucht started “Let Us Worship.” The “Let Us Worship” petition has already been signed by over 20,000 people. Now Feucht is heading to the Nation’s Capitol. “I’ll be going to DC as we continue to mobilize against this infringement of religious liberties.” While there, he will meet with several U.S. Senators. In addition, Feucht is mobilizing moments of worship in specific and strategic places, like the one at the Golden Gate Bridge. . . .
Overall, the worship services have received positive reactions, not only from local people, but some in the media as well. The only real pushback Feucht has received has been from Christians posting online. “They’re just complaining about masks and [the] social distance thing. And I just find it kind of interesting that people are getting healed, saved and delivered, and their first thought is, well, ‘some people don’t have masks on.’”
‘The Church was Born for This’
Feucht said that these challenging times are reminiscent of the late sixties and early seventies. “I feel like we’re on the verge of another Jesus People movement and awakening, but I believe it’s going to take bold leadership from the church to get us to where God’s calling us to go. So I think now’s the time for bold leaders to rise up.” He added, “You know, our heart is just for people to see that we’re in really trying times, but the church was born for this.”
Feucht, along with pastors and faith leaders, will be traveling to Connecticut, New York and New Jersey to conduct worship events before heading back to California. They’ll then travel around California doing the same. Feucht says they need prayer for protection, guidance, open doors, favor, and resources as they travel. “Right now, we just feel like we’re just called to do this, go wherever He’s telling us. So we’re just trusting the Lord for those kinds of things.”
(Excerpt from the Stream. Article by Nancy Flory.)
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I agree, let everything that have breath praise the Lord.
Psalm 100: 1,2,4
1. “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye, lands. 2. Serve the Lord with gladness: Come before His presence with singing. Enter into HIs gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.” Hallelujah! We still have the freedom to praise our God and,” NO weapon formed against us shall prosper.” We are HIS people and the sheep of His pasture.” Lord we recognize the times, according to Your Word, we know there’s a battle before us but You, Almighty God, have given us the ARMOR OF GOD! May we PUT IT ON! The helmet of salvation, breast plate of righteousness, may our waist be girded in truth, our feet be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and may we sharpen the sword of the spirit, Your WORD, but above all may we hold up the shield of faith to protect us form the wiles of the enemy. Yes, Lord! So be it! Amen and Amen!
Amen. We ministered to and with the Jesus people back in the day. What a glorious time. Would be with these people if we could. Thank God for those who continue carrying the gospel into these troubled times.
I think that we need to realize that satan wants to stop worship because the scripture is clear that praise still the enemy. Consider that around the world, churches haven’t been aloud to gather & worship..
.what has Satan & his legions been up to?
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Glory to GOD! It’s time to wake and stand for Jesus [YESHUA]!
YESHUA is the Living Word of GOD!!!!!!!!!
Scriptures tell us that Praise and worship brought down an entire army.Let us weaponize our Praise.Giving God Glory.
As a worshipping warrior I apply the blood of Jesus on u , your family ,your team as u make this journey with the Lord. Pam.68:20. God is to us a God of deliverance and to God the Lord belong escapes from death. Prayer. Lord, all power belongs to you. You rule and reign, unchallenged in the heavens. You are far above all rule, authority, power and dominion and every title that can be given. Luke 1018-19. I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightening. Behold, I have given you auth o rity to tread upon serpents, scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall injure you. May the fire of god be with you all. Go in his peace.
Lord God Almighty, may Your Gospel go forth, in the reading and teaching of Your Word. Lord I pray for the message of hope to be given with the message of forgiveness of sins, and faith in Christ alone. It is a work of You that men are saved, not a work of ourselves. I pray the message be not confused, for man and his pride thinks he’s got this, when in reality nothing we do, say, pray or committ can ever save us from sin death and hell. That is Your Work, Your Blood spilt out, and faith that You rose from the dead and are coming one day soon. May we not be caught tending to ourselves but to the work for which You have called us. May we not be seen as hypocrites but as those that truly love the human race. In Jesus name I pray these things and for Your Glory, amen
This is why we must continue to fast, pray, sing and worship because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds…continue on in the faith. Flood the air space with praise to God and in prayer…the enemy is being tormented by God in heaven is listening and we want God to heal our land and hear us. Be steadfast unmoveable always abounding in the word and work of the Lord.
Abba Father, wake up the churches in CA which are a lot. Let them gather together in each city peacefully and SING PRAISES to WORSHIP YOU in the open.
Let them joyfully sing praises to worship You, Lord. Let them reap their inheritance. Let them not miss out on their part in Your promise of a healed and righteous America. Strengthen us all as we intercede before You, ministering to You and Your heart as intercessors for this CA that You love. And let us receive the full and complete answers to our prayers.
Thank You, Father. All the glory are Yours, Father. In Jesus’ holy, mighty, majestic, and matchless name we pray.”
Let us see every issue only as it compares to Your Word. Let us hide Your Word in our hearts, that we might not sin against You. Let us never water down the truth of Your Word in our message.
Heighten our spiritual discernment, Lord. I pray that every patriotic churches would have Isaiah 8:20 engraved on our hearts, which says, “To the Law and to the testimony! If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Let us be like the Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily, so they might know what was true and what was false.
Pour out Your Spirit of grace and supplication upon every one. Wake them up from their beds. Send them dreams and visions in the night watches, along with the correct interpretation thereof. Teach them not only to fight with their knee but to fight with their voices of glory Halleluiah to the God Almighty. Fill their hearts with love for America again, and remind them of Your call on their lives to sing together to take back CA and pray that Gavin Newsom will ask for forgiveness of his sins and receive salvation of Jesus Christ.
Let all of the church in CA unite and WORSHIP GOD together and united they will recall Gavin Newsom via law and order. Demote Gavin Newsom or put in Gavin Newsom heart to step down. Your will be done. May state of CA be a red State as the blood of Jesus run through it.
May the amazing grace of Jesus Christ be upon CA … and it’s people include Gavin Newsom and family.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Let God arise and his enemies be scattered!!!
Thank you,Sean!
I live in NYC. How can I attend “Let Us Worship” in NY or NJ or CT?
Thank you Sean and others for obeying ..I’ll be praying!
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’ Numbers 6:24-26
Looking forward to joining “Let us Worship” in San Diego, CA
Excellent. We need action not theory.
will you be leading?
Praying for $$$ health and physical strength. Keep on DOING THE LORDS work🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. It is HE who will BLESSSSSS
Many leaders are telling Christians to be silent, to not meet together, and to not sing in church.
Where is our faith? Are we cowering in fear? Are we becoming compliant to dictates that are not laws, but mere declarations of lawless men and women?
Ps27:6 “Then my head will be exalted
above the enemies who surround me;
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make music to the Lord”
When Jewish leaders complained to Jesus about people openly worshipping him, Jesus said in Luke 19:40 , “I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!”
When our leaders tell the church to not worship the LORD indoors, we need to go outdoors and praise the LORD in the street!
Many leaders who would silence the church have said it is OK to go outside without a mask and march, shout and chant in the street and in front of city hall and state capitol buildings! Christians can go outside and praise the LORD in the streets of the nation and the leaders will be silent to stop the church, since they have already said this is permissible behavior!
Lord, lead your church to praise You outdoors, in the open!
LORD, lead your people to march outdoors, in the streets of ALL our cities in this great country and proclaim your Great Name to ALL the people of this land!
Lord, we repent for being silenced; we repent of living in fear. Your word says you not only forgive ALL our sins, You also heal ALL our diseases!
“He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He keeps me from the grave and blesses me with love and mercy.” | Psalms 103:3-4 GNB
LORD, you were not surprised by this disease and you already have provided a cure! Jesus said, which is more difficult to say: “your sins are forgiven or BE HEALED” . LORD, Show us how to stand up for you and walk in faith!
LORD, we take authority over COVID and proclaim your healing for those who are sick, and salvation to all who will place their trust in you.
LORD, lead us, your church, the body of Christ, to rise up taking all the authority you gave to all your disciples; and in YOUR NAME we trample COVID under foot, we will trample the attack of the enemy, a defeated foe, underfoot, as we walk in faith and trust in your word.
Ps 32:12 “So I will not be silent; I will sing praise to you. LORD, you are my God; I will give you thanks for ever.”
AMEN!!! The Blessing
When the Spirit of the Lord is upon this place I will dance like David danced.
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered, let God, let God arise!
Shalu Shalom Yerushalaim, pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
They rush on the city they run on the wall for great is the army that carries out His word. The Lord utters His voice before His army. Blow ye the trumpet in Zion … sound an alarm.
Praise God! I have been wondering what Bethel was doing – because I knew you were doing something! So keep up the work of God and don’t be silenced!
This is the day our Lord has made. I will be glad and worship You!
Father thankyou for Seans boldness, he is a Daniel, you will be triumphant.
The Lord your God goes before you!
I pray psalm 91 protection over you and your team.
Thankyou Father California will be like Azuza revival.
Bless him and more annointing and the favor of God!
I’m from Australia and the last two weeks I keep seeing great groups of Christians walking the streets of the US SINGING AND SHOUTING loud praises to God!
The Word of God spoken or sung is the Truth and Truth always overcomes evil.
So start praising, not only in your streets, but in your houses too!
I will be praying for God’s protection, favor,open doors and provision. The Commander of the Lord’s Army, our great and mighty God, go before you and behind you and surround you with His wall of fire that His majestic power would manifest in your midst. For signs, wonders and miracles to follow. For a great awakening. People being born again of the Spirit of God and radically baptized with Fire in the Holy Spirit. For this to spread like a California spiritual wildfire across the nation and even to the governor’s mansion.
if you heard from the holey sperit loud and clear go for it and be blessed and protected remember paul the apostle and pray yur way all the way through it .im an old warrior for my loveing kind jesus age 90 is not to far away i will be praying for you. I know from the Lord that Nov in D. C. will be very difficuly.I have a small tract record on hearing his voice. the road yhas been tough but I dont regret it . Be blessed
Interesting that the enemy behind the prohibition of worship recognizes that it’s dangerous! Of course worship is dangerous! To evil
That’s why theyre trying so hard to stop it.. whether they are conscience of it or notthey fear does the devil as he is behind the banning🙏
Let my people go !!! Indeed ! Let us worship the most high God! Jesus !
A name like no other name.. Jesus !
Praying for The Church to rise up in prayer and worship to follow His truth and to pursue their relationship with Jesus in spite of government tyranny of opposition. We are walking the same trail the Israelites took when the Egyptians oppressed them through Pharos oppression. To God be the honor and glory in these battles to worship Him! Let Us Worship!
God bless you and yes, I feel and know in my heart this is the right time to do this! Now is the time, more than ever for Christians to live a fierce and radical faith in Jesus Christ! Praying for you, in Jesus name, Amen!
Our dear Father in heaven,
Bless and continue to anoint Sean and those who are using this opportunity to be salt and light. Protect , guide and embolden them and may we all join in support and bring the church to action as we pray and worship.
Thank you God for equipping us for such a time as this. You are a great God!
Through Jesus, Amen