I Prayed have prayed
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Pray for all of our legislators in the 116th Congress and pray for the passage of legislation that will enhance religious freedom in this country.

… for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Tim 2:2)

No one is in favor of discrimination.

There are several trends emerging that impact your First Amendment Rights.

People are faith are some of the most charitable, helpful, and loving people out there because of the principles they abide by. I want to emphasize these deeply held beliefs and Biblical standards weren’t just made up on a whim; rather these are standards God set 6,000 years ago and have been foundational to societies since the beginning of time, until recently. All of the sudden it seems that anyone who adheres to religious tenets and biological fact should be shamed and punished.

The fact of the matter is we are all different. Disagreement doesn’t mean hate, it means there is a disagreement on a subject. It’s not a rejection of a person, it’s a rejection of a behavior or belief. There are people who are so wounded that it’s hard to differentiate, and therefore reactions are inflamed. To a person of faith, sharing what is the Biblical standard is a loving way of helping; and living according to this standard is mandatory. It is not meant to be hateful or discriminatory.

The left has been brilliant in their messaging strategy, so much so they have been successful in making well meaning and good people out to be monsters simply for living according to their deeply held beliefs; often rooted in religion and biology. For example, you would think Karen Pence murdered someone by the way the media has portrayed her decision to work at a Christian school that adheres to Biblical standards.

However, in the name of “non-discrimination,” our society has embraced a “new normal” that has been very destructive. Depression, opioid use, and suicide are at an all time high in our nation. All the while, there has been an effort to ban anything related to God, prayer and the Bible.  Those who don’t hold to the same standards lambast those who want to live according to their faith. Things seem to be turned upside-down. Turning to God is the solution.

Now to the reason for this post, there is an onslaught of legislation being put forth in Congress and states that would effectively remove protections for people of faith, increasing punishment for those who live according to their beliefs.

Here are few articles that scratch the surface of the legislative strategy:

  1. Pelosi Promises Action on Bill that Would Gut Religious Freedom Restoration Act: http://nrb.org/news-room/articles/ft/pelosi-promises-action-bill-would-gut-religious-freedom-restoration-act/
  2. Do No Harm Act: https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/391439-democrats-do-no-harm-act-makes-attacking-religious-liberty-an-election
  3. There is concerted effort to pass laws to ban Christian counselors and religious leaders that have far-reaching consequences. Here’s an example; https://www.heritage.org/civil-society/commentary/anti-first-amendment-bill-poses-imminent-threat-california
  4. Finally, there the innocuously named bills like “Non-discrimination Acts” that add Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as protected class has created tension between religious freedom and sexual freedom. These protections are causing must distress for those who wish to live our their sincerely held beliefs in business, school, and more. Read more here: https://www.heritage.org/gender/report/sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-sogi-laws-are-not-fairness-all

The church is called to love all. Government has a different role. The church is called to influence government so that the public square remains a place where faith and freedom can thrive.

Prayer and action is key!

(Reprinted with permission. Author Summer Ingram is the National Director of Prayer and Mobilization with Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation. Click the link to visit their site and get more information about legislation of interest to Christians.)

The Informer January 22, 2019 PDF Version

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Jesse cano
January 22, 2019

Satan can not win because he was defeated at the cross

Nora Viguie
January 22, 2019

We know what the Bible says about the end times, and that is what is taking place. We do not need to fear for God has given us spiritual weapons which are mighty in God for the destruction of strongholds, and anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God… we have to pray without ceasing.

January 22, 2019

These sexuality issues are just tearing up the churches and there is no need when the bible is so very clear.

Marie V Gregor
January 22, 2019

It is a sad day in this country when people who hold strongly to their biblical beliefs are being put into positions of danger. There was a time not long ago when being a Christian was a good thing. satan is trying to turn this country upside down. We need to pray that he doesn’t succeed!! Lets go back to being able to disagree and still respect the person we disagree with!!

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