I Prayed have prayed
Father, bring a revival of peace to this nation. Heal our land and turn our hearts back to You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

. . . Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler called Friday for the city’s residents to assist authorities in their efforts to “unmask” members of the “self-described anarchist mob” who have engaged in acts of violence and vandalism in recent months.

The Democrat extended a state of emergency in Portland through Monday amid concerns about potential unrest following the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer found guilty on all charges for the death of George Floyd. The Portland mayor asked the public to come forward with any information on members of the anarchist group. . . .

Portland has contended with months of violent demonstrations and clashes since Floyd’s death last May. Last Monday, a group of about 80 people caused nearly $20,000 worth of property damage to a Boys and Girls Club in northeast Portland.

On the previous Friday, police declared a riot amid reports of gunshots, broken windows at the First Christian Church and anti-police graffiti at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, the Oregonian reported.

Wheeler expressed support for Portland police to use all “legal strategies” to prevent further violence or property damage. “Kettling,” a controversial tactic in which police surround a crowd to confine it to one area, was one of the approved strategies. . . .

The mayor noted that local Black Lives Matter leaders “have already stepped forward to denounce these self-described anarchists.” Wheeler said he would work with local authorities to arrest and prosecute those who commit acts of violence. . . .

Within hours of Wheeler’s public plea, police declared a riot in the northeast part of the city after rioters began damaging buildings. Two people were arrested.

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(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Thomas Barrabi. Photo by Nathan Howard/Getty Images)

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Carol Ribar
April 28, 2021

Heavenly Father, hear our cries and our prayers to restore law and order to our cities and all across this nation. Lord we ask that you bring forth revival and spiritual awakening in Christ Jesus across the land beginning in our cities and capitols and Washington DC. restore all onto to you o Lord. Forgive us Lord as a nation of people for we have turned our back on you and your ways. Open the eyes of the blind. Protect our law enforcement agencies, give them wisdom, guide and direct them by your Holy Spirit to bring about law and order and restore justice. I praise you Lord for your amazing loving kindness. I thank you Lord for the many blessings you have poured out on us. Revive your church. raise up your righteous people Lord. awaken those who have been sleeping or drowsy. Lord Jesus reveal and magnify yourself to the people of this nation. with a thankful heart I pray.

Anne Faucett
April 28, 2021

Amen Rolanda

Rolanda Shrader
April 28, 2021

Father God open the eyes and heart of Mayor Ted Wheeler turn him to you. Save him and he will be saved. Who can rescue him and his city? Only you Lord. May a spirit of repentance hover over the leadership of Portland. We decree Matt.15:13 “Every plant which the Heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted.” (in Portland) In the Name Of Christ Jesus. Thank you LORD for your mercy, grace and truth. 🙌🏼


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