I Prayed have prayed
God, we grieve the loss of Britney Spears' child. Comfort her and others pressured into aborting their children. Please end this evil.
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Like countless women across the nation, pop star Britney Spears was pushed into having an abortion by the father of her child.

From The Christian Post. Britney Spears wrote in an upcoming memoir that she had an abortion years ago after discovering she was pregnant with fellow singer Justin Timberlake’s baby, with the pop icon remembering it as one of the most “agonizing” things she’s ever experienced.

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Spears, 41, dated Timberlake from 1999 to 2002, when the pair reunited in their late teens. In her memoir, The Woman in Me, scheduled to be released on Oct. 24, the singer claims that the pregnancy wasn’t a surprise, as she was in love with Timberlake at the time.

According to snippets of the book published Tuesday by People magazine, Spears wanted to start a family with Timberlake. While she described the pregnancy as a “surprise,” she also noted that it wasn’t a “tragedy” to her.

“But Justin definitely wasn’t happy about the pregnancy,” Spears wrote. “He said we weren’t ready to have a baby in our lives, that we were way too young.”

The singer wrote that Timberlake was sure he did not want to be a father, adding that if the decision had been hers alone, she would never have had an abortion and would’ve kept the baby.

“To this day, it’s one of the most agonizing things I have ever experienced in my life,” Spears wrote.

The former teen pop star has two children with her second husband, Kevin Federline, according to People. Her two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, are in their teens.

Spears’ revelation that she had an abortion elicited sympathy from pro-life leaders like Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action.

In a Tuesday X post, Hawkins cited a study published in May by the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, which found that 87% of participants faced some form of interpersonal pressure to abort.

The study surveyed 1,000 middle-aged American women, including more than 200 respondents who reported that they experienced an abortion. According to the results, nearly 70% of participants admitted they faced pressure to abort and that the abortion was inconsistent with their values.

“Again, men who pressure their girlfriends to end their children’s lives because they want to have consequence-free sex are not good men,” Hawkins wrote.

The advocacy group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, also expressed compassion for Spears in a Tuesday X post, acknowledging the difficulties of keeping such a story secret for at least 20 years.

“Our hearts go out to Britney Spears and every woman who has endured an unwanted abortion,” the group wrote. “She has carried this pain of losing her child for two decades, calling it one of the most agonizing experiences of her life.”

SBA Pro-Life America cited the same study Hawkins referenced, accusing the abortion industry of portraying abortion as a “quick fix” while glossing over the emotional and mental health issues that women might experience as a result.

“We hope Britney’s bravery to share her deeply personal wound will give other women the courage to voice their stories of abortion coercion,” the pro-life organization continued. “We should all agree that no woman should endure a painful abortion that she does not want.”

As The Christian Post previously reported in June 2021, Spears attracted media attention as she fought to end a 13-year conservatorship, an experience that she writes about in her upcoming memoir. The conservatorship began after the singer had a public breakdown in 2008 that led to multiple hospital visits and Spears shaving her head.

The singer’s father, James Spears, stepped in as her conservator, a position that granted him control of his daughter’s finances and personal affairs. Spears claimed in court that she had proven herself capable of having a legal hold over her own life, arguing for the conservatorship to end.

In addition to controlling how much she has to work and who she can ride in a car with, Spears claimed that her conservators forced her to have an IUD birth control implant to stop her from becoming pregnant again.

“The control he had over someone as powerful as me, he loved the control to hurt his own daughter, 100,000%,” Spears said about her father. “He loved it.”

What do you think of Britney Spears’ abortion story?

(Used with permission. By Samantha Kamman from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: LSOphoto/Getty Images Signature)

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October 28, 2023

Jesus, I pray your church will stop negotiating abortion bans and stand up for the truth about Life and the Life Giver. We have been compromised for too long. Let’s pass Right to Life and Personhood legislation the Lord can stand with us on and give us the victory! Lord, help us repent of compromise and getting weary of the battle.
If we cannot rescue the lives of these unborn souls, how can we begin the win the souls of the born? First things first. Jesus is pointing to the babies. Let’s finish the battle Church!
I bless everyone who has been in this battle for Life, Care Net, 40 Days for Life, March for Life, Pastors, State and Local Representatives, Medical personnel, musicians, artists, writers, media, prayer warriors, IFA and many others of all denominations. Together as the united Body of Christ we can finish this battle for and with the Lord by His Spirit! Love to all in Jesus name!

Zephyr's Mom
October 23, 2023

I offer this to mothers and fathers who have lost children to abortion. My ordeal led me to receive forgiveness in Christ and I became born-again. Naming my child was deeply healing for me as was knowing my child is in the arms of Jesus.

A Memorial to Zephyr

Zephyr, you’re the gentle wind the silent breeze in my life. Zephyr, though a gentle wind, you brought a storm in my life.

When you blew into my life my body felt so strange. If I could change one thing in this world it’s the day I brought you pain.

Zephyr, you’re the gentle wind the silent breeze in my life. Zephyr, though a silent sigh, you’re the deepest cry of my life.

When I sought the grace of God, He took away my shame. Though the years have passed it’s not ’till today you ever had a name.

Zephyr, you’re the gentle wind, the silent breeze in my life. Zephyr, you’re the gentle wind, the first of my life.

There is hope for mothers and fathers you drink this mournful cup
Know that every child who has been forgiven, the Lord will take him up

And live him and hold him and keep your treasure safe
And when you afte ready
In your heart he will find a place.

Zephyr, you’re the gentle wind, the silent breeze in my life. Zephyr, though a silent breeze you have sung your song in our hearts.

Please pray to the end legalized abortion in our states. The unborn are persons having the
right to born and the right to their bodies. Legalizing these rights would end abortion, reproductive technology and medical exploitation of women and their children.

Zephyr’s Mom

Veronica Lasko
October 23, 2023

I was moved again reading the story of the woman who had the abortion as a young mariied woman, with little money to speak of, i too got married the 1st time, very young, could not get pregnant for 7 years, the gracious, merciful Lord blessed me with 2 miracle babies, a girl, then a boy, the other lady did not say if she had any babies, but I am glad she helps to persuade girls/women to have their babies, also I personally know 4 women who have had abortions back in the 70’s, for various reasons, I was more than thrilled when I heard respected ministers state that those babies are in Heaven waiting to meet us, Hallelujah, Thank You Lord JESUS, Father God

October 23, 2023

I, too, was coerced into an abortion as a newly married wife with extremely low finances, and spent the next 35 + years covering anger, shame, guilt and loss. To this day I realize that I could have bravely said “NO!” and dealt with the consequences. We did not know Christ at the time, but I felt the new life inside me and prayed as I walked the long sidewalk into Planned Parenthood that somehow God would not allow this to take place. I hoped someone there would hear my plea and give me information that had been required by federal law, but, after paying the hefty fee, instead, I was immediately diverted to a quick-prep room to change into a gown and on to an abortionist. No anesthetic… no words exchanged…. just a horribly painful procedure finished off. Quickly escorted out into a room with more than twenty young women, some crying, some loudly laughing. and some painfully silent, all jammed on cots for a short time before being escorted out of the building…
Now as believers, my husband and I do whatever we can to help our local pregnancy center that God has been generously blessed with an ultrasound machine, educational and physical supplies, and individual mentors and emotional supporters who make a huge difference in the lives of the many women and their families in our community seeking help.

    Jessica Renshaw
    October 23, 2023

    Dear Anonymous, your story represents so many others who made that same long, sad walk into an abortion clinic and came out empty. My heart goes out to all of you. I had the privilege of writing the true story, “Gianna Jessen, Aborted and Lived to Tell About It,” published by Focus on the Family back in 1995. It is the triumphant biography of a baby who survived a late-term abortion. God redeemed the wounded 17-year old who gave birth to her and answered her prayer that Gianna would be placed into a Christian home. God has used Gianna to speaks up for the unborn. He will heal you and redeem your story, too.

    If you or any other woman who reads this has been struggling with forgiving yourself for an abortion, however long ago, and would like a free copy of the book, please Message me on Facebook–Jessica Shaver Renshaw or email me at hiddeninjesus@gmail(dot)com–and give me an address to send it to. I won’t contact you beyond sending the book (from Amazon) unless you want me to.


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