They have an outsized voice in the media, pop culture, and politics, especially the 2020 Democratic presidential contest, but only 24% of the nation claims to be liberal, with the rest in the long-dominant “center-right” camp, according to a new survey.
In fact, Gallup said that conservatives lead at 37%, followed by moderates at 34%, though more still identify as Democrat over Republican.
And, significantly, despite President Trump’s middling approval rating and the nearly second-to-second attacks on him and his team, the survey, which results from 29,000 interviews, showed that the conservative vs. liberal gap is growing.
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“The percentage identifying as conservative in 2019 was up two points from the 35% measured in 2018, while the percentage liberal was down two points from 26%. While these changes are statistically significant, some two-point changes in the past were short-lived, so it will be important to see whether these trends continue in 2020,” said the survey analysis.
The poll should cheer the Trump reelection campaign and the White House as it readies for the 2020 battle because it shows that the president may have a larger base to tap.
Republicans, for example, are calling themselves conservative more and more while Democrats are taking the liberal label slightly less.
“The large majority of Republicans have consistently labeled themselves conservative in Gallup polling over the life of this trend, although the proportion has inched up from about six in 10 during the early 1990s to over seven in 10 more recently,” Gallup said.
Democrats are more politically diverse and overwhelmingly liberal, but that has seen a change under Trump. “The liberal wing of the Democratic Party has about doubled in size over the past quarter century, rising from 25% in 1994 to 51% in 2018. The slip to 49% in 2019 suggests that trend may be slowing or leveling off, at least temporarily,” said Gallup.
And it warned that independents are growing as some Republicans and Democrats adopt that label.
Even though more voters call themselves Democrats, Gallup said that the fighting among Democrats raises questions about their ability to capitalize on that voter lead.
“It’s the combination of Americans’ party and ideological preferences that injects variability into politics. Even within the parties, there is dynamism, although perhaps less so among Republicans, given their general conformity around conservatism. But the Democratic Party is more fractured. And even though liberalism has been on the rise among Democrats, it is not yet the clear majority position, perhaps leading to the strong intraparty clashes seen over the past year on the Democratic debate stages and throughout social media, as Democrats try to come together around a standard-bearer for 2020,” said the analysis.
(Excerpt from the Washington Examiner. Article by Paul Bedard.)
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As more Democrats, e.g. AOC, Talib, and Omar make their hostility toward America more obvious, Americans are beginning to realize that their animosity is directed toward them personally. As that truth sinks in, let all of America wake up to the fact that they were used and lied to. In truth, the Congressional Representatives despise their very lives. In 2020, let America take back all they’ve tried to rob from her.
We must, as believers understand what the progressive agenda is leading to. Communism is their ultimate goal. The four that have seemingly taken over the Dem party do not know our God. Democratics have officially taken God out of their platform. Christians must wake up! Go vote and know what the persons on ballot stand for and believe!!
I am for prayer but on the other hand, we need God to transfigure his people to see a change in our nation.
Open their blinded eyes Lord. Any so named “Christian” who supports the demoncratic party should consider the fact that their party booed at the name of God on their platform. They are supportive of the gay agenda, as well as same-sex marriage. TOTALLY against the word of God. the liberals are bullies & want to force their ungodly beliefs on us. If we preach the word we are considered bigoted& hateful. obamanation actually put into law that if you say anything about them it’s “hate speech”! Open the Christian’s blinded eyes. The demoncratic party are anti- Christian. PERIOD
Thank you for praying
Praise you Lord God, establish America to bear you more fruit for your Kingdom, our Lord God. Continue to make straight crooked paths that are before our President, continue to bless the works of his hands. May he be a freedom bearer for Iran, Hong Kong, and other nations pining for freedom. May he be used to free the captives to ideologies that bind the human soul here at home.
As those on the left walk away from the left agenda, bring them also to the truth of Jesus. We continue to pray for revival here at home, our Lord and King. In Jesus name, Amen
I agree in Jesus name! Amen.
There is no practical reason Donald Trump is in the oval office! He is an outsider. He is brash but transparent. He is smart but his vocabulary doesn’t reflect it. He has an immoral past but is doing God’s work. He believes in God, but may not be “born again.”
He was not chosen by the people. He is chosen by God. Jonathan Cahn says he is the modern day Jehu. And the descriptive comparison is just another evidence that God has placed him in that chair behind the Executive Desk! I believe it is to awaken the church and strengthen our voice with the gospel. I am thankful for IFA. Let’s take it to the world!
He is the Winston Churchill that this country needs for such a time as this. God bless Trump and his staff.
Very well said. I agree with your stamen.
Big Mistake, the Conservatives must stay in the Center of the constitution for it to work, we are a Constitutional Republic. Commies Socialist & Nazis are on the left and on the right is Anarchy and Commies Socialists Nazis and Democrats. Don’t be fooled stay a Centalist in the center of the constitution.
Father I pray that for those whose heart may be opened you grant them eyes to see and ears to hear the truth. Help them to align themselves with God’s agenda — not the agenda of politicians. Jesus proclaimed that He was the way, the truth and the life. Help the American people to see that they are accountable for their vote, and any candidate that supports infanticide or socialism is not according to God’s plan.
Amen to that, Maggie.
Another Amen to your comment Maggie!
God’s mercy and Grace over this Nation from the faithful prayers of His people repenting and asking Him to heal this land. I believe He does not want anyone to perish and His Holy Spirit is ministering to the deaf and blinded opening the eyes of their souls and the ears of their spirits to discern truth! Thank you Lord for Your will to be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus precious name. Amen
Father God,
We pray that all Christians put their loyalty to You and Your Kingdom first in this election year. Help each of us spend time seeking Your face and hear clearly from You how You want us to vote about each candidate and issue. Thank You for Your word in James chapter 1 telling us that if we lack wisdom, to ask You, and You will give it generously. We praise You for Your power and Your love and faithfulness to us. We ask for these blessings in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Thank God people, perhaps more, the church, is waking up from the slumber they have been in and seeing the thief is at the door. God help us to love the Truth and not what makes us feel good.
I believe it is due to God moving across our Nation and people making choices of whom they serve and the choices they make becomes evident amen. Praise God it’s Harvest time. Go ye therefore and make disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Glory to God!