I Prayed have prayed
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It is horrifying to read about the radical policies of Planned Parenthood, not only with abortion, but now also with children and gender. Our nation, and our children, are in the middle of a fierce spiritual battle and we need to pray! Pray specifically against the lie that we can choose our gender and pray for the truth to reign.

And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. (Rom 1:28 ESV)

Planned Parenthood released updated parental guidance this week on how to talk to kids about sex.

The new websiteā€”while maintaining its progressive stance on sex and sexualityā€”added pages of new advice on how parents should talk about and respond to their children regarding gender identity and transgenderism, including sections for parents of preschoolers on how to explain the difference between gender and sex, and how to know if your child is transgender. . . .

ā€˜Your genitals donā€™t make you a boy or a girl,ā€™ the article claims. Planned Parenthood instead recommends telling preschoolers ā€˜some people with the gender identities ā€˜boyā€™ or ā€˜manā€™ have vulvas, and some with the gender identity ā€˜girlā€™ or ā€˜womanā€™ have penises/testicles.ā€™

And while the old site had little information about gender identity, the new site warns parents anything but complete affirmation of a child or teenā€™s perceived gender could cause extreme harm. Parents are encouraged to let children choose their clothes, haircuts, and pronouns as early as age 3, and eventually let them make the decision to medically transition. That advice is a little self-serving. Planned Parenthood has started offering hormone replacement therapy for men and women wanting to change genders. (Excerpted from World News, reporting by Kiley Crossland.)

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Alicia Brady Dickson
August 12, 2018

Iā€™ve been trying to delete this comment forsome time. It is missing sentences submitted. Please delete.

    Kris Kubal
    August 13, 2018

    Your original comment has been deleted.

      September 18, 2019

      It has not. It still appears, as does this series.
      All the comments, particularly the original in this comment thread appears in any/every google search at the top.
      PLEASE COMPLETE EVERY DELETE in every portion including this entire series of comments.
      I am not affiliated with IFAP any longer.
      Thank you.

Steve Nibert
August 21, 2017

I pray for forgiveness for our transgression on theses immoral issues that are contrary to God’s Word and God’s Law, and God’s Nature not tolerance for those who walk all over his word, law, and nature. God convict those who promote these causes and turn them to you, convict our government officials and lead them in whats right in your sight and to stand for right regardless of pressure or popularity from those bent on dishonoring your word and destroying our nation. Lord our only answer is to return to you and seek you in sack cloth and ashes (humbleness). In your glorious name, Amen

August 14, 2017

Abba, your word states, “… in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Genesis Chapter 1, verse 27b). I pray you would silence all evil voices that speak against your creation. Break all covenants with death in our nation. Free all people in our nation from the deception of gender identification. Amen and Amen.

August 6, 2017

Lord God, raise up a standard Lord to protect your people from the lies of the enemy. Cancel confusion with your clarity, help your children to take in the word of truth so taht they would not sin against you, lead us in your ways everlasting Lord God. You Lord say you will defend the defenseless, defend the children from sexual assault, for this teaching from hell is an assault. We ask that the consceince you gave all parents would keep the parents from exposing their children to this. All those who are exposed to it, bring godly people in their lives to bring back sanity and normalcy, we pray for the salvation of all these little ones. we ask that you would strike down PP Lord with your mighty right hand. We ask that all their wicked schemes would come back upon them. In the mighty name of Jesus, i pray.

Jeane A Whiteside
August 3, 2017

I agree with all the prayers of the intercessors praying for this to be stopped. Again I add to the prayers already prayed and join this storyline to bring down Planned Parenthood funding. I ask for forgiveness for allowing this to begin all those years ago…and ask for You, Father, to convict our senators and representatives of the atrocity of abortion…and now this transgender issue which messes with children at an age when they can’t choose for themselves…forgive us for this…forgive our congress for making these decisions and turn it around for good and for Your glory…In Jesus name…

Beatrice Norman
August 2, 2017

Most Holy Father, our God and King. We come before you wtth our cry for mercy from you our Lord. We pray your devine intervention for the immoral acts that these people are doing to the lives of your creation. Stop them in ways only you can do. Satan you are a liar and we command this evil spirit to loose our nation now! We pull down these strongholds of sexual perversion in JESUS name. Expose and wake up people in our land. Protect our children, Lord. Thanks, Jesus

Linda Howe
August 2, 2017

No! We must stand against this! God made man man, and woman woman on purpose. These are all LIES of the devil. Unbelievers are lost and confused. Planned Parenthood is lost and confused and evil. They need to be stopped because they are spreading sin, death and destruction. We need to stand boldly on the gospel and spread the good news. If we want change, and if we want to see our loved ones in heaven, we need to preach the gospel of Truth. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Only by faith in Him will these lost souls ever be saved and blind eyes opened. Jesus is the only way. The Word is perfect and always will be. We must stop this insanity by standing firmly on God’s perfect Word. All lust is sin. LGBT’ism is just another trick of the enemy. It doesn’t matter the sin: addiction, pornography, murder, deception, etc. It’s all sin. Eyes are blinded and minds are confused because of sin. We need to trust God’s Word and stand on it boldly. Those who don’t come to Jesus can not see the Light. I was there once. Jesus found this lost sheep. The shepherd is looking for His other lost lambs. Let us help Him by shining the Light of the gospel on these lost souls.

1 John 2:16 “For all that is in the worldā€”the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of lifeā€”is not of the Father but is of the world”.

John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”.

1 Cor 14:33 “For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”

John 8:44 “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it”.

Lord, your will be done. I stand with you. I trust in You. Thank you for answering my prayer.

August 2, 2017

God Almighty, take down the compromised churches & preachers, that spread prayerlessness, powerlessness, & lust, so that the real church can rise up, & guide the USA back to Jesus.
If there are no miracles in your church:
2 Tim 3:5
5 Those who have a form of the Awe [fear] of God, but are fare removed from His. Those who are thus, thrust them out from you.power therefore. “Hebraic Roots Version”

kat picasso
August 2, 2017

Heavenly Father, we praise You because You are the Creator God who sees all our ways.
Father we humbly come before You and ask that You would bind the spirits of perversion and sexual immorality. Please hinder these seducing spirits from destroying the minds of our youth and elders. Please put a realization in the hearts of all to give gratitude, not contention or dissatisfaction for what and how You created them. They are beautiful in Your eyes.
Please defund and close down Planned Parenthood. Please open the eyes and prick the conscience of thise who work and volunteer for this agency. May their be convicted and may they be overcome with great sorrow that leads to repentance.
All glory to You Yahweh, the Holy One.

August 2, 2017

We ask you to thwart the plans of those who do evil continually, we ask your hedge protection on our little ones dear Lord, In Jesus name, Amen

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