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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect our nation from further destruction and evil. Help our nation's leaders to seek Your face in their decisions.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

According to Just the News, “The Pentagon on Tuesday ordered the emergency shutdown of a classified internal communications network, three Defense Department sources confirmed.

The unprecedented daytime shutdown comes amid recent revelations that other federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, were breached by hackers. . . .

The system, known as the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, handles classified information, up to the secret level, and was shuttered for several hours.

This has never happened in the middle of a work day,” one Pentagon official said. “Updates usually are done on weekends and after hours late at night. This was done on an emergency basis.”

The shutdown applied only to computers handling the classified material, and was not imposed on other computers or on phone systems. . . .

According to Gateway Pundit, “This follows the rare Emergency Directive 21-01 on Sunday night by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), in response to a KNOWN COMPROMISE involving SolarWinds Orion products.

Sunday night’s directive was only the fifth Emergency Directive issued by CISA under the authorities granted by Congress in the Cybersecurity Act of 2015. . . .

One official said, “This has never happened in the middle of a work day.”

Just The News reported:

The Pentagon on Tuesday ordered the emergency shutdown of a classified internal communications network, three Defense Department sources confirmed.

The unprecedented daytime shutdown comes amid recent revelations that other federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, were breached by hackers.

The Defense Department alerted employees that the SIPRNET system was being shut down in the late morning for emergency software updates, the sources told Just the News…

…The system, known as the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, handles classified information, up to the secret level, and was shuttered for several hours.”


We love this prayer by Suzy, who commented on WHO HACKED AMERICA?

Thank you Father for revealing to us the various plans of satan to destroy this nation and control the world. Father God, may Holy Spirit reveal to us the connection between these nefarious actions, i.e., fraud-ridden election, current COVID 19 pandemic and speedy rollout of vaccine, Hunter Biden’s criminal activity with China, hack into our cybersecurity system, fake news issuing propaganda on a daily basis and other devious activities being perpetuated by the enemy. May those who have allowed themselves to be employed by satan not only be found guilty here on earth but suffer the consequences of their actions.

We recognize Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith and know that no weapon formed against the Body of Christ will prosper. The End time Harvest is near and we your Army will not be stopped by the strategies of the enemy. Amen.

Are you praying about the nation’s cybersecurity?

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Marv Taylor
December 19, 2020

Loving Heavenly Father……forgive our sins and trespasses and root out the sin and evil that is trying to harm and destroy us.

In the Mighty Name of JESUS we ask it……Amen

R Davis
December 17, 2020

Holy God, good and gracious in loving kindness, praises and honor are Yours forever and forever. There is no other God but You. You are the GREAT I AM . Lord it seems the enemy is attacking from every angle. But he cannot attack or have victory over You. Thank You our Salvation, God and King.

LORD, only You can win at this battle. I do ask You that the enemy fall into his own traps and that we are kept from evil. We are praying and believing. Let him become confused and we escape snare.

We are trusting You. Amen

Nancy Bryda
December 17, 2020

Enemy operations are confused and ineffective. The army of God is rising up and there is increasing confusion to the communication systems of the demonic entities. I decree unity and one accord over the ekklesia who is more powerful than the enemey. We know the fear of the LOrd and know He is LOrd over America. No king but Jesus. Humility and doing the will of the LOrd are the keys to effective warfare with our ears listening to the lips of Jesus our commander in chief. He never loses a battle. LOrd help your ekklesia to be faithful and to not give up and to keep our eyes and ears attentive to you. We are doers of your word and directions. Holy Spirit guide us in this warfare season as we put our trust only in you and you alone. Fear of man and enemy are bound and we are one in Jesus and the head and body are in unity and complete agreement.

    R Davis
    December 17, 2020

    Best prayer I have read for a long time. Thank you. I I stand in agreement! Amen

      Mrs D
      December 17, 2020

      EXACTLY, R Davis, this is the kind of FAITH-filled, positive-declaration which should be the only kind of prayer coming from the ekklesia! Thank you, Ms Bryda, for your Spirit-directed insightful and clear expression, bringing TRUTH into the visible realm.

        Nancy Bryda
        December 18, 2020

        Blessings to you and I feel the army is truely arising.

    Leslie Ortiz
    December 18, 2020


Hilds F. Clark
December 17, 2020

I sincerely and honestly pray that the integrity of our people who are working to settle This fraudulent election will be in there with a knowledge to get to the bottom of the whole thing and you will reveal a way to prove thisi to the public. We honor and glorify your name and know that you will resolve the matter. It is in Jesus name we pray amen

December 17, 2020

Ps. 125:3a the sceptor of the wicked will NOT remain over the land allotted to the righteous…..


December 17, 2020

Lord God, You are over all things. Nothing is beyond you and nothing escapes Your watchful eye. Your Word reminds us that “He who keeps us never sleeps or slumbers”(Ps 121:4). We praise Your for You alone are worthy. Thank You for protecting Your children and giving us wisdom, strength and endurance to run the race You have set before us. Lord, we pay for those trapped in the strongholds of the enemy. We ask You to break the chains of their slavery that they may find shelter and security in Jesus Christ. In His Name we pray! Amen

Krystal Pister
December 17, 2020

Jesus, Lord and King, we thank you that you are exposing evil at every level. This has been our prayer thru this election and we praise you for it. We trust you for the outcome of all that is going on and pray that your remnant would fix their eyes on you and run the race with endurance, not being distracted by what is going on around us. We plead the blood of the lamb over those in charge of our country and all of the inner workings. We pray for divine wisdom and protection for those in charge and great courage to stand against the opposition. We know we do not fight against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in the spiritual realm. BUT we have power AND authority in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ to cast down the works of the enemy. So we come together and demand the demonic spirits coming against America to be stopped, stripped, destroyed and cast into the eternal pit of hell. We claim all of this in the powerful name of JESUS. Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

December 17, 2020

Dear Heavenly FATHER,

We praise You! YOU are
our sovereign LORD over all! For YOU are omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent! We acknowledge YOU in all our ways.

We thank YOU that the evil schemes and plans of satan are being revealed, right on “top of each other. YOU have answered the prayers of YOUR people who have prayed that corruption would be exposed. We thank YOU that these prayers are being answered, even right now!!! HALLELUJAH!

As more of such information of corruption and wickedness is being exposed, please raise up bold, righteous, and law-abiding people in US government agencies, Judges in Courts of all levels and jurisdictions as well as ordinary citizens to engage these enemies who are wicked! Please protect each person and guide each person who is fighting for apprehension of the perpetrators and traitors involved in these activities!

Open our eyes, LORD! Tear off the scales of deception that have been wrought by the enemy! Awaken us and lead us as a people to YOUR truth, YOUR way and YOUR life (RIGHTEOUS JUDGE) for YOUR Name’s sake!

We stand in agreement with our sister, Suzy’s strong prayer! In JESUS’ Holy Name! AMEN!

    December 17, 2020

    Amen! Standing in agreement with Suzy and Ginger in omprayer. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THE BODY OF CHRIST WILL PROSPER. Greater is He who us in us than he who is in the world. The Lord of Heaven’s armies is with us and fighting for us!
    Halleluia and Amen!

      December 17, 2020

      Yes! In Jesus’ Mighty Name, to GOD be all the Glory! Thank you, Jennifer! Amen!

        Dorothy Foster
        December 17, 2020

        Amen to my fellow Christians! To God be the Glory!


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