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Father, we pray that You would put pro-life candidates in office this November. Motivate Americans to vote to protect the unborn, and put a stop to misinformation like this.
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Despite what the polls say, Pelosi insists that Americans care more about abortion. Let’s pray her agenda does not succeed this November.

From The Epoch Times. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Oct. 18 downplayed polls showing that issues like inflation and crime are top issues for voters, opining instead that abortion is forefront on voters’ minds.

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Since President Joe Biden took office, voters across the country have paid higher prices at the grocery store and gas pump amid record-breaking levels of inflation. Voters in major cities have also suffered from a record-breaking year of violent crimes, with some cities breaking records for murder rates. …

One poll by Harvard CAPS-Harris released to The Hill showed that voters three biggest issues were crime, inflation, and immigration. …

New York Times-Sienna poll showed the same trends. …

‘I Don’t Agree’ With Polls

During a sit-down interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchel, Pelosi said she “[doesn’t] agree” that inflation and crime are top issues for voters.

“Much of what you’ve said I don’t agree with,” Pelosi said Oct. 18. “The New York Times poll, I think, is an outlier poll.”

“It’s also the RealClearPolitics average is showing similar issues,” Mitchel retorted.

“No, but that was one that brought down the average, and it was an outlier,” Pelosi replied. “It wasn’t even that big a sample. So I dismiss that.”

She added, “I can tell you that women’s concerns about their freedom are very, very much still very significant in terms of how they will vote.”

“It’s a matter of who turns out to vote,” Pelosi opined.

Pelosi also indicated that she thinks current inflation is in fact a sign that the economy under Democrats is strong.

Democrats want to reduce inflation too, Pelosi insisted, “but some of the inflation in our country sprang from the fact that this president created nearly 10 million jobs, at least 9 million jobs.”

“When you’re talking about inflation, unemployment can be dangerously low. So they are not unrelated,” she added.

All in all, Pelosi said she feels “pretty good” about her party’s prospects. …

What do you think the most important issue to Americans is? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Angela Dubber
October 26, 2022

Father, we thank You; and we are praying and believing that Your justice will prevail in our government. We pray and we are believing that You will expose the corruption in our government. Let everyone voting have eyes to see through the lies and deception of the global elitist leaders (like N. Pelosi) who currently hold government offices. Shield every voter’s mind in this upcoming election from the lies of the enemy. Show them, Oh Lord, that the horrendous abortion practices of the democrat officials are not approved by You. May every voter seek You for guidance in how they should vote in Jesus’ name.

Roxanne Rice
October 26, 2022

Thank You, Father, that Nancy Pelosi is so out of touch with what Americans are actually thinking. As long as the Democratic Party is blind to the real issues, they will continue to harp on their ungodly agenda. The contrast with Biblical values will be all the more evident, and make the choices easy for voters.

Bless this nation with the godly leaders You desire, and bring down every evil person in power. Amen.

October 26, 2022

Father God I lift up our nation we know we the people know what is right and what is evil father God let us understand what has happened to our country never mind the world let us rebuke what is not of you Lord you know who these children are that are pure evil you know your children from the inside out you see them in darkness especially now I rebuke anything that is of this world and I know you will take everything that is wrong and make it right you are expecting the church now to rise up against this devil in his arms we will not adhere to any man on the face of the Earth but we will bow with the need to you Jesus thank you Lord protect the USA and show us what we need to do as Warriors for you with a spirit of boldness courage and not timidity in the name of Jesus

Ken Rumbarger
October 26, 2022

Father, we pray that something would happen to change the voting behavior of the district in San Francisco that has kept returning Nancy Pelosi to office every two years. Otherwise, when she dies or retires they will just send a replica. Yes, she is a problem in herself, but please deal with the underlying cause.


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