PASTORS AND POLITICS, PART 2: Preaching from a Kingdom Mindset
PASTORS AND POLITICS, PART 2: Preaching from a Kingdom Mindset
Many pastors are reluctant to talk about politics in their churches because of the potential backlash from members. The fear of losing congregants or financial support is an underlying concern for many church leaders when addressing controversial political topics. There are also those who believe that legislative issues and governing policies have no place in church life.
Yet, if the Church is to be salt and light to the world (Matt 5:13), how are we to address the pressing issues around us if we are biblically illiterate concerning those issues? If we are to honor the governing authorities as commanded in Romans 13:1, how do we do so if we are unaware or uninformed of their responsibilities and actions?
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. (Mk 3:24-25)
Is it possible for the Church to be a unified voice in the public square? Is it possible for believers to agree on the Word of God concerning critical legislative issues? Is it possible for pastors to empower their congregations without getting politically divisive?
Being married to a pastor gives me a unique perspective on this issue. In our 25-plus years of pastoral ministry, we have wrestled with these same questions. Yet, we have learned to empower our congregation from a Kingdom perspective and not a worldly one. Rather than addressing political differences, our goal is to provide a solid biblical foundation from which believers can build a proper understanding of godly government and Kingdom practices.
Here are some of the core values we have gleaned through the years in talking about politics in the church:
- As Christians, we can be governmental without being political (Is 9:7).
o God created government to establish order, starting with the first family in Genesis (Gen 1:26-28). It is a biblical principle of stewardship and order (Prv 8:14-16). Politics (not mentioned in Scripture) is man’s activities within government and focuses more on party priorities, methodologies, and personal preferences.
- Laws of the land determine the level of freedom believers have in sharing the Gospel. (1 Peter 2:13-14).
o We may have strong biblical convictions concerning our faith practices, but without laws supporting those beliefs and values, our Christian witness will be greatly hindered and limited. It is our elected officials who make those laws.
- The Church is accountable to the Lord for our collective witness (Mi 5:15).
o When believers take part in the election process, we are being faithful stewards and responsible citizens (Rom 13:5-7). We can bring positive change to our nation by electing officials who are God-fearing and God-appointed (Rom 13:1). If we don’t, we have relinquished our God-given role to non-believers by default.
- We equip believers with the principles of God’s Word and a Kingdom mindset (2 Tm 3:16-17).
o Living out our faith in the public square is essential to our witness and demonstration of Kingdom values. Addressing issues based on scriptural truths empowers believers in their walk and strengthens our testimony.
- We vote according to biblical values, not political parties (John 18:37).
o Our standard for truth, life, and liberty is based on God’s Word. We pray for all government leaders regardless of political party but vote for candidates who support and uphold biblical values.
Even though pastors cannot endorse specific candidates, they can preach the Word of God as it pertains to various issues. Preaching from a Kingdom mindset can enable pastors to lead effectively and provide the needed direction the Church desperately needs in this hour.
We are being tested as a Church in this electoral process. Will we engage with the world we have been commissioned to reach or will we shrink back in fear? Can we declare the word of God with courage, demonstrating the same authority that Jesus had when he spoke of His Father’s Kingdom? Will we stand with our pastors and church leaders when they speak up for righteousness? Prayer is the starting point but should result in a unified voice from the Church and a bold proclamation of the Kingdom of God.
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Lord i pray that this would be a holy place of prayer for your intercessors that you have called forward. I pray that our hearts would be humble, that we would say only the words you are telling us to say and no more. I pray we would “trust in the Lord, lean not on our own understanding, in all our ways acknowledge you,and you will direct our path”. Cause us to know when we are anxious and going into anger or control because we are not dealing with that anxiousness as you have taught us. Praise you Lord, in Jesus name, Amen.
Nancy, it is sad to see Americans doing this to other Americans. However, as we are living in the last days, know that the darkness will become darker and the light, lighter. Those who have aligned themselves with satan & baal are making themselves known to us. Those who have chosen the Lord are being made known too. There is a remnant of pastors as well as congregants, who have stood firm, and those I’m sure, did, are and have been praying. I know I have been praying more than any other time in my life. Take heart, these things need to be exposed so that the evil can be expunged and righteousness can once again exalt our nation. While it may get worse before it gets better, know this, God loves us and is protecting those of us who look to Him and trust Him. Keep focused on Jesus and His word and you will not be disappointed. Luke12:52, Jesus tells us to expect the division, even in our own family. As you spend more time in His word your heartbreak will be healed and know our Nation is being healed also. Removal of a malignancy can be painful, but necessary for recovery and health, this is what is going on in the spirit as well as the natural. I will be praying for you too.
Many pastors are not lined up with God, but rather the government, not as it should be. Between the 501c3 tax exempt status which muzzles them and the FEMA Clergy Response Team you will understand why many carried on as usual.
My heart breaks as our country is torn apart. After a tragic week in our culture and government, I wonder how many pastors even mentioned it. I hope many did. What seems to me to be an obvious need to call congregations to prayer as the locusts are eating away at all that is good, is just ignored.
Felicia, just a footnote to your post which you probably already know, so this is for those who may not know. The phrase “separation of church and state”, is not found in the Constitution of the USA, it is however, found in the Constitution of the now defunct, USSR. Russians consider themselves a Christian nation now, Orthodox Christian, and having invited 15,000 white South Africans, who are being slaughtered, into their country, I would say they are making good on their confession. While it may be a win/win for each, I applaud their doing so. I suspect we are fed as much disinformation about Russia as we are about our President, so I take things with a grain of salt. My spirit says Russia could be our ally, I pray that becomes reality to Americans.
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Love praying with you!
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Great article, I agree completely! This is something Elohim has been speaking to me about lately. Especially, since we are getting ready to open the church section of our ministry. It’s good to know the Body of Yeshua is coming back out of the box with boldness and wisdom to teach the Scriptures without entangling politics. We will continue to pray for this area while praying for the this nation. Sabbath Shalom, in Yeshua’s name!
“we have relinquished our God given role to non believers by default”
“we vote according to biblical values not political parties” Wow.
Lord thank you for this article, may it be distributed to every pulpit, may it empower every pastor to empower their flock to be Your Salt and Light. Lord, may your people rise up to be the public stewards in this life you have called us to be. May the twisting misrepresentation of “the division of church and state” be rendered void by the power of your word applied. To you be the glory, In Jesus name, Amen