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In the first of this series, PASTORS AND POLITICS, we are exploring how pastors and church leaders can effectively empower their congregations during this election season without becoming politically divisive.

In this video interview Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent, interviews her husband, Pastor Bobby Alger, who is a pastor in Winchester, Virginia. They address some of the challenges pastors face in leading their congregations through election seasons when the political climate is divisive and hostile. Pastor Alger shares some needed insights and practical suggestions that should encourage pastors who want to engage strategically and effectively from their pulpits.

To receive our free Election Prayer/Voter Guide, “Glorifying God in Elections,” CLICK HERE.Ā 


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Donna L
September 29, 2018

Carol, I agree. Pastors and ministers have been muzzled by tax exempt status 501c3. It was designed to do just that. This needs to be rejected and thrown off as it is keeping the Body from operating in God’s fullness and power. The Church is not a business and should not be run as one! Good stewardship, yes, bonds from government, no! Come out from under that and be free, free to speak the truth in love. We are to be the salt, a preserver, and light, illuminate the path of righteousness! An “arch of Baal” is in Washington, DC, was also in New York, where are the Elijahs to call down fire on this abomination? If we are going to do greater works than Jesus, we need freedom to do so and it is not in most churches in America. I am not afraid of division, it is time to separate the wheat from the chaff and the sheep from the goats brothers and sisters. Church is not a social club, yet in many places it has become one. Good works have replaced the greater works of healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead and speaking in another language not learned, ie, tongues per scripture, it comes with being filled with the Holy Spirit which ALL Christians should desire as that is where the power to do these works comes from, the Holy Spirit! Come out and serve the living God and obey Him! If some refuse to depart from their tradition of one party, then they place that party before God. If they cannot see the darkness that has taken over the democrat party, then they are willfully blind. Pray for the eyes of their understanding to be enlightened, but do not agree with their ideology!

Deb Burow
September 23, 2018

I also would like this in written form. So I can really get it in my head to share. Excellent teaching. Please email to me. Thank you.

Maria Rivera
September 22, 2018

I enjoyed the interview and would like to have it in writing. There is a lot of teaching that I would like to revisit and reflect. Also, I would like to share it with some friends. Please, can you send the text to me by e-mail. Thanks. God bless you. Maria Angelica

    Wanda Alger
    September 24, 2018

    Hello Maria – We will be posting an article this week which covers some of the strategic items in the interview. Based on the feedback, we will consider future possibilities as well. Thank you for your interest!

Carolyn Billington
September 22, 2018

Wonderful sound teaching to pray for our pastors. Especially since from pastors in ministry right now.

Celeste Elaine
September 21, 2018

I found this to be extremely informative personally and I believe it to be very beneficial for Pastors.
I posted to my facebook page and encouraged my friends to share with their pastors!

Carol Cassady
September 20, 2018

Now is the time for all GOD-FEARING Ministers/Pastors/Rabbis/Priests to come to the aid of our country! Our GOD-FEARING President Trump has cancelled former Democrat Pres. LBJohnson’s 1954 assault against our Judeo-Christian clergy! STAND UP NOW LIKE the 1775 A.D. BLACK-ROBED MINISTRY who had their muzzle-guns behind their pulpits and preached FREEDOM FOR THE AMERICAN COLONIES/FREEDOM FROM ENGLAND’S TYRANNY! BIBLE READERS/BELIEVERS THEY KNEW FREEDOM ONLY COMES FROM GOD! They helped win our American Revolution 1775-1783 A.D.

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