Pastor Samuel Rodriguez spoke with the Daily Caller’s Samantha Renck about former President Barack Obama’s recent comments about evangelical Hispanic voters, his predictions for 2022 and more.
“There are a lot of evangelical Hispanics who — the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans, or puts undocumented workers in cages — they think that’s less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion,” Obama said during an interview with The Breakfast Club.
“Here’s my response. Wow. Just wow,” Rodriguez, author of “From Survive To Thrive,” said in relation to Obama’s comments. “I’m truly disappointed. I really am.”
“I don’t celebrate President Obama’s remarks. I admire President Obama as the first person of color to occupy Pennsylvania Avenue,” he said. “But boy, am I truly disappointed. The word disappointment is an understatement.” . . .
(Excerpt from The Daily Caller. Article by Samantha Renck. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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Without question, Barack Obama is the best Snake Oil Salesman ever.
Barack quickly rose through the Snake Oil sales ranks, working his way to the top salesman award.
His expert, professional skill of lying and deceiving come so natural and easy. He instinctively knows the right things to say to get people to buy his lies. It is his second nature.
Barack was able to utilize his professional skills of lies and deception during his presidency. He was able to fool millions of Americans, not once but twice to vote for him. He’s just that good at deception.
Here is just a small sample of his many lies.
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
Obama referred to ISIS as a JV team.
Obama lied about Benghazi.
When things don’t work out for Obama, he just relies on lying to justify his failures.
He will be remembered in history as a lie and a cheat.
Now do Trump.
Habakkuk 1:5
Dear Heavenly Father, open the hearts, eyes, and ears of the people to the lies and decisive manipulations of the man known as Barack Obama. That our nation emerged from his 8 years in office more divided than before seems a testament to his true nature. His comments on Hispanic Christians and the nation of Israel are even more telling. Let it be clear to all good people, and especially Christians, regardless of race, ethnicity, or place of origin, that this man stands on the wrong side of Your laws and plans. Free those he has deceived from his web of lies, and let us repair the moral, cultural, legal, and political damage this man and his minions have done. Expose the fraud of the recent election that would put Obama’s puppets in office, and deliver us from their evil intentions. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.
The pastor’s comments regarding ex-president Obama are “diplomatic” at best. No one seems to want to call things as they are.
Obama put forth many polished statements that, when reviewed, were overflowing with racism and division. The art of false unity is the ability to create your public platform to sound unifying. In reality, Obama was only concerned with advancement of himself and races of his choosing. His entire presidential terms were built on illusion. His policies and backroom edicts were proof of that. Under Obama, the oil of deception was heavy while he tickled the ears of millions through verbal massages in his speech.
While politicians always tend to seek keeping the masses under a certain aura of control through what they say (many politicians but not all), Obama was and still is the master of disguise.
But truth with justice has a way of getting out…and the slip of the tongue is inevitable for a con artist. And those slips reveal exactly what is in the heart of an individual. With Obama, his arrogance will prove to be his undoing. The more secrets a person tries to hide, the more God will expose that individual or group over time.
Pastor Rodriguez stated,”I admire President Obama as the first person of color to occupy…” When did we as a nation of free people determine who was qualified to lead based on ‘color’? Under Pres Obama, we saw homosexuality, increased race division, rampant abortion and mandates become the new normal while we lost freedom of religion, freedom of choice …..Almighty God, our Creator gave us free choice. Who is the government to take that away? What about Godliness, moral integrity, justice, selflessness, leadership acumen? 2 Chronicles 19:7 “Now then let the fear of the LORD be upon you; be very careful what you do, for the LORD our God will have no part in unrighteousness, or partiality, or the taking of a bribe. James 2:9 ”But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.” Father, forgive us for voting for any candidate based on race,sex or political affiliation. Forgive us for allowing the gift of choice to be taken from us. May we take back our privilege of choice to vote Your wisdom and will. It is You alone, Father, we worship, honor and seek with our whole hearts. In Jesus Name and for Your glory, Amen
Barack Obama himself is now exposing his own racism.
He has done more to deliberately divide our country than any other president.
Our nation is more divided than it has ever been, all thanks to Obama, the man with a demonic spirit and the smile of the Devil.
Barack Obama along with Hillary Clinton, aided by his administration, with his knowledge, tried to make up a false narrative of Russian Collusion. Then he tried to use racism to label and destroy Donald Trump.
Then the party that he once led, is responsible for the greatest voter fraud in U.S. history.
He tried to transform himself into beacon of light, but the real Barack Obama is being exposed by a True and Righteous God.
Remember Satan can do the same thing. He can disguise himself as an angel of light, to try and hide his sinful wickedness.
2 Corinthians11:14 And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
The real Barack Obama is coming to the surface, along with his transgressions of political coruption and crimes against America.
Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton should be locked away in Federal Prison for their crimes against America.
Worst president ever.
Lord, please expose the truth about where Barack Obama really stands in every area! Open people’s eyes, ears, and minds to see, hear, and understand the ways he has undermined and damaged what the United States of America is called to be for the people and the Nations, a beacon of Truth and Light!