Parents told they have no constitutional right to opt out kids from graphic sex-ed curriculum.
Parents told they have no constitutional right to opt out kids from graphic sex-ed curriculum.
Parents in the Orange County, California school district are being told they have no constitutional right to opt out of the district-wide sex education curriculum that includes graphic instructions for sex acts, tips for pleasurable behavior, and misinformation about abstinence.
From LifeSite News: California is about to implement new abortion- and homosexuality-promoting sex education lessons, and one school district has told parents they have no choice but to expose their children to them.
California enacted the California Healthy Youth Act in 2015, but only now are its controversial provisions starting to take effect in classrooms. Under the auspices of health, the law says it will equip students to develop “healthy attitudes” on “gender [and] sexual orientation,” among other things. It also says it will inform students about the “effectiveness and safety of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods,” and facilitate “objective discussion” about “parenting, adoption, and abortion.”
RedState contributor Kira Davis, a resident of Orange County, California, warns that among the teaching materials approved for use under this law are a study guide for the transgender children’s book I Am Jazz, as well as a “sexual health toolkit.” [Materials provided by funding from Soros-connected TIDES Center.]
In a memo dated March 29 to the Orange County Board of Education, Orange County Department of Education general counsel Ronald Wenkart says that the law’s opt-out provision “does not apply to instruction, materials, or programming that discusses gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, relationships, or family and does not discuss human reproductive organs.”
Parents who disagree with the state’s LGBT positions “may not excuse their children from this instruction,” Wenkart continues. He then suggests that parents still having the right to “advise their children that they disagree with” such lessons compensates for this restriction.
He also cites judicial precedent to claim that “parents do not have a constitutional right to excuse their children from portions of the school curriculum that they find objectionable.”
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And didn’t we always wonder how Christ could say “weep for yourselves & for your children” when we are also requested by St Paul to rejoice in all things. The only peace we have in this world actually isn’t of this world, but rather as Christ’s exemplary mother’s life shows us, we patiently endure trials & injutices for there is a exceedingly great reward for cheerfulness suffering.
Now Brown and legislators passed a bill that can be interpreted to banning books which might be deemed hate speech or is against certain groups of people (gays, lesbians, trans, etc. etc.). it is pages and pages long even including realtors discriminating in some way against certain groups. typical liberalism where YOU can not hurt someone’s feelings because of your beliefs.
Ben Carson’s has been criticized for being in the White House bible study. Christianity is under attack and people don’t even seem to know it.
Sue the district please… voices of righteousness!
I could not have said it better. I think the only thing I could add is prayer. Time for the righteous of God, to get serious, if not we are going to miss out on the next generation, I think that has been the plan all along. They can’t convince us, but maybe our children?
The National Board of Educational Services are controlled by leaders with reprobate minds!! These so called leaders are morally depraved; unprincipled; corrupt, rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation. This definition is according to the Holy Bible and Websters dictionary. In my estimation moral standards must be enforced and followed across all educational systems in order to protect our children from the infectious mind control disease that is currently being presented to our children. The Holy Bible states in
Matthew 18:6
But whoever causes one of these little ones (children)who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
The LGBTQ agenda is evil to the core in the eyes of God (an abomination unto God)
Lev. 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Lev. 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Romans 1:26-27 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. Hmmm AIDS
These verses from the Bible are very clear and state that the LGBTQ lifestyle is an abomination unto God and anyone promoting this lifestyle through education and any other means will be subject to God’s punishment(eternal Death), especially when this lifestyle is being pushed upon our children through the educational system.
God please save our children from this evil wickedness. AMEN
When my son was told sex education was to be taught in school. I told him and wroth a note to the teacher that is my responsibility. the same was said about discipline. schools are suppose to teach students adults and provide for themselves an positive attitude to contribute. This misleading teaching of lowering self worth will be nothing more than immoral.
Scripture is very clear on how to teach children and what will happen to those who misleads them or anyone else for that matter. Parents are the first teachers and are paying the salary for the teachers – therefore it’s the parents who have the right who to teach and what to teach.
My God My God! Have the parents forsaken the children their own children and all the children everywhere who may be under this same situation? These people who made this a law or whatever saying parents have no say so over what their children are taught about sex education is like communism or something! Parents stand up for your children for what is moral. People protest about everything else why not this? This is just so heartbreaking.
I stand in agreement Amen!
Oh, precious Lord Jesus, we ask you to wake us up, as your believers! Your church! We lift up these parents in Orange County, Calif. and for this whole nation! That christian parents will stand strong for God’s principals and His ways and that they will go in the strength of the Lord and in His wisdom and power! To share with those leaders of their schools their concerns and reasons for not going this route, with strength and firmness with Godly behavior! You have told us that we can come boldly before your throne and ask ( Hebrews 4:16). We come boldly before you, we ask for your help and deliverance from this situation, in your precious, mighty name! We know you love these children and you care so dearly about them! Help us, in this terrible time, to raise our children for your glory and in your ways! We know that you hear us and you will help these parents at this time…..for you are the ” God that is More than Enough” for this horrible situation , In Orange County! We thank you, in Jesus Precious Name! Amen!
Amen! Please help them be strong and courageously stand against calling evil good and good evil!
Oh my LORD JESUS, yes wake us all up, I pray for all these children, all the parents, and where is the Principal? Where does she/he stand on these principals. Would anyone want their child to endure such a horrible thing? California schools always are the first to start a line of following their standards in the United States, ie, such as the law made to agree that marriage is not one man and one woman. I pray Lord that this evilness will STOP here at this junctor–The United States will be under the authority of the Father God and He does not want his children to be abused. This is out right abuse telling these children they can see and do these evil things. We cannot and will not cast our children, our future into the abyss of fire which Satan would love for us to do. Give our Father in Heaven praise and glory that He gave each one of us a purpose and a life to believe in His love for us.
Wake up Bride of Christ. Oh sleeping giant. Awaken!!
If you showed up at a public park, & began showing children the pictures in these “school books” you would go to prison as a pedo.
Matt 18:6
6 But whoso shall cause one of these little ones that believe on me to stumble, it is profitable for him that a great millstone should be hanged about his neck, and (that) he should be sunk in the depth of the sea.
Pray for the terror of God Almighty to come upon the proponents.
I have a adult children and only two grandchildren left in school, thankfully not in CA. However, I come into agreement with all praying against this horrible demonic move by any school district to pass this ruling. Jesus did clearly speak out against this in Matt 18:6. Woe be to those responsible for this action. God please help us!!
HOME SCHOOL !!!!! Pull your kids out of those hell holes.
Parents have a right by constitution to say what is taught to their child and they have a legal right to pull their children from offensive curriculum. They also need to show up to school board meetings demanding this curriculum be pulled from their child’s school. As constituents we need to vote in conservatives to the school boards as well as other offices.
God help us fight for our children!
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Matthew 18:6 KJV
Didn’t we put Adults in jail for this, just a few years ago?
I will attempt posting this on Facebook but they have become a vile place. Many are making the move to MeWe. I suggest you do the same.