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Frustration at school boards boiled over for some parents and activists who protested outside of the Department of Justice building in Washington, D.C. Sunday.

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Garland’s statement followed a letter from the National School Board Association (NSBA) that asked the federal government to get involved in the alleged “immediate threat” of violence from parents against American public schools and education officials. The letter encouraged President Joe Biden’s administration to use statutes such as the USA PATRIOT Act to address actions that could be “equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

Parents are expressing their concerns with how children are being educated, said Brian Schultz, a Fairfax County taxpayer and parent of a former Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) student, who he and his wife now homeschool. He believes children are learning things that are inconsistent with American values. . . .

Brian attended the rally with his wife, Elizabeth Schultz, who served on the Fairfax County School Board for eight years before she was appointed to a position within the U.S. Department of Education. Now she is a mom fighting for other parents and stakeholders who wanted to be at the rally, but who she says are “afraid to show their face” for fear of being targeted or putting their jobs at risk.

“We’re at a turning point where the federal government can weaponize its investigatory intervention powers… not on actual terrorists, not on the border, not on protecting communities, but on school board meetings where parents come to speak passionately, fervently in support of a fulsome education for their children that focuses on math and science, that focuses on getting everybody reading at grade level,” Elizabeth said. . . .

“The notion of what it means to be an American is being deconstructed through the rewriting of curriculum,” Elizabeth said. She said these ideas are being impressed “on young minds to look at their peers through the color of race, and not on the content of character.” . . .

Asra Nomani began her education fight when leadership at her son’s school, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, decided to get rid of its merit-based admissions test in order to encourage more “racial diversity,” despite the fact that the school was 70% Asian. She said students were “just ‘the wrong kind of brown.’” . . .

“What we have right now in America is an entire industry of ‘equity warriors,’ who are unleashing their new products on American schoolchildren,” Nomani told the DCNF. “This includes surveys and screeners in which they are literally asking our children their most intimate questions about gender, sexuality, their own brain health” to create algorithms and store data.

FCPS, where Nomani’s son attended school, allocated $78.8 million in COVID-19 relief funds to support efforts such as “equity professional development,” including $1,845,660 for Panorama Education, which was co-founded by Garland’s son-in-law. Panorama Education distributes screening surveys and stores students’ responses to questions such as “How confident are you that students at your school can have honest conversations with each other about race?” and “How often do you think about what someone of a different race, ethnicity, or culture experiences?”

“They are now basically using our children as data points in their big machine,” Nomani said. “What they’re doing is using taxpayer money to bring their very bad ideas to the school systems, including Black Lives Matter at schools, ideas of affinity groups that separate kids based on their race and their skin color… it’s just the opposite idea of humanity and civil rights.”

“I, as a person of color, say to white America, and all Americans, be unapologetic in your values,” Nomani added. “I am actually a liberal progressive and I am standing up against these ideas, because I believe they are very illiberal.”

(Excerpt from The Daily Caller. Photo by the Daily Caller News Foundation.)

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October 21, 2021

Father, I pray that this man, Merrick Garland, will be indicted for “conflict of interest” because of his son-in-laws financial interest in “Panorama Education” and his conduct, as Attorney General. Using his office to weaponize the FBI against parents of children is against our Constitution and against his oath of office. Parents are doing their job to protect their children from filth and racist garbage being taught to them! They are doing so peacefully, yet vigorously, as THEY SHOULD!! Give these parents, and parents across this nation, BOLDNESS, COURAGE and give them VICTORY! Keep going, parents! I’ve said this over and over, there are MORE of us than them! We MUST remember that. They may have the media and Big tech, but WE HAVE ALMIGHTY GOD! Greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world!! Our weapons are NOT carnal (like theirs) but MIGHTY through God, to the pulling down of strongholds!
May Virginia get a new Republican in, as Governor, in their election!

Danny N.C.
October 21, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, how the shadow of evil spreads across our land. Our false and wicked “leaders” will not defend our borders or protect law abiding citizens from criminal terror groups from within, and now turn on the very people they are supposed to protect, labeling concerned parents and citizens as domestic terrorists. As it says in Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto those who call evil good and good evil, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.” Lord how I pray to see justice and truth restored, but I realize that our ways are not yours, and the unfolding events may be necessary that your will be done. Lord forgive me in my ignorance as I lament the evil I see in our nation. Never could I have imagined I would witness the pure evil and false doctrines I now see. God bless and protect those of us who would stand on Your side of the line that has been drawn. Let us all pray for the deceived masses on the other side of that line. The time in which they have a chance to repent grows ever shorter. May the scales be lifted from their eyes before it is too late. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.

October 21, 2021

This is a very noble cause that is being fought by everyone concerned. To label concerned parents as domestic terrorists is so wrong, and symptomatic of how screwed up our government has become. This is all so satanic, and needs to come to an abrupt end. Lord, please, let the truth be revealed in this terrible mess, and please, by your grace, let decency and truth prevail, not this socialistic nonsense. This is of utmost importance, Lord, as You already know. These issues need to be resolved in a righteous fashion, one reflecting Your will for these young, impressionable minds. Lord, please bring this evil to an end.

October 21, 2021

Lord God,

Help us to instill in our children a love for You, a love for Your Word and a desire to obey and stand firm on their convictions and love for Jesus! Thank You for encouraging parents and grandparents to make a stand for righteousness! Grant us discernment on what we can do including contacting our congressmen, signing petitions, attending school board meetings and even running for office. Lord, empower these and grow their numbers! We ask in Jesus Name!

October 21, 2021

I say “Kudos” to these brave parents. Keep up the fight, I stand behind you 100%! Even the school boards have become power-hungry, thanks to these teacher unions, that needs to be dismantled desperately.

Maynard Beck Sr.
October 21, 2021

We need to become aware of the background of the battle we are fighting and who the warriors are that are fighting the war in the trenches. A group of SEnators sent a letter to Merrick Garland last week. This a link to Marsh Blackburn Senator from Tennessee’s newsletter:


This a link that dates back to the 1990’s detailing the fight against CRT here in North Carolina:


That doesn’t even start to cover abortion…

This is from Senator Blackburn’s newsletter

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Carole Ann Neve
October 21, 2021

Read these excerpt again noting the article above: “This includes surveys and screeners in which they are literally asking our children their most intimate questions about gender, sexuality, their own brain health” to create algorithms and store data.” And “They are now basically using our children as data points in their big machine,” Nomani said. “What they’re doing is using taxpayer money to bring their very bad ideas to the school systems, including Black Lives Matter at schools, ideas of affinity groups that separate kids based on their race and their skin color… it’s just the opposite idea of humanity and civil rights.”

I certainly thought the question time when Merrick Garland was to be appointed or not, he certainly evaded the questioning. So he was a done deal in getting him into the office and look what is happening now. How nice his family is getting help as well allegedly. I would like to help my family out too. The righteous are going to win this.


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