Imagine if tomorrow, a judge in the most liberal state in the country announced children no longer belong to their parents, they’re no longer under their parents’ authority. From henceforth, says the decree, kids belong to the state. Outraged parents would take to the streets! Angry and refusing to capitulate.
Well, that’s not how it goes. Instead, parental rights are taken a little at a time. The outrage is avoided, and the state usurpation of parents is largely non-controversial. The same desired results using this strategy are not only possible, but inevitable.
Allow me to illustrate. A few days ago, a judge in British Columbia issued a gag order against the father of a 14-year-old girl who identifies as a boy. Why a gag order? Because he referred to his daughter by her actual gender in public interviews.
British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Marzari also found the girl’s father guilty of “family violence” for going to the press after courts ordered that his daughter be allowed to start injections of male hormones. . . .
Last year an Ohio judge awarded custody of a transgender teen to her grandparents rather than her parents, because mom and dad didn’t support her transition.
But an even greater threat to parental rights in this country will probably come from legislatures. “Sexual orientation and gender identity,” or “SOGI” laws have already been enacted in twenty states, making these protected categories like race or religion. It sets the precedent for treating disagreement with gender ideology as a crime. Eventually, that could be the case even if the person you are disagreeing with is your child. Several states already have the legal mechanism in place to emancipate children from parents who don’t support their gender identification.
Bit by bit, parental rights are chipped away in the name of sexual ideologies, especially gender identity. And bit by bit, mom and dad are treated as mere trustees of the state, subject to revocation without notice.
Ideas matter. They can change how we collectively understand family, and parents, and even who kids belong to.
Pay close attention and take responsibility for your own state, your own county, your own city, and especially for your own kids. (Excerpted from the Christian Post, article by John Stonestreet and G. Shane Morris.)
You can take a stand on the national level by praying about and opposing HR 5, the so-called “Equality Act of 2019” that will elevate the rights of LGBTQ at the expense of religious freedom.
Also, join our June First Friday Prayer Conference Call. Both of our guests are anonymous and are sharing what they know about the disturbing abuse of children through the trans-kids movement. One of which is an IFA intercessor and Christian leader, whose daughter has embraced the LGBTQ agenda and is now transitioning to male. Call (712)775-7430 (no code needed), or join us on Facebook LIVE or Zoom webcast. For many years we have asked intercessors to pray, and fast, on the first Friday. If you have never added fasting to your First Friday prayer time, this is a good time to start. A father brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus for healing after the apostles had been unable to pray effectively for the son. Jesus delivered the boy and the apostles asked why they weren’t able to cast out the demon. Jesus answered, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.” (Read the story in Mark 9.) What’s going on with sexuality and gender with our children warrants prayer and fasting! Do you find fasting too difficult? Subscribe to our email daily devotional series, a teaching by Derek Prince on how to fast successfully or listen to an hour teaching on the same subject.
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God tells us that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Our authority is our greatest weapon and we must use it now more than ever. And proclaim that Jesus Christ is Ruler over all and He has defeated those forces and made a spectacle of them. We must remind the devil who is really in charge and not cringe in fear at his toothless taunts and activities. It is only when we believe them that he has power. Believers, rise up!
My own library experience from thirty years ago I was at a table in the library and a man sat down on the floor and pulled out his erect penis for me to see. I went to the librarian to complain and presumably have them call the police, but he told me, “Why call the police? He’s not hurting anybody.” I was in wordless shock and saw the man escape out the door. I later overheard the librarians talking about how much they hated the police, calling them Blue Meanies. I told the police what had happened and they were horrified because it was also a children’s library. I also told them what I had overheard about their attitudes. So there you have it: Beatles 1968 The Yellow Submarine somehow gets morphed into acceptance of sexual perverts. I pray, Lord, that you make us vigilant and able to combat the erosion of Your values. In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
My heart ❤️ breaks for the children of today! My children are grown but grandchildren are at risk of being brainwashed! How sad!! I pray God will come soon and take us home! Sin is invading our house! Our school! Our business! Even our church!!! Satan is alive and well! Be safe and alert!!!
Lord forgive us, your church for lacking discernment and letting this evil in and leaving the door open.It is time for us, to take our authority as Jesus gave us,”behold i give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions”This is doctrine of serpents and scorpions and i say to the church,”put your foot down Now, In jesus name!!and we must not allow this defilement of tomarrow’s leaders continue
Lord show us how to fight these subversive attacks. I pray for the parents of today’s children, for their protection and wisdom. Help those of us who are grandparents know how to help them.
Amen I agree with her children are to brought up in the way and when they get old they won’t depart! This is good to for more prayer time is winding up!
Children’s books are being written to encourage children to accept and embrace homosexuality and gender choice. They are displayed in our libraries and teachers are encouraged to read them in our schools. My grand daughter confronted the librarian at a local public library about the diversity display. The librarian defended it with the explanation of wanting all diversities to be accepted. My grand daughter made the point, about sexual perversion, and said she could no longer bring her child there. but, it will be prayer that will set the stage for this stronghold to be removed.
Lord, we ask your protection over the minds and hearts of our children. Give us the courage to speak up and make a stand. Lord, we ask you defund and dismantle the ACLU which funds these cases to promote sexual perversion and take away parental authority and rights. In Jesus Name.