With Halloween just around the corner, and spells being cast over President Trump in the midst of political chaos, we are reminded again of the increased darkness hovering over this nation. Witches are openly cursing leaders on city sidewalks and boldly declaring their intentions to do harm to those they disagree with. The rise of deception, godlessness, and rebellion against authority is openly seen on a daily basis. There is no longer a question as to the severity of our condition or the need for a supernatural move of God. The question many believers face is how to pray. We realize this battle is not just a problem to be fixed, but a condition that must be changed.
What do we do in the face of increased lawlessness and prevalent evil? Is the practice of “binding and loosing” enough to stop things? Do we simply “take authority” over the darkness and rebuke it, expecting it to leave?
Intercessors have been doing spiritual warfare for years. There has always been great passion and conviction in the prayers for our land. Declaring the Word and decreeing God’s promises have become normal weapons of warfare. For years, prophets have made decrees and declarations over regions in hopes of seeing change. Prophetic acts have been initiated by intercessors on city streets, mountain-tops, and in back alleys in response to the Spirit’s prompting. Though all these tools of intercession have had their place, the methods we have been using seem to be having limited effect. Just like shooting vultures will have little effect without removing the dead flesh on the ground, so our prayers will have little effect without addressing the ground-level mindsets and ungodly beliefs of the people on the land. Until we change the way people are thinking and believing, darkness will continue to hover overhead. Until we address the lies and break the spell of deception, the vultures will continue to circle.
In the book of Acts, there are numerous examples that illustrate how the apostles dealt with city-wide strongholds and witchcraft. They never rebuked a principality or staged a demonstration against the city officials. Their methods were always the same: preach and teach the good news in order to change the way the people think (Acts 4:29-30, 5:40-42, 14:1, 17:16-17). They knew that if public opinion changed towards the truth of the gospel and the fear of the Lord, the corporate stronghold of witchcraft, rebellion, and deception would lose its hold and the demonic stronghold broken.
One story demonstrates this principle very clearly. This is the account of Philip going to Samaria where Simon, a sorcerer, had put the entire city under his spell:
Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great, and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, “This man is the divine power known as the Great Power.” They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic. But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. Simon himself believed and was baptized. And he followed Philip everywhere, astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw (Acts 8:9-13, NIV).
Simon was a false prophet producing counterfeit signs and wonders. As a result, the entire city came into deception. However, there is no indication that Philip rebuked a principality or led a campaign against Simon. Instead, he preached the good news of Jesus Christ to the masses. He spoke directly to the people in order to change their minds. Because the people believed and their hearts turned toward the Lord, the spirit of witchcraft was broken and Simon, himself, was able to receive the truth of the gospel. This is a powerful example of public opinion changing, thus dis-empowering and displacing the enemy’s influence. Instead of just sweeping the house clean of demonic intrusion, the apostles taught the people how to fill their hearts and minds with lasting truth that attracted heaven instead of hell.
Corporate strongholds exist because of corporate mindsets (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). When mindsets are changed and the truth is revealed, the enemy’s hold is broken. The power and authority of preaching and teaching the good news of Jesus, followed by signs and wonders, was the standard practice of the early disciples. It repeatedly brought results, not only in personal lives, but in shifting an entire city and region towards the Lord.
Let us consider this strategy in our prayers and intercession as we face open displays of witchcraft and rising opposition to the realities of God’s kingdom. Let us not settle for simply chasing away the demons. Rather, let us consider how people can be brought into the truth of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit that radically and eternally changes lives, cities, and regions. It’s time to do the work of the evangelist and speak openly of God’s truth with the expectation heaven will back it up with a demonstration of power.
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes (Romans 1:16, NIV).
Let’s pray for boldness in declaring the truth. Let’s pray for the eyes of the blind to be opened to the gospel. Let’s pray for favor in public speaking and pray for those whom the Lord is raising up to evangelize and bring healing to lost souls. Let’s look for opportunities to share our own testimony and step out in faith.
The displacement of lies with the truth is the most powerful strategy in defeating corporate strongholds, overcoming witchcraft, and maintaining long-term freedom. The entire atmosphere of a city can shift and the power of the kingdom displayed when believers speak truth, light, and life.
“And the crowds with one accord paid attention to what was being said by Philip when they heard him and saw the signs that he did…So there was much joy in that city” (Acts 8:6,8, ESV).
CLICK HERE for a free Prayer Guide: Praying Spiritual Protection Over Cities
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Heavenly Father, Thank you for removing the works of the enemy out of my city(Ironton). Wizardfest, haunted houses, trick or treat and all covens or pacts with satan have to leave in Jesus name. Let those who purposely get ready for these events to bring curses and darkness be removed in the name of Jesus. The event organized against our President Donald John Trump May it fall to the ground and the enemies be scattered. All of this asked in the name above all names Jesus. Amen!
Father, I agree with the article and continue to pray daily for the thoughts and beliefs of the people to change. I thank you Lord for hearing and answering these prayers. Amen
By the Resurrection Power of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead,that same Holy Spirit thwart the plans of the enemy according to Psalm 140 and Psalm 91,for protection and through the blood of Jesus Christ the Living Messiah, the precious Son of the Living God, and give our President Trump and his family Shalom ,Peace and Protection and my family
and all families who pray in Jesus Name AMEN,XXXOOO
Lord revive the Church of Christ to go out into all America and across the globe to share your Word. May we all have one mind in Christ to do outreach to those who are in darkness with the truth. Send out your Spirit to open their eyes to the lies of the enemy against their souls. Father God reveal your truth and save and reveals to them salvation through your Son Jesus Christ.
You quoted Acts 4: 29 -30. Verse 30 speaks to the “signs and wonders”. then note in v. 31 that they were all (not some) filled with the Holy Ghost!! Important. Verses 29-30 was actually PART OF A PRAYER!! THEY WERE FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST! VERY IMPORTANT. Now proceed to verse 32, “they had all things common”. TREMENDOUS. There was real LOVE, COMPASSION, AND SHARING. Those are virtues sorely lacking in the American church, where there is tremendous immorality in the form of porn, selfishness, covetousness (idolatry, Col. 3:5), and greed. How can the power of God flow through that. There must be HUMILITY, and HOLINESS, then FERVENT PRAYER, the INFILLING OF THE HOLY GHOST, power from on high, and then we can be vessels for the Lord. The early church had the right attributes, attitude, and heart. Today’s church needs it.
“Greater is He that is in you (who believe in Jesus) than he that is in the world.” Thank you, Lord for this reminder. One day “Every knee will bow.”
Lord I pray simply that those who call on your name will see the lies of the deceiver, unmask the devil disguised as an angel of light, and reveal the truth that light and darkness cannot blend together in compromise. Unchain those who are carrying around the dead carcass of blasphemy and set free the minds of the captive prisoners of deception. Heal those who have been used and abused by the enemy and let them grow up to maturity in the mind of Christ. amen
Amen. What a beautiful prayer. Thank you.
Give no room to the devil.
Go through your home and ask Holy Spirit to point out to you anything that is occultic in nature be it jewelry, a book, a video, a game, an ornament, a toy. So much is occultic these days.
We all need to get rid of anything at all that is occultic which gives the wicked one access to your home. Also, repent of reading horoscopes.
Then pray.
Holy Spirit uphold your Word that you have called us to be royal ambassadors for you and your Word says in 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” and we declare this over those who oppose you that they would see the light of your presence and that no weapon formed against us that know Him shall prosper. amen and amen
Prayed this prayet
Amen Wannda. The Truth spoken in love is a powerful tool to turn people away from the darkness. Just yesterday my cousin came over to visit me. He is a die hard liberal who believes all of the media’s lies. We pretty much differ on almost every subject. We talked for about an hour and I simply focused on the truth. Instead of debating issues or even people, I focused on my faith and asked questions. We actually agreed that a divide exists tearing our country apart. He listened as I talked about deception and the difference between God’s way and satans way. I told him that the current division and strife we see everyday is due to lies. Lies have caused people to call evil good and good evil. I explained that is how the enemy works. We talked about Nazi Germany and how propaganda (lies) were spread to set up the Jews to be inferior and how that led to death camps. It was actually a civil conversation. A few times he got agitated as my words challenged his beliefs, but mostly I discussed my current walk with God. I shared about IFA and that people from all over the world are praying for the US. That led to a discussion of the Bible and of how it’s viewed as the living Word and how King David was in a similar situation as now where everyone was out to get him and deception and confusion were rampant. I encourage everyone to step out according to the faith you have. Draw on your own experiences and share what God has shown you to others.
Thank You, Jesus that You shed Your Blood that covers all our sins. Please cleanse us from all iniquities with the Baptism of fire all generations back and forward for eternity of witchcraft so Satan has no foothold in our life. Cleanse our thoughts, words, deed, and actions, even the intents of the thoughts of our hearts. We repent for the sins of our fathers and forefathers, and we pray for and intercede by utterance of the Holy Spirit for those that are in captivity, and the works of the devil are destroyed by the Light of Your coming, Lord. Not by power, nor by might, but by Your Spirit.
Agree wholeheartedly with the essay, but I also think decrees are useful and important. As bad as the culture seems at times, how much worse would be if we did not use the entire arsenal of spiritual weaponry?
Praise – prayer – preach – proclaim -power!
As I was praying recently for the pastors and local leaders, as per Ephesians 6:10-20, when I got to the part where Paul requests prayer –
“19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.”
I had a sense of multiple hands attempting to cover my mouth in an attempt to silence the going forth of the Good News. I would also encourage us to be praying for our local pastors, leaders, and evangelists, such as Franklin & Will Graham, their associate Robert Cunville in India, Luis Palau ministries, Nick Vujicic, and those speaking in challenging areas, that they would be granted divine utterance, to bring to life Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for us(1Cor. 2:1-4).
Father Your Creation is good but our enemy constantly works to upset Your plans. Make us ALERT to see and know how to pray with precision Your heart through Jesus Christ our great intercessor with You.
He created the enemy. He created everything. He created every evil thing. He INVENTED every evil thing. Every evil things IS HIS CREATION.
Father, we thank you for Jesus’ admonition to BLESS those who curse us. We bless these dear souls with Your kindness that leads to repentance, with revelation knowledge, tender hearts and Truth that sets free. Open their eyes to see that You alone can make a way of escape. Awaken the faith You gave them to respond in Love to the circumstances they’re in. In Jesus’ holy name we pray.
Yes, coming in agreement Wanda, our mom minds must be fixed in n truth!
We must proclaim He is Mightier, Our Stronghold! Out Delivier!!
Speaking truth, light, and life into our cities, state and nation. Proclaiming the day of our Lord!
I remember a couple years ago while driving home, a very violent storm came up quickly out of nowhere it seemed. When I arrived on Halsema, down the embankment of the interstate stood a group of about ten people, all dressed in black except one, the leader (standing in front of group) was in all white. Their cars parked on the side of the road appeared to be left running with headlights on. I immediately begin processing my thoughts on just what was going on. I never had seen anything like this. This group of people standing in this storm with no umbrellas I might add, doing what? I was asking myself. It just didn’t make sense! I had passed my sister driving in the opposite direction and she saw the cars but was in the other lane so didn’t see the group. Once I realized what had to be occurring, I begin praying and taking authority over this event. I have been praying for our city, state and country with this regard ever since. We have a real enemy! Satan is real and he has his followers doing his bidding! It’s time the children of God awaken from their stooper and begin fighting back against these evil ones. Eph. 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” PRAY FOR OUR CITY, STATE, NATION AND OUR LEADERS…
Thank you for this! I have always said this (although I do bind demons and stand against spirits of darkness) – but this is the most important thing we can do – preach the gospel. Be bold. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:2 – “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
Great article to emphasize the need to reach the people of the city and region with the gospel. All the saints should read it. We need both spiritual warfare and even more Saints engaged in it and evangelism and more Saints engaged in it. God bless you for raising the call and rallying the troops.
Father we pray for the cleansing of Your church across this nation. Forgive us for being on lookers. We now choose to be engaged in Your word, preaching the gospel and making disciples a cross this Nation. We stand for truth, Your word and apply it to our lives. Father give us wisdom and Your love in our hearts to carry out our calling in You in Jesus name amen.