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Excerpts taken from The Elijah List article by Andy Sanders, ā€œOvercoming Political Chaos! The Spiritual Weapon of Warfare.

It is crystal clear that we, as Christians, must hold up our government leaders more than ever before. There is an all-out attack on anything that has Christian values attached to it once it goes near the American political arena. Pray! Pray! Pray!

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.Ā (Romans 13:1Ā NIV)

I am not a historian or a politicianā€”in fact, I am probably the last person in my circles to watch the news or get wind of what just happened at the White House today. But something else that is becoming obvious is that I believe ChristiansĀ cannot separate the very foundation of how we live by God’s holy Word and how we govern our lives and country through politics.

When we as Christians attempt to separate our governing state/country from our church life, it won’t work. The Church should be the driving influence into the government of our land. In other words, if you separate your Christian views from the way you engage in governmental authority, you are operating at half capacity (For an example of this, see the Johnson Amendment of 1954).Ā The government cannot keep Christians quiet concerning politics.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, there is no way to separate your Christian conviction from your political views; they both are a major part of a Christian’s way of life. I am not saying that you have to be active in political events all the time, rather be prayerful all the time for those who govern over us. How?

Be Prayerfully Proactive

  1. Pray for godly guidance over those who are in office: For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.Ā (Proverbs 11:14NIV)
  2. Pray for those in office REGARDLESS of what they stand for. Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of Believers, fear God, honor the emperor.(1 Peter 2:17NIV)

There are some key breakthroughs coming soon to governmental authorities, and Christians need to operate in a level of spiritual warfare unlike what we have been used to in the past. There are distinct advances in the political realm that we must pray into right now. Here are also two breakthroughs that the Lord gave on a recent morning in prayer:

  1. Supernatural Experiences: As prayer warriors in the Kingdom, let’s believe for divine dreams and God encounters over our governing leaders. Now is the time to decree that some of these encounters will happen in such a powerful way that they will both persuade the lifestyles of our government leaders and their political votes.

While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat, his wife sent him this message: ‘Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.’ (Matthew 27:19 NIV)Ā  God did it then, and He can do it now. All we need is one dream getting through to the right person for the course of American history to change!

  1. The Tide Will Turn: Whatever evil plan is thrown at God’s governing leaders, the plan will be turned back against the one who tossed it. Intentional and well-planned by the enemy, some of the events that have recently happened and are about to unfold will be a big mistake for some of those who were behind the whole ordeal.

The Tide Will Turn as We Pray!

In the case of Egypt and the children of Israel who were in bondage there, Pharaoh pressed way beyond his boundaries. As his pride and arrogance continued to rise as high as the skies would allow, he had no intention to ever turn back to offer any form of honorable departure for the Israelites. Even after all of the divine encounters from God and all of the devastation that remained, his stubborn, relentless nature kept on pursuing.

All along, it was one big trap set-up by God, as the same waters that offered protection for the Israelites offered death to Pharaoh and his followers. God has already set in place opportunities for the political tides to turn. I am in no way saying that God wants to drown and kill out those who are causing trouble in our capital.Ā I am saying that the tide is going to turn on some extremely key battles this year.

This war isn’t about fighting a specific political party. The evil that you are seeing displayed has been going on way before our time. You are a Christian and your Bible-based conviction should be far greater than a political movement. Remember that as God’s child, you carry spiritual authority in the political realms.

In addition to these two breakthroughs, I believe (for those who can) that we must set aside time each day and each week through the rest of this year specifically to pray for our leaders as you are lead of the Lord. By praying, I am not talking about a short little prayer, but some will be called to deep intercession over our governmental leaders.Ā Spiritual warfare will play a key factor in the outcomes of this political season…andĀ we win when we are on our knees!

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October 24, 2018

Praying Isaiah 54:17 for those in authority..
No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. In Jesus powerful name amen!

Donna L
October 11, 2018

Indeed Andy, I find myself praying more and more. I have begun to pray for President Putin of Russia as well as China’s leader Xi. The scripture does tell us to pray for kings, plural, which I somehow had not zeroed in on until now. Their actions and decisions affect our nation also.

Charlotte Hubbard
October 10, 2018

Thank you for encouragement to be faithful in prayer for our nation; our government leaders. Praying for the voice of justice to speak and overcome the darkness.

October 10, 2018

Thank you. Such encouragement to hold on to as we travail in prayer for our leaders and nation.

Denise Adair
October 9, 2018

Thank you for this biblical insight. The prayers of the faithful are heard by our God.

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