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Heavenly Father, we thank you for keeping protection over the March for Life event. "Children are a gift from the Lord: they are a reward from him." Psalm 127:3
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The 2022 March for Life was, in the words of organization president Jeanne Mancini, “one of the most energetic marches” they’ve ever had in their 49 years of existence. This year’s march took place Friday, amid freezing temperatures, Washington, D.C.’s draconian vaccine mandates causing problems for many attendees, and a mainstream media doing very little to cover the huge event … as always.

Still, the 2022 March for Life was a stunning and life-changing experience for those of us who made the trip.

150,000 Energized by the Hope of Roe Being Overturned

Part of this year’s unbounded energy came from the absence of a full march in 2021. COVID forced organizers to change last year’s event to a virtual gathering with only 50 prominent Pro-life leaders marching alone down the street in the face of the new pro-abortion administration.

But much of the collective energy came from the very real hope that the pro-life movement feels in this moment. This hope that Roe v Wade‘s day of reckoning is near caused more and more people to rush to Washington DC to make their voices heard at this crucial moment…

It was an extremely cold day.  Just the 20’s. But still, thousands stood for hours bundled up in thick coats, before marching to the Supreme Court to show their support for reversing Roe v. Wade. The participants reaffirmed their commitment to protecting LIFE whether it was on the federal level or state level. Spirits were high as many activists and leaders expect the High Court this summer to return a favorable decision on Dobbs. vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization reversing Roe.

This decision — if it does come down our way — would not outlaw abortion. It will return the matter to the states where it belongs. Right now, states across the union are passing “trigger” laws to save the unborn in anticipation of this monumental moment — should it come.

“We are hoping and praying that this year, 2022, will bring us historic change for life,” March for Life president Jeanne Mancini said from the stage. Roe is not settled law…”

Emily Shaw also brought down the house. Emily’s a 37-year-old woman with Down Syndrome whose parents chose life after finding out that she had the dreaded extra chromosome 21. As she told her story of being a very productive adult citizen — working a retail job, hanging out with her friends, working in the pro-life movement in Indiana, and even her enjoyment of her book club — the crowd responded with tears, cheers and the chanting of her name.

Kirk Cameron, actor and a producer of the next Kendrick Brother’s movie Life Mark, told his personal connection with the life issue: his wife being adopted and their four adopted children. The former Growing Pains actor emphasized the importance of the church stepping up and taking on the call for adoption to meet the growing needs in our nation.

Lisa Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame told her tear-filled story of the three lies told her by the abortion industry when she ended a pregnancy as a young woman. The lies: that the baby in her belly was just a bunch of cells, that her body would recover quickly, and that she would soon forget the memory of the day she had the abortion. These lies convinced her to take the convenient route and silence the voice of her child in the womb…

2022 is the pro-life year!

When Roe is overturned in 2022 — as we pray it will be — our work will not be over. It is only just beginning…

Thank God for this convergence point — for all of us in this fight to remember that we are not alone — that we are many and growing every day.

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(Excerpt from The Stream. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Jessica Renshaw
January 29, 2022

Although living in Long Beach, CA kept us from participating in the March for Life in person, we were thrilled at the turn-out in D.C. on January 21. I posted the video of the March on Facebook and my blog. Praise God for the leadership of Jeanne Mancini and for the 150,000 energized marchers, particularly Students for Life of America, who tirelessly work for Life, calling themselves “the Pro-Life Generation” and more recently the first “Post-Roe Generation.”

BUT, if Roe v. Wade is indeed overturned, it is ultimately no victory to merely turn one federal fight into 50 state fights. That is the situation we had before Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton declared open season on the unborn through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason, making back-alley abortionists legal (and wealthy). Pro-and con- forces were fiercely contentious, bickering over points and lines of viability and when life begins. It was chaos.. Worst of all, it saved only SOME of the unborn, not ALL of them.

We must lay Roe to rest permanently and decisively. I explain this in two articles IFA published: 1) DOBBS: THE ELEPHANT IN THE COURTROOM (Dec. 9, 2021) which scientifically proves the Constitutional personhood of the unborn from the visible flash at impregnation and 2) EVEN IF ROE IS OVERTURNED, IT’S NOT ENOUGH (Jan. 4, 2022 ) which points out that, based on that personhood from conception, the lives of the unborn are protected by our Constitution throughout pregnancy.

Roe must not just be reversed but killed, have a stake driven through its heart. As slavery was declared intrinsically WRONG and effectively NULLIFIED in Brown v. Board of Education, so Roe v. Wade and Roe v. Bolton must be rendered ineligible to be used as precedents for any abortion cases ever. Period.

That is what we should be praying for.

This should not be our goal. It is not the right of any individual or groups of individuals–judges, state legislators, lawyers, doctors, parents–to make these life or death decisions.

C and C Nelson
January 28, 2022

Lord thank you for every person who was able to attend in DC. Thank you for everyone that prayed throughput this nation and the world for that gathering. Allow the size of the crowd and the testimonies of each individual speaking and attending to be burned into the conscience of each supreme court justice. Let the testimony of the truth of your creation in the womb be the guiding factor for each justice to rightfully rid our nation of the wrongful federal decision (lie) of Roe vs. Wade. Let that power to decide be returned to the states. Forgive us Lord for not fiercely fighting with all our being against abortion… both personally and collectively since 1973. We ask mercy upon this nation and for your divine help to rid our nation of this sin. Amen.


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