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October 21, 2022

Where is the boldness where is the courage where is the lion of Judah where is your trust who are we allowing to control us God is the only one that should be directing our paths we need to stay off TV we need to stop giving the devil so much leeway stop pushing the Gates of Hell back with a belong and then some in rise up rise up Church rise up Christians rise up Warriors rise up stop allowing this to keep happening because they’re having a ball this should make you more Angry than anything else stop with the spirit of timidity God does not give us that why do you think there’s so much going on in the world because we’re not doing our job as a church and we’re the first ones that need to show the world who’s in charge who’s we are and Who We Are if we continue to watch this evilness on TV we are going to become that I refuse to keep my eyes on a world that God is going to destroy this is a new one coming get ready

October 21, 2022

Everyone that loves God with all your heart turn your eyes off of the world and put your eyes on Jesus he is the only one now

Carol A.
October 21, 2022

I saw some of the commentators on MSNBC. What they said is both scary and dangerous. We want to all live together, as the song says, Red and Yellow, Black and White. We are all precious in God’s sight. Jesus please help us to love one another, as you love. Amen!


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