I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, have mercy on us and our nation. We long for revival, where whether legal or not, people won't use drugs because they are living for You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Tuesday night we were left with many questions, but one winner was clear: marijuana. Actually, more than marijuana… drugs.

Voters in 4 states — New Jersey, Arizona, Montana, and South Dakota — legalized recreational cannabis through ballot initiatives. In addition, Mississippi voters gave the green light to marijuana used for medicinal purposes.

Does that surprise you? Well, hold on. There’s more.

Oregon and Washington, D.C., voters approved psychedelic mushrooms. And Oregonians went further. Nearly 59 percent of them (74 percent in Portland’s Multnomah County) made their state the first in the U.S. to decriminalize possession of hard drugs like cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines!

It seems we’ve come a long way from the War on Drugs. In fact, as one whose elementary school class participated in an early version of the police-facilitated DARE program, it is shocking to me how quickly we appear to be flying from resisting drugs altogether.

Apparently, marijuana is a gateway drug in more ways than one.

And let’s not forget that marijuana is risky all by itself. At least that’s what the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) emphasizes that despite the growing perception that the drug is not harmful, “there are real risks for people who use marijuana, especially youth and young adults, and women who are pregnant or nursing.” Some of those risks are brain health, links to depression and anxiety, relational stress, and hampered athletic, educational, and career performance.

SAMHSA indicates that marijuana doses are more potent than they once were, and individuals can get addicted. In fact, 1 in 10 do. For minors the addiction rate is worse: 1 in 6.

Yet 34 states permit “medical marijuana,” and 15, as well as our nation’s capital, now allow marijuana for recreational use. That jump to 15 has happened in just 8 years!

Living in Colorado, the first state to open up to commercial sales of recreational marijuana, Focus on the Family president Jim Daly has a unique perspective on this saga. He highlights the health dangers and societal failures stemming from that legalization, but he also zeroes in on moral issues as marijuana’s biggest problem.

In a 2014 blog post, Daly stated, “The Bible is very clear in warning against drunkenness (Ephesians 5:18)…. Isn’t ‘intoxication’ the main point of using marijuana for recreational purposes?”

Sadly, the pressure to open the doors further is not likely to lessen any time soon. After all, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif), who could soon become Vice President-elect Harris, has made marijuana legalization one of her pet projects.

That was not always the case. While District Attorney for San Francisco, Harris cultivated a reputation for being tough on drugs, including marijuana.

Her tune changed, however, as she positioned herself for her White House run. Senator Harris joined House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in sponsoring the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, which her office boasted was  “one of the most comprehensive marijuana reform bills ever introduced in the U.S. Congress.”

Harris herself said, “Times have changed — marijuana should not be a crime.” She sees the drug as a “growing industry” to be harnessed and regulated, and she wants to “expunge marijuana convictions from the records of millions of Americans so they can get on with their lives.”

As you may remember from the Vice Presidential debate, Harris re-affirmed those sentiments loud and clear. “We will decriminalize marijuana,” she declared.

Even as we hear about the rise of drug addiction and metal health crises during the coronavirus pandemic, more and more of our nation appears to be succumbing to the haze of marijuana — and now softening on even harder drugs. This is a dangerous trend. Will you pray for America today?

Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.’s public policy arena. He reflects on faith, technology, and the public square at FTPolicy.com  (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. (1 Peter 1:13)

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November 8, 2020

I know a young man in his 30s now that smoked so much marijuana during a weekend that he had a psychotic break from reality and was put in the mental ward totally out of his mind. A blood test revealed ONLY marijuana in his system. A pastor prayed for him and commanded that devil to leave his mind and he was mostly restored, however he got out of the hospital and continued to smoke marijuana. His entire personality is different. He became argumentative and very angry about everything whereas his personality before was that of kind gentleness. Satan is behind this as with so many things that the left does these days. Anyone voting for the democratic party today would need to repent for supporting such evil wickedness. FATHER GOD please send laborers to the democratic party leadership to tell them of JESUS. Let them repent of denying JESUS and to receive both JESUS and forgiveness in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!

    Barbara Hesch
    November 12, 2020

    Suzie, upon reading your comment, I just want to say that a co-worker of mine who’s husband had to be admitted to the hospital for a very severe case of depression, has admitted to me that he smokes marijuana. He has always battled depression, and uses it to help, but it just made things much worse.

Terri Jo Bassett
November 8, 2020

The left finally will have their way, they have opened the door in our GREAT REPUBLIC for socialism and then communism. KAMALA HARRIS is the VP Elect – then onto the White House. Legalizing marijuana, mushrooms, heroin
is her next step. I am very saddened about our country. Very Sad COME QUICKLY FATHER GOD

November 7, 2020

Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19
The Greek word for Sorcery here is “pharmakeia“ where we get our English word “pharmacy”. The word in Greek means ‘witchcraft, sorcery, magic, using spells and potions of magic. Our land is under the spell of Jezebel and witchcraft. LORD, the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Lord of the harvest, please send forth laborers! Give us giant combines to reap the harvest of souls. Break the spells of witchcraft over America. Just like witches in Ancient Greece used drugs to invoke their spells, the same is being done here. Lord, have mercy! Break the spells cast over our beloved land and set millions of people free. Replace those under the spell of drugs with the filling of your Spirit. May many be set free in mass crusades! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Barbara Hesch
November 7, 2020

And the looser is…our youth! But then again, that’s who Hitler had his eyes on.

Shannon Seyler
November 7, 2020

Jesus, we cry out to you with one voice, pleas deliver our land from the Enemy and his schemes and plans. It says in your Word God that many are the plans in a man’s heart but only your Plan will prevail. We claim that promise now! Thank you Father! We plead the Blood of your Son upon our Nation, upon every citizen and person living within our borders. We know your Blood speaks a Better Word, Jesus than the blood of any other. We ask that you would come and HEAL us. We know judgment begins in your house, so come and clean up your church! Purify your Bride! Separate the chaff from the wheat! Let those who are for you be for you and those who are against you, go! We can not straddle the fence! Make us choose – you or ourselves. You or this world. you or the enemy. We cannot serve two Masters! Thank you Jesus for what you are doing and have already done and for what you are getting ready to do! We love you Lord! Come and make us more like You!

In your Holy Name I pray!

November 7, 2020

Heavenly Father,

Send now help from your holy place. Forgive us our trepasses and lead us not into the temptation of drugs and alcohol that destroy our families, cities, and our country. Have mercy father protect our innocent from the drugs that kill. Protect us while we are on the highways, in our schools, the office, our homes, and our churches. Deliver the righteous and the innocent from the accidents that come from casual drug and alcohol use.

In Jesus Name I pray

November 7, 2020

God sent me to Psalm 33
This verse stood out for some reason.
Do what only You can do Holy God.
10The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.

Stella (TX)
November 7, 2020

search video, good word:
Socialism: The Real History, From Plato to the Preset – YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch
Video for youtube jack hibbs 1:13:04
William J. Federer, a God-fearing historian, and renowned author guides us through history identifying key …
6 days ago · Uploaded by Real Life with Jack Hibbs

Revelation 22:10Then he told me, “Do not seal up the words of prophecy in this book, because the time is near. 11Let the unrighteous continue to be unrighteous, and the vile continue to be vile; let the righteous continue to practice righteousness, and the holy continue to be holy. 12“Behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to what he has done.…

Sandra Shumate
November 7, 2020

To say that marijuana should not be legal for medicinal use due to side effects then every prescription drug should also be looked at and made illegal for side effects. The side effects of many prescription drugs are just as bad if not worse that the sickness or disease they are suppose to be treating. The vast majority of prescription due not cure anything but treat symptoms only. So not only does a person who takes a prescription drug get to keep the original illness they have the potential to get another one too. Some prescription drugs have a side effect of death. I don’t think marijuana will cause death. There is an opioid crisis in our country and nothing is really being done to combat that. Opioids have cause many people to take their own life. Yes, I am all for medicinal marijuana if those who use it are helped by it; some people are helped by it and others are not.

    November 8, 2020

    We are talking about marijuana that still has the THC that makes one high. The medicinal marijuana w/o THC works no better than over the counter pain relievers. Help us FATHER GOD to “lay hands on the sick” and watch them recover so there will not be a market for drugs of any kind in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Increase our faith in the Name of JESUS! Amen!

      Sandra Shumate
      November 9, 2020

      I realize it’s marijuana with the THC, but I’m talking about the side effects being used as a reason for not legalizing it for medical use when prescription drugs have side effects that are worse that those of marijuana. Also consider the prescription narcotics that are given to many people that don’t help with pain. Over 20 years ago I was given a prescription for Percaset (spelled wrong) for pain. It did not relieve the pain at all and drugged me so much that I woke up in the middle of the night on the bathroom floor and I don’t remember getting up to go to the bathroom. I’ll take my chances with marijuana before I take another prescription narcotic.

      Many people have been helped by medical marijuana. This is a link to the first “episode” of an Internet video series about medical marijuana:


      It’s worth taking the time to watch.

November 7, 2020

Remember, the wide spread and legal use of opium in China preceded the Communist Revolution in that country. For addicts, the only issue eventually becomes access to the drug.

Karen Secrest
November 7, 2020

If you live where pot is legal you know how frustrating it is to have your 10 year old come in and say, ” why does’t the apartment manager kick that woman out? Every morning she smokes pot and stinks up the hallway. Before she leaves. This is supposed to be a drug free zone.” Good question. We’ve reported it over and over. It’s frightening to think this stoner might be one you meet on the highway.
The big lie for pot to pass was all the tax money that would be available for schools Except they also made it possible to circumvent the tax by allowing you to grow your own so there is very little “tax” money going into the public coffers and lots going up someone ‘s nose.
Yesterday, i mentioned my concern over hard drugs getting the green light. This person’s answer, Oh that doesn’t mean it’s legal. They will have to do community service.
Can you hear that “tolerance”. This person believes there is Democratic Socialism as in slightly more tolerant Democracy, and doesn’t even hear when you say there is no such system Anywhere.
So I’m reminded of Mario Murillo, Pastor warning years ago, ” don’t be so open minded your brains fall out.” Has the the brain damage gone too far or can we truly trust the God of the Impossible to change the very course of that river of sludge before it overtakes?
Let us pray in one accord..

November 7, 2020

I bind the powers of intoxication in this country in the mighty NAME OF JESUS!! MAY THEY BE DENIED ACCESS TO cast their spell upon this Nation…
FATHER, teach us how to stand in resistance against any and all evil that has been loosed upon this land. We plead the Holy Blood of Jesus over this land from sea to sea over Every town city county parish and over every state…it is a heart matter MAKE THE SPIRITS IN AMERICA RESISTANT TO STRONG DRINK AND STRONG DRUGS…let not the dragon enter us by way of these drugs being loosed upon us…teach us resistance and deny these dragons an entry Way. Father, GIVE THIS COUNTRY A GREAT DOSE OF THE MOST HIGH AND BRING DOWN THESE counterfeits. OH OH OHHHHH LORD SEND YOUR SPIRIT OF THE JOY OF THE LORD TO FILL EVERY DARK KNOOK AND CRANNY…LET US BE FILLED WITH YOUR SPIRIT TO STAND IN RESISTANCE TO the enemy…he ‘s GOT TO FLEEEEEEEE 🗣🔥💨🔥 spirit of evil intoxication, your NTRANCE IS DENIED WE CLOSE THE BORDERS TO you BY THE AUTHORITY GIVEN TO US IN JESUS’ NAME WE ALSO BIND you and COMMAND even your residues GO‼️LEAVE EVERY FELLOW AMERICAN NOW!! Father, YOU HAVE GIVEN US THE SPIRIT OF POWER OF LOVE AND THE SPIRIT OF SOUND MINDEDNESS…SO BE IT NOW UPON AMERICA Thank You Dearest Father for hearing and for answering us when we call out to You. All Glory To You Alone!! \o/

November 7, 2020


Forgive us. We continue to fall deeper and deeper into our sin. We find any road that helps us forget who we are and the sins we have committed. We try to escape the emptiness of our lives and as the enemy extends his form of Hope, we fall deeper into the hands of despair. Lord, draw those to Yourself. Pour out Your loving kindness and grace. You alone can bring restoration to these broken lives. You alone can provide the living Hope of Jesus Christ that will restore and heal! Thank You for hearing our prayers and providing opportunities of change! Grants us eyes to see and ears to hear and the courage to embrace Your correction and transformation for our lives! In Jesus Name I pray

Carole Ann Neve
November 7, 2020

So this is what Kamala Harris says now huh? According to this article: Harris herself said, “Times have changed — marijuana should not be a crime.” What else will she change because it sounds like a plan? These are people’s lives that hurt other people’s lives by their desires and addictions. I pray for the deception to stop luring people in the various schemes and scams of the day and to vote appropriately.


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