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Help us be salve to the wounded, Lord! May we see those who need your forgiveness and let us show them your extravagant love for them!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Many people will be seeing UNPLANNED and may have their eyes opened, experience forgiveness for abortion, and perhaps even come to new faith in Christ. As we are perhaps timid to reach out to those we know to invite them to the movie, or church, keep in mind the Holy Spirit is at work in ways we often don’t know. A ‘no thanks’ in the past from a friend may become a hesitant “yes” to join you at the movie or in the pew. Many of these same women have carried shame, judgement, unworthiness and distance from God—some heaped on from the enemy, some dished our by pious churchgoers.

Church, we have a big opportunity in the wake of what could happen after so many are touched by Unplanned. We may see an influx of hurting men and women in our churches who are seeking the forgiveness and peace they saw Abby Johnson experience in the movie. Let’s be the living, accepting and redemption-oriented body that Christ modeled. As you see new faces in your church halls, make a point to smile and be welcoming. When you speak about abortion, remember there are multiple victims—the unborn, yes, but often a deceived and hurting mother as well. Let’s trade judgement for hope, recoil for warmth and shame for peace.

Here’s one woman’s experience of meeting and sharing with “Amelia,” a young woman who had “a past” that made her feel unworthy.  Not necessarily in response to the movie UNPLANNED, but similar circumstances. . .

From CareNet author Joane Wrenn with Mamie Edmonton:

“In order to get away from her family back home, Amelia had come to stay with Lauren, her friend and a member of my church, for 10 days. She had been living in an unhealthy environment that involved drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. Additionally, she was carrying the pain of a past abortion and two miscarriages (one was at 21 weeks). At the age of 12, Amelia was thrown out of her own church for something she did and developed a sense of unworthiness and rejection.

Amelia shared with Lauren that she was an atheist and had no time for church because of the treatment she received in the past. She viewed people in the church as controlling and mean. Because Amelia had been warned by others that she would be punished, judged, and condemned, Amelia felt she had no place to turn to heal from the pain of her abortion and miscarriages. Instead, she found comfort in drugs and alcohol.

Lauren was surprised Amelia accepted her invitation to come to church with her that day. Much to Amelia’s astonishment, she experienced a welcoming and loving spirit from those who greeted her. She later told Lauren that she was overwhelmed in a good way, and it was so different than anything she had ever experienced.

This was the first time Amelia heard about the work of pregnancy centers. . .  and churches embracing and discipling men and women in unplanned pregnancy situations. Amelia told Lauren that God did something inside her to help her open up. She had never discussed her abortion before because of the shame and guilt. The fact that in Christ, she was forgiven, set free, and was not going to be judged for her past was a welcome revelation to her.

I met Amelia in the foyer after church and she was excited about what she heard. She wanted more information, stating that she wished there was a pregnancy center near her. I did not know her backstory until two weeks later and I teared up as Lauren shared it. God knew Amelia would be there and gave me just the right words to touch her heart. It’s good to ask Him what to say or do and then step out in obedience!

Amelia has returned to her hometown and lives in her own apartment. After that miracle Sunday, she is calling herself a Christian again. She has also begun sharing her new found freedom and faith, and watching the Sunday sermons online. Meanwhile, Lauren is keeping in touch with her and researching resources close to her hometown so that Amelia can become a strong disciple of Jesus Christ.

I am praising God for His mercy and grace!”

While not every situation is as dramatic or drastic as Amelia’s, there are many men and women in our path carrying around that same heavy unworthiness and shame of a past abortion. Let’s offer the “unexpected” after UNPLANNED—redemption and grace!

If you have a personal story of redemption after abortion that you would like to share, leave a comment so others can be encouraged (and encourage you!)


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March 30, 2019

praise god i have 2 friends who are now in their 80*s and 72 who told me they had an abortion i knew it was hard for them to talk about it 1 said she had 1 because her husband did not want children i know that had to be hard because she would have made a great mother the other was young and more partying at the time both are loving people 1 now works with getting victims of human trafficking off the streets both are very loving women

March 30, 2019

This gives us reason to pray we remember that for many people Redemption and Grace is unexpected

March 30, 2019

I am grateful to those who have helped Amelia and help many others. I do want to see abortion clinics replaced by wellness centers for women and children. We have mission field medical help. Could we not have more help for Americans?

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