Appearing on NBC’s Today show on Monday, New York Times columnist James B. Stewart hawked his new book, Deep State, by hailing bureaucrats undermining the Trump administration as noble public servants “protecting the Constitution” and the American people from the President. He denounced any criticism of the “deep state” as “very dangerous.”
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“The disclosure of a second whistleblower with firsthand knowledge of President Trump’s phone call with the leader of Ukraine has led to new accusations by the President that the so-called ‘deep state’ is seeking to undermine his presidency,” co-host Savannah Guthrie declared as she introduced Stewart. She then asked her guest: “And his central allegation is that there are people inside these government agencies actively working against him. What did you find?”
Stewart admitted: “Well, you meet these characters in my book, and the fact is, in a sense, he’s right. There is a deep state…” However, the author quickly praised the clique of anti-Trump government officials: “…there is a bureaucracy in our country who has pledged to respect the Constitution, respect the rule of law.”
He specifically touted how ex-FBI Director James Comey “told me in my book, ‘Thank goodness for that,’ because they are protecting the Constitution and the people when individuals – we don’t have a monarch, we don’t have a dictator – they restrain them from crossing the boundaries of law.”
After Guthrie worried that “The ‘deep state’ is now a pejorative term,” Stewart reassured her: “What Trump calls the deep state in the United States is protecting the American people and protecting the Constitution. It’s a positive thing in this sense.”
Stewart predictably rushed to the defense of the fired FBI officials: “Well, it’s historically unprecedented and it’s very dangerous. The reason they’re being attacked is the Justice Department and the FBI are independent.” He further wailed: “And for them to be branded, as Trump has, as traitors, to alienate them, has struck terror into many of these people. Many of the people I have talked to, they’re terrified. They’ve been branded as traitors, the penalty for traitors is the death penalty.”
Of course if the media really thought labeling people treasonous was “dangerous,” reporters wouldn’t have constantly accused President Trump being a traitor.
Stewart continued to bemoan Trump’s deep state criticism:
He wrapped up the interview by pleading with 2020 voters: “But it’s something I hope the American people will take into consideration when they decide who to support. How important the rule of law is to this country and who is going to be able to restore the integrity of these institutions.”
Perhaps the best way to maintain the integrity of vital agencies like the FBI and CIA would be for anonymous members of those organizations to focus on protecting the nation rather than trying to undo the election of someone they disagree with politically.
(Excerpt from MRC Newsbusters. Article by Kyle Drennen.)
What do you think? Is the Deep State protecting the Constitution or harming us and our government? Leave a comment.
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I find it hilarious that a publication representing the Left-wing side of things, the ideology that routinely calls the national constitution outdated, white supremacist, etc., are suddenly concerned about threats to that document.
I also find it funny that a Left-wing pub, one that defends illegal transport across our borders, one that glosses over state-led violations of religious liberties, etc., is suddenly worried about the rule of law.
Again, hypocrites.
YOU MUST SEE the movie Agenda-Grinding America Down and Agenda 2- Masters of Deceit. Idaho Legislator Curtis Bowers excellently documents religiously the agenda against the USA and ultimately our God. (a demonic agenda- worked through the useful idiots of K. Marx and co.)
This is a must see and act
2 Chron. 7:14 before it is too late.
The American people have known the Deep State shadow government was spreading and spewing out their garbage even before President Trump got into the White House. Our secret documents were blatantly sent out to scores of people by Obama and his administration just before he left office to undermine the elected president. What in the world would make any American that has followed up on the news stories from both sides think that this shadow government is doing less of it now?! If it was made widely known, it would be said that this same confusion and lie spreading is a hallmark for the M.O. of the devil. Where there is envying and strife, there is confusion and every evil work. James 3:16 Father God, we ask You to reveal every lie and shout it on the housetops for all to see and hear, and only when You are ready, that this great country would go down and be overrun with the ungodly. That is not what You want for your people, and Psalm 91 gives us Your perspective of what You want to see done for Your people. In Jesus name amen
Bev. I agree with all these prayers! It is causing such an ache of depression when realizing all that is going on…but then I read Psalms 1: Oh, the joy of those who Do Not follow the advice of the wicked, or join in with the mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do! But NOT the wicked! They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have NO place among the godly. For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction. May God’s perfect will be done!
Father- The spin that keeps happening leaves my head spinning. Help us to not be weary in well doing. The way that people are twisting the truth and boldly lying is very frightening. It is how the propaganda machine worked in the days of Hitler- accusing the Jews of the behavior they were actually doing.How desperately we need truth to be openly stated. I cry out for some journalists who would no longer be willing to go along with the lies. Please help people in the mainstream media who still have a conscience to be awakened to their responsibility to take a stand even if it costs them something. Help them to stand and speak like Abby Johnson within the abortion industry.
In Isaiah it talks about truth being thrown to the ground. We see this happening in every area of reality today- the truth of only two genders, the truth about being made in the image of God, the truth about man having purpose and dignity, the truth about babies growing in the womb, the truth that sex is sacred for marriage and so much more. Help us to speak the truth in love. Help us to know the One who is Truth and to seek to live our lives connected to him and flowing out of His love and truth.
2 Chronicles 7:14
For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light
Luke:17 We declare everything is coming into the light!
The Deep State is very real and it does not serve the Constitution very well. The Deep State serves itself more than anything. Always remember that very little of this whole situation has been revealed. I have a unique perspective. I have lived and am living through illegal acts of the Deep State. They are not concerned about the Constitution or WE THE PEOPLE to any considerable extent. If the full story was told about IC corruption, most of the American people would be shocked. There are some very deep pockets of corruption and highly illegal activities within the IC. I can assure you – the Deep State is much more dangerous than President Trump. President Trump is the least corrupt President out of the previous three. He also tends to wear much more of his sins on his sleeve – rather than a behind the scenes corruption. Lord have mercy. Grace. We all need to pray for a massive WAKE-UP call in DC. May God receive all the honor and glory.
David: Thank you for your perspective on the Deep State—I agree with you, it was here even before President Trump was elected. I think President Obama has his hand in this and Hillary Clinton was to carry on this sinister way of leadership. I believe God is protecting our nation from falling into the hands of liberalism. President Trump is a tough man that seems to be able to resist this evil (we must always be praying for him) for if they pull him down they, the Deep State can continue in their plan. This nation was established on the freedom of man and God has a plan & our nation can be used in a great way for all of mankind. My prayer is the truth will be revealed and our government leadership will turn to God in prayer for repentance. God help us to go back to our roots in the establishment in how this country was established—let us not forget what we have fought for. “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land”. 2 Chron. 7:14
Jesus spoke to those religious leaders and people that opposed him:
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Gospel of John.
The enemy can only use lies to gain power because their is no truth for them to stand on. It’s a tactic used from the very beginning in the garden. But God has an answer for those that choose this path. Over and over His Word spells out their destruction when these evil ideologies gain traction and persecute the innocent. God hates this behavior and will rise up and expose it and bring Justice, when his people commit themselves to prayer and devotion to Him. And we are doing that, prayer warriors all over the world. Hallelujah.
I encourage everyone to keep praying against this insidious evil and trust that the Mighty One will move his Spirit over this target and free us of this tyranny.
Father, it has been a long road for many of us. Give us strength and encouragement to continue to engage in this battle for our country. We pray against the spirits of deception and perversion that have so twisted the truth to make good evil and evil good. We ask that you would expose the entire sham (hoax) and identify the top people leading this coup. May their crimes be exposed and understood for exactly what they are. Open the people’s eyes to see the Truth. I pray that aYou destroy the media that is perpetrating these lies and raise up journalists that will speak only the Truth. Change our entire media system that is in the enemies camp. Dismantle it, cut off its funding sources so it will wither and die.
I pray for the men and women on the front lines investigating these crimes and ask You to give them wisdom and discernment. Lead them to the ends of the earth if need be to gather the evidence to convict the perpetrators. Protect them from harm, give them resolve, and may they be fearless in their quest for truth.
I pray for the President and the team around him who are executing this plan to save our country.. Give them wisdom and agreement that their plan to allow the exposure of this awful corruption be accepted with minimal resistance to protect our country from unwanted chaos. Open their minds to consider all the fallout that may happen and come up with safe guards to protect the American people.
Lord we thank you for giving us a Fighting President who stands up against evil and faces it without fear. Thank you for calling us to use our talents that you have taught us to fight this enemy. May we demonstrate persistence, perseverance, and resolve until this “leviathan” is exposed, bound, and thrown back into the pit of hell where it came from.
Amen and Amen!
Amen, I stand in agreement!
We are up against the kingdoms of hell. In Hebrew the word “witchcraft” actually means “manipulation”. What is being practiced by the enemies of God and the President is witchcraft. Dear Father God in the name of the mighty Lord Jesus Christ, Come against the great principalities and the spirit of antichrist that have joined together in the physical and spiritual to fight against the USA and it’s President, its leadership, the Jews, and the Christians. One day your holy Word says that we will look at the Prince of Darkness and be shocked and perplexed that he led the leaders of the world astray because he is NOTHING compared to You, LORD GOD. Dear Father have mercy on our country. Here our prayers as we stand in the gap for those who have no strength to fight, have scales over their eyes, are afraid, or have no idea that death is surrounding our great nation founded on your wisdom Lord. Bring your mightiest warrior forth and smash the schemes of the enemy and open the eyes of the church to join in the fight with fervent prayer and fasting. God you are Mighty and there is NONE like you. You are righteous and true. You are the Maker of everything that exists. By your Word you created everything. With your Word you can smite the enemy. Protect the life of our President, his family, his body guards, his military, his government, his lawyers, his advisers, his friends, his staff, his supporters, and do the same for our Vice President. Also, I pray for our enemies that they turn on themselves and in so doing seek you for help and forgiveness. In the Lord Jesus Christ’s name, AMEN.
Amen Kelly Jones! That’s EXACTLY what it is. May more and more see GOD’S TRUTH and His LIGHT shining smack in the middle of that very dark and hidden place, shattering that darkness and scattering all that hide in that darkness. May more and more prayer warriors come forth at God’s own promptings and join us in praying in unison with their brothers and sisters, as we pray against this darkness and all that hide in it that are creating evil havoc. May more and more Americans wake up from their hypnotic-like trance-like “sleep” and “see” the evil and stand against it, in the name of Jesus. Father may it be so, in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.
Amen!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Lord God of heaven have mercy upon America. May the armies of heaven come to our rescue as we pray . Send forth a mighty battle array and bring down the works of the enemy . Your Word says You resist the proud but give more grace to the humble . Hear us as we cry out to You and answer . Help us as we fight the good fight and make us strong in You Lord and in the power of Your might .
This sounds like he’s taking a page from Saul Alinski’s book, Rules for Radicals (dedicated to Lucifer, the father of lies). Deep State is always accusing others of what they are doing themselves! Double-speak. Only those who love the Truth can discern the lies. Thank God we walk in the light of Truth and not in darkness. Lord, expose these lies and reveal Your Truth, even to those who would rather not see it.
Exactly right! AMEN! I pray for spiritual discernment for God’s people to see through the lies. President Trump was placed in the White House because of God’s Great MERCY upon His People who prayed! Christians who are against Trump are fighting against God! I believe there is no way a person who is truly loves Jesus Christ can vote for any democrat because of their platform which promotes abortion and other things God hates according to Proverbs 6. Their platform is anti-God and has no truth in it! The deep state is demonic. Wake up Church!
This Deep State book is classic disinformation and propaganda. The only people who are NOT denouncing the ‘deep state’ that exists are those who are complicit in it’s schemes to undermine our constitutional freedoms and even go so far as to falsely accuse innocent people. These are the premier tactics of totalitarian and fascist regimes. And those who are ignorant of these facts have scales over their eyes. They have been blinded to the truth. We live in chilling and sobering times where evil is called good and good called evil. However, our God warned us that these things would take place and we ought to seek Him and pursue His ways even more as darkness increase, His light will prevail.
Yes, and Amen!
This is going to confuse people even more than they are already confused. I pray the people don’t listen to this false narrative. If we look at everything our POTUS has done,we can’t help but know he loves America! Look at how the left cares nothing for America! They would rather waste time, effort, and tax dollars selling our country further down the river!
There are TWO constitutions: The original and rightful one drafted by our founding fathers, which is called the Constitution OF the United States and also one that was drafted in 1871 which is The Constitution FOR the United States. This second one came into being because the US needed a financial answer to the debts incurred by the Civil War. This was one set in place by those who bailed us out by using funds from the same East India Company group against which the Revolutionary Tea Party was demonstrating. This cadre of individuals became The Deep State and it is this second Corporation FOR the US that the Deep State defends. The very premise that The Deep State are good guys is bazaar. The good news is that we are now emerging out from under this Deep State Corporation/Constitution FOR the Us and their financial controls and going back to the original Constitution OF the US.
The sad fact is that if you tell untruth enough as the media and the liberals have it becomes truth to all who Hear and want to believe it. The weapons of our warfare are mighty in God for the tearing down of strongholds, and I believe we face the Principality of Jezabel that attacks with intimidation and fear through lies and falsehoods. May the Church wake up and cover our President and our nation with strong prayer for we are in a battle, ” keep your eyes on Jesus, who but for the joy set before Him endured the cross that we would not grow weary and loss heart.” Let’s bombard the heavens with a roar of prayer that is fervent and effectual, trusting He hears our cries and will answer. Uphold the whole administration and his family and remember God wants us to pray also for our enemies and may all gory be His.
Deep state are unelected bureaucrats arrogantly thinking themselves to be rightful rulers over the rest of us and having no accountability to the people. The impeachment scheme is an attempted coup based on a fictitious narrative that has no basis in fact. All departments of the US government are by the Constitution designed to be arms of the Executive (i.e., the President) and subject to him, not independent institutions!
The deep state are CFR members and are traitors to our Republic and have been around for decades – as president Trump exposes them they become dangerous as they are being cornered they use the rules for radicals tactic of accusing him of their own crimes – they are running scared as the documents about to be unveiled will expose their evil deeds and treasonous behaviors – pray for President Trump and his team of patriots as they are the last defense against the globalist cabal poised to step in should their coup succeed – we will see the collapse of our country and insertion of a dictator leading the efforts of a New World Order spoken of first by Bush – the enemy is within the gates and in both parties
👏🏻🎉🙋🏼♀️Amen! Well said!
The corruption within the ‘deep state’ is deplorable! In no way does this nest of vipers intend to uphold the Constitution of the United States! My belief is that the intention is the opposite – to tear down and ultimately destroy our Constitution. We pray that God Almighty will expose this deception and justice will once again come forth, in the strong Name of Jesus Christ!
I think it’s scary that this is what liberals listen to and believe. So why wouldn’t they hate Trump? Lies become the truth if that’s all you hear. I pray for the truth to be revealed in the media, which I believereally governs our country.
May God reveal to us in America, the false messages of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. We pray for discernment, and that the truth will be boldly shared. We so desperately need God’s mercy, wisdom, and grace, so that his name may be glorified!