I Prayed have prayed
God, please help police officers in America. Empower them as they serve, and give us officials who respect and support the police.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As crime rates continue rising, thousands of police officers in New York City are quitting the force. How many more officers across America will be doing the same?

From BizPac Review. Budget cut-bolstered attrition set the Big Apple up for a “dramatic turn for the worse” as police officers have turned in their badges in staggering numbers.

Who is praying on the wall?


A microcosm of the managed decline seen at the national level, New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ (D) succession to Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) in putting leftist agendas ahead of basic safety and operations measurably set the city back decades. …

Reporting on the numbers through Oct. 31, 2023, the New York Post detailed that 2,516 officers had quit, “the fourth highest number in the past decade and 43% more than the 1,750 who hightailed it in 2018, before the pandemic and crime spikes hit the city.”

Of those, 1,040 were short of their 20 years of service for full pensions, a 104% increase from 2020, but down from the 1,524 the year prior.

Many departures were attributed to “inhumane amounts of forced overtime,” said Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry who contended to the newspaper, “The workload is a leading factor driving people away from the job. If the NYPD is going to survive these staffing reductions, it cannot just keep squeezing cops for more hours.” …

Making matters worse, as part of Adams’ goal of 5% budget cuts to make up for hundreds of millions spent covering the expense of putting illegals up in hotels, the next five Police Academy classes were reportedly canceled. As a result, the force was expected to drop to around 29,000 officers through attrition by the end of fiscal year 2025, a size unseen since the mid-90s. …

Share your prayers for our police officers below.

(Excerpt from BizPac Review. Photo Credit: Jusdevoyage on Unsplash)

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Ann Shaw
December 3, 2023

Almighty Father and Savior grant encouragement to all authorities to support law enforcement officers.
In Jesus’s name Amen

Victoria Z
December 3, 2023

Father, in the name of Jesus we pray for the appropriate New York public leadership making these decisions to be granted your divine wisdom and conviction regarding the fact that these police officers are human beings with a stressful job who need a healthy life/work balance. i pray that the officials involved in making these decosions would cut budgets elsewhere on unnecessary extravagant overpriced contract spending and instead hire more NYPD police staff. i feel the forced overtime is so that they limit the expenses of new hires which is totally unacceptable. Father intervene. Replace all corrupt public officials and police leadership involved with making these unwise, unsafe, unfair decisions, bring in and replace them with ethical people who you will gift with valid and workable ideas and solutions to save taxpayer money and wisely balance all local, state, county budgets allowing the police ofgicer staffing budget to increase for a sufficient amout of new hires. Father do not let evil and iignorant stupidity prosper in NY regarding these decisions, let wisdom and righteousness prosper. Keep police officers mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically safe in their jobs, give them the wisdom to capture criminals without racial targeting or the type of abusive undue excessive force that has been in the news. thank you for hearing all our prayers and answering all of them.

George Leaf
December 3, 2023

Father in Jesus name be glorified in and by the service of the fine men and women of the police and emergency safety net in each city, town, county and state in this our nation. Make their ways straight, their vision clear, an continue their safety, health, and security throughout their years. Protect those they love and those they serve. Defend them by all means, grant them understanding of these times as the men of Issachar who had understanding of the times, and knew what Israel ought to do. So to them. Amen and Amen

Jana Lutovsky
December 2, 2023

God save us and all the faithful New York police department officers. Lord hear their cries for help.
all the faithful New York police department officers. Lord, hear their cries for help. Because you see you know you understand why this is happening. Please let me know more people take their lives. It is better to simply resign than to do anything drastic.
God, we cry out as in the Evergreen prayer that you have mercy on our country

Karen Secrest
December 1, 2023

Reminiscent of those in the military who were fired for political misdirection.
I too feel the. officials need to be aware of the intrinsic worth of people who are putting their lives on the line every day.
You can expect more military and security and police to quit
Moving in new career direction s that have more to offer than near poverty level pay, obsolete equipment, instructors who instruct that throwing pronouns at live fire from an enemy is sufficient. As well as the idiocy of masks and vaccinations that have more side effects than some purported disease.
Be aware that there are millions of millineals in this count r y who are advocating for that which allows them to vocalize not that which makes sense.
When the KimJong’s of the world decide to use Times Square as target practice and the Outer Banks as a Naval objective? Then will we separate the Sheep from the Goats who are willing to continue the slide to ccp..
Be aware of the misguided who want peace at any price. History in the recent past shows that sometimes war is needed before peace.
Let the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob arise to show the pway

Marsha Bashor
November 30, 2023

I do pray Lord for the impossible job the police are asked to do with no support from their mayors and other government officials . Oh how these important officers of the law have been stripped of their dignity and their financial worth, and also been stripped of doing their work properly. I pray that you would restore these men and women who lay their lives on the line to protect the public. They themselves need your devine protection Lord. Please give us righteous mayors and elected officials to build our police force into respected and upheld officers who want to have law and order in our cities and in our land . Thank you Lord God. 🙏🙏

Grant Windholz
November 30, 2023

Lord God, please help this country turn against lawlessness and toward protection for our police force that we desperately need! This country is imploding, ruining our future!

November 30, 2023

What is going on is a destruction of a country. Turn it around. There is no country without law and justice. If people cannot even have basic respect from leaders? . Our country is better than current leadership. These things are not coincidental people it’s planned.

November 30, 2023

On top of being understaffed and underpaid, and thier lives being in constant danger with little to no support from elected officials, law enforcement officers must be totally frustrated with the breakdown of our judicial system – the utter stupidity and illegality of how the judicial system is now managed (controlled) in NYC and many other places. It is no wonder they are resigning. What is the point in serving?
It’s all part of the enemy’s plan to kill, steal and destroy.
Lord, we take a stand, together, and say: IT IS ENOUGH. The enemy has controlled and destroyed enough – not just in our big cities, but all across American, all across North America, and around the world!
We stand as God’s blood bought children, and we declare THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S; THE LORD REIGNS!! Kingdom of God, COME!! Will of God, BE DONE! BLOOD OF JESUS, BLOOD OF THE LAMB OF GOD, BRING LIFE!! In Jesus’ name!!
Come and rule in Your Holy Sovereignty, Lord God Almighty! Come and show Your faithfulness and Your Holy might!! Come, and BE Lord!!
And we praise You!!!
Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!

November 30, 2023

Father, protect those who do right, who defend the weak, and who uphold the innocent. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Mary Beth
November 30, 2023

LORD, I do pray for all of our law enforcement officers. First and foremost, for their salvation. Then for their protection – please guard them while they guard us. Grant them wisdom and discernment. Help them navigate through the maze of criminal activity, insanity in our judicial system, woke agendas coming against them, lack of public support, lack of remuneration, and all of the personal issues resulting from this high pressure and dangerous profession. I could never do the job they are called to do, but I’m thankful for those called by You to serve in this capacity. Bless them LORD!

Dr Jim
November 30, 2023

The insanity with illegal s has to stop!
Lord raise up Godly leaders who will stop the insanity!


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