From Cornerstone Chapel
October 20, 2020
IFA Staff
October 20, 2020
From Breitbart
October 20, 2020
From Fox News
October 19, 2020
Wanda Alger
October 19, 2020
From Cornerstone Chapel
October 20, 2020
Lord, guide us with Your Spirit of discernment and truth. Help us navigate these issues with your grace.
Reading Time: < 1 minute
This is an awesome video and very shareable. Send it to your email lists, share on social media–you can circumvent the political censorship through your sharing during this important election season!
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I am thankful for men who stand up for what is good and right. I am a conservative of European descent and I vote my conscience based on the standards of God Almighty. I have financially supported conservative people of color who are in line with my beliefs no matter what state they are running in. John James is one example. That is a good man and he is running for senate in Michigan. I support him.
people constantly say, “God bless America.” God has ALREADY blessed and blessed and blessed America. My prayer is that God will FORGIVE America for the Biblical standards that ate being torn down every day.
I pray for you, sir and God give you more courage than you knew possible. Barbara Lawrimore, S. C.
🔥👁 👁🔥 Father, we ask You to apply Your eye salve and heal our eyesight. Open our ears to hear Truth and make us the bravehearts of our time. Double the increase in strength and skipped steps in promotion to all those beaten for TRUTH…let those curses be cut off and like water rolling off the duck’s back. In Jesus’ Name
I’ve shared black voices speaking truth with black friends but it just alienates us. Makes no difference in their mindsets. They seem to follow anyone who is liberal without digging into the truth themselves. I’m praying for hearts to be open and Holy Spirit to uproot and replant His plan and purpose for our government.
I pray in Jesus name that the Lord would rise up the church i call them from the north south east and west right now to speak up against the evils happening in our NATION
Thank you
Alberta Snyder
From Lebanon
40 years ago when my husband and I became believers in Jesus….we both realized at the same time that we could NOT vote democrat any longer! Basically because of just one issue: abortion! Even that far back in time – we could not find any part of the democrat party that was against abortion… they all were saying they were “pro-choice” which is actually “for abortion”. So we changed parties back then even though ALL of our family members were democrats. Now the dems are not only “pro abortion” they are also against God – removing the mention of him from their pledge of allegiance! Not a party that God is happy with.
Dear Pastor, Thank you so much for being obedient to the Holy Spirit and making the difficult decision to please God rather than people. May the Lord bless you for the sacrifices you made and continue to use you in an influential way for four more years!
Amen, its good when you hear someone who stands for what He Believes in and that also alines with his Biblical Beliefs no matter what the Party status is. I find this man to be a great encouragement, thanks for sharing.
Good for someone that honors The Lord. That is our primary goal. Secondly, love your neighbor as yourself. Being truthful falls in that category
Such wisdom I stand in agreement! Thank You for your obedience.
Please know that there is huge community of blacks who are NOT democrats.
I come from a long line of family members generationally who have been part of the Republican Party since 1932.
The church I attended which is predominately black for most part, are all republicans. I believe it it a very naive and uniformed assumption to think that most blacks are democrats….oh and a side note, I am mostly and foremost, a follower of Jesus Christ!
Powerful testimony. Thanks for being strong and courageous even as Joshua was. (cf. Joshua 1:9). As Pastor shared the republican party is not perfect yet closer aligns to Biblical teaching than Democratic party. The explanation of familial followings to political lines was very insightful. Thanks for sharing.
America is mystery babylon and was never a Christian country. What are we “going back to?” America being like Israel 2.0 comes from mormon demonic doctrine that also the freemasons believe. Uniting under being a “republican”, you might as well be unequally yoked with those of other faiths. Only one KING to wait on and let prophecy unfold. HalleluYAH!!!
This is a question more than a statement. This was powerful. I’ve been studying more on Spiritual Warfare. We see with Black Lives Matter the organization they worship their ancestors. They place curses on the hashtags. This is a practice in Nigeria and I believe other African countries. Would love to ask this Pastor. You said that they are so heavily Democrats because of “generations.” Is it possible that there are generational demons that came with the slaves. Could it be there is a blindness there because of that? Is this something that we need to pray against? I ask this in the humblest of heart and voice. It just really struck me when the Pastor was speaking. I am sure every culture has a particular sin that opens us to “baits of satan.”
If you study the origin of the Democratic party in the 1860’s forward and their hatred of all Republicans (black & white), African-American alignment with them has nothing to do with generational demons but initially from intimidation from the powers in place in the South. The Democratic party intimidated or killed anyone who voted with the Republican party and it was much easier when Union troops withdrew from the South. This allowed them to reinstitute a new form of slavery and additional laws to subjugate free lacks into subservient roles. The Free lacks who could vote, voted Republican because of the link to Abraham Lincoln and the freeing of slaves. However,some Republicans abandoned the AA such as Teddy Roosevelt and H. Hoover which made it easier for them to support FDR in his second term. Prayers need to be directed to that same vile spirit that gave rise to the Democratic party and its many forms of intimidation and deception. I pray that God would open the eyes of everyone who has come under the seducing deceptive spirit, rip the veil and remove the scales off their eyes in Jesus’ name. I also pray that Repulicans would engage more with my community and do the hard work to persuade people why they should support their agenda. Talk to us and not down to us and quit the name-calling, particularly as it relates to women. Stick to the issues and not the personalities.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the KKK’s alignment with the Democratic party. It is all documented for anyone who is interested. Please remember that we are in spiritual warfare against a powerful adversary; however, he is defeated in the Name of Jesus. Unity, Light, Truth in the name of Jesus defeats the kingdom of darkness. Flesh and blood is not our enemy but the vile spirit we cannot see. The enemy wants to destroy this nation so pray and fight in the spirit and in the voting booth in Jesus’ mighty name!!!
” . . .the friendship of the world is enmity with God; whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God’ James 4:4. Praise our God as He continue’s to reveal Himself strong by His Holy Word; thank you Lord for opening the ear to hear, and the heart to receive ‘Your Truth’. I give you glory for the Holy Spirit obedience to move forward, going through the opened door, taking immediate action and authority, by teaching and preaching Life Application, Principles, Statutes, Commands, to a dying world. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Bless this brother for obeying God by a door open to him that only God can shut.
Believing God for him to lead his people to freedom.
Praise God, for men who love Him and will stand in the face of adversity. May God wrap His protective arms around this man. Too bad those who are call themselves Christians prefer to turn their backs on the Creator and follow the evil one.
Thank you, sir. True leadership. God bless you and may your voice be amplified into the family of God.
We pray that God breaks these generational curses where one thinks they have to vote for the Democratic Party just because their parents and they have always voted for this corrupt party. Exodus 20:5 tells us “You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me,”
Sovereign Lord, I thank you for turning men’s hearts (and women’s) away from a party that deals in pre-born babies’ deaths. I ask that these people would feel free to vote as their conscience directs, and not be pressured by friends, family and others to vote against their conscience. We know that you turn the hearts of men as you please, turn hearts to yourself.
The man did not fear control him…Praise God! He listened to God and not man. Lord, open all of our hearts and minds to be friends of yours and not of this world. We thank and praise you for all the work you are doing in the hearts of people …the hearts of our nation.
Praise God for the truth this man is sharing which the Apostles themselves said in Acts 4 – “We must obey God rather than man.”