I Prayed have prayed
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May God protect us and our allies from North Korea. May our leaders seek God for answers to this crisis.

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me. (Ps 138:7 ESV)

ā€œNorth Korea vowed Monday to strike the U.S. with ā€˜thousands-foldā€™ revenge after the United Nations imposed new sanctions in response to a recent intercontinental ballistic missile launch from the rogue regime.

The dictatorship’s official KCNA news agency described the recent sanctions as ā€˜crimesā€™ that were a ā€˜violent violation of our sovereigntyā€™ and a ā€˜heinous plot to isolate and stifleā€™ the communist country.

North Korea, which consistently threatens to send ā€˜gift packagesā€™ to the U.S., vowed to take ā€˜righteous actionsā€™ that would make America pay ā€˜thousands of times.ā€™

The fiery response from the nation came in the face of the sanctions and as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson demanded the rogue nation halt its missile tests so the U.S. and North Korea could start negotiations.ā€ (Excerpted from Fox News, reporting by Perry Chiaramonte.)

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August 19, 2017

The joy of the Lord is our strength

Colleen Bennett
August 14, 2017

Father GOD I come before and come in agreement to the Prayers that are posted here. We Stand in the gap father and we come before you knowing that you know all before it even happens. Father, you knew who would be President to deal with this madman and you ordained things long before they come into existence. So I stand in agreement with my brothers and sisters in Christ and ask that you hear our Prayers for the U S A and our allies. Deliver us oh Lord from this madman and his arrogant prideful heart, keep us safe from all his threats and actions. Set North Korea free from his dictatorship as you promised to set the captives free. Lord as you have spoken through your prophets deliver N. Korea from this evil regime and remove the dividing line between the North and South and make it all one Nation that would be under GOD and your reign,
In Jesus name we Pray, amen and amen

Debra Van dyk
August 11, 2017

Heavenly Father we call out to you for protection for the American people and allies of the United States. We ask that you would soften the North Korea dictator’s heart to negotiate peace for all. Lord, give us peace that you are in control. Amen!

August 10, 2017

The Lord is shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restore my soul : He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil!; Because for thou art with me; they Love’s rod to protect and they staff to guide they comfort me. Thou Love prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies; thou Love anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over because He loves me. Surely Love’s goodness and Love’s mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever all the days of my life. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Be still, and know that I am God. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not displayed; for I am they God: I will strengthen the; yea, I will help the; yea, I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. And Jesus answering faith unto them, Have faith in God, Who is Love. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed; and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he faith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he faith.There is no fear in love (dread does not exist), but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and so he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love ( is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection). God bless America. We know that whoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself (in Love), and that wicked one touchethbhim not. Show thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them. In Jesus name!

Roger Carmichael, BSME w/"Q" Clearance
August 10, 2017

NoKo THREAT to US is NAD’A> Reagan’s 1990 SDI created a missile intercept “Brilliant Pebbles” to place missiles in polar orbit w/ultra-light-weight IR digital cameras on board to track ICBM east to west launches, calculate trajectory of the ballistic ICBM, then change orbit to intercept it> How do I know? I designed the camera in 1990 at Loral, wt = 52grams, including cryocooler
NoKo is about as big a Threat as Coyote’s Ajax missiles were to Road Runner> What a JOKE

Bigger THREAT is spread of ISIS, no different than NAZIS of WW@ & we need to ALLY w/Russia again, to DEFEAT this global threat of war by INfiltration> Obama was a Trojan Horse who pushed the FALSE Narrative the ISLAM has been & is part of the USA when iSLAM Goal is world domination For Christ’s sake, Muslims AVERAGE 8kids/family, & that’s how they’ll TAKE OVER> NO BIRTH Control leads to DEATH Control (D.C.)> It’s why there’s TURMOIL in middle east>
Solution is CONTAINMENT> Keep Muslims in place, let ’em stew in juices of own making, D.C.

Adriana Silveira
August 10, 2017

Our God, You are our Shield and Our Refuge, You are Our fortress!
You are the Living God, You endure forever! Your Kingdom will not be destroyed! Your dominion will never end! You rescue and you save!
You perform signs and wonders, in the heavens and on the Earth!
You have rescued Daniel from the power of the lions, You are the Ancient of the days! The Greater of the greats! Father, Lord of hosts, and King of Kings, be our shield and deliver our nation from anger and wicked men! Let those who curse us be blessed. I ask that the Norty Korea leader and his helpers may know you and be blind no more. Let his people who are oppressed by his evil ways receive your Grace and Mercies, let them know Your love and Your Amazing Pwer. God, I pray that North Korea may be filled with Your Glory! Let the throne of the Devil in that nation be destroyed in one day! God, rise your church in North Korea, pour Your Almighty Holy Spirit on them! Let their leaders bow down to Your power and love! As you spoke to Nebuchadnezzar while he was King of Babylon, speak to the North Korea leader and touch his heart so he may know he is in darkness!
Father, send your mighty angels across our nation and South Korea, Japan and all nations surrounded by North Korea.
W praise you and thank you for Our safety and we praise you for North Korea and its church that are to see Your revival!
In the Name of Jesus we pray and thank You.

Nancy Buerger
August 10, 2017

Almighty God, You are the one true God, apart from you there is no God. You are Commander and Chief of all the armies of heaven, still on your throne and in control. We look to you this day knowing you know all things from beginning to end and nothing takes you by surprise, not even these threats from N. Korea. We ask for mercy and forgiveness for our wayward, complacent ways, knowing that we have lost sight that this nation once was, “one nation under God.” We come before you now with humble hearts, seeing our need for you, knowing that you are the only one able to change hearts of even kings. We ask that you would intervene and protect us against any actions from these threats against our country and other countries from N. Korea. We pray that Pres. Trump and all in charge will not lean to their own understanding or be wise in their own eyes but acknowledge you in all their ways. We ask that you would grant Pres, Trump and all who are in charge with the wisdom, understanding, insight, discernment, knowledge that they would need to know how to handle each situation that arises. Lord God, your Word says that you are our banner and when the enemy comes in, you raise a standard against him and come to our defense. Almighty God arise and let your enemies be scattered. In Jesus mighty name.

Carmen Gomez
August 9, 2017

Father God!Let our President, Generals and all in authority seek answers from You God Almighty! Heavenly Father I thank You that these things are written in Psalms 91, that we can dwell in the secret place of the most High, and we thank You that we can say You are our Lord, our refuge, our fortress and our God, whom we can trust.I thank You for delivering us from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence. I thank You for covering each of us with Your feathers. I thank You that we can walk under Your wings and take refuge.I thank You that thousand shall fall at our side, and ten thousand at our right hand and none will come near us. I thank You for giving us Your angels charge over us to keep us in all ways.I thank You that we can tread upon the lion and serpent and trample the young lion and the dragon under our feet. Heavenly Father I place all of our cares, all of our worries, all of our anxieties, and all of our concerns regarding North Korea on You. Heavenly Father I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and may all those prosper who love You. To God be the Glory. Amen!!

August 9, 2017

Dear Holy Father, we know that You are in control and watching over everything going on now in our country as regards to No. Korea. But there is still fear and uneasiness with the possibility of a nuclear attack or outright war involving nuclear weapons because of this evil dictator heading No Korea. Lord I pray Your wisdom and divine Spirit comes upon Pres Trump, Sec. Tillerson, Sec. Matison and the Security advisors for the Pres and all his counsellors, etc., so the decision our President makes is discerned based on Your Spirit’s direction. In the Bible there were many battles won supernaturally thru You, Lord and at the least many were won because of skilled soldiers, generals and military tactics and Your people were protected because they followed Your direction. We pray that You cover us Lord, protect us from grave harm, that You forgive us of our sins and remember that the U.S. was created by lovers of Your word. Please protect the U.S., Guam, So Korea, and all other allies that could be effected and may the citizens of No Korea be freed of this tyrannical bondage they are in due to their evil leader. Through this victory may millions see and know that it was because of You, Almighty God, our Lord and Savior and so that You may be glorified. I pray all this in the name of Jesus, may Your precious blood cover us all in the USA.

Kaye Schneider
August 9, 2017

Father of all, open the eyes of the blind, free the captives in North Korea from the spiritual blindness, the hatred of America and others. May Your Holy Spirit fall upon many, leading them to faith that leads to Salvation. Hold back the wrath of our enemies. Keep our spirits humble and gentle, that we hate the evil but have compassion on those who are slaves in North Korea, slaves to the enemy, the father of Lies. We need your Mighty Power to change hearts and minds OH GOD.

Bettie L Goodman
August 9, 2017

Father God, how it blesses my heart as I read these prayers that have been LIFTED up to You! They are just a representation of what I hope and pray are millions of Your children crying out to You!! As others have said, we don’t deserve any MERCY or GRACE ~ but as Your WORD tells us IF and WHEN Your children REPENT and CRY and TURN from their wicked ways ~ THEN You tell them YOU WILL ACT!!! As our Prayer Team has and is praying, we’ve been reminded over and over that YOU MEAN WHAT YOU SAY and our CHOICES determine whether You bring the curses You promised or the BLESSINGS promised!!! The reminders in the prayers that YOU’RE IN CONTROL and NOTHING is going to come to this Nation UNLESS by Your permission!!! Even when FEAR wants to take over ~ remind us You’re our COVERING!!
Father for every believer in Korea, North or South, hear their CRY and protect them and use the POWER of the Holy Spirit IN THEM to STOP this threat!!! Turn the leader’s heart to YOU or take him OUT ~ I believe You’re using him for such a time as this to bring about a rallying CRY FROM YOUR CHILDREN ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! Set us on FIRE!!!
Again protect our President and His staff and give them WISDOM that comes straight from You!!! Continue to surround him w/YOUR Godly agents and open his heart more each day and his eyes and ears to SEE ONLY what You have for him!

Brenda baker
August 9, 2017

Father God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the nane of Jesus Christi pray that There is a poring out of your Holy Ghost power on all Christians, and being clothed with the whole armor of God Himself, we overcome those who want to destroy us and our country and Israel. Full president Trump and his entire staff and department head with Holy Ghost power and let no weapon be formed against them prevail. give pres trum the wisdom of King Solomon and the compassion of King David so he can return law and order and righteousness to our country and so our children will know right from wrong and grow up to be strong christians. In Jesus Christ’s name amen

Zona Gatewood
August 9, 2017

Father, I give praise and thanks to You for Your great and mighty wisdom and power.Nothing escapes Your eyes, and You see the threats coming against this nation that You set aside for Your plans and purposes. I thank You for hearing the prayers of Your people all over this nation and the world, praying for You to restore this nation back to the principles it was founded on.
In 2 Chronicles 20, the people of Moab with the people of Ammon and others came to battle against Jehoshaphat. And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord. Then He stood and called upon God and prayed for His intercession on their behalf. The Lord heard their prayers and told them to not be afraid, for the battle was the Lords.

Lord, as Jehosaphat and His people, cried out, so we, those redeemed by the blood of Jesus, also cry out for Your hand to move in this matter, and give our President the wisdom to do as Jehosophat did as leader of his nation.

Hear all our prayers Oh, Lord, and deliver us from those who threaten our land and from the enemy within.

I pray for a great awakening all across this nation with many others that are praying, for it’s only through an awakening, that we can come together and bring this nation back to the Godly Principles it was built upon. I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, whose Name is above every Name.

Victoria Desmond
August 9, 2017

Lord, you already knew what was coming. Nothing is a surprise for you…
Lord, I ask in the name O Yeshua, you continue bringing wisdom thru the knowledge that surron the people that will help the President make decisions…I ask Lord, you calm the hearts of the area that could be a possible target by N. Korea…
If Lord the flesh makes the decision to use force I ask Lord that your hand be upon the people that need to be removed and allow the ones that are faithful, innocent be swept up by your hand and held there until the situations are over.

Lord, I ask that you continue to bring the people of the United States and the Word to their knees.
Lord, people are calling for revival but Lord, you are calling us once again for possibly the last time (as a church) to return unto our First Love. Yahweh, that is you… It is thru us, the remnant that you have chosen to be your, eyes, ears, mouth, feet, hands to collect the ppl into your bosom once again to hear your Heartbeat not mans in this hour. In Yeshua’s name, I pray…

August 9, 2017

Lord God Almighty, All-Powerful, All-Knowing and Sovereign Lord, we humbly come before You asking for Your grace and Mercy to be on our country and on those countries that the North Korean dictator has been targeting. We know that You are the One in control, and that nothing can happen without Your diving permission. We ask You to come against any evil that the enemy of our souls has planned regarding an attack on our nation by North Korea. Turn this dictator’s heart toward You. May we, Your people, humbly continue in prayer and supplication for our country and her leaders, for wisdom, direction, strength, and peace, as we turn to You. All thiings are possible with You, Father God, and we entrust ourselves to the One who has promised never to leave or forsake us. In Jesus’ holy and precious Name i pray, Amen.

August 9, 2017

We are in agreement that we ask for God’s divine intervention and the battles belong to the LORD.we give PRAISE to our Almighty Powerful Forever Faithful GOD Amen as we PRAISE AND Worship him HE Will defeat THE enemy.GOD IS our Mighty Powerful Forever Faithful Warrior!!GOD IS on his Throne to thrust the enemy out of OUR territory AMEN and AMEN GOD Be Glorified in JESUS Christ Powerful Forever Faithful Name Amen! Shout TO GOD with a voice of triumph !!

Mick Thielen
August 9, 2017

Lord I come to you in the name of Jesus to stand in the gap on behalf of our leaders in this treacherous time. It looks treacherous to us, but to You it is a stage in the fulfillment of your kingdom plans for this earth before you return. May we trust in you, and rest in you, while we work to be witnesses for Your glory.

August 9, 2017

Dear God:

May Your mighty hand stretch out over the nuclear weaponry in NK. You will deactivate its destructive power when the tyrant seek to harm the innocence. May the Christians there be bold, seek Your face snd cry out to you in unison. You hear the cries of your beloved, forgive their sins, tear down the wall and heal the land. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Beth Arseneau
August 9, 2017

Father God you ask us to love our enemies. I pray God for North Korea, I pray you would break generational evil patterns of this leadership. Open this regime eyes to see you and want to walk in truth instead of lies. Melt their hate for others with your love. I come against the powers of darkness and bind their evil plans to destroy in the name of Jesus. We pray for your will to be done in North Korea. We pray your love, your blood would cover this nation. We pray that what evil plans have been planned would not be carried out in the Name of Jesus. We pray that your power would visit this leader in dreams and visions. Open his eyes to see your love and to desire you above all else. May the powers of darkness be bound up in him . Change his heart O God. We also pray for the people of North Korea. Set them free, hear their cries, reveal your everlasting love to them.

Lord, speak clearly to our president and our leadership with their dealings with North Korea. Let them be led by your spirit and not by their flesh. May they seek your face and not do anything without your direction. Make it clear that you fight our battles.

Let us Praise and worship you. You are the great I am, You are the only one we can put our trust in. Lord, we are a divided Nation, please hear our prayers and help us fix our eyes on you and not the agenda of the evil one. Your will be done. Your will be done in this matter and help us to pray without ceasing for you are our strength and Salvation.

August 9, 2017

Grace & Peace & Love & Hope & Faith
God send from Heaven to this Earth
Your Holy Host of Billions of
Humungous Angels Now To Your Kingdom
God you are Almighty Glorious Holy God
You are The Almighty God of Miracles
Lord Pour Glory of God Fall Down on your USA
You oh Lord Shed Your Blood on America
God we ask you to super naturally
stop and block them from there
threats and missles attacks , Now!!!!!In Jesus Name
Have Mercy on your people .
We place all our Trust in you our Our God Our King
Forgive Us For Our Sins .
Creat In Us A Clean Pure Heart that always
beats to the Rhythms of your Heart Beat .
We Hunger and Thirst for you oh God
It’s About you not about us .
Jerimiah 29:11
Your Will Be Done In America & In all the World
Draw Billions and Billions Harvest of souls to Encounter you Face to Face oh God
In Jesus Name Amen

August 9, 2017

The only way out of this is for N. Korea to become Christian, especially the leader and army. Other than that there will be wars and rumors of wars.
I do pray for the salvation of the N. Korean people.

Karol Perelli-Minetti
August 9, 2017

Jesus you are the Way, the only way out of this situation with North Korea. You are all powerful and the Almighty One. Holy Holy Holy God Almighty who was and is and is to come!you are worthy Lord. We honor YOU and give you the Glory! Lord God we have so pressed you out of our churches and homes and businesses. Lord I repent for this nation. Lord Firgive us. Let your blood flow over this nation and create in us new hearts. Cause us to want new hearts, purified and cleansed so that we may serve you in a greater copacity so that we can become effective people of prayer. Oh Lord we do need you. Without you we have nothing. The fear is rising up over this situation and I pray this turns hearts to you. Lord I ask you to give godly wisdom and revelation to our President and all those in charge to seek you first, to make wise descisions that is best for this country. To only speak what needs to be spoken no more no less. Lord I pray for your ministering angels to come speak peace to children so they may nor fear what their parents are saying. A supernautal blanket of your love and peace. And may the parents turn to you and seek you and trust in you. I pray for a great revival in the land. Let your kingdom come and your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. You are the only stable thing we need to hang tight to. Without you we have nothing. I pray we trust you in all things. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Amen.

Belay Woldemaraim
August 9, 2017

Holy Spirit I invite you in the name of Jesus come and Visit our nation.Let your mercy and forgiveness up on the churches and to the United States of America. Holy Spirit give clear vision and guidance for president Donald Trump and his cabinet to lead and protect our country from North Korean nuclear attack.I prayed in the name of Jesus .

August 9, 2017

Merciful Lord! We asked for Your hand of protection for us and the other Nations against from the evil of North Korea! We do not deserve it, but your word says “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me. (Ps 138:7 ESV)

Let our Generals and Commander in Chief seek answers from You God on High! And please forgive our trespasses in this Your nation! We , Your sons and daughters Abba Father ask this in Jesus mighty name! Amen

August 9, 2017

Amen. May God have mercy on us all and President Trump as he seeks to bring about a resolution to this crisis with North Korea. I pray with all my heart for God to intervene and stop this threat of nuclear war. Lord, please help me to remember that YOU are in control and are greater and bigger than any bomb this world may have. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen. Oh Lord please hear our prayers.

Debbie Johnson
August 9, 2017

If we would truly pray for and support Israel the Lord promised us he would bless us. No compromise or wavering. We do individually need to repent and bow before the Lord and request His intervention, grace and mercy. God will stand with us if leadership stands on the Word of God
and represents His platform regarding Israel, immigration abortion, LGBT etc. We have lost our moral compass and must get back to biblical foundations in every area of life. Praying the Lord will confuse and scatter and turn upside down the plans of the enemy against the current administration. This is treason, insubordination and rebellion at the highest level and an insult to future generations. However, they kingdom come and they will be done which would be the Lords platform to start with. Lord root out the evil in the land and help leadership not compromise with any of it in Jesus matchless name the Captain of the Hosts!

Joanne Blonda
August 9, 2017


Joanne Blonda
August 9, 2017

GOD please have mercy on America. Bring the greatest revival to this world,greater than every revival combined throughout alll history. May the whole come to know, love and praise YOU. Amen.

August 9, 2017

Abba Father,

Thank you for the continued grace and blessings you pour out on America. We do not deserve it, but you are our only refuge and source of strength. Please protect us from this enemy that had threatened us with nuclear war. May this bring millions of Americans to see their need for you

Thank You for Your continued blessings and protection.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

August 9, 2017


August 8, 2017

Almighty God, nations rise and fall at your pleasure. I ask your forgiveness for this nation the USA that has largely pushed you out of the public arena. We thank you for all the blessings that you have given us only to have us take credit for them. Lord God, though we do not deserve it, i ask a protection on us, and a binding of the enemy who threatens us. I thank you for the sanctions from the UN, for this was right in regard to the actions of North Korea. Give us resolve and courage to face such hostility, give great wisdom to our Generals and our Commander and Chief. We seek your face at this time dear Lord, and we plead our cause. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

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