Monday, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson opened his program with a spot-on commentary of what we are seeing in the Biden Administration and what it portends for our future. We have included prayer points in the transcript below the video.
CARLSON: The news is moving with bewildering speed, in case you haven’t noticed. We’ve noticed.
No presidential administration has ever changed so many basic institutions and facts of American life, and done it so quickly. We’ve done our best to bring you nightly updates on what’s happening for the week and a half that Joe Biden has been President, but at times, it’s overwhelming, there’s just too much to cover.
Pray that the Lord would restrain evil and ungodly actions by our government.
The other day, for example, we learned that the Biden administration plans to make the tiny District of Columbia, our 51st state, a more corrupt English speaking version of Monaco, as if lobbyists in Washington didn’t have enough control over your life. Now, there will be U.S. senators. . . .
Pray that the Biden Administration will not be able to use statehood as a means of entrenching their power and interests in Washington, D.C.
Just a few hours ago, Biden officials informed us that after almost 65 years of working to build a nuclear weapon, the nation of Iran maybe finally — and you’ll find this amazing, quote: “just weeks away” from getting a bomb. After 65 years of trying. What a coincidence. . . .
Pray for protection for our nation, for Israel, for the millions of people who have already been harmed and displaced by radical regimes like Iran. Pray that God would restrain the nation of Iran from harming other nations and people.
Joe Biden just sent American troops to Syria. Well, you didn’t know that? Yes. Hours after he became President, American soldiers crossed into the nation of Syria, sending them to Syria was one of the first things Joe Biden did.
Lord God, protect our military. May our military leaders make wise decisions that will benefit all who serve and our nation.
Somehow most of the media forgot to even mention that. . . .
Washington, D.C. looks like occupied Sarajevo tonight, a small city overflowing with soldiers.
The troops came last month, tens of thousands of them. We were told they’re going to protect the capital from the inevitable right-wing violence, certainly certain to accompany Joe Biden’s Inauguration. Then Joe Biden was inaugurated, and there wasn’t any violence. Donald Trump didn’t chain himself to the North Portico. Trump voters didn’t rush the stage. . . .
No one in Congress seemed to notice, but in fact, they’re still arriving, as of tonight, thousands of them. As of last Thursday, National Guard troops from 23 states were stationed in Washington. That number seems to have risen over the past few days. We called the National Guard today to find out by how much, but they couldn’t give us numbers or wouldn’t. . . .
Father God, we pray for our National Guard. Give the leaders wisdom. Protect those serving. May the Christians among them share the truth and hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
You may have seen the video of soldiers getting off buses downtown near the Capitol. What are they all doing there? Again, National Guard leadership wouldn’t tell us quote, “for operational security reasons,” the spokesman said, “We will not get into specific details of the ongoing mission.” . . .
JB Pritzker, who is the Governor of Illinois was not so shy about the purpose. He laid it out very clearly. In a press release announcing the deployment of more soldiers to Washington, D.C., Pritzker explained that, quote, “We must root out the dark forces of racism, white supremacy and disinformation that have created this moment.” Let that sink in.
The military has been deployed to Washington, D.C. to fight disinformation. So say something a Democratic Governor doesn’t like and he will send troops. Does that sound like the country that you grew up in? It probably doesn’t. . . .
So why is everyone — everyone pretending it’s totally normal to have thousands of troops in the Capitol to fight disinformation? Because obviously, they’re in favor of it. They think it is fine to mobilize the Army in order to put down domestic opinions. . . .
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And now, nearly 5,000 National Guard troops will be deployed in D.C. through March as some congressional staffers and extremism researchers say there are concerns about possible violence surrounding the upcoming impeachment proceedings.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The National Guard will have to stay there as a symbol to those people who think that that building is vulnerable, and that includes the American citizens who went up there and performed insurrection.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Inside The Pentagon’s decision to keep thousands of National Guard troops in the streets of Washington, D.C. as we get a new gut punch from the F.B.I. affirming the greatest threat facing the American people is already among us. . . .
CARLSON: Oh extremism researchers. So the Southern Poverty Law Center is now in charge of the Pentagon. You should know that. The whole thing is a gut punch, by the way, they just told you. Gut punch? Not to the people in charge who have ordered up an unspecified number of soldiers for an unspecified number of soldiers for an unspecified period of time for purposes they refuse to explain to us.
No, that’s not a gut punch. It’s not a big deal. It is business as usual here in Kurdistan.
The gut punch is, the fact is, it definitely is a fact, it is not at all terrifying Rwanda level propaganda. The fact is that, quote, “The greatest threat facing the American people is already among us.” Already among us. They’re here.
Terrified yet? The woman that you just saw on television went to Harvard, incidentally, so you can believe it when she tells you what the real threat is. It’s not like she was reading from a ministry of truth press release issued by some creepy authoritarian regime. No, not at all. She knows who the enemy is.
Lord God, have mercy on us. We know that fear is not from You! Give us courage in the face of opposition, courage to take action to preserve freedom in the U.S.
And this week, the enemy was a freshman Congresswoman from the 14th District of Florida. No one is more scary. No threat is more imminent or dangerous tonight to this nation, ladies and gentlemen, than this freshman Member of Congress. . . .
Now, if you’re skeptical about any of this, our advice is keep it to yourself because free inquiry is dead. Unauthorized questions are hate speech. Anyone who suggests that this one Member of Congress is not really America’s greatest enemy is by definition, one of America’s greatest enemies, and that would definitely include this show, which CNN spent yet another weekend trying to get pulled off the air by force.
Lord God, we pray that you would preserve the voices of those who are standing up to the mainstream narrative.
Censoring a news program is not censorship when the people at CNN don’t agree with what that program says. OK. They actually said that.
They are children obviously, but that does not mean they will not win in the end, or that it won’t get worse in the meantime. Why? Simple. Donald Trump is gone now. That’s very bad news for the many people who made a living yelling at Donald Trump, and it is especially dangerous for their political party. A party whose nonsensical coalition can only hang together by collectively throwing rocks at whomever happens to be at the center of the hate circle today.
So there’s no more Donald Trump. That means you get to be Donald Trump now. See how that feels.
It’s all pretty predictable, you could have written this script. The sad thing is, they are missing a lot. This is the media after all, their job is to cover the news, and there are tons of interesting things happening right now. Things that you tend to miss when you spend all day screaming about a single Member of Congress from Georgia.
For example, there’s the populist revolt underway on Wall Street. That’s not a small story. It’s still going on tonight. In fact, it is spreading.
What began as attack on short sellers will likely change our economy permanently and forever. So why are the Reddit guys doing this in the first place? It would be nice if someone somewhere had asked that question. Is it possible that the Reddit guys have a point, however destructive their tactics may turn out to be?
Could it be that COVID has so dramatically accelerated the concentration of wealth in this country to a degree that’s dangerous and completely unsustainable, that this was a reaction to it? But because corporations have made it impossible for people to say anything that’s true out loud anymore?
Simple things like, hey, hedge funds aren’t actually very good for the country, or, whoa, why don’t we still have something as obviously corrupt as the carried interest loophole in our tax code, things like that? Because you can’t say any of that in public without being called a racist by some goon from the H.R. department down the hall, the Reddit guys maybe had nowhere else to express their justifiable frustration and instead took it out on our public markets.
Could that have happened? Just spit-balling. Totally possible that’s what’s going on here.
Lord God, we pray about what's going on with Wall Street. Forgive us for the greed that seems to have become an acceptable part of our nation. Redeem our institutions, Father.
But that segment was not on cable news this weekend, nor was any speculation about how long a market that is this disconnected from reality can continue. How long before the whole thing crashes, not just the stock market, but any society built on mandatory lying? How long before . . . we return to the real things? Physics, gravity, reason, God. How long? Anytime?
Those are all good questions. None have been addressed lately in the media.
(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Jeff Poor. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.)
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Could it be possible that we’re reaping the judgement of over 63 million babies aborted….and counting? And some churches even refuse to even mention this issue?
Lord God, hear our voices.
Father God, Oh how we NEED you! We have fallen so short of Your intensions of a FULL and ABUNDANT Life based on YOU and You alone…We have been naive, stubborn, greedy, silent; for way to long. Please forgive us and may You replace the ugliness of sin with a renewed spirit of restoration, courage, perseverence; for Your will. Guide us on the path of Your truth, Your justice, Your Love; for Your Glory!
In Your Son’s Powerful & Eternal Name-Jesus Christ our Lord & Savior, AMEN!
OAN, Absolute Proof showing now.
Tucker always has a great informative opening. All that military, because they’re scared of the truth, as to how this administration got there. This is a fight between Good vs. evil. Taking back our country. Let’s put on our Armor of God, being strong in the Lord and in His Strength. Watch OAN today, 2/5/21., absolute truth documentary starts 10am eastern time. Search around, as cancel culture will try to shut it down.
Flashpoint 2-4-21
Thank you for the prayer points in the midst of this mess. Jesus – you are our only hope. Please physically, emotionally and spiritually protect Marjorie Taylor Greene and her family and use her in a mighty way!
The headline on the article probably should have read “Biden administration destroying America at record pace without care or concern”. Democrats wanted a puppet president and they have it.
Our hope and trust is in You Lord. Show us continually how to pray and give us strength and hope. You are still God Almighty and you see every act of evil being forced on America. Rescue us Lord for only You can do so. Amen.
I am a 78 year old widow, who has lived through several presidents. I cannot believe what has taken place since the 46th president took office. When I see and hear Biden, I see and hear Hitler. He is destroying the United States. He is not representing me, and I am not a terrorist, didn’t storm the Capital building, but as a Republican, I am considered an enemy, a racist, a horrible sinful person and I should keep my mouth shut about what is going on in this, MY COUNTRY. I am not certain about the future. Having worked all my life and being a Christian who believes in God, I pray that my final days are not like those poor people of other countries that do have terrorists, and live in terror every day that they will be kicked out of office, out of their workplace, simply because they said they did not believe in the person who is now the 46th president. God be with us, You are our hope and we give you praises. If there is a way to resolve the unrest in our country, please help us to do Your will Lord. You promised to be with us always, please give us the strength to do what You want us to do.
Thank you Lord for allowing us to pray the will of heaven on earth. Forgive us for loving money more than you Lord. You said we cannot have 2 masters. We have tried and it has failed in so many ways. Greed, jealousy and envy are sins. Our arrogance is screaming loudly. Only you can create a clean heart in us. We are your steward and not owners. The earth belongs to you. Please forgive us and in your wrath give us your mercy. We weep before you and pray as Daniel chapter 9 gives us a wonderful outline. Amen in Jesus name
In September, 2016, the Lord spoke to me, “The LORD SHALL be the hope of His people.” He emphasized the words LORD and SHALL very strongly. I then opened my Bible to read and found I had opened to Joel chapter 3. There in v. 16, I read again the very thing the Lord had spoken to me moments before, although the KJV translates “shall” as “will”. Since I have a background in English Linguistics, I knew that “shall” and “will” are distinct in meaning (although we often use them interchangeably in current English). “Will” is much weaker, having come from a word which meant simply to wish for or to put one’s will toward/be willing for. On the the other had, “shall” comes from a word that meant destined, required, or obliged. It is a very strong word, full of authority and certainty, a more legal word, if you will. As I have seen the unfolding of events since that time, I have become ever more clear about what the Lord was/is speaking. The Lord truly is DESTINED to be our hope, as we watch the people and institutions we’ve hoped in decay and fail. He is REQUIRED to be our hope, for hard, hard days are coming which will test us far beyond what we now realize. And He is OBLIGED to be our hope for He tells us plainly in Isaiah 43:11 “I, even I am the Lord; and beside me there is no savior.” Only hope in God will anchor our souls (Heb.6:10). We must cease putting our hope in anyone or anything else. Rather, let us begin this very day to respond to every trouble, be it personal or national, “The LORD SHALL be the hope of His people. The LORD SHALL be MY hope.”
I pray….Jesus we need you. Help our people our country and the world! Let good triumph over evil. Have mercy on America and Bless our land again. The hate and corruption has become overwhelming. I praise You Lord…lead us back to you. God Bless this beautiful country you have so graciously given us! Amen
God is still a God of justice. I decree that the church grows during times of persecution. There are principles in the Bible that we must obey God rather than man or government if they oppose Biblical principles. This principle fits for what is going on now. I ask you Lord to give up the boldness and courage to stand against the wiles of the evil ones no matter what. The church grows during hardship and I thank you for the hunger in people for God and for the salvations that are starting and that will multiply. The yeast of the Holy Spirit is starting to infiltrate the Earth no matter what the obstacles. Who can stop the Lord Almightly? No demon in Hell as God has given us His authority. Remnant warriors arise for the cross life challenge in this month.I am believing this is a dead bones arise time in the Earth. 2021 has been prophesied as a year of resurrection. I am in agreement.I bind hope deferred and loose the Faith of David, Joshua,Caleb but most of all Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Praise his holy name.
They want to change from Your ways. Evil forces rise up against You O God!
Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident. Psalm 27:3
Keep Your own safe in Your dwelling; hide Your own in the shelter of Your tabernacle and set Your Truth high upon a rock
that the enemies of Your righteousness will not be able to touch.
Let us see the goodness of You in the land of the living, here in the United States and all the way to China, and then N. Korea! In the power of Jesus’ Name!
Please listen to Dutch Sheets “ A Flag Reborn” and others he posts daily on YouTube or through the App: Give Him 15
America was birthed in prayer and that is our best defense now!!!
Amen good man listen to what he is teaching!
Yes, Give Him 15 (Dutch Sheets daily message) is especially pertinent today!
Wall Street is run by greed and fear, and the Lord told me to start investing to further His Kingdom purposes……..I am making 80 plus percent returns so far……………..Having as much life experience as I do, I already have a long list of God given plans…………
One more note, in prophetic teachings, America is not seen in the Great Tribulations/End times. Most likely she becomes part of the One World Order, loses her soveienty as Biden is going in that direction now with the Paris Accord and destroying border control and ruining our energy production making us again dependent on energy with AntiAmerican countries.
A nation without borders cannot stand. Best to understand prophecy instead of thinking America is going to survive all of this. I know its sad, but we of Christ, this is not our home. We are just pilgrims passing thru. We are to do the great commission. Make disciples of all nation, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Laying hands on the sick, casting out demons, getting folks saved!!!!
I’ve heard that also that America isn’t mentioned. Hard to imagine when she was birthed with such a promising destiny. “Lord help us pray according to your will!”
Agree our country was based on GOD. Listen to Dutch Sheets. “A flag reborn” excellent. Don’t give up he hasn’t given up on us. Yes we are suppose to witness to others. There is many that need Jesus. It’s not time yet. GOD is never late. He is always on time.
Thank you. You have spoken truth. This is true biblical prophecy
People wont’ like what I have to say. Most Americans, even Christians, live in lala land basing their hopes and dreams on something that is not reality. It’s definitely not the word of God. They put so much hope in Trump as the Savior of America, it was idolatry. Sure I agree, Trump did a lot for religious freedoms. But the fact is this. Trump was prideful, boastful and never humble. God says he abhors pride and boastfulness. Trump was packed full with these sins, and I believe God allowed him to fall because of it. He had many good policies I agreed with and I even voted for him, simply against the Democrats. Red all the way but I have issue with that party as well. I’m not a republican or democrat. So yes, I voted for the lesser evil being prolife as well and proconstitution I believe both have very wicked people in it. Here me out. Trump allowed our deficit to skyrocket. Yes granted there was COVID19, the plandemic as far as I’m concerned. And yes I truly believe, watching and paying attention, there was voter fraud. But I also watched as court after court refused to see the evidence and stood on “Standing” to get out of involvement with the voter fraud. Would it have made a difference to the election? I don’t know. I do know this. More than half of the Americans voted against Trump, for Biden. This is truth. Millions upon millions of people voted for Biden. This is reality. This means America, once a free nation, has gone the way of darkness into socialism because that is what the dumned down ignorant fake media fueled masses want. Ronald Reagan said it best. “Every generation is at risk of losing their liberties and it is up to every generation to defend them”. Guess what? This generation of youth has been fed a bill of lies that America is bad, the constitution is bad, written by a bunch of white slave owners and that America has to be transformed by the likes of AOC and Bernie Sanders and the Democrats who are controlled by globalists who are Satan’s puppets. They were taught constantly by the fake globalist China funded media that Trump is evil, comparable to Hitler and a rascist,…xenophoble, the lists is endless… yada …yada…yado…The news fueled this morning noon and night. So when you have half the country believing that the other half are evil because they supported Trump and that they must be eliminated, then that country is divided and will not stand. Those of us who understand prophecy and actually rightly divide scripture by the Holy Spirit leading us, understand that this world is headed to destination where the only one that is going to clean up this mess is not Donald Trump, but Jesus Christ. It’s a given. We know the end of the story. For those of us in Jesus’ ark, we see clearly and are preparing. We are the virgins with their oil lamps filled. We are saved, born again, spirit-filled and watching and waiting, living our lives for Jesus, not filled with sin, and delusion and putting our faith in fallen human beings to make some kind of Utopia on earth based on human efforts. So, pray for Pres. Biden whether you like him or not, he is in and he and Kamalia Harris need salvation. Jesus did after all die for the whole world. Pray for our enemies, our leaders. Trump is out pray for him anyway and his family. They have endured more than any other President and administration and family then I have ever seen in my 62 years, next to Kennedy who was shot and killed. Pray for America, repent of your sins, turn to Jesus 100% and be ready for the great snatching out of the church. Because after that, anyone left in this world is going to go thru plain horror….as Revelations says. So go get as many saved as you can…because our freedom to do so is coming to a close very soon. See, told ya you would not like this. But it’s biblical scriptural truth. Have a blessed day.
I agree with most of what you say, the caveat being the evidence of voter fraud is available but it was and will not be heard by the state government or judges or feds due to bias and corruption So in effect we dont know who honestly won. That being said God had to take Trump out because when Iran Turkey Russia Sudan and Libya invade Israel Trump would have stood with Israel and Bible says NO nation stands with Israel. USA will be just a part of Antichrist regime supplying arms goods military manpower. Sad but true.
Yes I concur, the evidence is overwhelming of fraud and they will not even look at it and that includes the Supreme Court. When that happened, I knew this was fixed. Sad but true.
God bless.
I do agree with the description of what is presently going on. I do know that President Trump does need some correction in the area of pride and the holy spirit does discipline us all. I am still waiting and trusting God to see what he is going to do. It looks bleak but there are plenty of scenes in the Bible that were just as bleak and there was a turnaround. I do not know how God is going to do it but I am more passionate now in the midst of darkness to press in to the LOrd for his direction. I do think this was a stolen election and the evidence was not looked at objectively. I clocked hours listening to state proceedings with Rudi and there was alot of corruption and plenty of whistle blowers coming forth. God is a God of justice and mercy. I declare unity over the ekklesia even with our various opinionions. God bless all intercessors.
Very well said!!!
Only Jesus is prefect. We certainly are not, especially me or President Trump, or you. The President tryed his best, that’s all that we can do. We can only try our best. Put all our trust in Jesus. And pray.
This is heavy. We are weary. Never dreamed the level of decadence could happen as it has, and is doing.
GOD have mercy as we fight on our knees for the Soul of our America.
Amen 🙏
What a mess that our nation has become lately! First , these ungodly, unamerican socialists stole the election. It is appalling enough that they got away with it. Now, they are trying to destroy this country, disregard our Constitution totally, and are trying their hardest to turn us into a totalitarian society. Why do we need all these troops in D.C.? We are going to see a civil war in this nation, and they are preparing for it. This reminds me of Nazi Germany in 1933. Dear Lord, why is all of this taking place? What are we to be learning from watching history repeat itself? Please , by the power of Holy Spirit, guide us, direct us, show us what we need to be doing in such a time as this, Lord. In Jesus’s mighty name we pray.
Amen 🙏
Word from the Lord through Prophet D. Busby:
Fret not says the Spirit of the Lord
I will.overthrow this piracy that has seized your government. Before their feet can settle in their shoes good. Their journey would have ended.
Psalm 37:1 Don’t be worried with evil workers or envy the gains of people with all-wrong-upside-down ways.
2 Soon enough they will wither like grass,
like green herbs fading in summer’s heat.
**Furthermore,I heard the Spirit say,
Molasses in the winter. Something sweet shall emerge in the midst of things. Slow in coming seemingly, but sweet non the less.
Lord bless the winter season. In Jesus name.
**Molasses in winter. Could refer to what’s happening in the nation and/or something in our personal lives that has been slow in coming.
Yes there is a lot of Prophets of God are saying the same. Mark Taylor, Kat Kerr and more. Do not give up! It’s in GOD’s timing!
Lord, as this news article explains so we’ll…we are in need of You Lord. Our nation, our government officials, our citizens need You Lord God.
Our nation needs miracles from God Almighty because this nation cannot survive without Your holy hand intervening in our lives. In your name we pray amen.
They should arrest alll the criminals in DC starting with the congress and senate!!
Lord, we humbly come before You! Father, we cry out for Your mercy over our country. We believe You have better plans for our country! Soften the hearts of the administration who presume to be in office. Give them a chance to repent and to turn from their evil ways. Thwart the evil plans of the enemy! Continue to awaken Your church. May we band together and continue to petition heaven! Hear ourprayers, Oh Lord! In Yourprecious name, Jesus Christ, the King of all Kings, the One seated high on the throne, we pray. Amen
Lord, please give wisdom and discernment to leaders who may be facing distress. Lord, may we as Christians not be deceived by the news media propaganda. May we not become discouraged or distressed. Lord we know we have You and You have promised that You would never leave or forsake us and I thank You for that. May we cling to You when hope seems to be lost. Lord I know You will provide a way when there seems to be no way. Help us to not doubt Your sovereignty. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.
You can’t believe anyone. Everything is wrong or misprints. What are we to do? Where do we go from this point. You can tell us all these things but what choice do we have? Voting has been rigged! No voice now. care..utilities…priced out of sight. Seniors and middle class are forgotten to be left at the side of the road to die. No hope in sight! No help coming to us. Just covid numbers and no substantial information. We are doomed!
No we are not doomed. If God be for us who can be against us? With God nothing is impossible. Praise the LORD forevermore. Quit taking their side.
Praise to you Lord Jesus with a new song of hope and expectations. Thank you precious Jesus for all you do! Please have mercy Lord on America, Israel, Trump, your elected representatives, children, and all innocence.
We, as your Church body, repent of our sins. We pray for our enemies. “They know not what they do”, the Lord said.
Lead us through still waters and take us to you into your glory and outreaching arms as we press on to that great moment. We love you forever wonderful Jesus! In your name we ask the things, Amen
John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world”
Deuteronomy 20:4
“For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory”
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us”
Ephesians 3:20
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Do not give up Carrie, GOD loves you. Trust GOD! Ok he will not let us down. GOD is exposing how really, really bad this is. Doing this to show not us believers but the ones that don’t! Be there for the ones that going to accept Jesus as the son of GOD. They will be coming. Praise GOD! 🙏🇺🇸
Our hope is in Jesus! He alone can save, heal and deliver. We must keep our eyes on Him and Him alone. He will answer our prayers in His timing. The Bible says “without faith it is impossible to please God.” So pray, trust, love and have faith in our Creator.
You are over all things and nothing is beyond You. If this is the fall of our nation, we understand that everything that happens is shifted through Your sovereign hand! We trust You and know that You will work things together for our good and Your glory. Lord, as awful as things appear, You have a better view and Your plans will not be thwarted! Job 42:2 “I know that You can do anything and no plan of Yours can be thwarted.” Prov. 21:30 “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. Ps. 33:10, 11 “The Lord foils the plans of the nations (the wicked); He thwarts the purposes of the (wicked) peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.” Thank You, Lord for these comforting scriptures. You are an awesome, omnipotent, Sovereign and Holy God. Keep us from fear. Encourage our hearts and use Your Holy Spirit to draw many more to the throne of grace and to unite Your children as the darkness tries to overcome the Light! Keep us focused on Jesus and help us to stand firm by The power of His mighty hand. We know the end of this story. Victory belongs to You! Is 46:8-11 “Remember this, and show yourselves men; Recall to mind, O you transgressors. Remember the former things of old, I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure; Calling a bird of prey from the east, the man who executed My counsel, of a far country. Indeed I have spoken-it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it!” Praise and Glory, Wisdom and Strength be to You, Our God forever and ever in Your Name we pray! Maranatha, Lord Jesus come quickly!
Bullseye prayer!
The day of Washington being our Reps has now become those that lord over us. I dare you to disagree, just kidding, but hmmmm. Open the eyes of the blind Lord. Teach us to pray when we don’t know how to.
Dear Heavenly Father, with each passing day the nation we have known and loved seems to unravel a bit more. We cannot watch the news on most of the major networks, whether national or local, without seeing and hearing something we know to be a lie or misrepresentation of the truth, and most often these lies and deceits are directed at discrediting those who would stand for good and righteous causes. Lord, our nation is truly in the grip of evil; they now say that they wish to screen the military to weed out “racists” and “right wing extremists,” but what they really mean is anyone who disagrees with their views and anyone who will not bend the knee to radical ideas and organizations. They set up as an example of good organizations led by confessed Marxists and practitioners of necromancy, and demonize people who try to live by Your word. Oh Lord, how far this nation has fallen, and so quickly, and I know we have not hit the bottom of this pit they have so cleverly dug for us. Lord, at least a third, perhaps half of this country cries out to You for deliverance from their lies, their abuse, and their wicked plans. Lord, please, do not let this nation go quietly into the night. Please Lord, I pray, let something truly big finally happen. Evil has rolled over this nation like a juggernaut for the last year, and every mortal attempt to slow, stop, or reverse their treachery has failed. Men and women who could have and should have acted stood still. Please Lord, please, I know our ways are not Your ways, but if ever there was a time when we could use a miracle it is now. Oh Lord, I know it sounds so cliché, but the good guys need a win. I know that may not be Your plan, and I know we may have yet to endure a lot more abuse, but Lord, I am already sickened by the flood of evil across our land. I am amazed at how brazen the lies and deceptions are becoming. It is almost as though we are being told to just believe what they say even if we know it to be false. Lord, when these radical politicians and activists talk of reprogramming I believe they are 100% serious and I have little doubt that much of what they wish to remove from the hearts and minds of our citizens are any reference to You or Your word. Dear Lord, please deliver us from the evil and the deception. Lord, I am especially concerned about our children and young adults, as they are the target of indoctrination programs that have insidiously been activated in our education system at all levels. They seek to re-write history to make anyone who has done positive things in Your name look evil and to make perpetrators of evil somehow heroes. They seek to portray our God-given liberties as oppressive and to portray their authoritarian style of rule (I cannot call it leadership) as nurturing and caring. They seek to make people feel afraid and unsafe so that they will embrace their supposed protection. Lord, You have always told us these days would come, and they are here. Show us the way now Lord, and let us find our place on Your side of the line as this dark drama unfolds. Protect us and deliver us, and bless especially all those public figures with the moral courage to speak out against the wicked and their agenda. The enemy is gathering, and they are organized, calculating, and ravenous. Lord, what would You have us do? Lord, we await your next command. In Jesus precious name I pray, O’ Lord, Amen.
Father God,
These concerns are true and can bring much fear but we hold on to You! You are faithful, powerful and true. We find shelter under Your powerful shield. Help us to not fear as we stand firm holding fast to what Christ has already won for us! Eternity with You! “Now unto to Him who is able to keep us from falling and to make us stand in Your presence blameless and with great joy. To the only God Our Father through Jesus Christ His Son, be all glory, majesty, dominion and authority both now and forever, Amen! (Jude 24-25) In Your Name we pray!
Amen Amen your prayer speaks my heart for our children. Lord God of Heaven and earth. Rescue our children. Forgive us for not standing in the gap for them. In Jesus Name I ask Amen
Danny N.C, Will be printing this out for ‘daily prayer’, also, would like to copy and paste to a ‘Battle Ready Coalition’ prayer group, mostly Catholic, currently still on facebook……
Thank you. It makes me feel better to share my prayers and your sharing it still further does my heart good. God bless!
AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED from those who are wicked and evil. GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED!!!
One of the prophets of God said that very phrase (GOD) “I will not be mocked” Kat Kerr is the prophet. Boy oh boy you should hear what GOD said. Powerful.
The US hasn’t changed. The Government has.
Your words and commentary hit the nail on the head. I totally agree who is it and your prayer.
Lord, help us return to the things that matter to You. Help us discern the truth from the lie. Help us share The gospel that saves. Lord, I need Your help. Lord, I need you. Every hour I need you . You are my one defense my Righteousness Lord how i need You. Amen
There is so much ridiculousness and foolishness going on it’s beyond belief. Could God be allowing it to reveal what is in the hearts of our leaders, media, Wall Street, nation?
“And he (Jesus) said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.””
Mark 7:20-23 ESV
Father God, I pray that all that is going on will cause our nation to fear You and then hunger and thirst for You; for righteousness and Truth. We need You. We run to You. You are our only hope out of this wicked web trying to entangle and ensnare us. I believe without a doubt that You are at work in the midst of all this revealing what is in the heart of every person. We come into agreement with Your plans to redeem, rescue, save, heal, restore our nation back to You. This land is Your land. We know all things are possible with You. You are our Rock and sure foundation. We rejoice in knowing You are with us and will prevail against our foe.
In Jesus name,
This is the monster you wanted us to pray for.
“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We can share in this prayer, sister.
I do pray this prayer, among others for this country. I will continue to do that. I will not pray for an evil person who has made a pact with Lucifer.
The Bible commands us to pray for those in authority.
Did the few Christians in Germany pray for Hitler, or for his demise?
Praying to practice obedience to God’s Word.
My opinion does not matter.
Pray for those in authority. No qualifiers.
Thank you, Larry!
I pray for those in authority to stop doing evil and Satan’s will and will of evil men and stop harming Gods people. Is that an ok prayer for those in authority?
Jeremiah. 5 21 Iwill rescue you from the power of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless
Glad I read this. Thanks Tucker. Lord please put your angels around all your people who are still willing to speak up and keep us informed.
King Cyrus was a warrior the lord sent him to free the Jews. What Donald Trump did is biblical. He did what no other president promised to do He listened to our preachers prayed with them. He kept every. promise. He hasn’t been a Christian for long He is taking baby steps and has done far more then any one of us the lord is not through with him yet. Father thank you for letting us see through mr trumps boldness in you the truth about satans grip on our people. Let revival begin. Put up your crosses proclaim the victory And please give honor to. the greatest president we have ever had. He was chosen.