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Father God, we ask You to aid and strengthen the Christians in Nigeria and to free Leah Sharibu from her captors.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The horror that enveloped Rebecca Sharibu’s world in early 2018 when her 14-year-old daughter, Leah, was kidnapped by Boko Haram militants in Nigeria felt like it might suddenly end when news broke, after just a few weeks of back-channel efforts, that the more than 100 girls taken in the raid were being released.

But then it became clear that one girl, Leah, was being held back by the jihadis because she refused to renounce her Christian faith. For Mrs. Sharibu, the nightmare would only get worse.

Five months after the others were set free, a grainy video emerged of a sad, frightened-looking girl wearing a light brown Islamic head covering, a hijab. It was Leah, and she was pleading for Nigeria’s government to respond to the demands of the jihadi terrorist group Boko Haram, which has aligned itself with the Islamic State.

“I just started crying,” Mrs. Sharibu said in a recent interview with The Washington Times. “That was the only time I saw her and heard from her. … I don’t know what is happening to her.”

The mother’s anguish continues to this day. Mrs. Sharibu and a delegation of other Nigerian Christians sought to highlight that anguish on a recent visit to Washington, where they met with U.S. lawmakers and staffers of Vice President Mike Pence. . . .

ICON co-founder Stephen Enada said the U.S. should be giving a stronger response to a security crisis in Nigeria that began nearly a decade ago with the rise of Boko Haram and has evolved into a landscape of chaos in the northern part of the country, where minority Christian communities are targeted.

Complicating the crisis are expanding clashes between ethnic Fulani cattle herders, who are mainly Muslim, and Christian farmers spread across Nigeria’s predominantly Muslim northern states.

Throw in widespread government corruption, and the result has been an epidemic of violence and religious kidnappings. Christian groups say Boko Haram has emboldened Muslim Fulani herdsman to carry out attacks.

“We’ve realized seeing these strands of terrorist activity in Nigeria in the last seven to eight years,” said Mr. Enada. “Now, everybody is asking the Nigerian government to do something, but doing something has not amounted to anything. So we still have a lot of Christian communities, especially, that have been decimated.” . . .

[N]ot new are kidnappings tied to Boko Haram, whose name translates roughly in English to “Western — or non-Islamic — education is sin.” The group, which the U.S. has designated as a foreign terrorist organization, made global headlines in 2014 when it kidnapped more than 270 schoolgirls from the largely Christian northern Nigerian village of Chibok. At least 50 of the Chibok girls later escaped and more than 100 have since been released, but dozens are believed to remain in captivity or to have suffered violent deaths. . . .

“Pregnant women having their stomachs turned open and their babies [taken] out,” she said.

“We’re predominantly farmers and hunters, and one thing they’ve done this year is to cut off limbs of people,” she said. “We believe it’s because they are planning for us not to go back to the farms to work. Because even if you’re healed, how do you go back to work?”

“I have come to your country to plead with your government, to plead with all of you, that you should please put some pressure on our government or do anything that you can so that my daughter will be released,” Mrs. Sharibu said.

She added that the strength of God is behind her in fighting for Leah’s release. “God,” she said, “is the only one helping me.” (Excerpt from The Washington Times, reporting by Guy Taylor.)


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samir sardana
April 14, 2020

Again – missing the crux ! I Islam and Christianity are FUNDAMENTALLY OPPOSED – on core principles of theology and ontology.Neither believes in the Prophet or scripture of either.

U have to accept 1st the facts and then ascertain the truth – till then the war will just go ion !

For Those who ask Y ?! Y the war between Islam and Christian-ET

Sample the basic Priori differences between Islam and Christ-ian-ET ! dindooohindoo

There is not an iota of hope ! Only Doom !

Once u read this – there will be no queries on the reasons for Boko/ISIS/ Qaeda ………

Also , there is no Islamic Radicalism – This is Islamic Theology – only differing point of view is in how it is to be executed and/or enforced.dindooohindoo

The disaster is that the verses of the Quran can easily be proven from the Bible verses verbatim or their contradictions and /or interpretations.In other words, the NT and many parts of the OT are ruminations of a human and the Quran is the revelation TO A HUMAN

Type 1 – Prioris

Y Islam and Paulinity are fundamentally irreconciliable and normatively opposed – with the Old Testament and Prophet , probably doubting the Prophet Hoof of the Prophet of Islam
Muslims do not believe in the concept of Holy Trinity (Quran 5:73).
“They do blaspheme who say: God is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One God. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.” (Koran 5:73)
Say not “Trinity” : desist: it will be better for you: for God is one God: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is God as a Disposer of affairs.” (Koran 4:171)
God is not Jesus and vice versa (Quran 5:72
“O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of God aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of God, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in God and His apostles.

Type 2 – Philosophy , Theology and Perspectives on Hitstory

We are responsible for our own deeds and will not be punished for the deeds of another person (Quran 53:38–42) – as opposed to the Pauline belief
“If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to God), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost.” (Quran 3:85).
Jesus was initially Killed on the Crucifix – 1 Corinthians 1:23 (Quran does not agree to this -Surah 4:157)
Jesus was son of Joseph with the seed of David (Quran calls Jesus of immaculate conception theory)
Romans 1:3:
Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;
Revelation 22:16:
Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star
No Virgin Birth for Paulines (Quran believes in Virgin Birth)
Seed of David from Joseph (Seed of David from Mary – in Quran)
Jesus Christ our Lord…was made of the seed of David, according to the flesh;…. (Romans 1:3-4.)
Jesus Christ of the seed of David….(II Timothy 2:8.)
Of this man’s [i.e., David’s] seed hath God, according to his prophets, raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus. (Acts 13:23 KJV.)
Mary has the seed of Aaronites – a priestly class (Quran – No Comment)
The Bible refers to Christ as the “only begotten” Son of God (John 1:18) – As per Quran – there is no begotten-ness
The NT and Jesus did not prohibit wine or swine or any other meat – as per Quran – it is haram
Jesus opposed to John’s followers, disallowed and disavowed fasting – which is mandated, as per Quran
Isaiah opposed animal sacrifices – which is mandated as per Quran
Paul prohibited circumcision – which is mandated as per Quran
Paul mandated individual free will in all matters, besides the 1st Two Commamdments – Quran is about directions and injunctions, and no interpretation or bidah

July 13, 2019

We cry out to You, Father. When one suffers, we all share in the suffering. We command this situation with Leah and the other hostages to work together for Your glory and for their good. Sustain Leah in her commitment to You. Pour out Your grace and mercy upon her. Let the fear of God bring terror to anyone who would harm her. Let her light so shine among the abductors that they are brought to repentance. Your light shines brightest in the darkest places. Bring Your light and Your kingdom to bear in Northern Nigeria. Establish Your kingdom in the midst of Boko Haram and the Fulani herdsmen. We pray grace and peace and supernatural peace upon Leah’s prayers. Comfort them and direct their hearts into paths of peace and great faith. Let Your shalom rest upon them and Leah and all the others who are currently held captive. Let angels be assigned to minister to them and to bring them forth out of captivity. We plead the blood of the Lamb over our Christian family.

Julie Hansen
July 13, 2019

I am praying. Holy Spirit minister healing even now. Protect the mind, the heart and the body. Preserve their purity in faith to stay faithful. May the battle in the heavenlies be be completed and the terrorists throw down their weapons snd ideaologies and cry out for the living God.

Scott Singletary
July 13, 2019

The prayers of a righteous man accomplish much!
JESUS please help!

July 13, 2019

Remember those who are in chains as though you were chained with them and those who are mistreated because you are one with them. Hebrews 13:3.

MaryAnn Stuart
July 13, 2019

Dear Loving and Compassionate and the only True and Living God,
I pray for Leah and for her family and for all the people who are being persecuted in Nigeria.
May they all truly know You personally, as Savior, that, at the very least, they are not being tortured with no Biblical Heaven to look forward to. Please help all of Leah’s family and friends to cling to You to the very end. Please send confusion to the enemies of You and of Nigerians. Please cause their plans to fall apart. Please bring some of them to Yourself and the others to just punishment. Please give Nigerians a time of peace, during which Your Holy Spirit brings Your people to even greater maturity and brings many more people into Your fold – forever. Meanwhile, if Leah is alive and somewhat cognizant, please comfort her, be with her day and night. Thank You.

    MaryAnn Stuart
    July 13, 2019

    Please also give her family peace and comfort and joys. Please speak to our government people to inquire of You ways to help stop the enemies of Nigerians and to bring relief to the suffering Nigerians. Please put into the hearts and minds of our government people to also help Leah and her family. Thank You, God Almighty.

Pastor Donna Larson
July 13, 2019

We must pray more for the persecuted Christians!!! We live in a secure society thank God & they serve the same God we do. Pray confusion in the camp of God’s people’s enemies & for deliverance for the persecuted. Amen!

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