I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we lift up the Republican party before You. We pray that this party would honor You, advance Your kingdom on Earth, and follow Your commandments. As delegates vote on this draft today, we pray that You would guide them and give them wisdom!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

UPDATE: Delegates voted in favor of the draft platform yesterday. You can read the Republican party’s 2024 platform here. What do you think of the new platform?

In a recently revealed draft, the Republican party seems to follow Trump’s lead, abandoning the debate on national abortion restrictions.

Delegates will vote on whether to approve this draft TODAY, so your prayers are needed!

From POLITICO. The Republican Party is poised to abandon its current position explicitly advocating for federal abortion limits, according to a draft text of its new proposed platform obtained by POLITICO.

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The platform represents a major change for the GOP — and one that anti-abortion advocates had spent months rallying against. The new language describing abortion as an issue to be decided by the states is in line with the position held by former President Donald Trump. …

The platform language, which is still in draft form, is being deliberated by a committee that is expected to be largely deferential to the Trump campaign’s recommendations. Unlike the party’s platform passed in 2016, the proposed text does not include a 20-week federal limit on abortions or call for states to pass the Human Life Amendment, which proposes to amend the Constitution to say that life begins at conception.

“After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People,” the draft language states. “We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”

The heading for that section of the proposed platform says that Republicans will “Protect and Defend a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of Life.”

Trump didn’t just edit the platform language, but wrote some parts of the 15-page draft himself, according to a person with knowledge of his involvement. The new proposed platform is significantly shorter than the party’s current one. …

Some anti-abortion groups praised the removal of the 20-week limit, which they saw as a pre-Roe stopgap policy aimed at preventing some abortions. With Roe gone, they argue such a limit is no longer necessary, even though Democratic-controlled states allow abortions past that point.

“What’s most important here is an acknowledgment of 14th Amendment protections for all Americans, born and preborn,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life. “So, if true, this is a step in the right direction.” …

If the draft language sticks, the change would represent a shift for the GOP, which for decades has advocated for a federal law to limit abortion access.

The draft proposal was issued to members of the Republican National Committee’s platform committee Monday morning as the RNC is taking unusually aggressive steps to keep this week’s meetings on the party platform under wraps, barring delegates from using their phones, strictly controlling the release of draft language and prohibiting the media and most outside observers from attending, according to 10 people with knowledge of the proceedings.

The new rules were criticized by some top party activists. Two delegates to the platform committee called the restrictions “unprecedented,” with one fearing the protocols are aimed at limiting public dissent and ramming through a platform that otherwise might not have broad approval. …

The delegate blamed the restrictions on the RNC specifically and not Trump’s campaign. But the two entities have effectively functioned as one since Trump pushed out former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel earlier this year, replacing her and other top committee leaders with his own selections, among them his senior campaign adviser and his daughter-in-law. …

What do you think of this draft? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from POLITICO. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52646497)

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July 21, 2024

There is little i can say which hasnt already been said, if i say i agree i will get negative comments, if i disagree i will get negative comments. i am obviously no expert but i feel that giving states the power gets it off Trump’s back, and we can and should be praying for our states, our Govenors, Congress, and most importantly teens and adult women who will ultimately have to decide to either have tge courage to keep their pregnancy or give it up for adoption, or get an abortion, and this despite the fact that unwanted births can be prevented. our prayers should be for these decision making groups to allow the holy spirit to give them the courage to make and support the most moral compassionate decision for the innocent life that has no choice of its own. Church groups shoukd be getting more involved and offering programs to help support women who need funds for prenatal care or to pay OB doctor expenses and helping women arrange to give the child up for adoptiin, but most churches dont have these programs. Churches that truly go the second mike to not only tell women what’s right but help them actually have tge courage and funds to DO right and help women follow through the whole 9 month process. I am not saying it is impossible for all to make the right choice, because we have a miracle working God, but people do have a free will and we live in an evil selfish day. I am not saying that is the complete answer, we all know it isnt, women who want an abortion will get one regardless of church programs designed to help them, and even if they have to cross state lines to get one. Tax payer money should NOT EVER pay for ANYONE’s abortion, that is another important prayer point. Sin and selfishness, and cruelty came into the world after Adam and Eve’s sin. Despite God’s many great miracles like parting the sea, Sending Jesus and Raising him from the dead, and many great revivals in Jesus name, sin still continued to thrive in the world and even among agod’s chosen people who just walked through the ocean on dry land, it will continue to exist until the end. I am not saying dont fight it or not to fight abortion but the fight is through prayer and stepping up to actually provide viable alternative financial and moral support help to women who that might make all the differenve to, not abortion clinic protests, stalkings, or bombings or just signing a form letter to politicians. Sadly those do very little, but two in prayer agreement can chase 1,000, 5 righteous can save a city. Five Righteous, not five compromisers. The best we can do is continually be seeking the Lord to convict and help us identify and erradicate all compromise in our lives and teach us how to pray effectively pulling down strongholds in our own lives first as well as the strongholds of immorality and abortion in our communities. When we the church truly rise up and stop letting the enemy sway us into petty disagreements, bitterness, apathy, prayerlessness, and wasting hours upon hours on tv, facebook, unnecessary shopping and idle spiritually unprofitable passtimes, and instead truly be seeking the Lord and HIS KINGDOM above all, then we ourselves will have the idol free clean and pure hearts and hands it takes to ascend His holy mountain and dwell there and be used like Moses and move mountains like Jesus said. Then even when the heathen and Pharoah type leaders of our day wont budge God’s holiness will break through us and will begin to touch the hearts of heathen and unbelievers. I speak to myself here as well as to whomever this may apply to. Jesus help your church rise up in the righteousness and Victories, the Priestly and Kingship roles YOU ALREADY provided us, to seek to have clean hands and pure hearts, and take our position of ruling and reigning with you from our heavenly seat, not slink back to religion, apathy, and earthly pauper mindedness. Thank you for hearing us and stirring our hearts to wake up to step up, to rise up in Jesus holiness, in Jesus’ power and victory not just His name.

July 15, 2024

I pray that this isn’t a trend. The democrats talked like this long ago and then went full ahead to the evil side. I trust that God’s plan will come to pass no matter what political agenda the politicians may have. I agree with BeBold that we are one nation under God, the sanctity of marriage is between one man and one woman, of their God given biological sex, and that the sanctity of life by affirming that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which can not be infringed must be included. I wish they would trust in God and not be fearful of what they think might happen. Be safe trust in God and God bless.

Ann Curry
July 11, 2024

I’ve never paid much attention to a party platform before. That being said, many of us just live our lives and read the highlites. This year is different as we all know. I hope and pray the sleeping giant has gotten up. I read the platform in its entirety and although its not perfect, it covers many things and issues, and their are many, that have to be addressed. So we have to appeal to all ages, nationalities and creeds. Because we have to get out the vote and the more indiiviuals we can appeal to the better.

July 11, 2024

My thoughts after reading and comparing the 2024 proposed platform with the 2020 platform and with our own state’s platform, I would like to see 3 things included in the 2024 proposal:
1. We are One Nation Under God (page 3 paragraph 8)
2. Rep. will promote a culture that values the sanctity of marriage, the cornerstone of the family being marriage between one man and one woman, (under page 14 #1)
3. and we believe in the sanctity of life by affirming that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. (under page 15 #4)
I think that the proposed platform is easily understood. They have taken out all the cumbersome verbiage and repetition of the previous platform (thank you Jesus!) from 66 pages to 16! Now is the time to do things differently, keep it simple and easily understood. This can be done without compromising our core values.
We must to let our voice be heard directly to the RNC leadership and our own state delegates.

Arise, shine: for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and his glory will be upon you. Isaiah 60:1-2

July 10, 2024

WISE draft overall! The November election must be won, or many more unborn children will surely die – and 90% of all humanity (@Agenda 2030). Once in office, conservatives can strive for a Human Life Amendment – but the 14th must be sufficient to emphasize now for electability. Most importantly, just pray the election is secure, not stolen!

    Maddie K
    July 11, 2024

    Trolling again.

      July 11, 2024

      Who is trolling – anyone who supports the wisest path for a victorious election in November? Wow to those who call good evil. Peace and hope to you!

    July 21, 2024

    yes, very well stated! It is better for Trump to win than not win. The USA declined terribly in a very short time and sadly if we truly look into the facts we can see the same trends happened under most Democrat administrations the past 30 yrs…war involvements, weakened economies, i could go on but you get the point.

Dennis Grimm
July 10, 2024

Because American Citizens have become used to killing babies and feel that it’s ok to do it. Does not make it right. There should be a national campaign to show Americans what abortion really is so thier perception is changed. There has been too much disinformation promoted in the name of choice

July 10, 2024

This is very sad and disappointing– The Republican Party has always stood up for the
unborn–Just when the enemy is being exposed –now we are backing down–even if we
don’t win all the legal battles–we should not weaken our core values. We are pro-life-
We cannot legislate morality- but we can stand up for LIFE -so hearts can be changed.
There are two sides -good and evil- Republicans have always choose LIFE –do not
change now- there are always going to be those who want to do evil. But we have
come out from them- and want others to join us protecting LIFE.

    July 10, 2024

    Actually, even Reagan was not fully pro-life, wanted several exceptions, as if an unborn child has no inherent right to life. Trump and all GOP politicians try to have platforms for best electibility, otherwise the more murderous alternative will prevail. Let’s pray for discernment when commenting. May the Lord’s will be done for America’s utter survival and spiritual awakening!

      July 11, 2024


      Lisa McKay
      July 11, 2024

      Trump sold out. Are you?.stop trolling.

      July 11, 2024

      Who is trolling – anyone who supports the wisest path for a victorious election in November? Woe to those who call good evil. Mercy and hope to you who are the actual trolls being reported!

July 10, 2024

In my opinion, leaving pro-life issues up to each state was very disappointing. I’d hope the Republican platform would have taken a definitive stand on the value of all human life, even the unborn. In states like mine (Kansas), our state constitution has a “right to abortion” in it, which overrides a lot of life laws here. Just another way of supporting death in Kansas. Again, another layer of the sleeping church.

Keith M.
July 10, 2024

Funny how Christians suddenly are backing away from their standards on the pro life stance just to back Trump.
Shame, shame, shame!
Good luck in the afterlife!

    July 10, 2024

    There is no shame in being politically strategic – seeing the big picture, and trying to prevent the complete destruction of America (including the unborn)!

July 10, 2024

I believe getting the government’s hands out of as much as possible is always the right thing to do. Government needs to be less. Human life is God’s territory. I don’t think the big picture of all this is abandoning the issue of abortion at all. I believe it is a huge step forward into limiting government first and foremost and pointing at where the next step is- which is to pointing at the protection of life in the 14th amendment. None of it is “us against them”… it’s taking freedom back and getting back to how America was founded in the first place. Limited government, people united.. not divided. I believe God is making a path back to Him for our country. If He wants to do it in 1 day- He certainly can. If it is a step by step process then I praise Him for that too. Trump is not God and no one else in politics is either. God’s salvation is simple. Why should we complicate it for everyone else? Government needs to be stopped and this will be a good thing. When we can be united instead of criticizing is when we will be filled with greater power. For myself, I’m going to trust fully that God is in control and I will praise Him for His ways whether I understand them all or not. The truth is already being exposed. The horrors of the abortion industry are being revealed for what they are more and more. The truth of life being life from the moment of conception is becoming more and more clear to those who have been in the dark. Evil intentions are being exposed. It will be in God’s timing that the laws to protect life will include our most innocent- those not yet born. We don’t need a limit. We need truth revealed further to those whose eyes are blinded. I, for one, don’t want to be one who is so upset and critical that I miss the opportunity to welcome and walk alongside someone who may be just about to see the truth. God wins. We need the law to see life for what it is. We certainly don’t need limits on something that shouldn’t even be.. and we don’t need more politics for sure. We need the righteous governing of God’s kingdom on earth. Thru His church. The Church that draws in and invites the lost so that we can stand united. Life will win. We all know life begins at conception. There are those who have been deceived and blinded by the God of this world. Let’s believe that God is in control. And seek to save and draw in the lost. I’m believing God for a united America. One nation under God. Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

    July 10, 2024

    Sounds like a compromise on values!

    Laney S
    July 11, 2024

    Cult 45

    July 11, 2024

    Even Reagan was not fully pro-life, wanted several exceptions for a wider vote potential. Trump and all GOP who crafted this platform are being strategic, otherwise the more murderous alternative will prevail. Let’s pray for discernment when commenting. May the Lord’s will be done for America’s utter survival and spiritual awakening – and also for the narrow-minded in this tread who strain out gnats to swallow camels!

Pauulene D
July 10, 2024

In disapointed in the ” softened” language and relaxed stance on life! For votes!I see that as compromising with evil.no different from the pastors who refuse to talk about the issues for fear of loss of tithes and offerings. Compromise lost the last election when the church folded like a cheap suit in the face of government. We cant overcome their cheating in the natural without God now is not a good time to anger him! Havent we learned our lesson about ” going along to get along” ?isnt that what got us in this mess in the first place?

    July 10, 2024

    Your 100! It is for votes
    Stand up for the unborn cowards!

Ana Sanchez
July 9, 2024

I think the intent of removing this limit is to get the Fed government out of the abortion debacle. Sending the abortion issues to the States is the right thing to do, that way the people can decide not the Fed government. That said I think it’s the responsibility of Congress to ensure an amendment to the Constitution is passed to define life at conception and they should call it ‘Human Life bill’. A platform is not a law and I pray fi Trump gets in, he will push for the amendment. We need to all make sure we take both our Congress and Senate back as well as the White House. If we don’t support life, we will never have God’s favor.

July 9, 2024

I am unhappy with Trump’s stand on the abortion pill which is bad medicine and carries risks to the pregnant woman taking it, and is not a good alternative . Not only does it murder an unborn child it puts the mother at serious risk . It’s no different than Covid vaccines which were imposed on everybody without knowing the risks inherent in them for some patients. When will the FDA stop pushing for bottom line profits and stand by important research that outlines all the risks???
I am disappointed in the Republican Party for not standing up for the helpless unborn child.

July 9, 2024

Republican party should be tougher to fight for our nation. They are weak and afraid to fight against deep states.

Barbara Garfield
July 9, 2024

There will be some blank boxes on my ballot. I was a Democrat until Ted Kennedy decided to go pro-abortion. Where to now?

    Sarasota Smith
    July 10, 2024

    Thank ypu!!

    July 11, 2024

    Your votes should go to the party that is far and away the most pro-life and liberty. Any other option will serve the evil one’s agenda to destroy America. Pray much!

Gary Hibberd
July 9, 2024

Unfortunately sometimes some sacrifices must be made to achieve the large, overall goal of wrestling leadership from the left so that all is not lost. This is one of those sacrifices. Right now the culture has been too overrun by leftist zealots who have corrupted our society, driving us further from God and Christ than we have ever been.
This is bad news for the pro life movement and babies, as the forces that work to subvert our culture are insidious and unrelenting. Their focus will undoubtedly be mustered and concentrated against pro life states. Trying to maintain a stance of having the Fed gov’t against abortion, however, has driven away too many voters and cost this nation dearly because of lost elections. We need to right the ship, which will require the executive branch and Congress. This must be the priority at this point in time.

    Laney S
    July 10, 2024

    Your compromise will be met on hell.

    July 10, 2024

    THIS, AMEN! The November election must be won, or many more unborn children will surely die – and 90% of all humanity (@Agenda 2030). Once in office, conservatives can strive for a Human Life Amendment – but the 14th must be sufficient to emphasize now for electability. Most importantly, just pray the election is secure, not stolen!

      Q BABIES
      July 11, 2024

      Qanon, cult 45

      July 11, 2024

      The WEF agenda has been openly revealed on their own website. They want you genetically modified so you’ll “own nothing and be happy”. Wake up and stop complying – vote for life and liberty!

July 9, 2024

Very wishy washy. Very disappointing and sneaky. Very lukewarm. And you know what Jesus thinks about lukewarm…

Carla Sherman
July 9, 2024

You are either anti-abortion or pro-abortion. There is no middle ground. Father, open President Trump’s eyes, as well as the eyes of all his family members, to the horror of abortion. We break deception off of the Trump family in Jesus’ name! We declare they will see and hear the truth and change their hearts to do all they can to protect unborn children!

July 9, 2024

We must keep our focus. Single issues are important but we must remember that President Trump stood up for Christians and for Israel. We can keep focusing on abortion while gender modification is coming from another angle to destroy the family. We must trust God to change hearts, and stand together against candidates that are against everything in the Bible.

    Sarasota Smith
    July 10, 2024

    Your pro abortion obviously!

    July 10, 2024

    Good point about gender modification coming from another angle.
    Also, the word “electability” is critical for November. Changes can be made once the new president gets in.
    I don’t see it as compromise. It is left up to the states. It is unfortunate if you live in a state like my friend above cited (Kansas). I would pray/consider relocating. Come to Tennessee or other conservative red state. We did this 25 years ago for the sake of our children& I never regret it.
    (Sorry went off the rails there for a good bit).😊

July 9, 2024

I have been ready to vote for Trump throughout everything that has happened to him.
However, if he has changed his views on abortion, that shows that he is letting the left have influence on him.
If he does that, I may be looking for someone else to vote for.
I believe that the nation was founded on Biblical principles and that is the way the Republican platform
should be based on.

    July 10, 2024

    Unwise – your vote against Trump would be wasted, and only further lead to the increased slaughter of both born and unborn humanity. Pray for better discernment!

Ginny Wade
July 9, 2024

We stand with the Constitution.
We applaud Donald Trump for his leadership.
We pray: Let Thy Kingdom come!
Let Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Abbey B.
July 9, 2024

We just released all the names of Christian clients that claimed to be pro life that sought abortions at a clinic my non Christian friend works at. Many of these ladies actually had the nerve to protest and later seek an abortion at the very same clinic.
Well it’s time for judgement!

    Maddie Kotbey
    July 10, 2024

    Wonderful idea! Please post on IFA. What state are you in?

Doris Theisen-Salzl
July 9, 2024

I do NOT agree with the more liberal current draft.

July 9, 2024

First: I feel for the unwed pregnant teen, and for the biological teen father, etc., etc., ect.
How many Ben Carson’s has the world lost due to abortion? I see no where in the bible where God says – compromise with sin for the long term gain. Yeah, Trump, and all republican candidates are the one most all visitng this website will vote for but he’s not THE answer. The Republican party is not the answer.

God gives us a free will, but there are consequences. Look at how God “corrected” His “chosen” people in the Old testament. Think we are going to get a free pass? Just look around. Time to trust God, and obey God.

I throw no stones here! People are not the enemy, satan is. The United States needs God’s help to save our country, and the world.

Writing this, makes me realize I first need to repent in taking the moral inventory of so many politicians. Time to pray for them instead. Every morning the IFApray.org pop-up reminds me to do just that.

July 9, 2024

“For we are INDEED his offspring. Act 17:28

Abortion is not freedom to choose- it is fighting against or
an attack on our own future nation.

Virginia Connolly
July 9, 2024

I have not read the full platform yet but I have listened to members who are delegates from the Christian community. It seems to me that some Christians are determined to have the federal government forces all people to accept God’s will. But doesn’t that actually go against the free will God choose to bestow upon His children. When it is the job of His children to offer God’s love and God’s word to the world and let them decide. We can’t undo 70 plus years of bad behavior with one presidential election. We will never see Jesus’s name on a ballot so all we can do is what he told us to do. And trust in God to do the rest. We can’t even begin to change the hearts and minds of future generations until we purge those people who are determined to force evil upon us.

    Hank Progar
    July 9, 2024


    Gary H
    July 9, 2024

    I agree with what you say, except for thinking that Christians are trying to “force” people to follow God’s will, which goes against our own free will. If you are going to argue that, then you must also argue against all laws that also coincide with the Christian lifestyle. For example, murder. Clearly the ten commandments call our murder as a no-no. We also have laws against murder, but no one contends that laws against murder are Christians’ attempt to force God’s will upon the country. The same holds true for trying to stop the murder of babies. Or, abortion, or even “women’s reproductive rights” as the left now try to label it.

July 9, 2024

President Trump has said MULTIPLE times that he must get elected first to make any changes. He offers hope in that statement for life, freedom, safety, economics, immigration and more. Those who will sit home and not vote, due to their inability to understand his messaging, will assist the most anti-life regime to continue unfettered. I will vote for hope every time over evil. President Trump is far from perfect, as we ALL are, but if democrats win we will all be in peril along with the unborn. We need to stand strong, pray hard and at least try! If you sit home you are complicit in the demise of America and the last HOPE we have.

    Sarasota Smith
    July 9, 2024

    Trump fooled you and used Christian for votes.
    Don’t be used again!

      Gary H
      July 9, 2024

      I really love it when the left make a statement without even trying to support their allegation. Is it due to laziness, or because you are unable to support it? If you want to get any respect or credibility from anyone from whom those things are worth having, you need to do better. Meanwhile, I will correct you by saying that Trump was one of the most conservative and Christian oriented Presidents ever. Despite his character flaws and the left’s attempts to label him as governing only for the rich.

        Maddie Kotbey
        July 10, 2024

        No Trump is a rapist and your obviously a pro abortionist!

      July 10, 2024

      Could not agree more. TRUMP FOOLED EVERYONE!

      Mollie S
      July 10, 2024

      Yes, it’s a shame they caved. Now babies will be slaughtered per Trump’s request!

        July 10, 2024

        So sad to see trolls commenting here – but at least they flag themselves for much needed intercessory prayer. 😣🙏

          July 11, 2024

          R u a troll?

Alexandra Motz
July 9, 2024

The word disappointment does not describe the grief I feel for our Nation. Just when it’s seems we’re tearing down Baal’s altars to show the Lord of Hosts we repent for the the killing of millions of American babies, we compromise leaving Baal’s altars. Not only are we incurring God’s judgement as a Nation, we’ve been betrayed in the one MORAL issue which matters most in the eyes of the Lord. We’re lowering our birthrates to a point of no return. That will be the judgement on us. Allowing our Nation to become old and fade away as new generations from other countries take possession of this land. The Lord forgive our leaders for this compromise. I will not vote on this election for Leaders who lack character to defend the most basic human right to live. For you are neither hot or cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth.

    July 9, 2024

    Trump played you like a fiddle.
    You must feel pretty embarrassed; I do.

      July 9, 2024

      If you prefer a party whose candidate sells American secrets, showers with his daughter and blesses himself with the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion speech then do what you must. I, however, will happily take the better choice. I feel no embarrassment at all but I sure do know a lot of remorseful biden voters

    July 10, 2024

    Unwise! The November election must be won, or many more unborn children will surely die – and 90% of all humanity (@Agenda 2030). Once in office, conservatives can strive for a Human Life Amendment – but the 14th must be sufficient to emphasize now for electability. Most importantly, just pray the election is secure, not stolen!

Tracey Powers
July 9, 2024

I read the 16 pages that were available here. I agree with all of it, however the elephant in the room is the abandonment of the federal government’s full protection of the unborn from conception through birth, as noted in the many loopholes like the abortion pill that crosses state lines and is pedaled to minors! Yes, the states can vote to ban abortion, but if our federal government will not protect life, the abortion pill, abortions in the military, etc. will still decimate our country and bring us into God’s judgment!!! Have mercy on us, Dear Lord! Father in Heaven, let Your people’s outcry reach President Trump & the entire GOP and let Your Holy Will Be Done in America as it is in Heaven! In the Mighty Name of Jesus we cry to You on behalf of our sinful, broken nation!

    July 10, 2024

    Ask the Lord Almighty to show you the big picture! The November election must be won, or many more unborn children will surely die – and 90% of all humanity (@Agenda 2030). Once in office, conservatives can strive for a Human Life Amendment – but the 14th must be sufficient to emphasize now for electability. Most importantly, just pray the election is secure, not stolen!

July 9, 2024

For me, the issue comes down to what we believe is the best strategy for the promotion and acceptance of a life agenda. Even though we may recognize life at conception denoting that point in time can be very controversial. Most abortions occur after 15 weeks, so what does a 20 week limit accomplish? I suggest that we need a “ground swell” of support, substantiated by a majority of states, that have adopted life at conception legislation. We need to build this position from below rather than “mandate” it from above. When will our churches be soundly represented in this fight? PRAY (abortion will end the day men act like fathers and women accept nothing less in a man).

Trudy McCabe
July 9, 2024

I don’t understand why our Republican representatives did not stand up and speak out when they saw that the convention was going sideways. God was acknowledged about 16 times in the old platform, now God is acknowledged twice. Will anyone ever speak for truth, justice and stick up for God in our nation?!!!!
The representatives of our Party won’t do it where are we to go?

    Maynard Beck Sr
    July 9, 2024

    They were cherry-picked by Trump! I know of at least 2 states (Missouri and South Carolina) where the pro-life delegates elected in their state conventions were kicked out and replaced by his cronies.

    Lisa McKay
    July 10, 2024

    They are cowards under Trump.
    Trump is evil!

Katrina M Weader Myers
July 9, 2024

The way I read the document, the constitution is included. selah.
god given rights

    July 10, 2024

    Absolutely, it’s already in the constitution, just debatable whether life actually begins at conception (though when else?!)

Sally Jadlow
July 9, 2024

Father God, Creator of all, give us heats of flesh for our hearts of stone. Write Your laws on our hearts that we may not sin against you. May all know You are the one true God whom we must obey if we are to continue as a nation. Thank You for Your intervention.

Sherry J
July 9, 2024

I wish people would understand that President Trump is not changing the platform or “watering down” his stance on abortion just because he believes it should be left up to the states (and to the people of those states). He is the most pro-life president our country has ever had and his personal position has not changed. He is not compromising, he is using wisdom. President Trump is trying to get elected so he can change what’s going on in our country, promote the pro–life agenda and end the atrocities being done to our children. In order to do that he needs to win the votes of those undecided or unaffiliated voters I think we all agree that life begins at conception and abortion is wrong. But we must look at the big picture as others have stated. If you are a Christian and you are not voting because you disagree on this one issue then you are in essence voting for the other candidate and our country could be lost forever. Please don’t let this happen. Let’s stand united against the enemy and encourage EVERY Christian to vote in this upcoming election. I pray in the name of Jesus that the Lord opens everyone’s heart and eyes, and that our country will be restored to one nation under God.

    Angie Edwards
    July 9, 2024

    I agree 100%! We have to WIN first, before ANYTHING remotely positive happens in this country. I wholeheartedly believe President Trump is using wisdom to place him in a position to be able to affect positive change, including with the Pro-Life agenda. He loses, EVERYONE LOSES!!! Including the unborn.

E Marie Jennings
July 9, 2024

Father God help people who say they believe in you to stand for life. No compromise with evil. Turn the hearts of this nation toward you.

    July 10, 2024

    The 14th amendment is for life – which absolutely begins at conception. May the Lord have mercy upon Pharisees on this thread. Peace and revelation to you!

Joanne Parkin
July 9, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father, move in the hearts of Christ followers to play an active role in government at all levels. Inspire those that are pro-life to run for offices to represent all unborn and born citizens. Our hope is in you, Lord. Have mercy on these defenseless unborn children. Cause pregnant women to love their unborn babies more than life itself. The Republican Party is a political, not a religious organization, with the purpose of winning elections. I vote for individuals, not for a party. Individuals that stand on your Word and protect all children born and unborn from the fiery darts of satan and his hosts. As you raised up warriors among the Israelites to enter the Promise Land, Heavenly Father raise up warriors in our country that will stand to protect our nation from the enemies within.

July 9, 2024

Nancy has it right, Until the US Federal Government establishes that life begins at conception and that the human fetus is a person there will be two sides to this story.
God sits on one side and satan on the other. Who do you sit with???? Think about it.

Prayer and voting godly issue and for godly people is our duty.

    July 10, 2024

    Yes, ultimately we want a U.S. Constitutional amendment protecting human life from conception. But, for now, the 14th amendment must suffice for Trump’s electability. Pray God protects the vote!

July 9, 2024


Debbie L
July 9, 2024

My thoughts and prayers are as always, “that God’s will be done”, as per his plan and designs.
God hears our prayers and knows what’s in our hearts. Keep praying.

Patricia Owens
July 9, 2024

Lord, Holy Father…does it come down to the question: Do we trust you? We know the Supreme Court indicated this is an individual state problem. We know your Word shows Baal flourishing, feeding on arms, torsos, chemically burned bodies. Do we take him out piecemeal or trust You to give Your children, those You call by name, total victory in November? Help us to remember Gideon’s success with only a few, the answered prayers of repentance of kings. We pray Your shaking of America gives us all Your perspective….that the RNC finds their gathering punctuated with Holy Spirit’s presence. Thank you, in our Lord Jesus’ Name..

July 9, 2024

FATHER, Thank You
for our 14th Amendment!
States that ignore this and approve abortion will be marked… IN YESHUA’S

Brent Wittges
July 9, 2024

I personally believe the Republican Platform regarding Abortion should be the same as it was when Former President Trump ran in 2016. There should not be any compromise. Follow the Commands of our Lord Jesus Christ!!! All life if precious to Him so the unborn should be protected as those who are living!!! No Abortion Period!!!

Susan Jaquith
July 9, 2024

We have prayed so long about this. The scripture “Be wise as serpents and as innocent as doves” comes to me re: setting the platform. Perhaps it is wisdom to establish a platform at this point that can eventually lead to the constitutional change for life. It is imperative that we win this election or the other biblical principles will be lost as well.

    Sharon Walker
    July 9, 2024

    In November, we will have the choice to vote for the most pro-choice/abortion president/nominee or the most pro-life president. The new RNC party platform is not as perfect aa we may want but it is the only party platform that allows for continued progress of the pro-life movement.

Kathy Martin
July 9, 2024

My state has become an abortion destination. So very sad! We need strong Federal guidance on the limiting of abortion. Our Democratic governor and very liberal supreme court in my state make it impossible to pass any restrictions on abortion. Elections have LIFE AND DEATH consequences!!

Nancy Gunow
July 9, 2024

The Human Life Amendment and the Personhood Movement are important to establish that a person is a person from the moment of biological beginning under the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution. “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” We must establish that the human fetus is a person under the constitution. May God have mercy upon us until that time, and have mercy upon our nation for our sins against those created in His image that are being murdered; the blood of the innocents is upon our land.

Cindy Sallis
July 9, 2024

So now what? Will this weakened platform be voted on next week and there is still time to stop it? How does the minority report file read? How do we support the minority report? Can we get the word out to the Delegates arriving this weekend to support the minority report instead?

Kathryn L Bast
July 9, 2024

I cannot believe that this will be the most talked about status. If we live by our constitution we give states the power to make laws that affect their state period. God is in charge of abortions and if a woman chooses to go that way she can deal with God. Just stop trying to make people smarter than they are. If this emotional issue keeps Joe Biden in office shame on us. Period.

Faith Heath
July 9, 2024

Praying for wisdom and that God is honored. I, too, am for getting the Fed. Government out of as much as possible and back to the states.

Kendra Horn
July 9, 2024

It makes we want to disassociate from the GOP and go back to registering as unaffiliated. IVF is evil and used to harvest body parts for humanized rat experiments.

Beverly Enderlein
July 9, 2024

I pray that we will courageously promote protection for preborn babies.

July 9, 2024

The party platform should remanin as it has. To water it down shows weakness and in reallity does not make good sence. When it is ok to take the life of some people it opens up the feild for taking the life of
any and all people. Since Roe was passed and people felt it was ok to take the life of unborn the numbers
of children killed in child abuse soared to thousands every year. To top it off people that were found guilty
of killing little children were not held accountable making it ok to kill those unable to protect themselves.
It is extremely important to protect all human life or no life is safe.
Thank you

Beverly Steckler
July 9, 2024

We’ve got to win this election or we will go the way of other communist countries for sure!! That’s why I’m believing and trusting in God to raise up a leader who is believing in the rights of the born and preborn, too! He may not be perfect but what great leaders have been? Think of David, Moses, Joshua….. yet God used them mightily! Let’s come together to fight against the evil working so strong against us and not demand perfection and vote for Gods appointed leader in such a time as this.

Mary Ann Canfijn
July 9, 2024

May God have Mercy on us all! May we Stand with Him for Life! May we fall on the side of Righteouness!

Al Teasel
July 9, 2024

There should be a federal law banning abortion, and promoting passage of “Human Life Amendment”. This should not be an issue left to the states to decide.
Side-stepping the issue as they are wanting to do, does not make a wrong right.

Helen Phillips
July 9, 2024

Father God, Creator of the Universe and all that is therein, You would that no man should perish but come to repentance. You created each life for Your purpose and plan. Each child is a gift with a destiny.
I stand in the gap and ask for mercy upon our nation though we deserve judgement. You have a righteous remnant calling out to You day and night for a Holy Spirit awakening in all nations. We realize that You Lord are the answer to mankind’s deception and depravity.
Lord of hosts, would You send ministering angels on assignment to the RNC and to the DNC? I pray for their repentance and salvation. You are Almighty, King of kings and Lord of lords and nothing is impossible for You.
Jesus, we thank You for paying the ultimate price for our salvation and for ALL who will believe on You. You are the greatest Intercessor and we bow before You awaiting Your assignment

    July 9, 2024

    And all of God’s people said, “Amen, Amén!, Yes Lord!”

      July 9, 2024

      Trump played you like a fiddle.
      You must feel pretty embarrassed; I do.

    July 9, 2024

    Amen and amen‼️🙏

    (By the way, I accidentally touched the wrong place when I wanted to reply to this. It looks as if I’m trying to report something that was wrong. Please ignore that mistake. I can’t seem to undo what I did.)!

Jim Neuerburg
July 9, 2024

Heavenly Father, You are not surprised by this and Your vision sees much further ahead than I can. Send your Holy Spirit to guide these delegates that Your will may be accomplished. Protect this country that we may return to honoring You in all matters.

Evelyn Green
July 9, 2024

One of my main issues is that if a politician calls themselves a Republican they can be held to the platform stances. I believe the abortion issue is major and that the platform should state that as a Republican we stand for the Right to Life at all stages of life from conception to old age.

July 9, 2024

Abortion at any time after conception, is murder and God will judge. The responsibility for the abortion/murder is 100% the mother’s. Anyone assisting the abortion whether it be pharmaceutical, Doctor, facility, staff…..are also responsible for the abortion. Laws assisting the ease, availability of abortion/murder, would fall under the responsibility of the lawmakers, and those voting to make abortions legal, for judgment. A national abortion law, would make a nation guilty of murder.
May God direct the hearts and minds of our lawmakers, leaders, and people to make God-fearing, God-honoring choices that Glorify Him and protect human life. In Jesus Name, Amen

Linda Rice
July 9, 2024

I support fighting abortion at the state level. All our word begin with a power hungry federal government.

Lewis Jenkins
July 9, 2024

It’s probably too late to make this point, but I’ll do it anyway: If the abortion issue is left to the States, then the GOP platform should also say that the Federal government must cease all funding for abortions. This means that national health care agencies cannot be used as a means of funding the killing. Let the States provide any and all funding as they deem necessary.

Arlene Barton
July 9, 2024

Above all else, Honor God. We need His favor on our nation more than ever.

Brian Lynch
July 9, 2024

Lord Jesus, I thank You for these delegates who are developing the Republican party platform for this year’s election. I pray that they would seek Your guidance and direction in this endeavor. Give each and every person involved ears to hear the still, small voice of Holy Spirit giving them the wisdom that they need. Thank you Jesus.

July 9, 2024

This is a state issue and not a federal issue post Dobbs. I will vote for pro-life candidates but not federal candidates that want usurp state rights. Why can’t IFA see this?

Anna Hershman
July 9, 2024

Each state is a woman’s home…each ,state must decide alone!
Praying for the folks in each state to have hearts for the yet born!
My LORD, I ask for YOUR MERCY to open the hearts of abortionists and those seeking to destroy the life within them. Flood their hearts & minds with Your Truth. Send forth those who will help them, share the gospel, and supply their needs. ABBA, end abortion by the power of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT! I pray inYESHUA’S name. Amen!

Emma Whitaker
July 9, 2024

Lord, you alone are ruler over the universe. Please grant the republican draft to include You,and Your values. Please stop every form of evil that would try to thwart Your purpose in Jesus name 🙏 amen.

July 9, 2024

Lord, I am so grieved that Donald Trump is calling for this change in the republican platform! Just like the Republican Party was created to get rid of slavery (because all are created equal), the Republican Party has always taken a stance against killing babies in the womb! The Republican Party has been like the little boy w/ his finger in the hole in the dam on the issue of pro-life! It’s like, in gov’t, the Republican Party is the LAST STAND against the holocaust slaughter of the unborn (over 63,000,000 babies) since 1973 when they passed Roe v Wade! If this change gets passed, I believe, it will have the effect that passing Roe v Wade did in 1973! It will put a stamp of approval on having an abortion, allowing others ‘to choose’ death for their babies (for only selfish reasons), allowing evil people to profit from the wholesale killing of unborn babies, & open the door wider to the infanticide of babies! ANYONE who actually hears from God — is feeling a ‘call to arms’ about this change! This is not just a political issue! God will judge us for this! I am so appalled I can hardly stand it! I have ALWAYS only voted for candidates who are pro-life! Sometimes we need to stand w/ the will of God, even if by doing so, makes it seem like we will go down for taking that stand! THAT, my brothers & sisters, is faith. It’s not a state or a federal issue! It’s a standing w/ God against the wholesale slaughter of babies!! Lord, please, please, please do not allow this change in the Republican Party platform to pass! Please raise up your army of intercessors to fast & pray that Your will & protection of the babies be CARVED IN STONE in the Republican Party Platform! And please give Donald Trump a willing heart to allow You to lead him to the center of Your will on this issue, in Jesus’ name! Amen!

    Sarasota Smith
    July 9, 2024

    Yes, the Republicans played the pro lifers hard as a fool and used them just for votes once again.
    Let’s not be stupid.
    Trump is no Christian!

      C R
      July 9, 2024

      So, stick with biden! Or don’t vote at all! And don’t complain in your concentration camp! Don’t believe it can happen? The Jews in Germany also didn’t believe it!

        Sarasota Smith
        July 9, 2024

        Oh I intend to vote Biden.
        He’s a devout Catholic, as am I!

        Sarasota Smith
        July 9, 2024

        Our entire church is now voting Trump out and collecting signatures against him!

        Denise Davis
        July 9, 2024

        I thought the 2025 Project is the one that’s planning those camps not the democrats.

    July 9, 2024

    Donald Trump is not the head of the RNC and many of them in the party don’t like Trump. Stop blaming Trump for EVERYTHING! He is NOT the RNC!

      Sarasota Smith
      July 9, 2024

      He’s a cult of personality and a sexual abuser!

        July 9, 2024

        And biden is a thief, liar, heretic, showers with his daughter, promotes abortion and is demented. He is about as Catholic as a turnip. You can not promote his pro abortion stance publicly and then receive communion. If you’re truly a Catholic you’d know this. TROLL

July 9, 2024

I am praying that this issue of protecting innocent life creates the best climate for reducing abortions across the country. We must be honest and realize that in a perfect world there would be no abortion, however , the country may never be ready for that strong of a stance following decades of Roe/Wade .It is far better to work within what use to be a common sense approach and never permit late term abortion, limit others to issues of rape, incest, and the life of the mother. This would drastically reduce abortion making it rare instead of commonplace .Instead of trying to make an ungodly world live by godly standards, let’s at least significantly reduce the numbers that are occurring. Sadly, this is the best we can hope for and if we try to outlaw all abortion.. we will lose miserably on this issue and things will get worse. Ohio is a perfect example of this happening and it’s very sad. 🙏

Louisa Priore
July 9, 2024

My concern is that well-meaning Christians will not vote based on this one issue or vote for some random candidate who cannot will. IFA and Christians do need to continue the fight for the unborn. But we also need to look at the whole picture. If the democrats win this next national election, they will continue to mutilate and sterilize children. Men with beards in dresses will continue to speak at the White House. Endless wars and open borders will continue. Please remember that we may win the battle regarding our platform, but lose the war. And that would be much worse.
Lord, give us Your wisdom, Your strategy as we make our way through this issue. Help us all remember that the best approach to the issue of abortion is to pray for change the hearts and minds of those who are being deceived to believe that killing their offspring is somehow a good decision. Forgive us for allowing the sexual revolution to normalize and accept sex outside of marriage. Even in the church, Lord, we have not held a standard of sexual purity. Forgive us.

    Laney S
    July 9, 2024

    Our church too, is now pro Biden due to this RNC new platform move!

Kathleen W.
July 9, 2024

It is time we the people who are called by His name should repent. We have allowed a few to make decisions for us at a level where we have no voice. Meaning the federal govt has grown out of control . The founding fathers under direction by God warned of this. Return to the people of the states to decide the law. Pray, vote and be informed.
Father, God, give us Your Wisdom and discernment. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN

Mary Anne Cole
July 9, 2024

I do not agree that the Su[reme Court should have ruled on this 50 years ago, I believe in States Rights. We are the united states so each state should decide the terms. I believe abortion is murder.

July 9, 2024

Alright boys and girls here we go !! If you believe in intercessory prayer this is the moment we MUST unite and overcome this weapon formed against us.
Father I like what other intercessors have replied regarding a child’s DNA being created upon conception and we’re afraid Trump will “water down “ the RNC’s stance against abortion and pass the buck to the States. We also pray, declare and decree your Holy Spirit will be present at that assembly today. May your heavenly hosts surround the members as they vote. In the glorious precious name of our JESUS we pray and decree this today ! Hallelujah!!
As united believers we humbly approach your throne and remain praying in our understanding and in the spirit until this crucial element is restored by our politicians …We praise you FATHER

July 9, 2024

Granting the federal gov’t power over decisions regarding the murder of the unborn would be disastrous. Who knew this country would be in a battle over dismembering an innocent life while alive and feeling all of the pain from its own mother’s womb? Trump is going to try to ‘please everybody’ to get back into the White House. We need Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the ONLY suitable man to take the helm.

Father God, remove the trance from the people of the United States. Remove the scales from their eyes that they may see. Give them the courage to stand and fight for the unborn. We have lost our way. Shine Your light upon our paths and lead us through these dark times. Amen.

Pat M
July 9, 2024

Father God, Lord of all creation, Creator God who told us to multiply and replenish the earth, we see Your words as Life and decree them until the Republican platform. You are our plum line of justice and crossbar of righteousness. Today we appeal to Jesus for more, more, more than wisdom, discernment but LOVE. LET LOVE RULE THIS DAY IN JESUS NAME.

Hugh McGuire
July 9, 2024

Follow God not politically driven agendas! God created man and woman and to destroy that life is an abomination to God!

July 9, 2024

Should we leave the issue of slavery up to the states ??? Evil cannot be accommodated. Pro life people are the abolitionists of today.

    July 9, 2024

    We need to abolish the death penalty & assisted suicide too!

July 9, 2024

In our Republic form of government, the states made the federal government with limited powers! Abortion is a STATE issue, not a federal issue! It is not Donald Trump’s stance that abortion is a state issue, but the limited federal powers in our Constitution says it belongs to the states! The RNC platform is about choosing men and women to be our representatives in government. Period! We should have already done our research to see that the people we support has values that line up with our personal values. Stop with the anti-Trump rhetoric. He is 1 man and he is merely a candidate, not the RNC! I don’t get you so-called Christians that are so holy yet you have not discerned that Trump is who GOD has chosen for such a time as this! Be careful that as you use your mouths to come against Trump, that you are not fighting against GOD! FATHER GOD please send us YOUR Wisdom and Peace to know all YOUR Will! Thank YOU for strengthening Donald Trump with strength in his inner man! Let us all discern YOUR desire for us during this election cycle! Not my will FATHER, but YOUR Will be done in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

    July 9, 2024

    Good thoughts.. it’s hard to help people understand that we can’t force morality on anyone. Mandating morality even if we know that the unborn are at risk which is heartbreaking is not going to work. We will be called extremism’s and like in Ohio this issue will be won over by the far left who make abortion their religion. We have to at least take steps toward what is right without thinking we are going to abolish all abortion. Let’s at least return to abortion being rare. In my opinion , Trump is playing this exactly right. By taking away the issue from the Democrats and agreeing with giving it back to the states to decide , we are at least able to expose their disgusting agenda of late term and post birth abortion which no one in their right minds want.

Debra Ward
July 9, 2024

It’s the ultimate “lukewarm” position that gets spewed out the the Mouth of God.

Louise Nowicki
July 9, 2024

“Do not be bound together with unbelievers for what partnership have righteousness with lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? I WILL DWELL IN THEM AND WALK AMONG THEM. AND I WILL BE THERE GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE, THEREFORE COME OUT FROM THERE MIDST AND BE SEPARATE SAYS THE LORD, AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; AND I WILL WELCOME YOU. AND I WILL BE A FATHER TO YOU, AND YOU SHALL BE sons and daughters TO ME, SAYS THE LORD ALMIGHTY.” 2 Corinthians 14-18

Judy Fegley
July 9, 2024

I pray that the convicting power of the Holy Spirit would come upon all those that believe abortion is right.. That they would turn their hearts toward God and His Word and and their responsibility follow on to know the Lord WHO IS RIGHT, not those who say they have the Right. IN Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

July 9, 2024

Although Joe Biden and Donald Trump are strong leaders in their respective parties, is it not time to look for a change of leaders in the respective parties and try and choose younger strong leaders in their respective parties?
It looks like the saying ‘Old Blind Grandma Open the door’!!!
It is high time that both parties need younger leaders!
May the Lord God enlighten our nation to rightful younger leaders to lead our nation and the world!


    July 9, 2024

    Joe biden is not a strong leader! Donald Trump is! Don’t mix it up! We have had 3 1/2 years to come up with a younger and stronger candidate! Where are they? It is what it is! Donald John Trump 2024!

Grant R
July 9, 2024

The U S should move to protect the children in the womb using the 14th amendment.
The RNC should NOT water down the GOP platform and trying to appease the few middle ground voters.
Trump is trying to get middle ground women voters over to his side. The GOP must stick with those God Life Elements and ask God to move enough middle of the road voters over to the GOP.
Life at all early positions is just as important.
The GOP must stand their ground on this issue.
Also, if changing the GOP platform in secret will cost the GOP votes where people won’t vote.

July 9, 2024

I support human life from the moment of conception to natural death.
Human life is precious and should be protected from the conception to natural death.

    Sherri Hill
    July 9, 2024

    I think the problem is that although we believe, people have a choice to sin. God gives us free will. Minnesota has full term abortion right now and we want to roll it back and return funding toI think the problem is that although we believe, people have a choice to send God gave us a choice. Minnesota has full term abortion right now Pro life organizations and stop using government spending for planned parenthood- we all know this isn’t ‘healthcare’. As a party in MN we are seeing our state deteriorate and we need to win the house back in order to stop more upcoming evil legislation- like allowing children to transition with gender ‘affirming’ surgeries, trans in women’s spaces and sports, zero restrictions on abortions, and no parental rights when a child ‘wants to transition’. We are watching the most evil time here and we are a party villainized daily here with all of the media against us. Banning abortion will never fly in Minneapolis or Hennepin county- our party is divided here because we all want desperately to win or we will be mowed over and into even more evil like CA! Of course we value life- I believe it is Titanic ritual to sacrifice children, what we really should be praying for is a revival in Minnesota in the depths of the bowels of Minneapolis and Hennepin county because we need to change the hearts of the people otherwise the state is lost.

    Sarasota Smith
    July 9, 2024

    Republicans support the death penalty tho.

Lola Lehman
July 9, 2024

According to the Republican Party when does Life begin and rendered Valuable, Created in the Image OF
G-D, SOMEONE TO BE PROTECTED? IF YOU CHABGE YOUR STANCE ON THIS IMPORTANT TOPIC, YOU WILL LOSE MANY MANY PEOPLE!!! HOW WILL YOU be DIFFERENT THAN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. In this issue? ABBYJohnson, the former Planned Parenthood worker, NOW PRO-LIFER, (after watching an abirtion being performed) is in an Uproar about this Recent Legislation. I saw her post last night. Stick STRONGER WITH G-D, NOT AGAINST HIM. HAVE NO FEAR OF MAN. FEAR G-D, IT IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM!!!

Ted Bjorem
July 9, 2024


Sheryl Dawson
July 9, 2024

If all Republicans are not heard on this issue or any issue related to a platform, than free speech is undermined. Ultimately, when it comes to life, it is God’s voice that matters. Abandoning the Constitutional principle of life for all citizens to States is a cop out. We stand on the Bible and the Constitution. Preserve all life, including in the womb.

Terry Cook
July 9, 2024

Lord, you’ve given all people the freedom to choose or reject truth, choose or reject life, even choose or reject you. Your gift of freedom separates you from all other gods and spiritual powers in the universe. It’s but one reason we worship you.
But many have been deceived into choosing a lie about you and have become enslaved to deceit. Forgive us Lord. Open our eyes to your existence and your everlasting sovereignty. May those who are now crafting our political positions remember you and your will for us, honor your purposes, provide clarity and guidance based on truth and give the electorate hope to prevail in our secularist culture. To you Lord belongs the glory.

July 9, 2024

THE most important argument to remember is:
Unique DNA !!!
Liberals love to demand, “Follow the science!” Well, they can NOT argue that a child has unique DNA from conception. Not Mom’s, not Dad’s but a unique blending of the two. THAT FACT makes a unique individual. (By the Hand of God.) And every individual has the Right to Life!

July 9, 2024

One thing, that the RNC is good at, is cutting it’s own throat…we will see if this happens with the new leadership. The life issue is the bedrock of the Republican party, we will see if this changes.

Constance Kilfeather
July 9, 2024

DJT/Republican Party softening their positions on abortion and same-sex marriage would affect my vote. As much as I love what DJT has done for our country, these two issues are not negotiable. I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide all those who make these decisions.

Stephen Jett
July 9, 2024

Gentle Shepherd, much we need thy tender care 🤔 oh mighty God May your Spirit be unmistakeable to those concerning this decision 🙏🙏🙏


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