I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank you for what you are doing in the New Hampshire school district! We pray that you would continue to protect the schools all throughout America, and that this would be the beginning of revival in our education system.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has signed into law a two-year budget bill, which includes, among many other things, a ban on teaching the idea that individuals of a certain race or sex are inherently racist or sexist.

The $13.5 billion package, which the Republican governor called a “win for every citizen and family in this state,” establishes a voucher-like “education freedom account program,” allowing families to use state aid to cover the expense of private and homeschooling. It also contains elements of what was formerly known as House Bill 544, which outlines for “divisive concepts related to sex and race” to be banned from state-funded programs and contracts.

The new lawlike others of its kind, is largely modeled after a now-rescinded executive order by former President Donald Trump. Specifically, it prohibits propagating the idea that individuals are inherently superior or inferior due to their race or sex, that individuals of any race or sex are inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, and that individuals should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly on account of their race or sex.

That being said, the law still allows teachers, government agencies, and contractors to present these concepts objectively, upholding the principles of academic freedom and freedom of speech. It also states that the ban should not prevent them from promoting “racial, cultural, or ethnic diversity or inclusiveness,” so long that such efforts remain consistent with what the law requires. . . .

The idea that America and Americans of a certain race are inherently racist is being advocated by proponents of the Marxism-rooted critical race theory (CRT), which says racism is in every aspect of American society. Proponents seek to dismantle American institutions they claim are tools of racial oppression. The ideology has also been given increased social clout by The New York Times’s 1619 Project, which published of a collection of essays that argued, among many other controversial claims, that the primary reason for the American Revolution was to preserve slavery.

A K-12 curriculum based on the 1619 Project, developed by the Pulitzer Center, has made its way into many public school districts across the nation, including Chicago, Illinois; Buffalo, New York; and Newark, New Jersey. A new rule proposed in April by the Education Department also prioritizes funding for U.S. history and civics programs that incorporate the 1619 Project and the works of prominent CRT advocate Ibram X. Kendi.

How does this article encourage you? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America’s education system in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article written by GQ Pan. Photo by Canva)

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July 1, 2021

Praise God for Gov. Sununu’s action! I pray that other states will follow suit in protecting our vulnerable young (and not-so-young) ones from ideologies aimed at the destruction of America’s
singular identity. I pray, Father God, that you will cause this land to continue to live out its promise as one nation under God. And I thank you for those in authority, like New Hampshire’s
governor, who are willing to perform their roles in a manner consistent with the founding
principles of the United States of America.

Gaylie S Blake
July 1, 2021

I am disappointed that Governor Sununu was not able to ban CRT in total. I fear this will hurt him in his run for Senator against Maggie Hassan. Our schools should not be teaching this concept, and the wording of the law he signed does not address that as far as I am concerned.
Teachers are left to their own designs in teaching diversity, etc. and many will not be able to separate diversity from racism.

July 1, 2021

Father God, Thank you for Gov. Sununu and for other governors, legislators and leaders at all levels who know you and therefore know right from wrong. I praise you for their courage, determination and strength. Raise up more and more like them throughout the USA and the world. Give us all the same courage, determination and strength to stand for you wherever we are. Forgive us for not standing, for our complacency that has allowed Satan to infiltrate our schools and culture. We claim it all back in Your Name and we pray for revival, that many will come to know you as the battle is exposed and as Your Way, Truth and Life become clearly seen as the Only and the BEST!


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