I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we know that there is still a major crisis at our southern border. We ask You to give this new appointee wisdom from You about the policies that are needed for our nation's safety.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

New Customs and Border Protection (CBP) chief Chris Magnus sent a welcome email to staff on Tuesday, but he completely omitted any mention of illegal immigration.

The controversial Biden appointee was confirmed by the Senate last week and sworn in on Monday…

Illegal immigration is skyrocketing, and CBP encounters have more than tripled since 2020.

Magnus, however, did not mention immigration in his letter, choosing instead to mention in passing only that CBP’s work includes “welcoming and vetting travelers.”…

Magnus has faced several lawsuits throughout his more than 40 years in public safety.

In 2007, he faced a lawsuit following accusations of making racist jokes towards black police officers while he was police chief of Richmond, Calif. The case was later dismissed.

Magnus also faced sexual harassment and retaliation allegations, which he settled out of court in 2017 for an undisclosed sum, according to Fox News. The then-Richmond chief said he was targeted because he is gay and the claims are “bogus.”

That same year, he stood against the Trump administration’s stance on sanctuary cities by writing in a New York Times op-ed that Tucson is not a sanctuary city but takes “pride in being welcoming to immigrants.”

Before Magnus’ first day on the job, one border patrol agent told Fox News the new agency head “is pretty much hated, especially by those of us in the Tucson Sector since we know him.”

“Somehow he has made a career off of hating law enforcement,” the officer said. “He destroyed [the Tucson Police Department] and will do the same to CBP as a whole.”

What do you think of this new chief of Border Patrol?

(Excerpt from Just The News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Vickie D.
December 20, 2021

Dear Lord, we know theere is still a major crisis at our southern border. I ask that You would give this new appointee wisdom and guidance from You about the policies that are needed for our country’s safety. In Jesus Precious Name and Authority, Amen.

Michael De Rosa
December 20, 2021

Lord, We stand against the Evil One who is wreaking confusion and anger amongst mankind. As You have declared of removing all things from the earth (Zephaniah 1:2), show your people how You are removing the obstacles that prevent mankind from seeing the depths of evil that are attempting to be leveled against mankind here at the border of the USA.

We, Lord, walk in the truth that these gates of Hell will not prevail (Matthew 16:18), and that Jesus is now even interceding for all those who are drawing near to God through Him in this concern.

O show us more of Your holiness and power as we press into this border situation, and as we press through it in declaring Your Praise.

O Father, we declare that the harvest of souls is still plentiful (Luke 10:2), and we pray that those workers You are calling will be ready to share the Gospel.

Lord, we even thank You that through this news piece, see and acknowledge our need for You, that we are so dependent on You that we can not fix things in our own strength or wits, that we need a Savior.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for Your comfort and counsel and leading in such a time like us as we pray (Romans 8:26-27)


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