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Father, we pray Your will be done in Israel during this time of uncertainty.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been given the job of forming a new Israeli government by President Reuven Rivlin, after the opposition rejected any national unity government that allowed Netanyahu to lead it.

We are called by God to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  Download our 6 day prayer guide by clicking below.

The center-left Blue and White party of Benny Gantz won 33 seats to the conservative Likud’s 32 seats in the elections last week — the country’s second last year after the small, secular nationalist Yisraeli Beiteinu party of Avigdor Lieberman refused to serve in Netanyahu’s coalition with religious parties. The election produced a stalemate in which neither the left-wing bloc around Blue and White (54 seats) nor the right-wing bloc around Likud (55 seats) had enough seats to form a governing majority in Israel’s 120-seat Knesset. Lieberman held the balance and insisted on a unity government that included both of the two major parties. Netanyahu agreed, and offered Gantz a power-sharing deal. He reiterated that offer today upon being tasked with forming a government.

But Gantz refused to serve under Netanyahu in any capacity — even temporarily as part of a rotating prime ministership — because Netanyahu is facing indictment for charges that critics say are partisan and meritless.

Gantz’s refusal may also be strategic. Knowing that Netanyahu will struggle to build a coalition with Lieberman, and that the other, smaller parties (left-wing parties and Arab parties) are likely to refuse to govern with him, the possibility exists that Netanyahu will fail to form a coalition by the 28-day deadline (with a two-week extension). In that case, Gantz himself might have a chance to form a government — or the country would go to elections for a third time this year, an unprecedented situation that Rivlin has urged all parties to work together to avoid.

It is also possible that Gantz has miscalculated by rejecting unity, denying his voters a chance to be represented in the next government, and giving Netanyahu a chance to save both his government and his career by trying again.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Joel B. Pollack.)

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Valerie Peterson
September 29, 2019

We pray, O Lord, that You would establish the leadership and the government that Israel needs in this dangerous time. Cover her with your wings of protection in this vulnerable period; guard and keep her in peace and safety; prepare her and her people for the things that are coming in the future.
Now that Netanyahu has been chosen to form a government, we pray that you will guide him and lead him in your way. Keep his feet from getting into any traps of compromise concerning Your priorities and purposes and plans for Israel. Bring into alignment those who will work with your plans; help Bibi to trust you to sort all this out; and if it means a third election, turn the hearts of the people to those who will lead Israel and care for her and stand for her in the right way. Give them wisdom and insight from You, and hearts of obedience and faith, rather than selfishness or unbelief. Open their eyes to see what is most important in these days! We pray these things through Messiah Jesus, the Redeemer of Israel. Amen.

September 28, 2019

May GOD’s Sovereign will prevail over Israel. Our Father in Heaven, we ask YOU to overturn every scheme, every plan that is not in accordance with Your will for Your people in Israel. In Jesus Name. Amen

September 26, 2019

Amen! May the Lord grant His surpassing Peace in Jerusalem, and victory over the evil ones who would seek to divide and bring harm to Israel.

Kathy Nunamaker
September 26, 2019

We pray O Lord, for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels. For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, ‘Peace be within you.’ For the sake of the house o the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity.”
Isaias 122:6-9

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