I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for the nation and the people of Israel. We pray that You would guard your people and save them from those who wish them harm.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

At such a critical point in the history of Israel, its people are suffering greatly. We must continue to lift up our brothers and sisters in Israel in prayer.

From FAI Mission. Four Israeli civilians are dead this evening after a Palestinian gunman ambushed their car on the streets of Bnei Brak near Tel Aviv. The attacker also shot an Israeli-Arab police officer who returned fire, killing the terrorist. The officer, a 32-year-old Christian Arab named Amir Koury, later died of his wounds. The gunman was identified as a resident of Jenin in the West Bank, an operative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) jihadist organization, and a convicted terrorist. The gunman was shot and killed by authorities as he hunted Israeli civilians in Bnei Brak, a religiously conservative Jewish community. Two other conspirators have reportedly been arrested by Israeli law enforcement in other locations.

Tonight’s attack was the third across Israel in the last week. Last Tuesday, an Israeli Arab attacker used his car and a knife to murder four Israeli citizens on the streets of the southern city of Beersheba before he was shot to death by an armed civilian. Then on Sunday, two Israeli Border Patrol officers were murdered by two Israeli Arab attackers in the central town of Hadera. The victims were a female Jewish Israeli named Shirel Aboukrat and a Druze man named Yazan Falah from the Galilee community of Kisra-Sumei. The perpetrators had managed to accumulate several pistols, over 1,000 rounds of ammunition, and Kevlar vests before carrying out the attack. The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for both attacks, which were praised by Hamas and Hezbollah….

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(Except from FAI Mission. Photo Credit: Taylor Brandon on Unsplash)

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August 16, 2022

( t.y., reposting this as a new post, instead of a reply. “the angels of the Lord will sift the wheat from the chaffe.” (KJV) )

The true Jewish Rabbis and people who follow Jesus, the Messiah, support
peace for both the Palestinian people (many of the Rabbis in Jerusalem who
have spoken about zionism have been beaten – ommited from the news reports routinely.) — and the Arabs, Muslims,
Christians, Jews, etc who lived together peacefully for years, a long time ago.

These are clips of actual Jewish people that have been
hidden from mainstream media, congress, churches ….
Young Jewish female college student talking about zionism,
and how young Jewish students are told not to have any empathy
for Palestinian people, and that Jewish people are being intimidated
from talking about.

The many Israeli people marching alongside and with Palestinian
people recently to ask their government to end the separation between them. Both sides have wanted the wall torn down.

There are also Jewish mothers and grandmothers who travel to the checkpoint to make sure the Gazan young students are not mistreated.

August 16, 2022

a correction regarding the post, with what the Torah Jewish Rabbis have re-educated me and re-taught me about:

not church leaders, who will not always tell the truth, either because they are deceived or misleading the churches.

the forwarded post is for churches, Christians who may not know that
they are listening to the angel of light disguised (KJV), etc, for the
real Jewish people who had been condemned (not the false sheep and teachers of Jewish people).

    August 16, 2022

    The true Jewish Rabbis and people who follow Jesus, the Messiah, support
    peace for both the Palestinian people (many of the Rabbis in Jerusalem who
    have spoken about zionism have been beaten – ommited from the news reports routinely.) — and the Arabs, Muslims,
    Christians, Jews, etc who lived together peacefully for years, a long time ago.

    These are clips of actual Jewish people that have been
    hidden from mainstream media, congress, churches ….
    Young Jewish female college student talking about zionism,
    and how young Jewish students are told not to have any empathy
    for Palestinian people, and that Jewish people are being intimidated
    from talking about.

    The many Israeli people marching alongside and with Palestinian
    people recently to ask their government to end the separation between them. Both sides have wanted the wall torn down.

    There are also Jewish mothers and grandmothers who travel to the checkpoint to make sure the Gazan young students are not mistreated.

for the Torah NK Jewish Rabbis, and wisdom from them
August 16, 2022

forwarding information for IFAPRAY


Many real Jewish Rabbis (hundreds of thousands, less or more) are being cancelled and censored from mainstream media, for a long time and being represented by pretend Rabbis dancing on telethons and as youtube scholars.

They are asking people to stop using their name to endorse zionism, which the Torah Jewish Rabbis — those who follow the commandments of the Old Testament Scriptures, not Mosaic Law, of the Bible and the Torah Bible’s commandments — which is causing the true Jewish people who follow the Messiah, Christ Jesus, more harm and making the true Jewish people (not secular, atheists/zionist Jewish) as the author and creator of zionism: which
they are not, but have been used by prosperity churches to mislead many
Christians and lead them away from what Jesus had really spoken.

The real Jewish people who follow the Messiah are — this is censored from the mainstream media and public — forbidden, from their commandments of the Torah Bible to follow Jesus, to govern any land (even if the land is uninhabited) or to form any governance or have possession of any land,
uninhabited or not until Jesus returns again.

Many churches, pastors, and ministries do not know this and/or are also,
unfortunately, being led astray by the father of lies and the accuser (KJV) for a long time.

The name of Israel means “one who follows God” or “one wrestles with God” and “one who becomes obedient to God” . The original meaning of
the name Israel was not about the name of a country or group of people.

The former name of the person that God renamed Israel, was Jacob in the Bible and in the Torah Scriptures.

Scriptures have been, unfortunately, used by many prosperity ministries for profit and income with the original meaning of the Scriptures that the apostles and Jesus had spoken.

The Jewish Rabbis, not the pretend ones — many people mistake all Jewish people and Rabbis as the same and representing the same truth, but they do not.

The Torah Jewish Rabbis are not the same as many Rabbis recruited for the public appearance, christian ministriesress, etc.

The prosperity church vesus the true Christian and Jewish churches are
legally falsely using the true Jewish people, their name, their religion whom
also follow the Messiah and the commandments of the Bible, in the Torah’s Scriptures to support any government or a land they are forbidden to
do so …

but the prosperity churches have unlegally and in a grave sin, telling Christians, congressmen, other Jewish people the exact opposite command
of what God has told the real Jewish people to obey.

The Torah Jewish Rabbis have told our country and other countries that
the Jewish people are still in exile and cannot govern or possess
any land, under their name … until Jesus returns.

Because they are still in exile, from their statements themselves, not
from mainstream media, etc: the commandment from the Torah commandments of the Jewish people and Rabbis, the Bible,
forbids them from governing any state. The Jewish people, the true
ones, are in pain because of zionist teachings that are as much lies as the mainstream media has been.

And, that what many churches and Christians following Jesus is a re-creation of what God, our Creator, had actually told the Jewish people. Satan
is called the father of lies and the accuser by Jesus. He is clever, specific, and

Zionism, from the Torah Bible, their commandments, is not Judaism or Christianity, or religion.

“the Lord is my (our) Shepherd” and God, not church leaders will always tell the truth.

“be innocent as a dove, wise as a serpent” (KJV)

March 31, 2022

Lord, we pray as your word tells us to. We pray peace for Jerusalem. Lord of the harvest, send laborers. Bring your sons and daughters into the Kingdom. Manifest yourself to them, oh Lord so they will know you are God. By your stripes they are healed. Deliver them from every evil. In Jesus holy name we pray

Salem Zahn
March 31, 2022

Set your watchmen on the walls and guard Your chosen seed oh Lord God of hosts! Comfort the hearts and spirits of all those that have suffered tragic loss and render the enemy powerless so that no further harm comes to Your blessed Israel! Confound any and all plans and schemes that the enemy has plotted against Israel and cause the terroristic plots to boomerang back into the enemies face unto total destruction!
Omnipotent God of host may it be so done in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to the glory of His Kingdom come! Amen

Barbara Janicki
March 31, 2022

There is a reason our faith tradition is referred to as “Judeo-Christian”. the latter is birthed out of the former. My roots as a Christian come from the Old Testament and the Jewish tradition. I have been grafted in as Paul says. As the only free, democracy in the Middle East, Israel has been an ally of the U.S. and we should have their back as we did under Trump. We share a faith heritage, we share a commitment to freedom and democracy – we should be praying for our brothers and sisters there, who are in danger even while the world is focused on Ukraine. Lord please protect Israel, even though she is surrounded by hostile nations – she is Your beloved nation, be mighty on her behalf to prosper her. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

March 31, 2022

I love Israel as prophetic fulfill-ment of the Sovereign Lord God’s promises. Moreover, I love the people, Israel, whom we usually refer to as Jews. But as this article highlights are a diverse population. Holy Spirit comfort families of the victims and the protectors who suffer from these tragic losses.


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