As a self-proclaimed adherent to Hanlon’s Razor, I once cynically viewed the frenzied focus on FBI actions during the 2016 Russian election-meddling investigation as partisan and overwrought. Hanlon’s Razor suggests that we never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity or incompetence. Having proudly served in the FBI for 25 years, I bristled at insulting accusations of an onerous deep state conspiracy. Some obvious mistakes made during the investigation of the Trump campaign were quite possibly the result of two ham-handedly overzealous FBI headquarters denizens, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, clumsily seeking to impress each other with ever-increasing levels of loathing for then-candidate Donald Trump.

FBI employees are entitled to their own political views. But senior-level decision-makers who express them on government devices, while overseeing a supremely consequential investigation into a political campaign, simply do not possess the requisite judgment and temperament for the job.
Their stunning text message exchanges and talk of an onerous “insurance policy” in the event Trump were to win prove how ill-suited they were for their positions in James Comey’s cabinet. What other steps might they have taken that have yet to be discovered? The inspector general is soon set to release a report into FBI actions in the effort to surveil the Trump campaign. Attorney General Bill Barr’s Justice Department is conducting its own review, and U.S. Attorney John Durham recently expanded his investigation into the case as well, by converting the review into a full-blown criminal investigation. Barr has faced backlash from critics of his investigation, who ironically have referred to it as a witch hunt.
DOWNLOAD and pray through the evidence of mislabeling agent notes
in the Flynn case with the actual court notice.
But as we anxiously await the expected reports, there recently appeared some fairly explosive allegations into potential investigator misconduct that have not received the attention they deserve. With her filing of a blistering Motion to Compel against federal prosecutors in the Michael Flynn case just made public, Sidney Powell has upended my adherence to Hanlon’s Razor. Powell is the attorney for former national security adviser and retired Army Lt. Gen. Flynn, who pled guilty to one count of lying to FBI agents during the special counsel investigation. Powell’s motion seeks to unravel a case many feel was biased from its inception.
One of the most damning charges contained within Powell’s 37-page court brief is that Page, the DOJ lawyer assigned to the office of then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, may have materially altered Flynn’s interview FD-302, which was drafted by Strzok. FBI agents transfer handwritten interview notes onto a formal testimonial document, FD-302, within five days of conducting an interview, while recollections are still fresh.
It is unheard of for someone not actually on the interview itself to materially alter an FD-302. As an FBI agent, no one in my chain of command ever directed me to alter consequential wording. And as a longtime FBI supervisor, I never ever directed an agent to recollect something different from what they discerned during an interview. Returning a 302 for errors in grammar, punctuation, or syntax is appropriate. This occurs before the document is ultimately uploaded to a particular file, conjoined with the original interview notes which are safely secured inside a 1-A envelope, and secured as part of evidence at trial.
With this in mind, this related text message exchange from Strzok to Page dated Feb. 10, 2017, nauseated me:
Powell charges that Page directed Strzok to alter his Flynn interview 302. As in most instances in life, words matter. The change in wording was instrumental in moving Flynn from a target to a subject. One recalls how critical wording was in the FBI’s decision not to argue that DOJ charge Hillary Clinton with a crime in the private email server investigation. Comey elected not to use “gross negligence” to characterize Clinton’s actions — which would have been the required language in the mishandling of classified information statute — and instead settled upon the more benign and non-indictable “extreme carelessness.”
Later, it was determined that none other than Strzok was the impetus behind the recrafting of Comey’s words.
Powell’s motion requests that Flynn’s case be dismissed. Central to this appeal are details surrounding Flynn’s first interview by the FBI on Jan. 24, 2017. Recall also how Comey famously told NBC’s Nicolle Wallace, in front of an audience, that Flynn was visited by FBI agents at the White House in chaotic early days of Trump transition because, in Comey’s words, “I sent them.”. . .
Setting aside valid arguments that the FBI acted inappropriately — treating the Trump White House differently than they would have treated Bush’s or Obama’s, as the hubristic Comey proudly admits — Powell’s charges of egregious government misconduct are certainly deserving of the court’s consideration. The withholding of clearly exculpatory material related to revelations that “important substantive changes were made to the Flynn 302” may well be central to the findings of Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Durham, as well.
Here’s me, acknowledging my mistake. I was dead wrong. It now seems there was a concerted effort, though isolated, within the upper-echelons of the FBI to influence the outcome of the Flynn investigation. By “dirtying up” Flynn, Comey’s FBI headquarters team of callow sycophants shortcut the investigative process. Arm-twisting Flynn through the “tweaked” version of his interview afforded him criminal exposure. The cocksure Comey team felt supremely confident that would inspire him “flipping” and give them the desperately sought-after evidence of Trump-Russia collusion that the wholly unverified Steele dossier was never remotely capable of providing.
I am physically nauseous as I type these words. I have long maintained that innocent mistakes were made and that the investigators at the center of this maelstrom were entitled to the benefit of the doubt.
No more.
They have tarnished the badge and forever stained an agency that deserved so much better from them. I am ashamed. The irreparable damage Comey’s team has done to the FBI will take a generation to reverse.
(Excerpt from Washington Examiner. Article by James Gagliano.)
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“Later, it was determined that none other than Strzok was the impetus behind the recrafting of Comey’s words.” Does the writer mean “…FLYNN’S WORDS.”?
Thank you very much Mr. Powell for revealing the truth!
I am sorry for the distress it must have caused you to investigate this matter.
May GOD greatly bless you!
Sidney Powell is a highly qualified female attorney. I am so very proud of her and how she stands for justice.
Thank you for your correction. My apologies to Attorney Sidney Powell for my mistake.
7 Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.
8 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it leads only to evil.
9 For those who are evil will be destroyed,
but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.
12 The wicked plot against the righteous
and gnash their teeth at them;
13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
for he knows their day is coming.
Psalms 37
I pray these Words at this time and ask all who have the faith to believe in them. For if we ever needed these principles which are laid out many many times in the Word of God, it is now. For I believe God has a plan that is being executed. His Word is Truth and I pray daily for the innocent to be vindicated. I speak out of faith, not on my own understanding and must daily surrender my doubts to God.
Dear Lord, expose the lies and deceit to the entire nation and even the world as you have to us. Use Durham, Barr and Powell and all those on their team to gather and lay out the irrefutable evidence of wrong doing. Vindicate President Trump, Flynn and all that have been falsely accused. Shine your light on all the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, congressmen, and intelligence officials and most of all the media. Clean house Lord and set our country back on its feet as the founders intended. Destroy the fake news media that has been such a force to give such power to lies and deception. Raise up a new media that understands its role in communicating the truth and humbly understands the power it has and the responsibility that goes with it. We as a nation have sinned greatly against You, but I pray your mercy on us. Listen to the cries of your people and and hear our prayers. For we have heard Your calling and wait for Your mighty hand of Justice to be served to all those who have acted in their own interests and have trampled the founding principles of our great nation.
Amen! Of great importance is that we take time to be alone with GOD and sit silently waiting and waiting some more until we hear the quiet whisper of the Holy Spirit as HE directs us to pray the prayers that HE wants to answer in ways that often will astonish us.
Amen and Amen to these prayers & the scripture. Father, hear our prayers we asked in this the Name of Jesus our precious Savior & Redeemer.
Lord- please hear this well worded prayer and add my voice to strengthen its appeal. Please forgive our nation and thwart the enemy as they stumble in darkness. May your light expose their wicked ways and cause confusion in their midst. Guide those who call you Lord to take action, speak your truth, and stand on your word to hold those we elect accountable.
May the truth be revealed and your truth spoken into the hearts of the wicked. Thank you Lord for being our God and May we remain one nation under your direction to your glory and in your name we pray.. Amen.
In the name of Jesus we commission guarding angels to surround the FBI BUILDING. Search and retrieve all evidence regarding these matters surrounding President Trump and Michael Flynn and deliver them into the hands of Sidney Powell. Let not 1 item be altered, destroyed, hidden or stolen. Secure all witnesses of truth and expose all purveyors of deception. We bind the evil watchers & listeners and blind & deafen them in the name of Jesus. We loose the Justice and deliverance of this nation according to the plans of God. Amen
As an Intercessor and as a retired law enforcement officer, I have paid close attention to this whole matter, bathing it in prayer. February 2018 I laid my badge upon the seal of the FBI Building in DC. I prayed that the power that resides in the seat of authority would not be defiled and asked the Lord to remove anyone who was. 7 days later Andrew McCabe was fired. July 4 2019 I surrounded the building in prayer and discovered a plaque mounted on that building and land of that FBI location that it was dedicated by Congress to an order of Freemasons and all their activities. As we repented first about that and declared the covenant canceled and rededicated the land and building w Jesus as the true foundation, 2 men sitting on the sidewalk across the street began demonstrating demoniac manifestations screaming and crying out! WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD!
Amen, bless you for your faithfulness
May you continue as a spiritual warrior in this battle against evil and all of its manifestations! It is so true that we do NOT battle against flesh and blood. This whole thing is a battle against the Evil One who would destroy this nation which was planted on a Godly foundation. We have failed many times to heed this Godly founding but may we repent and return. Lord, we pray that You will do battle for us. This is a vicious battle against the Evil One BUT we know that “greater is He that is in you.” May we continue to fight the good fight as long as the Lord gives us breath!
As the cases presented today give Sydney Powell wisdom from above clarity of mind. May her words be sharper than a 2 edged sword dividing UNDENIABLE truth from lies. May justice rule. May the judge rule righteously and not be susceptible to bribery. May a tangible fear of the Lord be present.
I desire that this report be made public throughout the media. I fear it will never make it to the major news outlets. So we fight not only the wrong-doers but the mainstream media.
Only God can spread the news in a fair and open way. So we turn to Him in our pleas once again.
God of the Heavenly Armies, help us to tell the truth and reveal it to all, in Jesus’ Mighty Name.
Yes, Father, may it be so! Our pleas are to you–spread the truth in a fair and open way, reveal it to all, and may results be based on this truth.
he more we learn the greater the smell. Our watchdog media not only refuse to print the truth, but have no problem distorting it. Hopefully, justice will now prevail, but what is our evaluation? It is pretty hard to feel comfortable when the top agency supposedly protecting our freedoms is so corrupt and the media joins them in their corruption Thank goodness for judicial Watch! George
Father God, God of truth, I thank You that Your power is stronger than that of the father of all lies! May ALL lies be brought under the scrutiny of Your revealing light. I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus
I pray that God will expose all those who are working against our nation.
We need to humble ourselves and fall to our knees and pray our God to forgive us and the stand tall and support all that is good and truthful always
I can not wait for the long delayed Inspector General Report. Justice must be served!
Lord, may the truth win out! Thank you for those, like S. Powell, who have been bloodhounds on the scent of wickedness. Let justice prevail!
Mighty God, please send the Holy Spirit to remove all corruption from the FBI and restore its former good reputation.
Please have Gen. Flynn’s case dropped.
In Jesus’ name, amen
Holy Spirit, reveal, pour out a fresh Fear of God across this great land, start with me,
Yes, by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.
Arm twisting is only appropriate if the facts are evident, not to obtain information, Hence a bias out come.