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Lord, we thank You for leaders who are upholding life. We ask You to cause the Supreme Court to finally rule in favor of life.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Mississippi congressional delegation and the House Pro-Life Caucus led more than 200 members of Congress in filing an amicus brief supporting the State of Mississippi in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and urging the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold Mississippi’s law protecting life.

U.S. Senators Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), and U.S. Representatives Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.), Trent Kelly (R-Miss.), and Michael Guest (R-Miss.), along with House Pro-life Caucus Co-Chair Chris Smith (R-N.J.), filed the brief. In total, 44 Senators and 184 members of the House of Representatives signed the brief.

Mississippi is at the forefront of the fight for life, and I am glad to lead the charge in Congress on behalf of the unborn,” Wicker said. “For too long, the precedents of Roe and Casey have prevented states from taking meaningful steps to protect life in the womb. My colleagues and I are urging the Supreme Court to correct these decades of injustice.”

You can take action for life too! Join IFA in Appealing for for Life! IFA filed an amicus brief in this same case–we have made prayer for life part of the Supreme Court record and you can add your name to the list of citizens praying for life! Click the link and follow the directions.

“In taking up Mississippi’s pro-life law, the Supreme Court has a chance to reconsider the current misguided abortion jurisprudence. As a Senator, as a woman, and as a mother, I think this case offers us a chance to overturn Roe and return the abortion issue to the political process and away from activist judges,” Hyde-Smith said. “I am thankful so many of my colleagues are standing with Mississippi and against unlimited abortion on demand in this case.”

“I am proud to see that Mississippi is leading the nation in the fight to defend the unborn- challenging outdated precedents that strip states of their ability to ban abortion procedures. This case offers a monumental opportunity for the highest court in the land to recognize states’ right to defend the unborn. I stand with my colleagues and urge the Supreme Court to stand up for the countless innocent lives at the heart of this case,” said Palazzo.

“We are pleased to join this important brief. Mississippians believe in the sanctity of life and our values to defend the unborn should be safeguarded,” Kelly said.

“Mississippi remains united in our desire to protect the lives of our unborn children, which is why the Mississippi delegation has come together to support the right to life movement in an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. This case is a strong step in defending our unborn children and I am thankful for the opportunity to support their right to life,” Guest said.

“In this multi-member filing, we urge the Court to affirm that federal and state governments are free to pass laws that protect children alive but not yet born,” Smith said. “It’s time to recognize what abortion is: the killing of an unborn child through suction, dismemberment, or chemical poisoning. In the 48 years since the infamous Supreme Court decisions legalizing abortion-on-demand throughout pregnancy, more than 62.5 million unborn lives have been lost. The humanity of the unborn is undeniable, and this case is a crucial opportunity to recognize that states have a compelling interest in regulating abortion prior to viability.”

In the amicus brief, the lawmakers ask “the Court uphold Mississippi’s law as effectuating important state interests, or, alternatively, return this case to the lower courts for consideration on a full evidentiary record, recognizing that certain precedents [Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey] may be reconsidered and, where necessary, be wholly or partially overruled.”

The State of Mississippi in 2018 enacted the Gestational Age Act, a state law prohibiting abortion after 15 weeks’ gestation, except in cases of medical emergency. The Jackson Women’s Health Organization, an abortion clinic in Jackson, Miss., sued on the grounds that the law violates the viability standard established by Planned Parenthood v. Casey. The Fifth Circuit affirmed the district court’s decision on these grounds.

This fall, the Supreme Court will hear Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health to consider the question of whether all pre-viability prohibitions on elective abortions are unconstitutional. This case represents the most significant challenge to Roe v. Wade and the viability standard in Planned Parenthood v. Casey in a generation. The State of Mississippi filed its case with the Supreme Court on July 22, 2021.

Please share your prayers of thanks for these pro-life leaders from Mississippi in the comments.

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Marsha Bashor
August 3, 2021

Thank you Lord God for these leaders in Mississippi who support this case and submitted it to the Supreme Court. The time is now to have Roe v Wade overturned, as we have all been praying for this moment. We are depending on you Lord God to move upon the justices of the Supreme Court to rule with wisdom and righteousness and godliness, and according to our Constitution. Do not, I pray please Lord, let them pass up this opportunity to stand for what your devine will is regarding saving these babies’ lives forevermore here in our country. Do not let them rule as they did in the past , but to change course and do the right thing by you! For that is what it comes down to!
In Jesus’ name, because He loves the little children🙏

Linda Bass
August 3, 2021

Praise God for Mississippi having the courage to defend preborn life.

August 3, 2021

Father, bless the efforts of the State of Mississippi to stop abortion after 15 weeks of gestation. I pray the Supreme Court justices will stand for the life of the unborn and stop this heinous act of killing babies in the womb. I pray the justices’ hearts will be convicted to rule in this matter to correct long standing wrongs and start the process to overturn Roe vs. Wade. The sin of abortion is a red stain on the fabric of our country. Father, I pray favor on this case when it is heard. In Jesus’ name. Amen

    August 3, 2021

    I’m very grateful that this case is being brought to the Supreme court.

    But, dear Lord, abortion must be stopped. Period.

    A 15 week old baby in the womb is still one made in Your image.
    Aborting ANY child made in Your image is evil!

    Father, whatever laws or judicial decisions are handed down, please open the eyes of the lost, perishing, or confused to honor LIFE! at EVERY stage!

Karen E. Kendrick
August 3, 2021

Lord God Almighty!
Take care of these our Prescious babies that You gave Life to..
Not to be trampled on & thrown away like so much garbage or sold like a piece of goods!
My God! Wake us up to this horrendous & barbaric sin in our nation & world!
Open the eyes of the Blind who have been sold a bill of goods from the enemy working through people and trying to be God themselves!
Lord return women to be nurturer’s and compassionate. Yes we have rights but not the right to destroy the Prescious life within our bodies that You created!
Lord God Turn This Law Around! End this despicable practice from the pit of hell !

Eenough is Enough!!!

Marsha Bashor
August 3, 2021

I do most heartfully thank these Mississippi leaders who are standing up for life in this case. Oh God, hear our prayers and answer according to your righteous will, and do cause the Supreme Court justices to turn from the past rulings, and rule in favor of life for our children. These innocent children are being horribly sacrificed! Do away with Roe v Wade Lord!
I pray for all those who think and believe erroneously that it is a woman’s right. You know Lord that it is not a right to murder our children.
Thank you for this Mississippi case and those who support it.
In Jesus’ name I pray, as He loves the little children🙏

Karen Quiroz
August 3, 2021

Father God, thank you so much for these courageous men and women who you have raised up for such a time as this. Please protect them and their families physically emotionally and spiritually and continue to direct their words and actions with your truth and strategic wisdom on how to proceed in this battle to protect your sacred creation! May the lies of the enemy be exposed and thefalse basis for Roe vs Wade fall like a house of cards so that the Foundation for the value of life based on your workmanship may be reestablished in America.


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