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Father we thank You for bold men and women who are willing to fight for the unborn. We ask for Roe to be overturned and for an end to abortion in our nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mississippi’s brief in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health abortion case is the latest example of a recently emboldened pro-life movement. All eyes were on Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch last week, waiting to see how she would defend her state’s 15-week abortion ban…

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Fitch and Scott Stewart, Mississippi’s solicitor general, exceeded all expectations when they boldly and brilliantly led the fight against Roe and Casey. Their brief convincingly explained the damage the Court’s two most deadly decisions have inflicted on our nation and demanded that the Court overturn them. “Nowhere else in the law does a right of privacy or right to make personal decisions provide a right to destroy a human life.” Mississippi’s brief called out Roe for what it is: wrong…

The brief’s introduction made it clear that Mississippi would be bold and aggressive in its defense of the unborn. “…[N]othing in constitutional text, structure, history, or tradition supports a right to abortion.”…

Mississippi reminded the Court that states are willing and should be able to protect the most vulnerable among us. Some pressured Mississippi to take a more timid approach and not ask for much, but Mississippi did the right thing by being bold…

The conclusion of the brief summarizes the harm done by judicial activism…:

“The goal of constitutional adjudication is to hold true the balance between that which the Constitution puts beyond the reach of the democratic process and that which it does not.” Webster, 492 U.S. at 521 (opinion of Rehnquist, C.J.). Roe and Casey—and a viability rule—do not meet that goal. And they never can. Retaining them harms the Constitution, the country, and this Court. This Court should… overrule Roe and Casey.”

Mississippi did the right thing. Now it’s the U.S. Supreme Court’s turn to do the right thing…

Are you encouraged by Mississippi’s bold move? Share your praise and prayers in the comments below!

(Excerpted from Family Research Council. Article by Katherine Beck Johnson. Photo Credit: Kaushal Mishra/Unsplash).

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August 1, 2021

Intercessors – may we individually and collectively… approach Almighty God in the same way. Let us be detailed, bold and precise in asking God to intervene in the hearts, minds and actions of the SC. **Lord, we again ask for your forgiveness and mercy. America and the people stand guilty before You – a pure and holy God. We have allowed the murder, for decades, of the innocent and we are without excuse. But we humble and bow before You Lord and ask that this decision would be a victory for the unborn and for all of our lives. May You receive all the glory. May You extend Your favor and allow the prayers of millions to be finally answered – that innocent life would again be protected and celebrated. In Your holy name we pray… amen.

Susan CC
August 1, 2021

Lynn Fitch and Scott Stewart’s brief included these bold statement:

! Mississippi would be bold and aggressive in its defense of the unborn, Amen!

! They convincingly explained the damage the Court’s 2 most deadly decisions have inflicted on our nation and demanded that the Court overturn them. Amen!

! Nowhere else in the law does a right of privacy or a right to make personal decisions provide a right to destroy a human life. Amen!

Father, I pray Your overwhelming FAVOR on Lynn Finch, Scott Stewart, their associates, their clerks…all involved in this case. Like Your Word Father, I pray their words would penetrate the hearts of everyone in the court, “right through to where soul meets spirit!” I pray this penetrating Word would be in the mouths of each person arguing in defense the unborn. I pray this for every state in our nation:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Lousianna, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming AND DC!

You are Elohei Yeshu‘ati, the God of our Salvation. “May we shout for joy at Your VICTORY and raise a banner in the Name of our God. I pray You grant all our petitions.” In the Name of Jesus. Amen

Hebrews 4, Psalm 20:5


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