I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for the miracles You have done in Ukraine. We pray that You would continue to bless the Ukrainian people and provide for them in their time of need.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Thanks to your help and donations, intercessors, lives are being saved and miracles are happening in Ukraine!

Not only are the Ukrainians being blessed by your donations, but also they are being blessed by miracles of God. In this video, Pastor Maksym of Intercessors for Ukraine explains how God is at work in powerful ways in Ukraine. Just one example from the video is that God multiplied two liters of water and some cookies to feed and satisfy 12 people for days. Miracles, not unlike the ones from the Bible, are happening in Ukraine right now.

This video is up on our watch page. Alternatively, you can also watch it right here:

Meals loaded into a van for distribution in Ukraine. Donations through UkraineMeals.com provided funds to purchase vans.
This meals delivery van says, “Children.” It is their hope that the Russians will not attack vehicles with children in them.
Every meal is given with a gospel-focused prayer booklet authored by Intercessors for Ukraine.
Ukrainians line up to receive food.

As you can see, meals are being distributed right now! Countless Ukrainian men, women, and children are being blessed by your donations and prayers! Thanks to those donations and prayers, our friends with Intercessors for Ukraine were able to purchase vans and bring countless boxes of oatmeal and pasta to Ukrainians in need. In a time of war and trauma, we were able to bless these people with our faithful giving. We were able to be the hands and feet of God.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40). Because of this, we know that your donations are helping not just the Ukrainian people, but also the Lord Himself. By faithfully giving, you have stored up treasures in Heaven for yourself and blessed those in need. After all, just look at how appreciative they are!



Prayer billboards are encouraging Ukrainians! These carry uplifting messages that show how devoted many of the Ukrainians are to God. It is encouraging to see just how many Ukrainians are turning to God in the midst of this war. In times of great tragedy and trauma, God is drawing His people closer to Him.

This billboard says: “Lord, give strength to our war.”
This billboard reads, “With God, we will win!”

The war is not over yet. The Ukrainians are still in dire need of assistance. Nevertheless, stories like these show that the nation of Ukraine is still hopeful. In their greatest time of need, they have fixed their eyes upon the Lord God who provides.

Are you encouraged by this update? Share your prayers for the Ukrainians below!

All photos and videos provided by Intercessors for Ukraine.

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Aenne Hagenlocher
April 1, 2022

Dear Lord God, You reward those who believe and trust in You. Strengthen the Ukrainians and work a miracle in that nation. Draw people to you that they would praise you and see you in their midst. Multiply their strength, give them wisdom and power to overcome the enemy. You are Lord of Lords, God of God. May ;You be worshipped and glorified. We thank you for what You are going to do, Jesus.

Janet Conner
March 31, 2022

Lord, please continue to give the Ukrainian people the supplies needed to fight and to survive by miracle after miracle! Keep them from total discouragement.

R. Budy
March 31, 2022

Father God pray You’d comfort all Your dear people of Ukraine in their hearts& minds.Also,as it states in Your word ”my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory” so we expect more miraculous provisions throughout Ukraine,Poland &any surrounding areas so they might believe in the Wonder working God too.Pray this in Jesus name.

Lanell Williams
March 30, 2022

Praying Psalm 32:7 – You are my hiding place, You protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory! Praise God for Your covering and provisions for your children. Thank You for food and shelter You give!

March 30, 2022

I see on that one picture of a lady it looks like she has a kitty. The cat is sitting on a chair by the table licking itself. And I understand that it may be more important to provide food and water to the people but we all know how we love and care for our pets as well, so I’m wondering if there’s a way to pay for or send or provide some way specifically for dog food, cat food, and possibly other pet food as needed?

March 30, 2022

May God in His sovereignty, power and glory continue to bless the Ukrainian people with the provisions and resources they need to continue to persevere through this war, for the Lord, our God, is our only hope.
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

Carol Drayton
March 29, 2022

I was so blessed by your earlier report about a prophecy telling of revival in Ukraine! I had been trying to pray for revival, but had trouble having faith. When I read that, tears came to my eyes; and I am now able to bless the revival that God is doing.
Very blessed by these reports as well!

March 29, 2022

So encouraging to read and hear! Praise God! And I hope that there is some kind of provision for these people’s pets? That pic above with the kitty in it reminded me of that. So many people abandon their pets during times like this because they cannot provide for them what the animals need and that can add to the trauma for the owner and the pet! Will keep praying for all involved.

    March 30, 2022

    Yes I thought of that too. So sad😢. I’m hoping that there is some place where people can donate to specifically provide for these people’s pets.😢❤️🙏🏽

Susan CC
March 29, 2022

I just heard a huge food warehouse was destroyed.

I pray You will replace this loss on an exponential level Abba Father and I ask that this miracle glorifies You. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Julie Mitchell
March 29, 2022

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your many faithful promises and it’s especially at this time that we pray that the Ukrainian people will know and remember that You have promised to never leave nor forsake them and that You will be with them wherever they go; so may they have the strength and courage to follow Your command to not be afraid or dismayed (Joshua 1:9). Also, Lord, may the food, clothing, and shelter we are so privileged to be able to enjoy be like the loaves and fish of the small boy’s lunch which fed the 5,000 . . . may You bless, expand, and multiply it, in order to supernaturally provide for the Ukrainian people’s physical strength and needs (even as You, first and foremost, provide for their spiritual health and healing). In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Agnes Osei Amoafo
March 29, 2022

Father,in the name of your son Jesus Chrst, show yourself so strong and powerful on the behalf of the Ukraine and fight this battle for them,just as you did for the children of Judah in 2chronicleschpt 20 verse 20.

Bill Snyder
March 29, 2022

Eternal God in Whom Mercy is endless and Whose treasury of compassion is inexhaustible. Look kindly upon the people of Ukraine and increase Your Mercies in them, so that in difficult moments they will not despair nor become despondent but with great confidence submit their lives to Your Holy Will which is Love and Mercy itself.

Michael Thelen
March 29, 2022

Your Faith and faces truly show the Faith you hold dear in Our Lord and His Mother Mary. The multiplication of food and water shows me how close you are to HIM! Here is a very powerful prayer:

My Adorable Jesus, May our feet journey together; May our hands gather in unity; May our hearts beat in unison; May our Souls be in harmony; May our thoughts be as one; May our ears listen to the silence together; May our glances profoundly penetrate each other; May our lips pray together to gain Mercy from Our Eternal Father. Amen.

Looking into the faces in these pictures lets me feel “May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.” truly.

Carolyn Brugger
March 29, 2022

Praying that our God will surround each person, each fighter and each refugee with His almighty arm of love and strength. May God bless and multiply your ministry in these trying times.

Sharla W
March 29, 2022

May Father God have His way with Ukraine and Russia! Oh God, destroy the authority of evil in these nations and bless them with your good government. Comfort your people, Oh God of Hope. Give strength to the Ukrainians as they fight to defend their homeland. Bless them with songs of salvation and praise for the Covenant Maker and Keeper. When they rest, give them sweet sleep. Give them faith, hope, and generousity in their need. Bind your people together as one and bring revival to both nations as only you can, King of Glory! We thank you for hearing our prayers and acting to protect the innocent, bind up wounds and heal broken hearts and bodies.

Booth Vicki
March 29, 2022

We see only a part, and our hopes are that you will continue to be strong in the midst of war which is both sorrow, and miraculous provision. We thank Almighty God for you, and for how He is holding you up in this time. We know we will see you,
Ukraine, strong and shining again. Not by power, nor by might, but by my Holy Spirit,
says the Lord. Praise the Lord who daily gives us His benefits, even our salvation.

March 29, 2022

What admiration we Americans have for your people! The courage and determination to stay and fight the horrible invasion by the Russians – such a blessing! Praise God for the continued resources provided by the U. S. and other nations. May God’s presence provide comfort, encouragement, protection and final defeat of the enemy’s attack on your country! And may His intervention bring unexpected miracles in the lives of your people!

We love you!

To God be the glory!

David Littlefield

Romans 8:37-39

Brenda Durham
March 29, 2022

Praising the lord for his blessings and provision for the people of Ukraine.

March 29, 2022

Confusing information is being published. Are the majority of Ukrainians law-abiding people with many Christians intertwined therein, or were they mostly becoming part of the ‘WOKE’ generation who are renouncing GOD? Regardless, of course, nothing can excuse the unprovoked assault on Ukraine by Russia.

    Jessica Renshaw
    March 30, 2022

    I believe the former–“the majority of Ukrainians are law-abiding people with many Christians intertwined therein”–according to sources I trust.

Phillip Stafford
March 29, 2022

Thank you for all you do as an organization to help those in dire need of food, water & clothing especially for the Ukrainian people during this time of war. God bless the Ukrainian people! God will save them from the onslaught of the enemy who ultimately is Satan who uses people like Putin to steal, kill & destroy.

CM Brown
March 29, 2022

Thank you, Lord that these people are getting some of the help they need. We know it is by Your will and Your hand that this is happening. You are in control. We ask that You help these poor people in Ukraine, and that they will know that You are near.


Myrilla Carson
March 29, 2022


March 29, 2022

The Lord reigns! Restrain evil and let your mercy and compassion cover Ukraine.

William Donahue
March 29, 2022

Dearest LORD, we give YOU Thanks for YOUR MIGHTY HAND upon our Brothers and Sisters and all Ukrainian People. Thank YOU for YOUR MIGHTY POWER and STRENGTH, YOUR LOVE, in JESUS NAME amen.

Joan Dinse
March 29, 2022

Continual prayers are going up from our Christian family. God is working! God wins in the end!

March 29, 2022

PTL!!! PTL!!! PTL!!!

March 29, 2022

Thanks be to God for all He does for all of us. Also, thanks to all who gave to help these people in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

March 29, 2022

Thank you, Almighty God, for your love and provisions for the
people of Ukraine during the terrible hardship of war. Please
continue to provide food, shelter, arms, angels and strength to
these courageous people. We love you, Lord, and thank you for
loving us.

Elizabeth Deal
March 29, 2022

Thank you Father God for your faithfulness ,care and comfort you bring to those in need.We are desperate for you in this broken world !Please give us wisdom and strength thru Christ our Lord.

Arvidell Cole
March 29, 2022

I have been praying for God to “multiply” the food for those in Ukraine who desperately need water and food. This is so exciting to read and know God is answering prayer just like I expected Him to! I have experienced this many times in my life and I continue to believe this for you precious Ukrainians. Our church is praying for you continually and have sent financial donations to help you. I pray that God will cause the funds to stretch beyond anything you can possibly imagine as well as your food and water. No matter what it looks like, God is TRULY in control and has the last Word. May God continue to bless and strengthen you and protect you with HIS angels, in Jesus’ matchless name and power, AMEN.

    Carola Joan Arpin
    March 29, 2022

    How encouraging your remarks and this story. I, too, have been praying for old testament miracles, God provided manna where there was no food. Those 8 nurses carrying for all those babies underground: every time they’d open the formula, it would be replenished, the diapers would last so much longer w/o harm , the nurses would find strength, sleep, provision. Those on the run and hunkered down would find hidden caches of food “just for them”.
    Russian arms would jam and malfunction, growing dissatisfaction with their food so outdated (2002), that they’d lay down their arms and walk away.
    So many answered prayers. Bombs that don’t detonate, or explode in the airport! There are miracles amidst the chaos. God defends supernaturally. Do we understand why this terrible war? No. So much grief for the innocent. But, I know God is the blessed controller of all things. I pray Ps 91. over Ukraine as well. .

Beatriz Assenza
March 29, 2022

You, Ukranians, are such great and brave people! May the Lord bless all your citizens and your country, and your wonderful president who is with you. KNOW that you are all in our prayers.

Herb Johnston
March 29, 2022

Lord, I think often of the tireless and faithful Intercessors of the past 48 years , who have courageously persisted..in praying to end abortion- and many other battles-..and I have been so convicted in how I am called to stay in this moment..with hope for the future, and I am again reminded of my position-to continue to be faithful, despite the overwhelming burden and legacy of praying men and women before us..realizing only You-, Lord..can fill those shoes..with the feet of each most recent foot soldier- as our hands are raised to You..then we are being Your hands and feet..So I must focus on You-, Lord..because the task before me is too great- and the time till answered prayer..will pass in a moment- a moment that I must occupy with You….
Lord we have yearned to see You.. work in the miraculous for as long as I can remember in my 68 years, although it has been only 31 of those last 68 years that I have sought You in prayer- and and in the last eight weeks it seems there is a culmination- of Holy Spirit power…
..As we walk through these miraculous and confusing times,Sometimes, well, I know I,.. at least- am forced to not think about the past.. although my mind wanders there -,a little-, but all the other pursuits of this life-,fall by the wayside ..as we are now in war-..and the spiritual Battle of Our Lives is culminating around us-, that is all the trivial pursuits of life -,the way they’re caught up in the jet stream of chaos and thrown behind us-.. and Lord I know that you are in this and we are being watched by You.. as well -although you watch us with mercy and Eyes Of Love ..but we must stay diligent.
So every time I wake up in the middle of the night- whether it is for human frailty, or for your calling ..I must redirect the energy given me-.. to meet with the love you have shown us- in talking to you..to thank you that you would direct these prayers to where they need to go.. as will your people, Lord-, seek your face and raise our hands to you.. and say hallelujah !!-..and I Praise You Lord ..and I thank you for the miraculous events happening in Ukraine- and I mourn the loss of the how many thousands of people have died ..but I hope they all knew You ..and I hope that the ones that didn’t know you would have your mercy,- Lord ..that they would be in heaven-,so Lord I pray that you would deal with Putin’s mind..and even though we don’t really know of all the corruption in all the different leaders ..we know that much of humanity is corrupted in our time-so I pray that You would cause the dross ..the impurities- to be brought to the top- in this furnace of Oppression and War ..and that the remaining life can be filled with your Holy Spirit, and we would not grow weary in well-doing ..but your mercy, Lord -would carry the day …and we will continue to hear of how-, for instance.. Belarus will stand down- and stop intervening- and Putin changes his mind -and Russian soldiers continue to walk home to Russia ..and the Ukrainian people continue to be rescued ..and your children -, and all people..are hidden from oppressors ..and your love is manifested in Ukraine.

In the mighty Name of Jesus-, Amen

    Susan CC
    March 29, 2022

    I agree with Herb, AMEN!
    and agree that Belarus will stand down and stop intervening
    and agree that Putin changes his mind
    and agree that all the Russian soldiers go home to Russia
    and agree that the Ukrainian people are rescued
    and agree in the meantime, all people are hidden from their oppressors
    and agree that YOUR love is manifested in Ukraine.
    and agree in the Mighty Name of Jesus-, Amen

    March 31, 2022

    Bro Herb Johnson, I think you have spoken from your heart exactly what so many of us are feeling @ this time in our live, thank you for writing my thoughts out so graciously; God blessings on you, keep praying my brother, as we will for the evil to be squashed off the face of God’s earth, in Jesus Christ Holy Name, Amen


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