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Lord, we pray for Biden and his administration. Strengthen him as he seeks to lead America and lead him to a saving knowledge of You.
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Biden, sold in 2020 as the choice for minority voters, is now failing in the eyes of those same voters. How will this affect 2024?

From Daily Caller. A new focus group of minority male voters provided pessimistic reviews of President Joe Biden’s leadership of the country, according to Politico.

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In 2020, Biden’s campaign frequently touted its appeal to minority voters in contrast to his primary rival, independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. After two-and-a-half years of his administration, minority men reported negative views about Biden’s handling of key issues such as the economy, according to a focus group conducted of Biden voters by HIT Strategies, and first reported by Politico.

“People had [such] high hopes for him because he said he’s gonna set the bar here … and everything he’s done has [fallen] short,” said a participant in the focus group from Los Angeles, whose name was not published. By contrast, he spoke favorably of former President Donald Trump …

Other minority voters beyond the HIT focus group have expressed similar concerns with Biden’s presidency. “When you don’t address the things directly, when they don’t go according to what you said publicly they were going to, you can’t just kind of sweep it under the rug,” said Jennifer Roberts, a Democratic-registered black woman in Atlanta who owns a tow-truck business, to The New York Times. …

“[Biden needs to be] a little bit more sincere … [instead of] pandering to us when it’s time to vote,” said Marvin Dutton, a black entrepreneur in Atlanta, the Times reported.

Democratic strategists are worried that these concerns may depress minority voter turnout, which Biden is depending on to win in swing states such as Georgia and Pennsylvania. …

How are you praying for President Biden? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Daily Caller. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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August 29, 2023

Praying for the people in the BIden administration and President Biden to repent of the sin in their lives and ask Jesus to be their Savior and Lord. If they refuse to come to God, May they suffer the consequences of their choice. As far as I can tell, everything Biden and his administration has done has been destructive to the USA. Seems their intentions are to destroy this country and lead the way into the Global Reset. The Global Reset is a one-world government predicted in the Bible. The main leader of this movement is Klaus Schwab of Germany. How wonderful that God has His hand on all this. It is part of His plan. There maybe a time of respite since the dream vision for a shaking in September included Father God saying that He’s not at all pleased with our country and wants to give us time to continue and finish declaring Jesus and His Salvation to the world. From there we may move into the Tribulation and all believers will be caught up in the Rapture of the church. These are challenging times but never forget that God is in Control. He will take care of all believers. 🙏❤️ Trust in the Lord always. Psalm 37:3 “Trust in the Lord and do good, Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness. “

August 21, 2023

I pray that President Biden will see the error of his ways, that he will lead our country in the right direction. I pray that he will choose to do what’s right and choose to be sincere with the American people. As Proverbs 14:34 states, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”


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