I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask for truth to be revealed and for justice to prevail in this election.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mail-in ballots from the military serving overseas were found in the trash in Pennsylvania. The ballots were discovered during an investigation into election issues in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Most of the discarded ballots had been cast for President Trump.

(Excerpt from PJ Media. Article by Matt Margolis. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your prayer against this voter fraud happening widespread. . .

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October 26, 2020


Are you a christian or a man follow because God is about love not hate and God love all people and remember that God don’t sleep one day you will be judge by God. You put a small j for Jesus that who you are serving. My pray that christain who love God vote the right way. The devil like at you sinner.Stop praying
God don’t hear evil.

October 26, 2020

Remember the book of Esther?
I suggest we all read it again to refresh our minds, to remind us of what happens to those who seek to undermine/to destroy a nation and her people.
Haman, ended up being hanged from the very gallows that his wife had suggested he build to hang Mordecai from.
Then his 10 sons who were killed in battle were also hung on that same gallows.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven……….
You, God, established this nation for your purposes and we have trashed it in so many ways; from murdering the unborn to every form of perversion imaginable, allowing the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life to be priorities in our lives, even the church.
Many of Your children have humbled themselves,prayed and sought your face, repented of their sins and have turned from their wicked ways, beseeching You to hear our prayers,forgive us of our sins and heal our land.
Thank you, Father, for loving us and choosing us to be Your children, thank you for Your mercy and Your great grace, thank You for hearing and answering our prayers.
Father, give me/the intercessors this nation, the United States of America!!
To God be the glory, now and forever!!

October 26, 2020

We forget we are spirits in a carnal bodies, but living in the spirit is more superior than living in the flesh. Also, be mindful that we are in a spiritual war. Let us be less self-conscious and become God conscious. He will hear us and heal our land. Let’s draw near to Him as He is our God and our only hope of restoration, in Jesus name.

My favorite readings daily are Psalms 2 and 9.

The following is part of a hymn I learned as a child:

Hear Oh Lord, the sound of my call. Hear Oh Lord and have mercy. My soul is longing for the Glory of You. Oh hear Oh Lord and answer me.

Angela M Meek
October 26, 2020

It is so heartbreaking watching the evil that is taking place in our County. Father I ask that you would forgive us as a people and a Nation for all our sinful ways. We ask you Father to intervene with this whole situation. :Lord where the evil is running ramped in our great Nation let justice be served. Father bring that when is hidden in the hearts of corruption and evil actions against this Nation, its leaders and above all Your will for this great nation be exposed.

C. Wagner
October 25, 2020

Dear Lord, I bow my head and pray that, if it be Thy will, please protect us and this wonderful country from those who are working so hard to destroy it. In the name of your son Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

October 25, 2020

Father God, your word says in 2 Samuel, But evil men are all to be cast aside like thorns, which are not gathered with the hand. It does not say that ballots should be cast aside. In fact, it says that Honest scales and balances belong to the Lord; all the weights in the bag are of his making. So we pray that the evil men who are attempting to thwart your plans in this election would be cast aside. We pray that all “scales and balances” be honest and used for your purposes. We ask that, when the night is falling and the day is done on November 3rd, the “weights” in the bag for each and every one of your chosen candidates in this nation would be more than the weights in the bag of the opponents. Show your people what moves to make in these final days so that, in the end, we can say CHECKMATE!! In Jesus Name, Amen.

Debbie Horstman
October 25, 2020

Oh God, we pray for a fair vote in Pennsylvania. The forces of evil in the government and judicial system are so great, it does not seem humanly possible that the voting in my state will be honest, yet Lord, You are sovereign, You are bigger than the plots of man, You are in control! “Then God arose and His enemies were scattered.”

October 25, 2020

We declare, decree, and proclaim, in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, that our God is mightier than the “forever loser”. Our God is greater the he that is in the world. Our God knows all things, sees all things, and rules and reigns over all things. Your plans and purposes for the outcome of this election will come to pass. You are using the laser light of Holy Spirit to expose all the works of darkness attempting to manipulate this election. Lord, we ask you to send holy warring angels into the USA to do battle with the principalities and powers, and rulers of darkness in heavenly places, and as these holy angels emerge victorious, this land will, once again, be declared the righteousness of the Lord. We take authority over the plans of the enemy and unravel, uproot, and throw down all his plans to work against the validity of this election in Jesus’ mighty, awesome, and holy name. Amen.

Lois Taritas
October 25, 2020

Father we declare Pennsylvania will recover all ballots
We pray for this state to vote all red in jesus name!
We declare liberty bell will ring for victory for all who stand for you oh God! Thankyou we as your people will recover all the enemy has stolen for generations. We thank you our schools will pray again and you will reign in this nation the keystone State will stand for kingdom of light.

October 25, 2020

Sovereign God! You are exposing the darkness and You have all the details! You do not miss a sparrow falling to the ground nor these nine ballots that were trashed. Oh May we do all that You ask and then stand.
May many come to know Jesus as You continue to reveal Yourself in the details of Your involvement in each life. You open the eye of the blind. Hallelujah! In the name of Jesus~ Amen

Jan Kingma
October 25, 2020

Thank You, Holy Father, for exposing fraud! You bring what is hidden into the light! We praise You for revealing this! We pray that You expose ALL deception and shine Your light of righteousness into the depths of corruption and fraud! We thank You and bless You for exposing this problem. Protect righteousness, and uncover evil plots and schemes.
Psalm 74:22,23
Rise up, O God, and defend Your cause; remember how fools mock You all day long. Do not ignore the clamor of Your adversaries, the uproar of Your enemies, which rises continually.
You teach us; You discipline us; You show us Your wonders! We cannot see what is happening in secret against Your Kingdom, but You see everything. Bring justice to our land. Let those who believe they are protected by dark forces realize You are the only Judge. May those in captivity to sin turn to You and find mercy in Jesus!


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