President Trump said Monday he’s given the go-ahead for Microsoft to pursue the purchase of the TikTok, saying he would shut down the popular Chinese-owned video app by Sept. 15 if a sale isn’t completed by then.The president said the Treasury Department would need to receive “a lot” of money in return for authorizing any deal.
“A very substantial portion of that price is going to have to come to the Treasury of the United States,” the president said. “It’s a great asset, but it’s not a great asset in the United States unless they have the approval of the United States.”
Administration officials and lawmakers in both parties have said that TikTok poses a potential national security threat by giving Beijing access to American user data. The Chinese company Bytedance owns TikTok. (Excerpt from the Washington Times.)
Microsoft is eyeing the purchase of either part or all of the company’s operation in the U.S.
US tech giant Microsoft has confirmed that it is continuing talks to purchase the US operations of Chinese-owned video-sharing app TikTok.
Microsoft boss Satya Nadella had a conversation with President Donald Trump about the acquisition on Sunday, the tech firm said.
Microsoft stressed that it “fully appreciates the importance” of addressing President Trump’s concerns. . . .
Microsoft will also have to provide the US government with a list of the “proper economic benefits” to the country, it said in a blog post.
The tech giant hopes to conclude discussions with TikTok’s parent firm ByteDance by 15 September.
- TikTok hits back after Trump threatens US ban
- How would the US go about banning TikTok?
- Should we be worried about TikTok?
Microsoft said it was looking to purchase the TikTok service in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and would operate the app in these markets.
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The tech firm added that it “may” invite other American investors to participate in the purchase “on a minority basis”.
Microsoft emphasised that it would ensure that “all private data of TikTok’s American users” was transferred to and remained in the US.
Further, it would ensure that any data currently stored or backed up outside the country would be deleted from servers after it was transferred to US data centres. . . .
Government concerns
A possible sale of TikTok’s US operations to Microsoft was thought to be on hold after Donald Trump vowed to ban the video-sharing app, according to a Wall Street Journal report.
The potential sale had been seen close to agreement but was put in doubt after the US president’s warning on Friday.
And on Sunday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that President Trump would take action “in the coming days” against Chinese-owned software that he believed to pose a national security risk.
Speaking to Fox News, Mr Pompeo said the action would be taken “with respect to a broad array of national security risks that are presented by software connected to the Chinese Communist Party”. . . .
Some US politicians are worried the app’s Chinese owner ByteDance poses a risk to national security because it could be used to collect Americans’ personal data. Regulators have also raised their own safety concerns.
Late on Friday, Mr Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One: “As far as TikTok is concerned we’re banning them from the United States.”
And in a statement on Saturday, a White House spokesman said: “The administration has very serious national security concerns over TikTok. We continue to evaluate future policy.”
The Wall Street Journal said ByteDance tried to make significant concessions to the White House, including creating thousands of jobs over three years. . . .
According to the Financial Times, some executives at ByteDance believe Mr Trump’s intervention may just be a negotiating ploy to help Microsoft secure a better deal.
TikTok declined to discuss the possible Microsoft deal, but a spokesperson said in a statement on Sunday: “While we do not comment on rumours or speculation, we are confident in the long-term success of TikTok.”
The statement re-iterated that the company was committed to protecting the privacy and safety of users.
The move to ban TikTok comes at a time of heightened tensions between the Trump administration and the Chinese government over a number of issues, including trade disputes and Beijing’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
The president’s announcement on Friday was criticised by some in the tech sector, including former Facebook chief security officer Alex Stamos, who questioned whether the move was spurred by national security concerns. . . .
Mr Trump was also criticised by the American Civil Liberties Union. “Banning an app that millions of Americans use to communicate with each other is a danger to free expression and is technologically impractical,” said the ACLU’s surveillance and cybersecurity counsel, Jennifer Granick.
“Shutting one platform down, even if it were legally possible to do so, harms freedom of speech online and does nothing to resolve the broader problem of unjustified government surveillance,” she said.
On Saturday, in a bid to reassure TikTok’s millions of US users, Vanessa Pappas, the country’s general manager said in a video message: “We’re not going anywhere . . . We’re here for the long run.
“When it comes to safety and security, we’re building the safest app because we know it’s the right thing to do. So we appreciate the support.”
(Excerpt from BBC News. Photo from Dreamstime.)
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Where is the ACLU’s concern over freedom of speech online for conservatives?
Hypocrisy abounds, as does the Chinese Communist Party’s use of media outlets to propagandize for them.
Dear Lord please continue to protect our country. We have a difficult relationship with China. Our president has highlighted the difficulties. Lord we need You and Your help with these difficulties. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Our Father in heaven,
Holy is Your Name. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We thank You that we can pray 24/7.
Please forgive our sins as we forgive others who sins against us.
Father God, I pray that Your Will be done in this matter. I know that You are in control of all situation in details, You are already know what is the end result of every situation whichever turn it take, You are able to make it to do Your Will. Therefore, You are able to turn something bad like TikTok to be your agent for good. I pray that P Trump will draw near to You so that he can have discernment in making decision of any kind pertaining his life, family and the nation. I pray for the salvation of Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella and his family and TikTok founder, Zhang Yiming and his family, Kevin Mayer and family, if they are not yet Your follower.
Let us all be reminded of:
Genesis 1:26a Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness,
Genesis 2:7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before ME (YHWE).
Ecclesiastes 5:19 Furthermore, God has given riches and wealth to every man, and He has enabled him to enjoy them, to accept his lot, and to rejoice in his labor. This is a gift from God.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Romans 14:8 For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.
I pray that You will use President Trump, Satya Nadella, Zhang Yiming and Kevin Mayer to do Your will to help America back to Your feet.
You Are the ONE and ONLY LIVING GOD that can see human soul, heart and their intention. Your power is beyond our understanding. Your Holy Spirit is in us teaching us to walk according to the path that You created for us before the foundation of the world.
We love You, Father.
Thank You for loving us first. For Yours is the glory forever and ever.
May the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be upon us all from today onward.
In Jesus’ holy, mighty, majestic, and matchless name we pray, Amen.
Why is our President NOT being addressed as President in this article. Highly disrespectful.
He is, you missed it.
Lord oversee ALL our communication systems to glorify You, and You alone, we bind the satanic input …..we come against all data that would malign the minds and hearts of citizens of the United States against Your Truth in Jesus name we pray Amen
I don’t understand how TikTok could be an acceptable platform given the child trafficking that has and will continue to occur. I’m, in no way, supportive of even having it as an option in the network with that issue in the face of our children’s safety!
Heavenly Father, You sit as King of Kings. You alone are holy, holy,holy. You are Faithful and True. Praise be to Your holy Name, the Name that is above every name. You know all things and Your understanding is inscrutable. You are the Almighty. Nothing is too difficult for You. I pray for Your intervention on this situation with the ACLU and Tik Tok and Microsoft and our President. May Your will be done in the best interest of America. Thank You for the privilege of intercess. Thank You for answering this prayer. In the name of Jesus, Amen
ALL Social Media is a ploy, a tool of the Orwellian “Big Brother”. The ACLU is incorrect and delusional in it’s assessment. The ACLU dances with the devil and seduced by socialism.