I Prayed have prayed
Lord, save us from microplastics and any other harmful substances in our food, and help our leaders put a stop to this!
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There are microplastics in our food! How did they get there, and what are they doing to us when we eat them?

From Fox News. A new study has found that the overwhelming majority of protein foods such as meat and fish are contaminated with microplastics.

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The comprehensive study, conducted by researchers at the nonprofit Ocean Conservancy, found that approximately 88% of protein samples tested contained microplastic particles. …

The samples were differentiated into 16 types, such as beef, chicken, seafood, pork, tofu and plant-based food products.

Microplastic particles were discovered across all 16 sample types.

“Maximum U.S. adult exposure from these proteins is ∼3.8 million microplastics/year,” the study reports. …

Microplastics are pieces of plastic that measure less than five millimeters. …

The study, performed in conjunction with the University of Toronto, notes that due to limitations on their detection methods, the amount of particles could be even higher. …

What are these microplastics doing to our bodies? Share this article to raise awareness of what’s in our food.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Sansert Sangsakawrat/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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Peg B
January 12, 2024

Raised on a family farm, none of our beef ate plastic. Tofu is not a meat it is plant based, plants don’t eat plastic either. This group calls for Ocean Justice, Climate Change, Govt. Funding (i.e. grants, studies, etc.), and claims to save the world. Heavenly Father, I ask You to continue to guide us into truth and we thank You for the blessings on earth, the one You created and sustain. We are stewards of what You so graciously give, please continue to show us what to do and how to manage. As concerns are brought forward, let them be accurate and factual. You provide all the solutions needed, but ask of us to do our part and we agree. Please have these scientists meet with the innovators/scientists of plastic and seek a better solution, one that enriches both the soil and the water. Would they be willing to humble themselves and seek Your guidance in this? I pray they will. Nothing is impossible with You! In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, whom all things were created in and through. Amen.

Rose Rocha
January 12, 2024

Father God protect us for this microplastic that has entered into some of our food supply. Provide wisdom to those who process and handle food to stop this thing from entering our food. Let us be aware what we can do as consumers from helping to stop the microplastics from coming into our food. IJN


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