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Pray from a place of victory and authority, in the spirit of Caleb and Joshua. We need to recognize the work of the enemy in attacking men of all ages in America. But we are not giving a bad report—our God is big and able to defeat the enemy. We pray from victory and authority in Christ.

If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them. (Num 14:8-9)

The signs are everywhere. If you’re a middle aged man, you probably know a peer who has killed himself in recent years. At least one. If you’re a parent, you may have noticed that your daughter’s friends seem a little more on the ball than your son’s. They get better grades. They smoke much less marijuana. They go to more prestigious colleges. If you’re an employer, you may have noticed that your female employees show up on time, the young men don’t. And of course if you live in this country, you’ve just seen a horrifying series of mass shootings, far more than we’ve ever had. Women didn’t do that. In every case, the shooter was a man.

Something ominous is happening to men in America. Everyone who pays attention knows that. What’s odd is how rarely you hear it publicly acknowledged. Our leaders pledge to create more opportunities for women and girls, whom they imply are failing. Men don’t need help. They’re the patriarchy. They’re fine. More than fine.

But are they fine? Here are the numbers:

Start with the most basic, life and death. The average American man will die five years before the average American woman. One of the reasons for this is addiction. Men are more than twice as likely as women to become alcoholics. They’re also twice as likely to die of a drug OD. In New Hampshire, one of the states hit hardest by the opioid crisis, 73 percent of overdose deaths were men.

But the saddest reason for shortened life spans is suicide. Seventy-seven percent of all suicides in America are committed by men. The overall rate is increasing at a dramatic pace. Between 1997 and 2014, there was a 43 percent rise in suicide deaths among middle-aged American men. The rates are highest among American Indian and white men, who kill themselves at about ten times the rate of Hispanic and black women.

You often hear of America’s incarceration crisis. Well that’s almost exclusively a male problem too. Over 90 percent of inmates are men.

Now these problems are complex, and we know they start young. Relative to girls, boys are failing in school. More girls than boys graduate high school. Considerably more go to and graduate from college. In schools at every level boys account for the overwhelming majority of school discipline cases. One study found that fully one in five high school boys had been diagnosed with hyperactivity disorder, that’s compared with just one in 11 girls. Many of them were medicated for it. The long term health effects of those medications, not fully understood, but they do appear to include depression in later life.

Women now decisively outnumber men in graduate school. They earn the majority of doctoral degrees. They are now the majority of new enrollees in both law and medical schools.

For men, the consequences of failing in school are longterm and profound. Between 1979-2010, working age men with only high school degrees saw their real hourly wages drop about 20 percent. Over the same period, high school educated women saw their wages rise. The decline of the industrial economy disproportionately hurt men.

There are now seven million working age American men who are no longer in the labor force. They’ve dropped out. Nearly half of them take pain medication on any given day. That’s by far highest rate in the world.

Far fewer young men get married than did just a few decades ago, and fewer stay married. About one in five American children live with only their mothers. That’s double the rate in 1970. Millions more boys are growing up without fathers. Young adult men are now more likely to live with a parent than with a spouse or partner. That is not the case for young women. Single women buy their own homes at more than twice the rate of single men. More women than men now have drivers licenses.

Whenever gender differences come up in public debate, the so-called wage gap dominates the conversation. A woman makes 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That’s the statistic you’ll hear. It’s repeated everywhere. But that number compares all American men to all American women across all professions. No legitimate social scientist would consider that a valid measure. The number is both meaningless and intentionally misleading. It’s a talking point.

Once you compare men and women with similar experience working the same hours in similar jobs for the same period of time — and that’s the only way you can measure it — the gap all but disappears. In fact it may invert. One study using census data found that single women in their 20s living in metropolitan areas now earn eight percent more on average than their male counterparts. By the way, the majority of managers in the workplace are now women. Women on average are now scoring higher on IQ tests than men are.

Men are even falling behind physically. A recent study found that almost half of young men failed the Army’s entry-level physical fitness test during basic training. Fully seventy percent of American men are now overweight or obese. That’s compared to 59 percent of American women.

Perhaps most bafflingly or terrifyingly, men seem to be becoming less male. Sperm counts across the west have plummeted, they’re down almost 60 percent since the early 1970s. Scientists don’t know why this is. Testosterone levels in men have also fallen precipitously. One study found that the average levels of male testosterone dropped by one percent every year after 1987. And it’s not unrelated to age. The average 40-year-old-man in 2017 would have testosterone levels 30 percent lower than the average 40-year-old man in 1987.

There is no upside to this. Lower testosterone levels in men are associated with depression, lethargy, weight gain and decreased cognitive ability. Nothing like this has ever happened to a population this big. You’d think we’d want to know why and how to fix it. But the media ignore the story. It’s considered a fringe topic.

Nor is it a priority in the scientific research establishment. We checked and couldn’t find a single NIH-funded study on why testosterone levels are falling. We did find a study on, ‘Pubic Hair Grooming Prevalence and Motivation Among Women in the US.’

This is a crisis. Yet our leaders pretend it’s not happening. They tell us the opposite is true: Women are victims, men are oppressors. To question that assumption is to risk punishment. Even as women far outpace men in higher education for example, virtually every college campus supports a women’s studies department, whose core goal is to attack male power. Our politicians and business leaders internalize and amplify that message. Men are privileged. Women are oppressed. Hire and promote and reward accordingly.

Now that would be fine if it were true. But it’s not true. At best, it’s an outdated view of an America that no longer exists. At worst, it’s a pernicious lie.

Either way, ignoring the decline of men does not help anyone. Men and women need each other. One cannot exist without the other. That is elemental biology, but it’s also the reality each one of us has lived, with our parents and siblings and friends. When men fail, all of us suffer. How did this happen? How can we fix it? (The Daily Caller, commentary by Tucker Carlson. His series, Men in America, will air on his Fox News show every Wednesday in March.)

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March 25, 2018

Lord, restore our men and boys to YOUR best, and may they be bound to YOUR will, fulfilling what is in YOUR heart and mind for their lives, their service, their perfect fulfillment in YOUR love. Revive the hearts of Godly men, to step up with boldness, tenderness and compassion; heal the hearts of men and boys who are wounded, confused and oppressed. Thank you for YOUR perfect plan and purpose for Godly men to LEAD as tender warriors in this hour.

March 17, 2018

Father, thank You for Your Word and Your Holy Spirit that teach us truth and wisdom. Thank You for revealing this issue. Impart Your wisdom and strategy to men everywhere, and keep them from believing the enemy’s lies that they cannot change or are powerless to move forward.

Help men across all age groups to follow You and not the crowd or peer pressure that would entrap them in behaviors that actually contribute to low testosterone (sedentary lifestyle, eating too much, indulging in depressing self-pity instead of encouraging themselves in Your Word). Protect them from harmful chemicals in the food and environment that contribute to these lower testosterone levels. Give them motivation and desire to be physically active and work and never give up. Stir them to be men of prayer and to fan their gifts into flame. Keep them from despising the day of small beginnings.

Give fathers the resolve to stay with their families and to give all their troubles and stress over to You. I also pray that You would break bondages stealing the affections and energy of men. Help them to see that what they are currently suffering is similar in nature to what others have suffered throughout time. Remove the veil so that they feel not only their own pain, but the pain of those who are also suffering. Open their eyes to see what things You have given them grace and strength to do to improve their situation, and give them discernment to leave the things they have no control over up to Your divine intervention.

Remind them they are not alone; let them take courage and rise up, bold as lions to take their place in this generation to accomplish all that has been ordained for them. Infuse them with the sacrificial love of Christ so that they take their eyes off of themselves, as all of us need to learn, and muster resolve to make the changes needed in their lives so they can run their races with vigor, as Caleb and Joshua did. Let no excuses or complaints interfere with what You have called them to do, or keep them from doing the small things You require of them today to move into the destiny to which You have called them – ‘he who is faithful in a small thing will be faithful in much.’

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

March 17, 2018

Heavenly Father,
I pray that You will be with the men and boys. I pray that You will encourage them to be the young men and fathers You created them to be.
I ask Father, that the young men would desire to marry the women they are living with & be fathers to their children. Give them confidence to stand strong for You and follow Your Word.
I also pray for the health of our men. I pray that any situations causing less testosterone in our young men be revealed and reversed.
These things I ask in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

March 15, 2018

Ijust pray;
Heavenly Father, we gather together here online and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful name of Jesus.

Where two or more are gathered there You shall surely be and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.

I lift up those watching this video and we come into agreement and lift up their children.

We stand on Your Word and declare it over their children.

We believe that You will watch over Your Word to perform it in their lives.

We agree and ask that You help the listener’s children to recognize each and every opportunity they have to spend time with You and get to know You.

We pray that their love for You would grow and increase in Jesus Name.

We declare that they shall be strong disciples of Jesus who are willing and obedient to live the life You have planned for them.

Great is the peace of the listener’s children because of You, Lord.

You are with the listener’s children all the time, no matter what they are facing and wherever they go.

We speak protection and safety over them now in Jesus Name.

Thank You that angels surround them.

You have given Your angels charge over the listener’s children to accompany and defend and preserve them in all their ways.

You Lord are their refuge and fortress.

You are their glory and the lifter of their heads.

You will complete that which You have started within the lives of the listener’s children…

They will choose life and love You all their days.

They will follow the Holy Spirit as He leads them.

You are their Rock and their Life.

They are the head and not the tail.

They are above only and not beneath.

They are blessed when they come in or go out, and wherever they go Your favor surrounds them.

We declare an increase of wisdom and favor with God and man.

The listener will not provoke, irritate, or fret their children.

As of this moment they will no longer pressure them but allow You to work within their lives.

They lean on You and acknowledge You in all areas of their children’s life.

They will not be hard on them or harass them or cause them to become discouraged, to feel insecure, inferior, angry or frustrated.

They will love them as You instruct in 1 Corinthians 13:4.

They will not break or wound their spirits but they will rear them tenderly in the training, discipline, counsel, and admonition of the Lord.

Lord help the listener to train their children in the way they should go so that when they are old they will not depart from it.

We praise You now and sing to the Great I Am.

Worthy are You Father.

The enemy is turned back from the listener’s children in the Name of Jesus.

The traps he will try to set will come to nothing in Jesus Name.

You are more than enough.

In Jesus Name.

Jerry E Sauls
March 15, 2018

This is a great concern for me and has been for many years of my 75 years. Thanks for drawing our attention to this issue and giving us the stats to prove the point. I too believe that this is the work of the spirit of evil in our nation in an effort to bring confusion and destruction. God will honor our prayers and concerns regarding this very important issue in
the great nation.

Carolyn MacConnell
March 14, 2018

Father, you call our men to be the spiritual head of their life and their household. Give them your heart to know how to stand strong in you and lead where ever you have placed them to protect with your love and provide a place of safety and assurance to everyone around them. Bless them. Keep their eyes on you so they know their Identity in you and the purpose you plan for their lives. Dress them in the spiritual armor and bring your angels near to do battle. These are your Daniels and Joshuas and Davids. Protect them, Father and bless them. Continue to open our hearts to know how to pray Your Will for our men and boys to be filled with Your Peace, with Hope from You and with Your Love. I repent of glossing over the hurts and pains of our men and boys and not lifting them up to you for your grace. In Jesus name I pray.

March 14, 2018

Father in heaven,
I want to respond to this call to pray for our boys and men. Lord help them
to know of their great value to the world! Lord show them that manhood is
defined in thy kingdom. It is an honorable position to hold! Teach us LORD, In the name of

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