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God, we're praying against corruption in our federal agencies and in our elections. Thank You for exposing the truth about Hunter's laptop, and we ask You to bring justice.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The top intelligence officials who labeled Hunter Biden’s laptop “Russian disinformation” were most likely lying. How deep does this corruption go?

From PJ Media. It was bad enough that 51 of the nation’s top intelligence officials declared in Oct. 2020, at the height of the presidential campaign, that Hunter Biden’s laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” But now the flagrant dishonesty of the whole affair has gotten exponentially worse, for any lingering doubt that these officials had access to adequate information when they published their assessment has been put to rest: it has now come to light that the FBI found the laptop to be authentic months before the intelligence officials told the world that it wasn’t. …

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It’s important to remember exactly who it was who lied to us. The chief signatory was James Clapper, who is listed on the letter as the former Director of National Intelligence, former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, former Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. …

Also signing the letter were three more of the heaviest hitters in Washington’s intelligence establishment: Michael Hayden, former Director of the CIA, as well as of the NSA; another former CIA director, Leon Panetta, who also served as Secretary of Defense during the Obama administration; and a third former CIA director, John Brennan, who also served as White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor and Director of the Terrorism Threat Integration Center. …

Just the News reported Sunday that long before the letter they signed was written, “the FBI had authenticated the device as belonging to the first son and prosecutors had expressed confidence its contents had not been manipulated, according to a contemporaneous IRS investigative memo.”

The author of that memo was “IRS Supervisory Criminal Investigative Agent Gary Shapley, now a whistleblower.” It “provided a chronology of how the FBI validated the laptop as having belonged to Hunter Biden as early as November 2019 and by spring 2020 was exploiting and analyzing its emails, text messages and photos.” Shapley wrote in the memo that “we have no reason to believe there is anything fabricated nefariously on the computer and or hard drive. There are emails and other items that corroborate the items on the laptop and hard drive.” …

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(Excerpt from PJ Media. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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skye alison
June 27, 2023

His Truth keeps marching on, praise God! Let justice roll down like the waters dear Lord. Forgive us as a nation for our sins – for our wrong doings, our corruption, our complacency, and help us to stand so that nations will come to the light of your dawn.

June 27, 2023

Justice and truth will prevail

Wilna Sepulvado
June 27, 2023

Lord – Show your people the truth of thoses that are wicked and those that are following your commandments. Continue to expose the lies and the wicked and deal and you will deal with them.

Please Lord help our government to be your leaders and stop the division that is going on in our world by what our government agencies are doing for their glory and not yours.

I pray for our nation, states, and city leaders that they are working for the people and not for their own gain. Our country is Under One God and it is to bring all the glory to you and to help each other. I trust in you and all that you do and refuse to be afraid with this world and government today. Bring back common sense and love for one another. Stop the lies and the corruption in our world.

Amen and Amen

June 27, 2023

Thank you, Lord, that the truth is coming out because of the dedication of men and women in the Senate and the FBI and other witnesses, who are willing to lay down their lives in order to speak the truth, and members of the press, who are willing to print and say the truth; regardless of who is president. Thank you, Lord, that the integrity of this nation and truth does not depend on one person but is established by the many who believe in its principles.

June 27, 2023

Lord, let this evil house of cards fall so that all of their sins can be exposed.


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