I Prayed have prayed
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Five of the nine faith directors leading agencies in the Trump administration, are introduced and prayed for at the Rise Up 2018 Prayer Conference near D.C.


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Milena Gonzalez
November 15, 2018

Dear Lord I am greatfull for those leaders that you put close to our President give wisdom and make them strong to be stand for our values. Make them invisible to any enemy that want to attack them. In Jesus name we pray.

Thomas McClellan
November 15, 2018

To my Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ in Australia, New Zealand, and Scotland,

Thank you for your faith and obedience, and your insite to pray for President Trump, his family, his staff, Vice President Pence, his family, his staff, and our country as a whole. May your prayers break down strongholds that are holding the USA captive as well as those strongholds in your own countries.

Abba Father, bless the Land Down Under (Australia and New Zealand) and the Land of the Brave (Scotland) with supernatural boldness to make disciples of Yeshua and have signs and wonders be the evidence of the Gospel of Yeshua message, their moral actions, and their attitudes of righteousness. Bring forth a revival in their lands so they push north into Asia (Australia and New Zealand) and push south (Scotland) into England, Wales, into the European Continent, and west into Ɖire (Ireland) and further west into Iceland, all to make disciples of Yeshua.

Abba Father, bless their governments with a clean sweaping of evil and may it be replaced with workers of righteousness. Put into positions of leadership men and women like Joseph the son of Israel (second in command of Egypt), the prophet Daniel, and his three friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, all who will be steadfast in their faith and make decisions for God that amazes the other nations of the world with righteousness, morality, and an economy that is robust as a result of honesty.

Abba Father, I call these things according to what has already happened in Heaven to occur on Earth by the authority given to me as a heir with Yeshua and by the power of the Ruach Hakodesh (not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit says the Lord of Hosts), Amen.

Margaret petersen
November 15, 2018

God bless my President,and lord please let his discernment be keen and quick to hear you,and may the holy spirit be his advisor.root out any degree of corruption that is found,let the word of God proclaimed go forth and do it’s job unfettered by man’s agenda in Jesus name! amen.

Thomas McClellan
November 15, 2018

Abba Father,

I come boldly and humbly to Your throne room where seated at Your right hand is Yeshua, my Savior, Your Son.

First, words cannot convey my praise and thanksgivings adequately of what You have done in my life, the lives of my family, my friends, my co-workers, my neighbors, in my city, and in my State, California that is suffering, but is still not repenting. Much more needs to be done, but with faith I know that You are working mightily in their hearts.

Abba Father, I thank You for these individuals and others You have placed in positions of authority. May they daily beseech You and honor You with all they do. Place a Hedge of Thornbushes about them, their staff, and their families. May this hedge protect them from Satan’s fiery darts and focus them to paths of righteousness. May they be beacons of light into darkness in the halls of government. May their action, words, and attitude convict people to Godly repentance. Give them boldness to expose deceitfulness and replace it with righteousness. As in Mark 9:24, strengthen their belief so they will be vessels of the Ruach Hakodesh to pour out signs and wonders that will let “harvesting” occur to make disciples of Yeshua.

I ask all these things by the mighty, powerful, exalted, and precious name of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach…the Name of all Names. Amen.

Jack Gutknecht
November 15, 2018

I pray that our leader: President Trump who serves our country by leading– would desire purity and avoid debauchery, pornography, perversion, and drunkenness. (1 Corinthians 6:9-20, Titus 2:12)

Jack Gutknecht
November 15, 2018

I pray that our leader: President Trump who serves our country by leading– would desire purity and avoid debauchery, pornography, perversion, and drunkenness. (1 Corinthians 6:9-20, Titus 2:12)

November 15, 2018

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the mighty men of God You have raised up and anointed for this hour.
Bless each of them with strength and wisdom to carry out the responsibilities before them and cause them to make an impact with a loving, godly influence on those around them. Give them success in all they put their hands to, as they rely on Your guidance.
Let them carry Your glory and cause it to shift the atmosphere where they work each and every day!
And Father, bless those precious ones from Australia who are praying for our nation, our President and other leaders. We thank you for the many prophets from Australia that you have anointed to speak Your messages to the USA! We pray for Australians too, that their nation would be blessed and experience revival and prosper in every way. Bless Your true Church, the people of the Living God, world-wide! In Jesus name.

November 15, 2018

Lord I ask you to bless Dina and Your faithful Intercessors for praying for America by Your Holy Spirit even as we pray for the country of Australia. Father, thank You for mercy and grace, thank You for hearing and answering our prayers.

November 15, 2018

Lord God, Almighty King of the Universe I thank you for choosing these precious servants to serve the USA in their respective positions. I know they have been appointed as Your righteous ambassadors to give wise counsel. I ask You to place a hedge of protection about them, their families and their staffs. I ask you loving Father to give them strength, insight, knowledge and discernment as they stand in prayer as Your watchmen on the wall. May they be successful in all their work.

Concetta Cenac
November 15, 2018

Thank you for your prayers! Our president needs them. May we all stand before King Jesus and be found faithful in defense of his kingdom. We love our Australian brothers and sisters. May the Lord bless you as you continue to serve him.

November 15, 2018

Dear american friends. We in Australia are also praying for your President.We are happy to serve the King on your behalf.
May God keep and bless with wisdom the President of the world.

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