It’s one thing if a single news outlet publishes a fraudulent anonymously sourced “scoop.”
It’s another thing entirely if multiple newsrooms claim they independently “confirmed” the fraudulent “scoop” with anonymous sources of their own.
The former can reasonably be explained away as a simple error; the latter is not so simple. It’s unrealistic so many sources would be wrong about the same thing. . . .
In January, the Washington Post scored a humdinger of a “scoop.” Then-President Donald Trump, still reeling from the results of the 2020 election, “urged Georgia’s lead elections investigator to ‘find the fraud’ in a lengthy December phone call, saying the official would be a ‘national hero,’” the Washington Post reported, citing a single anonymous source who supposedly “confirmed” the details of the private conversation.
But recently released audio of the phone call shows that Trump never said these things. He never urged the investigations chief to “find the fraud” in Georgia’s presidential election results. He never promised the investigator would be a “national hero.”
Rather, Trump said, “If you can get to [Fulton County, Georgia], you’re going to find things that are going to be unbelievable, the dishonesty.” He followed this by telling the investigations official she will “be praised” when, not if, she produces the evidence of wrongdoing. There is a significant difference between saying “you’re going to find things that are going to be unbelievable, the dishonesty” and saying, “Find the fraud.” One represents the president notifying an investigations official of voter fraud in a specified county in Georgia. The other represents the president demanding an investigations official get him the results he wants, regardless of the facts of the matter. . . .
The newspaper’s supposedly eye-opening “scoop” has since been updated to include a 130-word editor’s note, which reads:
The most scandalous thing is: Several newsrooms claimed they independently “confirmed” the most damning details of the Washington Post’s since-corrected "scoop.”
NBC News reported it “confirmed The Post’s characterization of the Dec. 23 call through a source familiar with the conversation.”
USA Today claimed a “Georgia official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters confirmed the details of the call.”
ABC News reported: "President Donald Trump phoned a chief investigator in Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office asking the official to 'find the fraud' and telling this person they would be a 'national hero' for it, an individual familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News."
PBS NewsHour and CNN likewise seemingly claimed they independently “confirmed” the story through their own anonymous sources.
But Trump never said those things. . . .
The most likely scenario is ABC, the Washington Post, and others shared the same source or sources. . . .
The uncomfortable questions we are left with now are: To whom did these news outlets speak? How did the source or sources get the details of the phone call wrong? Are there additional examples of the media reporting bad information provided by anonymous sources we don't know about, merely because there's no contradictory audio or video? Just how many anonymously sourced stories are not true? If it can happen this easily, who is to say it doesn't happen often? Further, how many of these bogus stories have enjoyed the backing of supposed independent corroboration when, in fact, newsrooms most likely talked to the same person or people? . . .
This is exactly what we warned about during the Trump years when the press dropped all hesitation and standards regarding the usage of anonymous sources. We warned it would lead to the publication of dubious or flat-out false allegations that are all but impossible to verify. We warned competing newsrooms would feel inclined anyway to “confirm” the anonymously made allegations with their own nameless sources. We warned if even one widely “confirmed” report based on anonymous sources turned to be false, it would lead only to the further erosion of trust in the news industry.
Now that we know false reports based on anonymous sourcing can enjoy equally fraudulent corroboration, who is to say there are not more examples of this type of thing? . . .
What do you think about this revealed audio? Share in the comments below. . .
(Excerpt from The Washington Examiner. Article by Becket Adams. Photo Credit: The White House Flickr.)
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Should there not be consequences for falsehoods published by media’s?
God is answering our prayers to shed a bright light on all of the lying, cheating, deceiving, etc. by the leftists which have been in our government for decades culminating in the most fraudulent election in our nation. I thank Him, along with all of you for this, and am encouraged to praise Him, and to keep on praying and working to expose as much of the fraud as possible. I like the way LF put it. “My comfort is in knowing someday that I will be in heaven worshipping him and praising him.” Norma B. Proverbs 29:17 Where there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But with wise and knowledgeable leaders there is stability. “If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” Thomas Jefferson
I had heard Trumps statement to the Sec of State shortly after he made it. Sadly everything reported by MSM skirts the truth whenever possible if its about justice or the Trump Administration. Its hard to pray for the Biden administration and some Republicans who are working against our country instead of for it. I pray for a huge change of thinking and justice.
So when do the Governor & Attorney General of Georgia go to jail for the apparent collusion with China to commit massive voter fraud? See ‘Absolute Proof’ [last 25 minutes] by Mike Lindell []. Documented foreign interference with I.P. addresses to EACH drop of Trump votes & increases of Biden votes… several foreign countries [primarily China] involved. That’s why Mike countersued Dominion Voting Systems, expecting that ‘Discovery’ will expose EVERYTHING!
We MUST continue in aggressive intercession declaring YHVH GOD’s Justice, and NOT capitulate to the demonically inspired regressive Leftist/socialist agenda. ALL the criminals MUST be brought to justice! Personal accountability demands that our corporate intercession be untainted by doubt, fear, sin, or laziness. Seriously, these Spiritual Guidelines WILL help:
Regarding the question of not praying in Jesus name, you are correct, it is vital to our prayers. Why IFA doesn’t end with, “ in Jesus name,” is a good question. Maybe someone from IFA will answer. In the meantime, let’s not take our eyes off of the truth of Jesus and let our prayers be a pleasing aroma to the Lord for our country, administration , states and families. In His name we pray healing, revelation of truth and protection from the evil lies and actions being done to tear down our country. Hear our prayers Lord Jesus, amen! We pray all things in your mighty name, Amen!
Bea and Cheri, dear sisters in Christ
I believe this site is non-denominational which is a good thing.
In prayer I sometimes say in the name of Jesus either at the beginning or at the end but not in every prayer.
I plead the blood of Jesus, but again, not in every prayer.
I do not use the name of Jesus by rote or as a tag on and firmly believe that God hears our prayers and looks at our hearts on what we pray more than the words we use.
Thank You Lord Jesus that You hear our every prayer, whoever we are and wherever we may be.
Oh thank you fine your kind words. Yes, it’s not necessary to always pray in Jesus name, but when we speak the name of Jesus, Satan has no power over us and our prayers. This means he can’t thwart them. This is biblically based in the Bible! Yet,as you said, it isn’t about rote,nor where you claim the name of Jesus, but HIs name has power over the enemy!
Why this site doesn’t pray in Jesus’ Name ever? I’m not talking the ones on the comments, but the prayers on the site. What denomination is this? I have requested an explanation, and got no answers, yet at the beginning I thanked them directly for the information we were getting and I did.
Bea and Cheri, dear sisters in Christ
I believe this site is non-denominational which is a good thing.
In prayer I sometimes say in the name of Jesus either at the beginning or at the end but not in every prayer.
I plead the blood of Jesus, but again, not in every prayer.
I do not use the name of Jesus by rote or as a tag on and firmly believe that God hears our prayers and looks at our hearts on what we pray more than the words we use.
Thank You Lord Jesus that You hear our every prayer, whoever we are and wherever we may be.
The media should understand that maybe one can fool some of the people sometimes, but they can’t fool all of the people all of the time. The collaboration and general consensus of major media outlets to damn President Trump and make him the scapegoat of the sins of America was overwhelming plain as day. Day after day reporting that featured guest speakers , forced us to hear hate speech pouring out of the mouths of supposed important and intelligent people.
I don’t have a college education, but this was as plain as day a witch hunt. That is why I often pray for the media.
It is so SAD that most all of the media are so dishonest with lie after lie and are puppets for the RADICAL DISHONEST Democratic Party. We all know that BIG TECH is strongly intertwined into the liberal party and are guiding the party in where it wants to go and the policies they would like to have, Biden doesn’t have a clue what to do. I trust that God is still in control, he hears our prayer and he will make the changes necessary to change the direction that our country is heading or the end times will begin. My comfort is knowing that someday I will be in heaven worshipping and praising him.
Republicans need to BUY their OWN Media circuits. Democrats have too much monopoly & biased voices/control in everything. It’s not equal. America needs REFORM in every aspect of government.
Most news media CEOs and their lying reporters’ father is satan, who is the father of all liars. For 5 years these same media companies have told the most blatant lies on President Trump on all subjects. Why anyone would be surprised that they told yet one more blatant lie on him is beyond my comprehension. I only listen to conservative talk radio news or Christian News since I realized the unreasonable hatred these demon-influenced people have for President Trump. They were caught in the biggest Russia Hoax/Impeachment lie that they carried on for 4 years! When it turned out to be a lie, none of them apologized or acknowledged their lies. Most of them knew it was a lie in the beginning before they reported it. We have a RESPONSIBILITY TO THE TRUTH TO TURN THESE LIARS OFF AND TO STOP SUPPORTING THE COMPANIES THAT SPONSOR THEIR NEWS! Use your money to speak your disagreement with blatant liars and haters. For instance, if a company supports the wickedness and wicked people currently in charge of news, STOP FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING THEM OR THEIR PRODUCTS! I paid off my Kohls charge and will no longer shop there or support them since their CEO or owner decided to stop selling “My Pillow” because Mike Lindell supports President Trump. Christians have a lot of buying power. Use it to support those companies and people that are neutral or stand for right. FATHER GOD help us to honor YOU in every area of our lives and to stand for YOU and Righteousness every day in JESUS Name! Amen!
I agree.
We can stop using those companies that support lies and deceit. It may be a small thing but just think, if those who are on Facebook, twitter, and others like them, stopped using those platforms and turned to other media sources, or used outlets other than Amazon and Kohl’s, what a difference it would make. There is an English phrase, ‘take care of the pennies and the pounds (dollars in US) will take care of themselves.
Are we so lazy and uncaring that we cannot look for other sources?
God bless those like Mike Lindell and others who invest their time and money in creating new platforms that big tech cannot touch.
Lord show us a new way; a better way and let us not make golden idols out of these big companies I pray.
And I understand that even though the stock market is up, stocks in these social platform companies, Facebook and others, is DOWN. Also, Facebook’s daily users in the U.S. are down in numbers by several million already.
I think Republicans and Christians are rightfully rejecting this deceit and evil and are walking away, hallelujah!
1 Corinthians 15:33, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.”
Have you noticed that God is blessing Chick-fil-A? I
The company’s official statement of corporate purpose says that the business exists “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us.
Their restaurants are always busy with customers.
Well, well; So the truth is finally coming out. President Trump has been the most attacked and ridiculed President than any in recent history. He was attacked and lied about even before he was elected. The fraud was talked about and information about where and how the ballots were manufactured and “dropped” in polling sites was reported within days of the election. Then the “false” media reports said that all of that was not true. IT WAS, so now how do we get our REAL elected President in the white house?????
And so it continues…I recall when Hillary Clinton was running for president – not against Trump, but against Obama. It was at that time she created an organization, a clearinghouse of information, that media were more or less “required” to consult before publishing their news. I was concerned about this and believe it is still active. Sorry, but I can’t remember the name of that organization. But this was the time when the news stories from each of the involved fake news outlets began to mirror each other in that they used the same phrases. You could tell they had consulted this organization. We need to pray about this dishonest arrangement.