I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect our nation from further destruction and evil. Help our nation's leaders to seek Your face in their decisions.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

According to One America News Network, “. . . . According to reports on Thursday, Tuberville is likely to join Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) in this effort to push against votes for Joe Biden. When both chambers of Congress meet, Brooks indicated he plans to reject the electoral college vote submissions from states with flawed election systems.

Brooks also noted it is within Congress’ lawful authority to “accept or reject electoral college submissions from states” that are “not worthy” of their trust. . . .

Rumors have circulated that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) may join in on these efforts as well, although neither has confirmed these plans. . . .

If Tuberville does in fact join Brooks in his efforts, he would be in direct opposition of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. On Tuesday during a private caucus, McConnell warned Republicans not to fight the election results.

In addition, the Senate Majority Leader publicly doubled down on his sentiment at a press briefing. . . .

Despite this intimidation from the top, Tuberville’s campaign manager asserted he is the right senator to support Brooks.

According to Breitbart, “Thursday, during an interview that aired on FM Talk 106.5 in Mobile, AL, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) laid out his plan to challenge the results of the 2020 election when Congress convenes on January 6 to certify Joe Biden as the next President of the United States.

Brooks explained he needed a member of the U.S. Senate to back him and said he would provide members of the U.S. House of Representatives to serve as objectors to states in question. . . .

Partial transcript as follows:

BROOKS: By way of background and contrary to what a lot of people think, the courts are not designed to resolve an election dispute for President, Senate, or the House of Representatives up here in Washington, D.C. The Constitution, along with accompanying federal statutes, are quite clear: the United States Congress has the final verdict, decree — whatever you want to call it — on every election contest involving members of the House, members of the United States Senate and the President of the United States.

Even up here on Capitol Hill, a lot of folks weren’t familiar with those provisions of the United States Constitution. So, part of my job has been to educate people — say, “Whoa, wait a second. The courts are not a place this is supposed to be.” Don’t be surprised when the courts don’t bother to hear these cases. They just dismiss them outright for lack of standing or some other procedural reason without getting to the substance of it. It’s not their job. It’s our job, the United States Congress. We’ve caught people’s attention on that.

The second part of it is — has there been sufficient systemic voter fraud and election theft to justify denying states with badly flawed election systems their Electoral College vote submissions. I don’t think there’s any question. The over, overwhelming evidence — and it is compelling nationally is because of major systemic flaws with various election systems in various states, in addition to what you’re reading about in the news media about particular lawsuits — in addition to all that, it is clear that many of these states have election systems that are untrustworthy and the election was stolen from American voters who supported a conservative, a Republican rather than a socialist and a liberal.

And so, that’s the backdrop. And hopefully, I’ve been in a position where I can explain to people how compelling the evidence is where they get past this mantra from the fake news media and by the socialist Democrats who keep screaming to high heaven “there’s no fraud, no fraud.’ Well, that’s bunk.  Do your homework. There’s only one rational, logical conclusion to reach — that there’s been massive voter fraud and election theft to a degree never before seen in the history of the United States of America.

And so on January 6 at 1 p.m., we’re going to have a roll call of the states. That roll call of the states will be presided over by Vice President Mike Pence. It will be a joint session of Congress, at which point in time each state submits their purported Electoral College votes. We in Congress have the absolute right to object to and reject those state submittals of Electoral College votes. We believe that they’re not worthy of our trust. The requirement first is that you have a House member and Senator who jointly file that objection.  I’m willing to do the House side, and I should add there are lots of other congressmen who want to do it on the House side, too — more congressmen that want to object than we have states to object to.

There’s some competition over who gets to object to which states. Then we need one Senator, and if that happens, that triggers a two-hour debate to each state that is objected to, followed by a House floor vote and a Senate floor vote on whether to accept or reject the electoral returns of that particular state that has been objected to.”

I’m providing the House objectors. The question is simple: Will there be a Senator who is willing to stand up for our country and the election system that is the bedrock of any republic in order fight this voter fraud and election theft, or are you going to do like some of our surrender caucus members want us to do — just give and say, ‘That’s the way it goes. They stole it fair and square.  We’re outgunned. We’re not going to fight.’ I don’t believe in surrendering. I believe in fighting for our country.”

(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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December 21, 2020

Email your senators and Congress reps and ask them to have the courage to join Mo Brooks.

Lord, raise up men and women of courage. We trust in Your handling of our nation .

December 21, 2020

Father God, YOU are the God of Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David and Gideon. Let us join the ranks of your servants that persevered in the most impossible situations.
BUT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD ALMIGHTY. For Yahweh is the Alpha and Omega, the TRUTH and the LIGHT,and the Supreme JUSTICE. He rules forever and his verdicts are the living TRUTH that never die.

Lord Emmanuel, we are overwhelmed by the deceit and corruption that is so deep and wide. We repent and cry out for Abba, Father to save us. As you did for Moses at the Red Sea, open a path for Pres Trump to lead your people and this nation through the sea of darkness, evil and corruption that has enveloped our nation and is about to drown us.

Lord we pray you will call up another David to slay this Goliath of evil trying to destroy your nation. We pray your blessings and protection on Mo Brooks and other brave men and women who will stand up to this giant…so that our God, Elohim, will take the giant down. All glory will be YOURS Father God.
We pray fervently and wait expectantly for YOUR MIGHTY HAND OF RIGHTEOUSNESS will once again claim victory over the evil, the enemy, satan.
Your Justice will expose and judge harshly those who would follow the enemy and not repent.
In the precious name of Jesus, Yeshua we pray.

Susan Lucille
December 21, 2020

Thank you Father for Mo Brooks, a person of courage and dedication to the people of the United States of America. Protect him and all who will stand with him, their staffs and families, and grant them divine protection, wisdom, favor and courage for this critical time in history. May they place their trust in you. Some trust in horses and some in chariots but we trust in the name of the Lord, our God!

You ARE government, IS 33:22, you are judge, lawgiver and king. The battle is yours, lead us forth; your ecclesia stands to attention, in faith we declare America shall live and prosper as one nation under our Almighty God! We bind the wicked schemes of evil, and loose truth and justice. America, the best is yet to come!

Praise JESUS! in His name we pray, AMEN.

December 21, 2020

Father God, there are many paths to victory in this situation. The question is who will be the first to show COURAGE? Will it be the Supreme Court? Will it be the State Legislators? Will it be the Governors? Your word says in Hebrews 11,

And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.

Who among us will be named in the history books as a hero of our time? Who will be labeled a coward? This is the question of the hour. As your word says, “I looked for a man among them…” May the first to repent be shown mercy, Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Daniel NC
December 21, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, please bless the men and women in both the House of Representatives and the Senate who have the moral courage to do the right thing and expose this unprecedented fraud. Lord, please let justice and truth prevail and let the liars and thieves be exposed. In Jesus name I pray, Dear Lord, Amen.

December 21, 2020

Heavenly Father we come to You and pray this prayer in despair at this time when there is so much wickedness we can scarcely keep up with it all. Please Lord we confess our absolute need of You to act for us as we repeat this prayer:

12 Our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. – 2 Chronicles 20:12 NIV

Please Lord make haste to answer, time is short and for many their spirits are growing weak. Please may Your Holy Spirit come upon those who need to be emboldened to do that which You would have them do. Lord we need You! In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

December 21, 2020

The battle is the Lord’s!
Equip and stir Your people to stand for Truth. You will give them the words. All glory to God!


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