I Prayed have prayed
Uncover the darkness Lord! Give our leaders wisdom to deal with this information. We need You, Father!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A massive worldwide Chinese spy network has been unearthed. And the list is naming names…

A recently leaked database has revealed that 1.95 million registered members of the Chinese Communist PartyĀ (CCP) have been employed at universities, major corporations, and British consulates around the world.

Some members have been employees of U.S. aerospace manufacturerĀ BoeingĀ and pharmaceutical makerĀ Pfizer.

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), a global coalition of lawmakers, obtained the database from an unidentified Chinese dissident, then shared the material with four media organizations,Ā according toĀ a Dec. 12 report by British newspaper The Mail on Dec. 13, which obtained the list and reviewed it.

IPAC, in aĀ statementĀ on Nov. 13, said one of its representatives received the database from a ā€œnon-government sourceā€ and the coalition had experts verify the list.

ā€œIPAC will push for governments and companies to respond, setting out how they intend to safeguard their values in the face of infiltration,ā€ IPAC stated.

According to the outlet, the database contained names, dates of birth, and ethnicity, while some also had addresses and telephone numbers. The database was first leaked on the encrypted messaging app Telegram, after it was allegedly extracted in 2016 by people believed to be Chinese dissidents, from a Shanghai server.

Most of the CCP members in the database are from Shanghai.

The Mail found that major aerospace companies Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Boeing have employed hundreds of CCP members. Additionally, Pfizer and British drugmaker AstraZeneca employed a total of 123 Party members. British automakerĀ Jaguar Land RoverĀ also employed CCP members.

The database also showed that over 600 CCP members were employed across 19 branches of British banks HSBC and Standard Chartered. (Excerpt from Epoch Times. Article by Frank Fang.)

These leaks are an embarrassment to the Chinese leader Xi, with the list of Chinese spies featuring the names, addresses, and the position of the embedded agents. The massive worldwide infiltration by the CCP into major companies and sensitive government positions not only is a major security threat, but also a threat to businesses where intellectual property is subject to theft. The usual CCP method of “rob, replicate and replace” that the Chinese government engages in through its state-owned companies has been greatly enhanced by these breaches. The leaked information has made its way into the public domain. What will be done?

This comes at about the same time the U.S. learns of a massive security breach, origin unknown. (Read more about that on HeadlinePrayer.)

Watch a video report from Sky News Australia, who broke this story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OumhrE6JV3A

How are you praying about this new news?

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Ron Greene
December 16, 2020

Let’s get off this Russia fixation, shall we? Our real enemy is the Chinese CCP. We, as a nation, are under siege on the new battlefield made ready and operational by the “technology” that we are so enamored with. Instead of bombs and bullets, 1’s and 0’s are our new enemy, courtesy of the Chinese Communist Party.

George Orwell’s novel, “1984” is no longer fiction; it is a frightening reality. Instead of telescreens, we have the internet. . .same game; different players.

“Though a thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, it shall not come nigh thee.”

Let us find comfort in God’s promise of protection for his children, and exercise wisdom of whom we “show and tell” to.

Christ’s second coming can’t arrive too soon.

Marsha dailey
December 16, 2020

Knew this was coming..god what going to do about China..

Joan Friedman
December 15, 2020

“God is our refuge and strength, a VERY PRESENT help in time of trouble!”

December 15, 2020

The bible says that you don’t miss a thing according to proverbs 15. The bible also says that you see the end from the beginning so that means you know the end and beginning of all things. Reveal the global plans of the enemy and bring the fear of You (Warrior presence) to those who have step forward to come against America. Reveal perversions/corruptions/Lies and seemingly innocent events/organizations/groups and bring a stop to their plots/schemes/plans by administrating your Justice according to your holy, righteous Word. You are holy and this land we call home (America) belongs to You God. I trust that You will entrust those trustworthy of your plans so that we work together, making all the wrongs right, to bring You glory! You are a mighty powerful and intelligent God. Thank you for who You are.

December 15, 2020

I think many of us just continue to grind our teeth at how for 5 straight years, Trump (before and after being elected) warned us over and over again that China was the enemy and our major problem. Members of his administration stated the same.
The media ignored it. We know why now. They were already working on the “fix”. It was well underway – a intricate & woven fabric of deceit, lies, fraud and criminal actions under intelligently planned cover-ups. Brought to us by multiple billionaires on the planet but also by a major political party that was once trusted in our nation. No longer trusted due to their numerous sell-outs, buy-offs and constant criminal actions that did not get prosecuted, they became bolder and more arrogant along with a new degree of hatred unlike anything we have ever seen in our nation. It also makes the mistrust of individuals during WW2 seem like child’s play (and that is not meant to demean those who went through that period of time). At least then, honor and integrity were values still sought by both major parties to a large degree. But what we see now is unlike anything in our history.
During that time, China was somewhat considered neutral to us. Not completely but we weren’t at war with them. Now thanks to past loose policies governing those coming to America from China to work in our nation, we have been and are still rife with spies intent on the destruction of the greatest free nation in the world.
President Trump knew what was at stake. A Biden presidency would ensure the Chinese free reign here. Doesn’t matter what Joe says – it matters what he does and what HE DIDN’T DO in the past. And Biden’s record of selling our nation out is a history lesson in itself.

God help us – we stand in the shadow of your greatness Lord. Millions across our nation know full well we need a miracle Lord. And we ask that you would provide it thought we do not deserve it. It is only your holy ways that can save us Lord. We are unable to do it ourselves. Raise up new men and women of courage in our government and nation to fight the tide of evil that has seized our nation. Amen

December 15, 2020

If things had gone smoothly with the elections, we probably wouldn’t have made such great efforts to uncover these evils in our land. Thus, they’d go on and on.

Thank You, Lord, for always knowing better than us and for answering our prayers exceedingly above and beyond which often looks much different than expected at first but then comes a great miracle and deliverance by Your hand. Hallelujah to the Lion of Judah!

    Joan Friedman
    December 15, 2020

    Amen! Thank you! The Lord inhabits the praises of His people and your words of praise and thanksgiving were a balm to me. The Lord God is our Banner! Jehovah Nissi!

      December 15, 2020

      Amen sister. I love the word “balm” in the Word – so true. Thank you! His ways are a balm to us when we need it.

Karen Secrest
December 15, 2020

This is just one of the “major shakings” I thought the Lord was going to show. There’s more to come and it will help “drain the swamp” so harm is contained, restrained and eliminated for this era.
There are others to be seen in Britian and Canada

Terrell Sanders
December 15, 2020

I pray to God that the evil designs of the evil Chinese Communist party be stopped from being realized. This agency has unleashed an act of war on the entire world with their evil genetically modified virus killing millions. Even their own people died spreading this weapon as they prevented internal travel to their own country yet permitted travel to all countries from the city from which it was launched. Father send your angelic warrior angels to fight and defeat this evil regime of Satan. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

December 15, 2020

Thank you, Father, for revealing what is hidden and bringing to light that which needs to be exposed. May truth and justice prevail wherever this has happened within our businesses, government and other countries. May the investigation be trustworthy and complete. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen

E Wong
December 15, 2020

God, you delay judgment to allow time for repentance. May this revealed list bring fear of You in the hearts of these CCP operatives who thought lying and stealing was worth the little the CCP promised. God, you have decreed a curse in Zech 5. Let them realize that fear of the Lord will save their lives and that salvation can be found in Jesus to all who repent and acknowledge Him as Lord.

Zech 5:1-4 “Again I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, a flying scroll! 2 And he said to me, ā€œWhat do you see?ā€ I answered, ā€œI see a flying scroll. Its length is twenty cubits, and its width ten cubits.ā€ 3 Then he said to me, ā€œThis is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole land. For everyone who steals shall be cleaned out according to what is on one side, and everyone who swears falsely shall be cleaned out according to what is on the other side. 4 I will send it out, declares the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter the house of the thief, and the house of him who swears falsely by my name. And it shall remain in his house and consume it, both timber and stones.ā€

December 15, 2020

Father God, thank you for answering our prayers to expose expose expose. Now father we thank you for protecting all those that need protection from you and convicting all those who need conviction and justice will be served according to your Eternal Word. Your Word does not return Void. In Jesus name. Amen

December 15, 2020

Pray PsLm 37. Stand firm&press in in prayer as never before!Nothing is impossible with our God. He will make a way!

December 15, 2020

Lord God, we thank you for the Chinese dissidents who revealed this massive spy ring. Lord God, reveal every connection between the CCP and the Biden family. Lord God, bring every bit of involvement of the Biden family, and others in government, with the CCP out into the open. Thank you Jesus

Marty Robinson
December 15, 2020

I have for some time now been trying to memorize James 3:17,18 (Amplified) and it comes and goes in my memory bank. However, I surely always try to remember that the wisdom from above is first of all PURE (Undefiled); then it is peace-loving, courteous (considerate, gentle). [It is willing to] yield to reason, full of compassion and good fruits; it is whole-hearted and straightforward, impartial and unfeigned — free from doubts, wavering and insincerity.
And the harvest of righteousness (of conformity to God’s will in thought and deed) is [the fruit of the seed] sown in peace by those who work for and make peace — in themselves and in others, [that is,] that peace which means concord (agreement, harmony) between individuals, with undisturbedness, in a peaceful mind free from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts.
It occurs to me that China is such an ancient country and has great wisdom, but is lacking in this wisdom from above. The Chinese people are wonderful people who deserve to live in peace, but they have been enslaved by rulers who lack this wisdom from above. There are Christians in China and they need our prayers. It might be a good idea to use this Scripture as a pattern for which to pray for China.
I ask You, Lord, to undertake for the righteous in every country and to guide your people into all truth; glorify Your Name above all names, in all the world. In Jesus Name, Amen.

December 15, 2020

Dear Lord, I am so grateful to you, that these massive Chinese spy rings have been uncovered. Please give our leaders, major corporations, and anti-hacking experts the wisdom and courage to bring this evil wrongdoing by the CCP to a grinding halt. Please let their efforts be rooted out, exposed, and dealt with according to Your will. In Jesus’s name we ask these things.

December 15, 2020

Maybe we should not be allowing people from China to work or go to school here.

Elizabeth Crouse
December 15, 2020

Lord, help America weed out people working against us. You know influence college professors are having on students. That is wrong. We have seen influences in shootings, burning property and stealing things. Come and help America be a country that is Christian again.

Kurt Klemm
December 15, 2020

Heavenly Father, We know nothing is a surprise to you. Thank You for revealing this to us in your timing. Bless our President and all who are involved in dealing with this evil with your wisdom and favor. Guide President Trump and all involved to take the necessary steps to stop the hemorrhage of information effectively as You bring Truth and Justice into every area of our country.
Guide your children to step up, pray without ceasing as we trust You faithfully.
Glorify yourself LORD.

December 15, 2020

Father Godā€” thank you for uncovering this potential espionage plot by the enemies of God. You are the author and finisher of life. You raise up leaders and depose of them and it appears you are bringing the vile acts of the communist party ā€” their hidden plans – to LIGHT!! Whoo Hoo! You are raising up your armies and Angel Armies against the demonic forces of evil in the worldā€”. Thank you, we honor you and praise you for you glory and God given victoryā€” yes ā€”you laugh in heavens over the defeat of demonic strongholds of the enemy. Many will get free in the worldā€” communism we declare and decree , ā€œ you are finished !!! In the name of Jesus, Amen

December 15, 2020

Where are you Lord in all of this? Why are you so quiet as we face such freightening giants and insidious invasions. Speak to us and tell us what to do. Infuse our leaders with wisdom and strength. Keep your Mighty Hand on President Trump and show us the way. In the name of Jesus

    Mary Burt
    December 15, 2020

    Please, oh God Almighty, keep President Trump in office. Let his 4 more years in office, that he has legitimately won, reign past the fraud and corruption occurred in this country in the November election, that Your mighty hand has shown to all the world. We praise You and bend our knees to You in deep repentance of sin, thanking You for this man You have put into the highest office in our beloved America. In Jesus’ name and under His blood I pray.

    Terrell Sanders
    December 15, 2020

    Rest assured sweet sister.God’s plan is perfect. I once had my hands on mightiest weapon in our arsenal, I confessed my sins of drugs and was sumerarily dismissed. It was a perfect plan as he has healed my addiction saved my soul and given me the gift of the Holy Spirit. Sounds like a perfect plan to me. Courage and praise God and Jesus Christ.

    jo rohn
    December 15, 2020

    Thank you, Jesus for the shaking of your church around the world and our nation. We have been praying for these days of exposure and bringing all things done in secret into the light. Your faithfulness always overwhelms me!!! YOU are beyond amazing!!!

    Joyce Siegel
    December 15, 2020

    You ask, ā€œ where is God in all of this?ā€ Acknowledge that He is the very One who has exposed this demonic activity to us and He expects us, as His Body, to do something about it!
    Thank You Lord for exposing the people of CCP infiltrating our schools, workplaces, and government. Give President Trump the wisdom, to uproot this cancer from our country. He has the boldness and willingness to do this, with Your help, to keep our country safe. We praise You Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come!

December 15, 2020

When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them [exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through the cross.
Colossians 2:15 AMP

The sovereign God of heaven rules. When a human government pits itself against God Himself, God acts. It is no coincidence that this exposure of spying so closely follows Xiā€™s stifling of religious liberty. People in China are hurting and dying.

Father God,
This stronghold has been taken down by divinely powerful weapons! Praise God!!
As this evil has been exposed, they can no longer hide behind their lies. Continue to lead and give protection and wisdom to those making decisions regarding the next step.
We stand against the spirit of oppression and fear. Please blind the eyes of persecutors to the evangelistic efforts of Your people in China who are boldly proclaiming the gospel.
As the investigation continues, we pray for an awakening from darkness to the glorious light of Your truth.
If this is related to the massive security breech that has been discovered this week, please leave no stone unturned. Give our President and his administration Your favor in in this world wide war against evil.
Jesus, on the cross, You rendered the enemy defenseless and made a spectacle of him in the heavenly realms. This is a spiritual battle!!
May it be on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

John Brett
December 15, 2020

and you wonder where on earth did the covid-19 developed

December 15, 2020

Great and Mighty, Worthy One, We humbly ask that you continue to strengthen those who are on the frontlines of these breaches. May they be bold in truth, your truth, and lifted up and led by your Spirit! May those who desire to be our enemies find you! Your love, your forgiveness and your TRUTH. For it is only through you that any of us can be spared your wrath when you return!

December 15, 2020

This is way over my understanding. But God, who these agents do not know or believe in,will guide us. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

December 15, 2020

We need a president with backbone and trust in God for this situation.

    December 15, 2020

    Let us pray weā€™re able to hold on to the one we have.

      John Brett
      December 15, 2020

      how would this be possible if Biden has won, I live in the U.K. but have many Christian friends in America, it may be a God-given miracle if you can indeed keep Donald Trump as your president

        Novella Glass
        December 15, 2020

        Biden has not won, he has cheated. There’s a hugh difference!

          John Brett
          December 15, 2020

          Please, Lord Jesus, reveal the deception of Biden and keep Your man in the White House

        December 16, 2020

        There is much precedent in the Bible. Jesus raised Lazarus after he was dead. In Kings the coalition defeated Benjamin after losing several attempts. There were many lost causes that God turned around.

    December 15, 2020

    Won’t get that from Biden


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