I Prayed have prayed
Lord we pray revival will break out across the U.S.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Revival is taking place in Tennessee as churches from various denominations have partnered together in prayer and fasting.

East Rogersville Baptist Church located in Rogersville has been the launching pad for this move of God.

It’s a part of Awaken Tennessee, the 30-day initiative for prayer and fasting, kicked off Jan. 26 and will run through Feb. 23.

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Pastors are reporting their services are exploding with revival services as a result of the Holy Spirit showing up and taking over. . .

“3,100 Awaken Tennessee Prayer Packets have been distributed across East Tennessee to 220 churches who are joining in the 30 days of prayer and fasting. Another 800+ churches are joining from Middle and West Tennessee. That’s a total of over 1,000 churches in Tennessee fasting and praying in unity,” Livesay continued.

“Many churches are only giving one packet per family where both the husband and wife have committed to pray, which means well over 100,000 Tennesseans could be involved in prayer during February. Prayer is always the foundation for revival,” he added.

“This rally is not about our church or any particular denomination, but it is our effort to join the concentrated prayer effort across the state for true revival in our churches that precipitates an awakening in our communities, state, and nation,” Butler said when the initiative began. “There are exponential results as you bring multiplied groups together to pray.”

The Awaken TennesseeĀ is a city-wide movement of prayer and fasting focused on unifying the church to strategically pray for and bless the city, one person at a time.

Dove Award-winning singer/songwriters Terry and Barbi Franklin came to Rogersville to lead worship services for the revival. As a result, the former members of the Gaither Vocal Band were also invited to lead worship for the follow-up services.

The church pastor described for theĀ newspaperĀ how this past Sunday how “The Holy Spirit came and took control.”

“From the first worship song, people began to flood the altar for prayer and continued to do so for restoration and to receive Christ. We haven’t manipulated our people. They came expectant and God simply showed up,” Butler said.

The Franklins say they will help as long as they are needed. It’s something that they’ve been praying about for many years.

We’ve been longing to see America’s churches become houses of prayer again and revived in their first love for Jesus,” the pair said.

John Avant, president of Life Action Ministries, told the paper he hasn’t seen an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like this since 1995 when a revival broke out simultaneously in five churches in Brownwood, Texas.

“I’ve traveled the United States since the Brownwood Revival and not since then have I seen and felt what I do in Rogersville, Tennessee,” Avant noted.

About a half dozen other pastors who are participating in the initiative report the Holy Spirit is setting revival in their churches as well. Ā People attending the services told them they can “feel the Holy Spirit as soon as you enter the building. . .

(Excerpt from CBN News. Article by Steve Warren.)


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James Colby
October 27, 2020

I would like to see more of the move of GOD, across America, a shake up, in the church, Hollywood, and both political parties, things that are done in secret, that need to be reveled.When we vote too kill babies,,up too nine months, a day of re coming, or repentance has to come.

James Colby
September 13, 2020

I hope revival will come to chatt, Tn, and all across America, a holy fear and respect, and Love for GOD, where the house of GOD, is place of true worship.

February 27, 2020

Praise our God for moving in answer to Godly sorrow with repentance. I have been brought to Ezekiel 37 – the Valley of dry bones. I have been praying in response to His question “Can these bones live?” I replied, “Lord, nothing is impossible with you (my answer to God)”. He said “Prophesy concerning these bones and say to them: Dry Bones of the Church of the living God in America and around the world, hear the Word of the Lord! This is what the Lord God says to these bones: “I will cause breath to enter you and you will live”. We all as God’s children can prophesy the Word of God. I pray that the Wind of His Holy Spirit will blow across this country and the world bringing life to a dead church so that we will be the bride He has called us to be. He said to ask of Him and He would give us the nations as our inheritance, the ends of the earth our possession – Ps 2:8 Let’s ask big! we sure a big God!!

Brother Amartey
February 25, 2020

People, please donā€™t mistake ā€œrevival prayer meetingā€ with actual revival! While weā€™re seeking the Lord for revival, THAT revival has not yet come, and when it comes, the whole world will know! Itā€™s good for churches to come together to pray for revival, but this in itself is NOT revival, but revival prayer meeting. I remember the inaugural meeting of ONE CRY in Bartlett, Tennessee, in 2012 where hundreds of pastors gathered together to pray for revival. That was not a revival, but a revival prayer meeting. Itā€™s sad that many in tthis generation have never seen a revival and donā€™t even know what it looks like, but when the revival weā€™re praying for comes, everyone will know! You donā€™t need to advertise a fire!!

Brother Amartey
February 25, 2020

People, please donā€™t mistake ā€œrevival prayer meetingā€ with actual revival! While weā€™re seeking the Lord for revival, THAT revival has not yet come, and when it comes, the whole world will know! Itā€™s good for churches to come together to pray for revival, but this in itself is NOT revival, but revival prayer meeting. I remember the inaugural meeting of ONE CRY in Bartlett, Tennessee, in 2012 where hundreds of pastors gathered together to pray for revival. That was not a revival, but a revival prayer meeting. Itā€™s sad that many in tthis generation have never seen a revival and donā€™t even know what it looks like, but when the revival weā€™re for comes, everyone will know! You donā€™t need to advertise a fire!!

February 22, 2020

Amen and Amen to Karenā€™s prayer. Please hear our cries Lord.

    Brother Amartey
    February 25, 2020

    People, please don’t mistake “revival prayer meeting” with actual revival! While we’re seeking the Lord for revival, THAT revival has not yet come, and when it comes, the whole world will know! It’s good for churches to come together to pray for revival, but this in itself is NOT revival, but revival prayer meeting. I remember the inaugural meeting of ONE CRY in Bartlett, Tennessee, in 2012 where hundreds of pastors gathered together to pray for revival. That was not a revival, but a revival prayer meeting. It’s sad that many in tthis generation have never seen a revival and don’t even know what it looks like, but when the revival we’re for comes, everyone will know! You don’t need to advertise a fire!!

February 22, 2020

I have been praying for a revival in the United States and then throughout the world for many years. I have had this prayer request weekly on my Sunday class prayer list. I am so thankful for God’s answer in Tennessee. Father, I join with all of my brothers and sisters who are called by You in prayer and fasting for a powerful move of the Holy Spirit in this land once again. We are in desperate need of Your mighty Holy Spirit working in our hearts and lives to purify us, prepare us, and lead us in the directions that You desire to bring this outpouring to cover our land. Please forgive me, forgive us all for making peace with the world and not standing in bold enough opposition to evil. Give us zeal for Your righteousness and Your name. It is Your Spirit that pushes back all evil. Before the name of Jesus, every knee bows and every tongue confesses that He is Lord. If we resist the devil, he must flee from us. Deliver us from lukewarm spirits. We need our faith to be like gold tried by fire. Open our blind eyes. Clothe us in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. We call on You to cleanse our land of the spirits of murder, sexual sin, love of money, addictions, lust, and complacency. Please let the fear of the Lord, and zeal for Your name fill us and spread over all of this nation. We need humility, holiness and righteousness, fill us. Fill us with Your love so that the gospel cannot be resisted. Please draw the hearts of all of the people in every state to bow before you, worship you, and glorify You! Please use this country once again to be a light among the nations! In Jesus’ precious and holy name we pray, Amen!

Jim Reed
February 22, 2020

Our church has been praying for over fifteen years non-stop for a revival and/or a Great Awakening in the U.S.A. by the grace of God Almighty. Amen.

Patricia Moulton
February 21, 2020

Oh how good and pleasant it will be when brothers gather in unity, in unity. Father we thank You for Your power manifesting in TN and ask for an explosion across the USA into Canada and Mexico for Your glory to capture spirits lost then found, blind but see, deaf but hear. In You, Gracious God, is all our hope as You build our faith because of Your great love. Halleluia

February 21, 2020

Please Father God let not the Holy Spirit forget the ā€œLast Frontierā€ state of Alaska. We are in desperate need of you! Please revive the dead and lost hearts of this great state and AWAKEN us to return to you. Please Lord Jesus hear our prayers for revival to come to America!
Come Holy Spirit I pray, and have Your way in our churches, and through all of our cities into the darkest corners and set the captives free!

February 21, 2020

Father, I am so encouraged and grateful to hear how revival has begun – that Your Holy Spirit is moving in Tennessee! Bring repentance to South Dakota – change hearts and minds, and ignite desire to partner with You to contend for this state that is in such desperate need of healing and unity, especially with Native Americans. In Your great mercy, do not delay, Lord, and do not pass us by!

Jerry E Sauls
February 20, 2020

Thank you Father for what you are doing across Tennessee and other towns and cities in our country. You promised us a reprieve four years ago and we are seeing it happen. The Spirit of God is being released across our land sweeping into the hearts and lives of millions and bringing an awakening. May Your will be accomplished in the Mighty name of Our Lord, Amen!

February 20, 2020

Praise God!! About a month ago I had a dream. I was in this town and all my neighbors had dead bushes and plants in front of their houses. There was a water hose on the ground so I picked it up and started watering all the dead plants down the street. I didn’t know what good it was going to do to water dead plants but I was happy to do it. There was Christian music playing everywhere. You could hear it through the whole town. I was so happy and said “I never want to leave this place.” Tennessee came to my mind in the dream, like that was where I was. I live in Upstate NY.

February 20, 2020

Dear Lord, please bring revival to our great state Texas! We have been praying for revival to flood our city, state and nation. We thank you Lord, for what your doing in TN. Do this in Washington D.C. and let it spread all over our great nation in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

    Kim Juarez
    February 21, 2020

    Dear LORD come lead guide and direct our leaders in Washington state to Your inspiration and unity! It’s not about us, our buildings, our talents,or our gifts, it’s all about You LORD. Forgive us LORD for taking our eyes off You and looking at all the methods, and things of this world! I repent! I’m sorry! Come Holy Spirit come to the Pacific Northwest! Wake us up! We need YOU LORD! Come come come!

Margaret L.
February 20, 2020

Father GOD I cry out to you in repentance for my sin. i have allowed the world to come into my heart even though I know that you have redeemed me and saved me by the precious sacrifice of my beloved LORD. Forgive me, revive me and give me your grace to keep praying for an awakening of your beauty and holiness to come upon our nation. Only revival can save us.Only obedience to your holy word can change our culture. Only lives living for you can cause others to be thirsty for truth and holiness. Break me and mold me and let your light shine through. Let your love flow through to give others hope. Father GOD may the world see your GLORY and HOLINESS and every knee bow down to the Majesty of JESUS CHRIST who alone is to be worshiped!

Betty B in WI
February 20, 2020

Father, May Holy Spirit work in the lives of Your people in every state of the USA. May we be strong witnesses for You to bring others the knowledge of Your love and the price Jesus paid on the cross for salvation for all who repent. Father, Thank You for all You are doing and have done. May we humble ourselves,seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways so You can bring healing to our land. Amen .

    Mary R.
    February 22, 2020

    Amen. Come Lord Jesus. May this revival spill over into Illinois. May those who don’t know you have their eyes opened to the truth and come to know you as Lord and Sav

February 20, 2020

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!……
for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

Carol Parker
February 20, 2020

Lord may this revival spill over into North Carolina. We need a great move of God in our land. Wake up christians across our nation to fast and pray for awakening. We need you God and we have sinned against you in so many ways. I plead the blood of Jesus over our land.

Laura B
February 20, 2020

Thank you, Father, for the work You are doing in Your people and Your church through the Holy Spirit! Move across Alabama, this nation and world and draw Your people together to repentance and restoration!
We pray for the church to wake up and be the light and witness You call us to be!

Nancy M. Garver
February 20, 2020

Dear Lord, we as believers in America are longing for a beautiful majestic move of your Holy Spirit, as He travels one state at a
time bringing life to every church, prayer at each altar, signs, wonders and miracles to those who are sick and dying, and as
You promised the late Prophet Bob Jones years ago that in the last days ONE BILLION souls will come into the Kingdom. May it
be so, may it be now. Amen and amen.

February 20, 2020

Sweet Lord Jesus I pray for revival all across America and in Wisconsin! Let Your Holy Spirit reign free! I pray against the spirit of the fear of man and the spirit of Jezebel. This state needs You Lord God to come and break through the strongholds of liberalism and pride. In Jesus Christ’s Holy Name, Amen

AviceMarie Griffin
February 20, 2020

We earnestly beseech You, Lord, to hear our needs and our requests for Your intervention in our personal lives and our public life, that Your kingdom would advance, that Your people would pray and praise, and that souls be saved hour by hour as a result of a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, God, that my eyes have seen this day.

Cristobal Campos
February 20, 2020

Thank you Lord God for answered prayer; may the power of your Holy Spirit spread throughout the USA and the World.

February 20, 2020

Dear Lord we rejoice in the work You have begun in Tennessee. May it continue and spread throughout every state in our nation. I pray especially for my home state of New York. Oh God how we need You! May we see a mighty revival of deep repentance and righteousness reigning here and throughout the world to Your glory and honor! Amen!

Bethany Hicks
February 20, 2020

Who is the “Livesay” being quoted in this article?

    Randy Reese
    February 20, 2020

    Sheldon Livesay is the minister over One Accord Ministries in Rogersville. A major outreach that pours into several counties. Sheldon is one of many who have interceded for revival in Rogersville and East Tennessee for many years. The fruits of their labors are indeed manifesting.

Marty Robinson
February 20, 2020

120 in the upper room, waiting in one accord for the mighty rushing wind and tongues of fire!!!!!! I have often thought, “The reason the Holy Spirit could come and do His mighty work was because the 120 were in one accord.”

February 20, 2020

Psalm 133 How good and pleasant it is when Godā€™s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard, …For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.
We praise you Lord for your faithfulness, your righteousness and holiness. You are victorious and your love endures. May the consuming fire of your love propel us to humble ourselves, seek your face and receive you, the truth way and life. Heal our land Lord and our hearts. We stand in the gap repenting for wickedness and seek your forgiving grace by the blood of Jesus. Direct our lives, words and actions into being the heart of God for your will, which we declare, will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Amen

    Rhonda Roberts
    February 20, 2020

    Praise be to the Lord God Almighty! Let this revival produce true transformation in our lives as we surrender everything to Him!

February 20, 2020

Thank you Father!

Prayers for Montana REVIVAL&AWAKENING. Raise up the Right people Lord to make this happen. Set the stage, provide the tents, bring them in droves and rain down Your Holy Ghost fire from heaven! I ask this in JESUS Name…my Lord and Savior, AMEN!

February 20, 2020

Lord, Virginia needs
to turn to Your standards for living too! I ask that Your Spirit be poured out upon us from the members of our government to the members of our dwelling places (homes, shelters, streets, facilities for the incarcerated, etc).To tear down the high places, and instill within us a desire to lives that honor Your word and Your Spirit.

Steven Humble
February 20, 2020

Come Holy Spirit! Bring a Great Awakening to our nation! Please include California, as there is no hope for us apart from your mercy! Kingdom of God come Will of God be done here in our nation as it is in heaven!

Holly M harrington
February 20, 2020

May this revival spread across the state of Tennessee like wildfire. May the repentance & change be lasting & true. Give them courage to act upon your word in truth & righteousness & stand up against political pressures opposed to your ways. Give the pastors & other leaders courage to continue to lead this way. May revival come to MI also,

Bruce Huge
February 20, 2020

Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit coming to Tennessee and for the Church unified in repentance and revival. We pray that it will spread like fire across the nation from East to West. Come and revive us in Washington state. Let it come to Central Washington and spread across this state. May your name Jesus be glorified and lifted up.

February 20, 2020

Father, Your church –the saints –the remnant — are desperate for revival. We see evil spreading in our halls of government and around our beloved nation. Revival will come when there is sincere repetence and fasting. Thank You for hearing the cry of the churches in Tennessee. May this move of Your Spirit permeate every state in our nation. Your people are ready. We will embrace the lost, the hungry and the hurting as you commanded us to do. Jesus WILL BE GLORIFIED AGAIN IN OUR NATION. AMEN.!!!!

Joy Bergstedt
February 20, 2020

Wow!!! Praise God!!! Thank You Lord Jesus!! Thank You, Holy Spirit!!
I have been quietly feasting on the Word of God, praying, fasting for unstoppable spread of revival beginning in Washington DC and throughout our world.
I am just one prayer warrior, by God’s grace, praying for pastor’s churches, and each of you fellow prayer warriors!! Glorify Yourself, Almighty One True God!!

Sam Shipley
February 20, 2020

O God the Holy Spirit! Please bring revival, repentance, renewal and restoration to my state of Kansas and to our whole beloved country, the USA! Come, Holy Ghost!

February 20, 2020

Praying for all of this and for my state of Illinois as well. Holy Spirit, have Your way!

    Mary Jo Clark
    February 20, 2020

    Please send two packets: one for my pastor and one for me. Thank you
    M.J. Clark
    206 S.E. Parkwood Ln
    Bentonville, AR 72712.
    We need a revival in N.W. ARKANSAS

Lu. Mangel
February 20, 2020

Praise God for this revival! Praying revival will flow to every state in our nation and each heart awakened to the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Unifying our nation to heal our land from greed, hunger for control and power, drug addiction, moral purity, hate, anger, and selfish goals and lifestyles. Thank you Lord you hear and act in our prayers. Amen

Jensina Printz
February 20, 2020

Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to do this work in our churches here in Virginia. I am a team member of the prayer team for the Convention of States (Tea Party started this group) here in Virginia. It would be awesome if any one reading this would like to join our Friday morning conference calls. We pray every Friday morning at 8am. to pray this revival in here in Virginia. Our call in#: 712-770-5324, access code 247675#.

    Rose Muller
    February 20, 2020

    2020 TennesSEE Vision! Wow – Lord God , please send forth Your spirit and You will renew the face of the earth! Renew our sight, give us 2020 vision. And the Lord God says fast and pray and He will come! Let’s do this – thank you, TennesSEE for setting the stage! Alleluia!

    Tina Price
    February 20, 2020

    Jensina,I see your lovely comment. By God’s grace LORD, let us pray in revival in Virginia and the rest of pre nation. Come Holy Spirit come.

February 20, 2020

Amen Lord, please come to Vermont and the Northeast!

February 20, 2020

Please, Dear Father, PlLEASE come to Virginia! PLEASE, we pray in Jesusā€™s name. AMEN

    Denise Hughes
    February 20, 2020

    Holy Spirit come to California šŸ™šŸ»ā¤ļø

Debbie from Cincinnati
February 20, 2020

Bless the Lord… all ye people. Thank you Lord for this out pouring.
Bless Tennessee and all that You want to accomplish there. Lord release the spirit of fear and trembling at the sound of Your might name and restore the AWE of God back to our Nation that we would once again be one Nation under God. Amen

    Cathy Cutrell
    February 20, 2020

    Yes the AWE of GOD the Almighty, Gracious and HOLY, HOLY, HOLY ONE, may we reverence Him and follow Him all of our lives, in Jesus Name, Amen … thank you Lord that we see revival starting in Colorado too, we pray for the continued work of your Holy Spirit among the peoples, a work only You can do!

February 20, 2020

Amen and the power of God stretches across with width of the territory, as in the pioneer days where Tennessee was the gateway connecting east to west. Come and see, Tennesee, witness and tell of the love, power, and glory of the Lord.

    Ron Bangert
    February 20, 2020

    Lord, help us to hear what you are doing and not lose heart. Not to have opinions on how you answer our prayers but to follow the anointing. Jesus only spoke what He heard the Father speak and did what He saw the Father doing. May His Bride walk in His likeness.

    Lord, remember the prayers from annals past, in every corner of this Union, of intercessors hearing your heart for the soul of this Nation, from the Mayflower forward. Awaken the Church to have ears to hear and eyes to see.

    Thank You that You chose Tennessee to begin a work of Restoration. May Your Name be exalted and no one deny Your handiwork. Raise up Paul’s to restore the Church at large

February 20, 2020

Praise God! By faith Iā€™m believing with unity, repentance, and prayer we will see God! He WILL come and do what only He can do!
Lord please let this hunger, and consecrated cry spread across this land in Jesus mighty name..

    Carole Mckeown
    February 20, 2020

    Amen Glory to God in the highest

    February 20, 2020

    Martha, I will continue to be in prayer for the movement of God through His sweet Holy Spirit, with you. Something special from the Holy Spirit came across me as I was reading this article. Your desire is what we need again in our family, our church and most definitely in America. And as a brethren in Christ with you, I say also;
    “PRAISE GOD!!!” Thank you very much for your writing.

A Tennessean
February 20, 2020

Lord, please let this spread to all Your churches in Tennessee! Let it come to our church, Lord! Give us fear of You that causes us to repent toward God. Give us grace to want to jump on board. Remove all our pride and arrogance. Cause us to see ourselves as You see us, holy and beloved only because of Jesus, not because of our filthy rags of self-righteousness. Please, Abba. Let it spread to Nebraska as they have set a day to seek You. Let other states set themselves to seek You, and May they find peace and safety in Jesus. In Jesusā€™ name, amen.

    Carole Mckeown
    February 20, 2020

    Amen I agree let your church Lord all over the world cry out in repentance forgiveness and in love. Let the fear of the Lord fall upon them surrendering all to you Lord Jesus in the name of Jesus amen

      February 20, 2020

      Lord, thank you for what you are doing in your church in Tennessee. May revival spread all the way to Wisconsin. May conviction fall on your church here and may we experience a spirit of repentance and a move of your Holy Spirit as never before. Let our dry bones come to life once again. In Jesus Holy Name. Amen!

M. J. McFalls
February 20, 2020

Praying Dear Lord God Almighty for Pennsylvania! Our Governor Tom Wolf is working hard to spiritually destroy our beautiful commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I ask you Lord God to bring repentance to Harrisburg. Repentance to Tom Wolfā€™s home and his heart. Repent of the sin of abortion in our State of Pennsylvania. Repent of the sin of homosexuality, drugs, corruption, child trafficking! Revival to the large cities of Harrisburg, Pittsburgh. Philadelphia, Lancaster and Scranton.
Revival to Erie Co.
Revival to Wayne Co . Revival to Greene Co. Revival to Buc Co. Potter Co Franklin Co. Lawrence Co and every county in between! In Jesusā€™ AMEN!

    Mary Lou
    February 20, 2020

    and Armstrong, Allegheny, Cambria, Indiana, Westmoreland, Bedford, Somerset, York, and EVERY county in between in Pa !!! Heavenly Father, by Your Great Grace and Mercy, send revival across the state and across the nation…we have been praying..we PRAISE YOU for what You have done and what You are doing…in Jesus’s Mighty name we pray, for Your Glory.

      M. J. McFalls
      February 20, 2020

      Please join us for prayer every Wednesday at 8:30pm Thursday at 7pm and Sunday at 6:30 pm. Conference call for Pennsylvania. Strike Force of Prayer

      (605) 313-4153. Passcode : 676005#

      A group of dedicated believers that pray for Pennsylvania and our USA! Join us. Strike force of prayer Pennsylvania Project 67 (67 counties) M. J. McFalls

        mary lou
        February 20, 2020

        I don’t have a “smart” phone, just an old “stupid” phone, so I believe that would prohibit my joining the conference aspect, but I can be praying right at the same time that you all are conferencing. I will get away, this evening at 7pm to a quiet place to pray for PA and the USA! Thank you !!!

          M. J. McFalls
          February 20, 2020

          Dear Mary Lou. Nope. Do not need a smart phone. You can call in on any phone at all.

        M. J. McFalls
        February 20, 2020

        I donā€™t think a smart phone is required. You can try it It wonā€™t hurt to tryšŸ˜Š

Lois Taritas
February 20, 2020

Praise god! Come holy spirit to all of united states! Father bring the move of holy spirit I pray!

Lawrence Unger
February 20, 2020

I have been humbly and earnestly praying for a year now for revival to spread across our nation, Lord, for all the glory unto You. I live in GA and and am especially praying for my home state of GA. On July 14, 2019, GA experienced a state-wide Bible reading at every county seat, all 159 Counties, and it was a glorious day unto the Lord. Holy Spirit, I pray for revival across the state of Georgia. 14 If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 15 Now Mine eyes shall be open, and Mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. 16 For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there for ever: and Mine eyes and Mine heart shall be there perpetually. Amen

Michael Bethel
February 20, 2020

Revival can only happen where repentance has also happened so please be praying for a spirit of repentance to make fertile ground for revival.
Lord, we’ve forgotten how to tremble; cause us to remember so we may give You the Worship that belongs to You.

Barbara from MA
February 20, 2020

Praise the Lord, I have been praying for years for revival to break out. I continue to pray that revival will break out in the White House in DC and spread thought out this land. I believe that the Lord is about to do great things if His people would get a hold of it in prayer and fasting. I have been doing prayer warfare for my state MA for many years, and I believe that the Lord will bring revival to this state. My prayer for MA is: church wake up, come out of slavery, and let the Lord set you free for compromising and being passive in the things that are unpleasing to Him. If we are really lovers of Jesus Christ then we would really serve Him with our whole hearts. MA christians let God be God, trust Him in all things. Jere. 29:11-12 and John 14:15

Jesus loves the church and so do I.

February 20, 2020

Pray, Church, Pray! Many seeds have been sewn-let HIS Harvest begin. Please use all of YOUR CHRIST Followers to make YOUR Difference in our communities. JESUS is coming-we must be ready.

Tim James
February 20, 2020

On Valentines Day this past week, I had a dream that I was at the World Fair Center in Knoxville, TN, in the covered stage area, many youth had brought 5 gallon plastic buckets to drum on, others created a strings section, of guitars, violins, mandolins, etc, but not on the stage, they All sat in the bleachers, it was a grand open mic band of worshipers, then silence and prayer and in a African American led united voice, people began to sing, Holy is the Lord, and honor, and glory, and power be unto Him and the Lamb, Jesus our Lord.” the Holy Spirit led it all and it went on all day and into the night, then the entire football field yard was filled and created a giant circle dance with circles within circles, of flags and worship dance it was a short but very beautiful dream, and now I read about Tennessee, humm?

February 20, 2020

Standing in faith with Tennessee and believing for revival to continue there and spread throughout the nation and unto the uttermost parts of the world!

    Robin Graham
    February 20, 2020

    Heavenly Father in the mighty name of Jesus, I praise and thank You for flooding Tennessee with YOUR PRESENCE!!May this be a sign to all who read that there is an open Heaven for those that will come together in unity with repentance,prayer and fasting!!! This sign of humility, self-denial, persistence, tenacity and expectation I pray will show America that Almighty God is in control, answers prayer and wishes to heal our land. I call forth all the portals of darkness that cover the nations to open in the mighty name of JESUS and stand to attention….GOD IS MOVING…threw HIS YIELDED VESSELS!!!

Fonda Mann
February 20, 2020

Praise God! Bring it to the other 49 states Lord! May we seek you and may we have revival in the United States of America!

    Bruni O
    February 20, 2020

    In agreement with all! In Jesus Holy name! Praying for Florida, too!

      February 20, 2020

      In agreement with all in Jesus Name! Praying for South Carolina, too!

      February 20, 2020

      My bible study has been praying for revival for many months. May we all continue as we see the day approaching.
      Dee from Texas


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